000000—499999 物品 Goods
000000—049000 农业、林业与渔业产品Agriculture,forestry&Fishery Product
100000—189999 矿石、电力、煤气与淡水Ores &Minerals;Electricity,Cas&Water
200000—296000 食品与纺织品Food and Textile Product
310000—319999 木材、软木、麦草与布质材料产品Wood,cork,straw and plaiting material
320000—326999 纸张与纸制品Paper and paper products
330000—337999 焦油与精练石油产品Coke oven and refined petroleum Product
药品与疫苗Pharmaceutical Products and vaccines
化学产品、橡胶与塑料产品Chemical products;Rubber and plastic
玻璃及玻璃制品及其他非金属融制品Class and g rass products And other
Non-metallic product
家俱、其他可搬运物品Furniture:other transportable goods
垃圾与废物Wastes or scraps
除机械与设备以外的金属结构产品Fabricated metal products,except
Machinery and equipment
通用机械Machinery,general purpose
专用机械Machinery,special purpose
办公.会计与计算机械Office,accounting and computing mach inery
电子仪器、电子元件、电讯设备Electrical apparatus,electronic
components,Telecommunication equipment
音像设备Audio visual equipment
医疗器械、精密与光学仪器、钟表Medical appliances,precision and
optical Instruments,watches andclocks
运输设备Transport Equipment
大理石和其他石灰岩纪念碑与建筑材料Marble and other Calcareous
monumental and building stone
花岗岩、沙石与其他纪念碑或建筑石料Granite,sandstone and Other
monumental or building stone
石灰与石灰石Limestone flux and calcareous stone
石膏Gypsum and anhyd rite
鹅卵石、碎石、砂砾Pebbles,gravel,broken or crushed stone,macadam
沥青、天然沥青Bitumen and asphalt,natural:asphaltites and asphaltic rock
高龄土Kaolin and other kaolinic clays
矿石、化学品与肥料Minerals,chemical and fertilizer
161100 磷酸盐、天然钾Calcium phosphates,natural:potassium salts,natural
161200 硫化铁矿、天然硫磺矿l ron pyrites,not roasted;crude or unrefined sulphur
161900 化学矿物Chemical minerals n.e.c.
162100 道路清洁用盐Saltfor road clesning
180000 水Water
200000 食品与纺织品Food and textile products
210000 肉、鱼、水果、蔬菜、植物油鱼动物油Meat,fish,fruit,vegetables,oils
and fats
216900 动物油与植物油、蔬菜Fats and oils,vegetable&Water
236500 巧克力与其他食用可可粮Chocolate and other food preparations containing
236700 糖果、白糖Confectionery,sugar,(including white chocolate).Not containing
241000 酒精饮料Liquor
242100 葡萄酒Wine of fresh grapes;grape must
242200 苹果酒、梨子酒与蜂蜜酒Cider。perry and mead
243100 啤酒Beer made from malt
243200 麦芽Malt
244100 淡水Waters,not sweetened
260000 纺织品Textiles
265100 丝绸织物Fabrics,woven of silk or filk waste
265200 羊毛织物Fabrics woven of wool or fine animal hair
2661 00 棉织物·Fabrics.cotton for clothing
266900 其他棉织物Fabrics,woven of cotton,other
268400 棉质毛巾Toweling,terry,and similar woven terry fabrics of cotton
268500 棉织其他毛巾Toweling,terry,and similar woven terry fabrics other
268900 玻璃纤维织物Fabrics。woven of glass fibarel
270000 衣饰以外纺织品Textile'articles other than apparel
271100 毯子与旅行垫Blankets and traveling rugs
271200 家用亚麻布Linen,household
271300 窗帘CUrtains and blinds
271400 家具装饰袋子Furnishing articles,other,n.e.c.
271500 货物包装用袋子Sacks and bags,of a kind used for the packing of goods
271510 邮袋Mail-bags,including seals
271600 野营设备Camping equipment
271700 降落伞Parachutes
271800 棉被、鸭绒被、软垫、生垫、枕头、睡袋Quilts,eiderdowns, Cushions,
pouffes,pillows,sleeping bags and the like
271900 纺织制成品Textile articles made.up。other
271910 地板布、桌布、椅子、清理用布Floor.cloths,dish—cloths,dusters
and similar cleaning cloths
271931 联合国旗UN Flags
272100 编制地毯Carpets and other textile floor coverings.knotted
272200 纺织地毯Carpets and other textile floor coverings.woven
272300 带地毯Carpets and other textile floor coverings.tufted
272900 其他地毯Carpets and textile floor coverings.other(including those offelt)
273100 合股线、绳索、电缆Twine,cordage,rope and cabbies
273200 网Nets and netting
279000 纺织品Textiles n.e.c.
279100 薄纱、饰带、刺绣Tulles,lace,narrow woven fabrics,trimmings And
279131 证章、徽章与标识Badges,emblems and labels
279900 其他纺织品Textile articles,other
280000 纺织或钩织品服装Fabrics knile or crocheted;wearing apparel
281100 纺织或钩织毛织品Fabrics,pile and terry,knitted or crocheted
281900 其他编钩织品Fabrics,knitted or crocheted,other
282000 衣服Clothing
282100 长裤、长筒袜、紧身衣、短袜Stockings,panty hose,tights,socks and other
hosiery,knitted or crocheted
282300 纺织材料衣服Clothing of textile materials
282400 皮制或人造革衣服Clothing of leather or of composition leather
282600 帽子与头饰Hats and headgear
282700 医用与外科用布Clothing,medical and surgical
291200 皮革Leather,other
292200 皮箱、手提包类Luggage,handbags and the like
292300 手表带Watch straps
293000 鞋类Footwear
312100 多面木制品Wood continuously shaped along any of its edges or faces
312300 小木制品Wood in chips or particles
313100 原木、加工木料Wood in the rough,treated with paint,stains,creosote or
other preservatives
314100 胶合板Plywood
314200 镶嵌板、胶合板类Veneered panels and aimilar laminated wood
314300 板材与同类材料Particle board and similar board of wood or other ligneous
314400 纤维板Fibreboard of wood or other ligneons materials
315100 胶合薄板Veneer sheets and sheets for plywood and other wood
315200 硬化木板Wood,densified
316100 窗户、法式窗帘Windows,French windows and their frames,of wood
316200 门框等Doors and their frames and thresholds,of wood
316300 地板材Parquet panels and other flooring,ofwood
316400 浇注混凝土用木模板Shutterings ofwood for concrete constructional work
316500 木制屋顶板Shingles and shakes,of wood
316900 木工用木材Wood forjoinery and carpentry,other
317100 包装箱、木箱、松条箱Packing cases,boxes,crates,d rums ets.Cable drums
of wood
317300 木桶、木盆Casks,barrels,vats,tubs etc.of wood
317400 木制容器Wooden containers
319100 木制产品Wooden products
319200 软木草编制品Cork and straw or other plaiting materials;basketwork and
321000 纸浆、纸张与纸板Pulp,paper and paperboard
321200 新闻纸、普通纸与卡片Newsprint, hand made-paper and punch card stock
321300 卫生纸、其他用纸Toilet tissue stock;miscellaneous other papers
321400 测试用纸Test papers
321500 纸盒、纸板Containers,paper and paperboard
321520 包装纸或纸板Packaging materials of paper or paperboard
321540 档案、信封、纸袋Files,letter trays,storage boxes and similar articles
321590 纸和板等包装材料Paper and paperboard packaging materials n.e.c.
321600 印刷与绘画用硬纸Paper of paperboard n.e.c., for printing or other graphic
321700 卡纸Paperboard
321900 卡纸制品Paper and paperboard products,other
322000 书籍、手册、地图与乐谱Books,brochures and leaflets,maps and Music
322100 单折印刷品Books,brochures and leaflets,printed in single Sheets
322200 字典与百科全书Dictionaries and encyclopedias
322300 书及手册等制品Books,brochures,leafletsand similar printed Mattr
322330 教科书Textbooks,educational
322400 地图与地图册及其他Atlases and other books of maps or charts;charts other
322500 地图与册 Maps and charts
322600 乐谱(印刷或手写) Music,printed or in manuscript
323100 报纸Newspapers
323200 杂志Journals
323300 期刊Periodicals
325100 邮票Postage,revenue or similar stamps,unused
325200 明信片Postcards and g reetings cards
325300 广告印刷品Advertising material, trade, commercial catalogues and the Iike
325400 照片Pictures,designs and photographs,printed
325500 建筑、工程、工业设计图纸Plans and drawings for architectural,engineering
industrial etc.
325900 年历Transfers(decalcomanias); printed calendars; other printed Matter
325930 测试等级材料Test grading materials
326100 登记册、帐簿、笔记本等Registers,account books,note books,order books
326300 文件夹、档案夹Binders; folders and file covers
326400 复印与打印商业表格Business forms; manifold and interleaved carbon sets
326500 样品册Albums for,manifold and interleaved carbon sets
326600 文具用纸Staioneryof paper or paperboard
326700 图书馆用品Library supplies
330000 石油提炼产品、核燃料Coke oven and refined petroIeum products; nuclear fuel
331000 焦炭、褐煤或泥煤Coke and semi—coke of coal,of lignite or of peat retort
332000 煤焦油(由褐煤中提炼)Tar distilled from coal,from lignite or from peat and
other mineral tars
333000 石油与石油制品Petroleum oils and petroleum producte
333100 汽油(包括航空汽油)Motor spirit(gasoline),including aviation Spirit
333200 喷气机用汽油Jet fuel, spirit type(gasoline type)
333300 轻石油Petroleum oils,light,and other light oils
333400 煤油Kerosene
333500 中等石油Petroleum oils medium,and other medium oils
333600 菜油Cas oils(diesel oil)
333700 燃料油Fuel oils.n.e.c.
334000 石油天然气Petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons,except natural
334100 液化石油气Propane and butane。liquefied
334200 其他石油气Ethylene,propylene,butylenes,butadiene and other petroleum gas
335000 矿油与石油腊Petroleum jelly,paraffin wax and other mineral waxes
335100 矿油Petroleum jelly
336900 放射性元素Radioactive elements,other and isotopes and compounds
340000 基础化学品Chemicals.basic
341300 酒精Alcohols
342100 氢、氮、氧、二氧化碳与稀有气体Hydrogen,nitrogen,oxygen,carbon dioxide
and rare gases
344300 松节油、树脂、材料提供油Turpentine,gum,wood or suIphate and other
terpenic oils
346600 有机油Fertilizers,organic
346900 化肥Fertilizers n.e.c.
347000 初级塑料Plastic in primary forms
347100 初级聚乙烯Polymers of ethylene,in primary forms
347200 初级聚苯乙烯Polymers of etyrene,in primary forms
347300 初级聚氯乙烯(PVC)Polymers of vinyl chloride(PVC)in primary Forms
347400 初级聚缩树脂Polyacetals and similar plastics in primary forms
347900 初级塑料Plastics in primary forms,n.e.c.;jon exchangers
350000 药制品与疫苗 Pharmaceutical products and vaccines
360000 化学产品、橡胶与塑料产品Chemical products;rubber and plastic Products
361000 油漆、清漆等相关产品Paints and varnishes and related ploducts,ink etc.
361100 珐琅、漆器等相关产品Paints and varnishes(including enamels and lacquers)and
related ploducts
361200 油漆颜料Colours and tue like for artists.etc.
361300 印刷用油墨Ink,printing
361400 绘画用颜料Ink,writing or drawing.and other inks
362100 除肥皂外表面有机活性剂Surface active agents,organic,except soap
362200 肥皂与清洗剂Soap and cleaning preparations
362300 去污剂,清洁剂与清洁剂Detergents.perfumes and washing preparatiOns
363000 化学制品Chemical products n.e.c.
363100 油料与浓缩剂Oils and concentrates.essential
363200 胶水与白明胶Glues and gelatine。peptones and their derivatives,and relaed
363250 黏合剂Glues and adhesives
363300 润滑制剂Lubricating preparations
363310 润滑剂Lubricants
363400 模型石膏、牙科石膏、实验室试剂Modeling pasts.dental plaster preps,
laboratory reagents etc
363500 炸药、相关制剂Explosives,prepared and similar preparations
363600 烟火Pyrotechnic articles
363900 其他化学品Chemical products,other
365000 轮胎与胶管Rubber tyres and tubes
366300 橡胶管材Tubes,pipes and hoses of rubber
366400 橡胶传送带Conveyor or transmission belts or belting.of rubber
366500 橡胶用编织物Fabrics,rubberized textile,except tyre cord fabric
366600 橡胶用布Clothing and clothing accessories of rubber
366700 橡胶用品Rubber,articles thereof,n.e.c.
367000 半成品塑料Plastic。semi—manufactures thereof
367100 各种塑料型材Monofilament,rods,sticks and profile shapes,of plastics
367200 塑料管材Tubes,pipes and hoses,and fittings therefor,of plastics
367240 PVC管PVC pipes and fittings
367300 塑料板、布、膜、带Plates,sheets,film,foil and strip,of plastics
367900 其他塑料板、布、膜、带Plates,sheets,film,foil and strip of plastics,other
368000 塑料包装产品Packaging products of plastics
368100 塑料包,袋Sacks and bags.of plastic materials
368900 塑料包装与密封件Packing and sealing articles of plasticas
369100 塑料地板Floor coverings of plastics
369200 塑料磁带、胶带Plates,sheets,film,foil,tape,strip self-Adhesive,of plastic
369300 塑料洁具与管件Sanitaryware and plumbing fixtu res,plastic
369400 塑料餐具厨具与厕具Tableware,kitchenware,other household and toilet
articles,of plastic
369421 塑料桶Pails,plastic
369500 塑料建材、容器Construction materials of plastic:containers of plastic
369531 塑料百叶窗Venetian blinds
369700 安全服、帽、其他橡胶或塑料帽Safety clothing and headgear:Other headgear
of rubber or plastics
369720 安全服Asfety clothing
369800 塑料绝缘电器Electrical insulating fittings of plastics
369900 塑料物品Plastic articles n.e.c. 。
369910 塑料办公或学校用品Office or school supplies,of plastics
370000 玻璃及玻璃制品和其他非金属制品Glass and glass products and other
non-metallic products n.e.c.
371000 玻璃与玻璃制品Glass and glass products
371100 未成型玻璃、建筑用平板、挤压或模压玻璃Glass,unworked,flat glass and
pressed or moulded glass for construction
371200 玻璃纤维及物品Glass fibres and articles thereof,except woven fabrics
371300 实验室玻璃器皿Laboratory glassware
371900 其他玻璃制品Glass articles,other
372100 陶瓷制卫生洁具与管件Sanitaryware and plumbing fixtures,ceramic
372200 陶瓷制餐具、厨具、厕具及家用器具Tableware,kitchenware,other household
articles and toilet articles,ceramic
372900 其他非建筑陶瓷制品Ceramic wares,non—structural,other
373100 陶瓷砖、瓦等制品Bricks,blocks,tiles and other ceramic goods of s-liceous earths
373300 煅烧水泥、白灰等制品Cements,mortars and similar compositions,refractory
373500 其他陶制建筑产品Construction goods,ceramic,other
373600 陶制品、导管、排水管与管件Pipes,non—refractory ceramic,conduits,guttering
and pipe fittings
373700 铺路石板、壁炉或墙面瓦Flags and paving,hearth or wall tiles
374000 水泥、石灰与石膏Cement,lime and plaster
374100 石膏Plasters
374200 生石灰、熟石灰、水质石灰Quicklime,slaked lime and hydraulic lime other than
calcium oxide and hyd roxide
374300 水泥砖Cement clinkers
374400 水泥Cements
375000 混凝土、水泥与石灰Concrete,cement and plaster,articles thereof
375100 灰泥与混凝土Mortars and concretes,non—refractory
375200 植物纤维板块Boards,blocks and similar articles of vegetable Fibre,straw or wood
375300 石膏制品Plaster or compositions based on plaster,articles thereof
375400 水泥制瓦、石板、砖等Tiles,flagstones,bricks etc.of cement,concrete of artificial
375500 水泥预制建材Structural components,prefabricated,of cement or concrete
375600 水泥人造石材Cement,concrete or artificial stone,other articles thereof
375700 水泥石棉制品Asbestos-cement,cellulose fibre-cement,etc.,articles thereof
376000 纪念碑、建筑用石材Monumental or building stone and articles thereof
376100 装饰用大理石、雪花石膏Marble,travertine and alabaster,worked,and articles
376900 其他装饰用石材Monumental or building stone and articles thereof,other,worked
379000 其他非金属、矿产品Mineral proddcts,non—metallic,other,n.e.c.
379100 磨石、磨轮Millstones,grindstones,grinding—wheels and the like
379200 石棉制品Asbestos fibres and articles thereof
379300 沥青材料Asphalt or similar material,articles thereof
379400 沥青混合料Bituminous mixtures based on natural asphalt,on natural bitumen etc.
379500 人造预试剂石墨Graphite,artificial and preparations based thereon
379900 非金属矿产品Mineral products,non—metallic,n.e.c.
380000 家具与其他可移动物品Furniture;other transportable goods n.e.c.
381000 家具Furniture
381100 座位与椅子Seats and chairs
381200 办公家具,其他椅子Furniture,office,other than chairs
381237 自动恢复档案系统Filing systems,automatic retrieval
381300 厨房家具Furniture,kitchen
381400 学校家具Furniture,school
381500 医用、外科或兽医家具Furniture,medical,surgical or veterinary
381600 车间用家具Furniture,workshop,shop etc.
381640 货架、箱柜、包厢、橱柜与其他商店设备Shelving,bins,mezzanines,lockers and
other shop equipment
381700 家庭家具Furniture,domestic
381800 其他家具Furniture,other,n.e.c.
381900 家具部件与附件Furniture,parts and accessories thereof
382400 贵金属镶嵌珠宝Jewellery etc.of precious metal or metal clad with Precious metal
382500 硬币Coin
387000 预制建筑Prefabricated buildings
387100 预制办公、学校、住宅与仓库建筑Buildings,prefabricated for office,school,home
or warehouse
387200 预制实验室Laboratories,prefabricated
387900 预制建筑部件Prefabricated buiIdings,parts thereof
388100 拥挤控制设备Crowd control equipment
388200 特别用途安全设备Security equipment,special purpose
388300 太平间用品Mortuary supplies.
388400 轻武器与弹药Firearms and ammunition
388500 安全设备Safety equipment
388531 灭火器 Fire extinguishers
388900 保安设备与用品Security equipment and supplies n.e.c.
389100 文具用品Stationery articles n.e.c.
389133 打字机墨带Typewriter ribbons
389200 雨伞、手杖、纽扣、扣件Umbrellas,walking。sticks,buttons,fasteners
389300 画布Linoleum
389600 收藏家的油画、素描与蜡笔画Paintings,drawings and pastels,collectors’pieces
389700 画笔Brushes
389711 画家用粉毛笔Brushes,artists’,for powder paints
389712 画家用水彩笔Brushes,artists’,forwatercolour paints
389719 其他画笔Brushes,artists,other
389720 扫帚Brooms
389730 拖把 Mops
389800 教学用设备Educational equipment(didactic)
389900 教学用设备Training and demonstrational models,other;Articles,other
389960 其他培训与示范用模型Demonstrational apparatus and models
390000 垃圾或废料Wastes or scraps
400000 金属制品、机械与设备Metal products,machinery and equipment
411000 钢铁原料I ron and steel,basic
412000 钢铁制品.拔、挤成型Iron and steel products,rolled,d rawn and folded
412100 钢铁热轧板Iron or steel,flat rolled products thereof,not further worked than hot
412200 钢铁冷轧板Iron or steel,flat rolled products thereof,not further worked than cold
412300 其他钢铁板材Iron or steel,flat rolled products thereof,other
412400 钢铁热轧棒材Bars and rods of iron or steel,hot rolled
412500 铁或非金属钢角形、板材Angles,shapes and sections,of iron ornon-alloy steel
412600 钢铁拉拔产品、铸铁产品Drawn and folded products of i ron or steel;products of
cast iron or steel
412700 钢铁管材Pipes,iron and steel
412800 水管配件与附件Water pipe fittings and accessories
413000 金属原料、贵金属与镀有贵金属Metals,basic,precious and metals clad with
precious metals
414000 铜、镍、铝、氧化铝、铅、锌、锡原料Copper,nickel,aluminium,Alumina,
lead,zinc and tin,unwrought
415000 铜、镍、铝、铅、锌、锡半成品Copper,nickel,aluminium,lead,zinc and tin
semi—finished products
416000 非铁金属产品Metals,non—ferrous,other and articles thereof
420000 金属结构产品Fabricated metal products,except machinery and equipment
421200 铁、钢、铝材门、窗等框架Doors,windows and their frames,of iron,steel or
421900 铁、钢、铝制结构Structures,other,and sections of iron,steel or aIuminiUm
422000 铁、钢、铝制罐、槽、容器Thanks,reservoirs and containers of iron,steel or
422300 铁、钢或铝容器Containers of iron,steel or aluminium
422400 包装用金属Packaging materials,other,metal
423200 蒸汽发生炉Steam of other vapour generating boilers
423300 锅炉与辅助设备,蒸汽冷凝器Boilers,auxiliary plant for use therewith:steam
423400 蒸汽锅炉、配件Steam generators,parts thereof
429000 金属制品Metal products,fabricated,other
429100 家庭用金属制品Domestic metal products
429123 金属桶Pails,metal
429182 简便油桶Jerry cans
429200 手工工具Hand tools
429300 手锯、锉刀、钳子、镊子、扳子Hand saws,files,rasps,pliers,pincers,tweezers,
spanners etc.
429400 手工工具(包括玻璃工、宝石工用工具)Hand tools(including glaziers
429500 手工或机械互换工具InterchangeabIe tools for hand tools or for machiRe tools
429600 塞、盖与其他包装附件.电线与其他制品Stoppers,caps,lids and other metal
packing accessories;wire and wire products
429670 线性产品Wire products
429682 钢带Steel strapping
429700 金属器具Ironmongry
429800 焊接物品Welding and soldering consumables
429900 金属、制品等Metal goods n.e.c.
429910 瓷器Chain
429920 锁具Locks
429940 保险箱、柜Safes,strong—boxes and safe deposit lockers etc.
429965 奖章与标牌Medals and badges
430000 通用机械Machinery,general purpose
431000 发动机与配件Engines and turbines and parts thereof
431100 内燃机Engines,internal combustion,otherthan for motor vehicles and ai rcraft
431200 汽机内燃机Engines,internal combustion,ofa kind used for motor vehicles
431300 飞机发动机Motors and engines for aircraft,other ai rcraft equipment
431400 可选择能源系统(蒸汽、水力与天然气)Alternative energy Systems:steam,
hydrauIic and gas turbines
431450 可选择能源设备AIternative energy equipment n.e.c.
431451 太阳能设备Solar equipment
431452 地热勘探设备Geothermal energy exploration equipment
431500 发电机Power plants
431900 发动机与气轮机、配件Engines and turbines,parts thereof
432000 水泵、压缩机、水力、蒸汽发电机、阀门与配件Pumps,compressors,
Hydraulic,pneumatic power engines,valves and parts thereof
432100 水力、蒸汽发电机组Engines and motors,hydraulic and pneumatic power
432200 水泵Pumps,water
432300 水泵、空气或其他气体压缩机Pumps,other than water pumps;
air or other gas compressors
432340 液体泵Pumps for liquids,other than water
432390 空气或真空泵、空气或其他气体压缩机Pumps,air or vacuum;
compressors,air or other gas,other
432400 龙头、阀门Taps,cocks,valves and similar appliances
432500 泵用管道及配件Pipes and other accessories,for use with pumps
432900 泵、压缩机阀门、配件Pumps,compressors,valves,etc.,Parts thereof
433000 轴承、齿轮与传动装置配件Bearings,gears,gearing and driving elements,and parts
433100 轴承Bearings
433200 传动设备Transmission equipment
433300 轴承架Bearing housings
433900 轴承、齿轮与传动设备、零件Bearings,gearing and Transmission equipment,parts
434000 熔炉、火炉与配件Ovens and fumace burners and parts thereof
434100 燃炉与加媒机Furnace burners and stokers
434110 燃炉Furnace burners
434200 工业用燃炉 Furnaces and ovens,industrial
434300 燃炉配件Ovens and furnace burners,parts thereof
435000 起重操纵设备、配件Lifting and handling equipment and parts thereof
435100 滑轮、提升机、绞盘机、起重器Pulley tackle and hoists,winches and cap~ans;jacks
435200 起重机Derricks;cranes
435310 铲车卡车Forklift trucks
435400 提升机、电动扶梯、自动走道Lifts,skip hoists,escalators and moving walkways
435500 链条式电梯Elevators and conveyors
435600 提升、卸装机械Lifting,handling,loading or unloading machinery,other
435700 提升设备配件、附件Lifting and handling equipment,parts and accessories thereof
439000 通用机械与配件General purpose machinery,other and parts thereof
439100 空调、制冷设备Air conditioning,cold chain and refrigerating equipment
439120 其他空调制冷设备Air conditioning equipment,other;cooling equipment n.e.c.
439190 空调与制冷设备等Air conditioning and refrigerating equipment n.e.c.
439200 食品包装与瓶清洁设备.喷雾机械Food packaging and bottle cleaning equipment;
spraying machinery
439300 蒸汽发电机、蒸馏设备Gas generators,distilling plant
439400 过滤与净化设备Filtering and purifying equipment
439800 通用机械Machinery,general purpose,n.e.c.
439900 通用机械配件与附件General purpose machinery,parts and accessories thereof
439950 制冷机械零配件Air conditioning machines,parts and accessories thereof
440000 专用机械Machinery,special purpose
441000 农用机械与配件Agriculture machinery and parts thereof
441500 拖拉机Tractors
441600 农用喷雾器Dispersing or spraying appliances for agriculture
442000 机械工具Machine tools
442100 金属机械切削工具Metal cutting machine tools
442200 机械锯、剪、冲床Sawing,shearing,punching and similar metal cutting machine tools
442300 重工用卷板与成型机Bending and forming machines for metal working
442390 重工机械工具Metal working machine tools n.e.c.
442500 木工用机械工具Machine tools for woodworking
442600 石料、制陶、骨科、硬塑料用机械工具Machine tools for working stone,ceramics
and the like,bone,hard plastics etc.
442700 手工工具Hand tools,powered
442800 锡焊、铜焊或电焊机械与仪器Soldering,brazing or welding machinery and
442900 机械工具、配件或配件Machine tools,parts and accessories thereof
443100 转炉、铁水勺、铁模与铸造机械Converters,ladles,ingot moulds and casting
443900 冶金机械与配件Machinery for metallurgy,parts thereof
444000 采矿、采石与建筑机械与配件Mining,quarrying and construction machinery and
parts thereof
444100 煤矿、采石切割,挖掘与钻孔机械Coal or rock cutters and tunneling,boring and
sinking machinery
444130 钻探设备Drilling rigs
444140 钻探设备、配件与附件Drilling rigs,parts and accessories therefor
444141 钻探泥浆Drilling fluids
444145 钻头(金刚石)Drill bits,diamond and core
444146 样本袋Sample bags
444147 钻机辅助设备Drilling ancillary equipment
444190 钻孔机械Boring or sinking machinery n.e.c.
444200 运土设备Earth moving equipment
444210 推土机Bulldozers
444250 铲车、开凿机Shovels,excavators and shovel loaders
444271 校平机Levellers
444300 打桩机械Pile—drivers and pile—extractors;moving,levelling,grading machines,
444400 矿物泥沙分离机械Machinery for sorting,screening,separating,kneading earth,
stone,ores etc.
444430 混凝土搅拌机Concrete mixers
444500 运土拖拉机Tractors,earthmoving
444600 采矿、采石与建筑机械配件Mining,quarrying and construction machinery,parts
445100 食品加工设备Food processing equipment
445200 工业化饮食设备Industrial catering equipment
446200 纺织机械Textile working machinery
448000 家用器具与配件Domestic appliances and parts thereof
448100 家用其他制冷与供热设备Domestic appliances other than cooling and heating
448180 吸尘器Vacuum cleaners and floor polishers
448200 家用烹调与加热设备Domestic cooking and heating equipment
448224 野营用炉Stoves,camping
448245 电暖炉Radiators
448250 锅炉Boilers,heating
448300 家用用品配件与附件Domestic appliances,parts and accessories thereof
449000 专用机械配件Machinery,special purpose,other and parts thereof
449100 其他专用机械Machinery,special purpose,other
449200 印刷与装订设备Printing and bookbinding equipment
449210 印刷机Printing presses
449224 印刷板Printing plates,prepared
449300 其他印刷设备Printing equipment,other
449500 清洁机械Cleaning machinery
449600 工场用内燃机械设备Automotive workshop equipment
449900 专用机械配件Parts n.e.c.for special purpose machinery
450000 办公、会计与计算机械Office,accounting and computig machinery
451000 办公、会计与计算机械配件Office and accounting machinery and parts and
accessories thereof
451100 打字机Typewriters
451200 计算机械Calculating machines and similar calculating devices
451219 电子计算机Calculating machines,electronic
451220 其他电子计算机Calculating machines,other than electronic
451300 复印设备Photocopying apparatus
451400 制图设备Drafting equipment
451600 其他办公机械Office machines,other
451610 复印机Duplicating machines
451650 装订与层压机械Presentation binding systems and laminating equipment
451690 办公机械Office machines n.e.c.
451700 办公与会计机械配件与附件Office and accounting machinery, Parts and accessories
451800 复印仪器与办公设备Photocopying apparatus and office equipment n.e.c.
452000 EDP处理单元与附件Processing units for EDP and accessories and parts thereof
452100 微型机算计Micro—computers
452130 文字处理工作站(非综合目标)Word processing workstations (not general purpose)
452200 小型计算机Mini.computers
452300 大型计算机Mainframe computers
452400 超大型计算机Super.computers
452500 扩展卡 Expansion cards&other add.on hard-or firm—ware
452900 其他EDP处理单元Processing units for EDP,other
453000 EDP存储单元与媒介Storage units and storage media for EDP
453100 光学存储单元Optical storage units
453200 电子存储单元Electronic storage units/media
453900 存储单元附件Storage unit accessories
454000 EDP输入/输出单元,附件与配件 Input/output units for EDP, accessories and parts
454100 计算机显示终端Computer display terminals
454200 EDP设备打印与绘图装置Printing and plotting devices for EDP equipment
454300 磁介质输入/输出单元Magnetic media based input/output units,
e.g.tape stations,card readers
454400 光学输入,输出单元Optical input/output units,such as scanners,optical readers
454500 声控输入,输出单元Sound based input/output units
454600 打孔卡或纸质磁卡Punch card or paper tape readers or punchers
454700 EDP传送通讯设备Transmitting and communicating equipment for EDP,
eg.Modems,PC servers etc
454720 调制解调器Modems
454800 EDP网络连接设备与附件Equipment and accessories for connecting EDP
equipment into networks
454900 其他输入/输出单元 Input/output units,other
455100 工业测量操纵用计算机监控系统Computer monitored systems,Industrial,for
measuring,steering etc.
455200 医用计算机系统Medical application computer systems
455300 实验室用计算机系统Laboratory application computer systems
455400 教育设备计算机Education equipment computer
455800 特别用途计算机系统Computer systems,special purpose other
455900 其他监控系统Surveillance/control systems,other
456000 EDP设备附件与耗Expendables and accessories for use with EDP equipment
456100 EDP设备耗材Expendables for use with EDP equipment
456152 耳塞与保护屏Acoustical covers and anti.glare screens
456900 EDP设备附件与耗材Expendables and accessories for use with EDP equipment
458000 计算机软件Software,computer,including manuals
458100 应用软件Software application packages
458200 数据库Databases
458300 微机应用软件Microcomputer applications
458400 通用PC机软件PC software,general
459000 其他EDP设备配件EDP equipment/machinery,other,and parts thereof
459100 EDP设备保护装置Protection devices for EDP equipment
459110 UPS单元Uninterruptable power supply units
459200 EDP培训教材Training materials,EDP
459900 EDP设备EDP equipment n.e.c.
460000 电子仪器、元件、电讯设备Electrical apparatus;electronic
Components;telecommunication equipment
461000 电动机、发电机与变压器及配件Electric motors,generators and
transformers and parts thereof
461100 电动机、发电机Electric motors,generators and the like
461130 发电装置Generating sets
461190 电动机、发电机Electric motors,generators and the like n.e.c·
461200 电力变压器Transformers,electrical
461222 整流器Static converters(eg.rectifiers)
461223 感应器Inductors
461224 适配器Adapters
461225 换流器lnverters
461226 稳压器Voltage reg ulators
461230 充电器Battery chargers
461300 电动机、发电机与变压器配件Electric motors,generators and transformers,parts
461330 发电装置配件Generating sets,parts thereof
462100 一电流分控仪器Electricity distribution or control apparatus
462200 电流分控仪器配件Electricity distribution or control apparatus,parts and accessories
462300 绝缘导线与电缆、光导电缆Insulated wire and cable;optical fibre cables .
464000 蓄电池、原电池与附件Accumulators,primary cells and primary batteries and parts
464100 原电池与原电池组Primary cells and primary batteries
464200 蓄电池Accumulators,electric
464300 原电池、蓄电池配件Primary cells,primary batteries and electric accumulators,parts
465000 灯、弧光灯与光源设备与配件Lamps,arc lamps and lighting equipment and parts
465100 灯、灯丝(弧光灯用)Lamps,electric filament or discharge;are lamps
465300 照明设备Lighting equipment
465312 野营用马灯Lanterns for camping
465400 照明设备配件Lighting equipment,parts thereof
465430 灯泡Light bulbs
466100 电容器Capacitors,electrical
466200 电阻Resistors,electrical
466300 电刷电路板Printed circuits
466400 电子管Thermionic,cold cathode or photo—cathode valves and tubes
466500 二极管、半导体装置Diodes,transistors and similar semi.Conductor devices
466600 集成电路Electronic integrated circuits and microassemblies
466700 电子元件Electronic components n.e.c.
466900 电子元件、配件与附件Electronic components,parts and accessorieS thereof
467000 电讯设备Telecommunication equipment
467100 电话设备Telephone equipment
467200 其他电话设备Telephonic apparatus,other
467240 电传设备Telefax equipment
467280 无线电话或电线电报接收装置Radio—telephony or radio—telegraphy reception
467300 计算设备Ciphering equipment
467400 卫星通讯系统Satellite communication systems
467500 内部办公通讯设备Inter-office communication systems
467600 其他电讯设备Telecommunication equipment,other
467690 有线电话设备Electrical equipment for line telephony or line tele~jraphy
467700 电讯设备元件Components for telecommunication equipment
467800 水下通讯设备Underwater communication equipment
467900 电讯设备配件与附件Telecommunication equipment,parts and accessories thereof
469000 其他电子设备配件Electrical equipment,other and parts thereof
469100 内燃机用电子设备Electrical equipment for internal combustion engines
469200 其他电子音像仪器Sound or visual signaling apparatus,electric,other
469240 液晶,发光二极管显示板Indicator panels,with liquid crystal devices(LCD),Iight
emitting diodes(LED)
469250 其他电子音像显示板Sound or visual signaling apparatus(eg.bells or sirens),
469300 洗碗机Dish washing machines
469400 电气设备Electrical equipment n.e.c.
469500 电气绝缘器Insulators,electrical
469600 电极、碳刷、碳棒Carbon electrodes,carbon brushes,lamp carbons,battery carbons
469700 电气设备配件与附件Electrical equipment,parts and accessories thereof
470000 音像设备Audio visual equipment
471100 收音机或电视机发射仪器、电视摄像机Radio or television transmission apparatus;
television cameras
472000 收音机、电视机接收机、录制、复制与放大设备Radio and television
Receivers,recording,reproducing and amplifying equipment
472100 无线电广播与电视接收机Radio broadcast and television receivers
472110 无线电接收机Radio receivers
472150 电视接收机Television receivers
472200 音像录制与复制仪器Recording and reproducing apparatus.For sound and video
472221 指示器Dictating machines
472222 电话回复机Telephone answering machines
472230 录像机Video recorders
472240 语音室设备Language laboratory equipment
472280 闭路电视Closed circuit television
472300 话筒、耳机、放大器Microphones,loudspeakers,headphones,earphones,amplifiers
472360 投票设备Voting equipment
472400 雷达、无线电导航与遥控设备Radar apparatus.Radio navigational aid and radio
remote control apparatus
474000 投影设备Projectors and related equipment
474100 电影放映机Projectors,cinematographic
474200 放映机Projectors
474300 其他放映设备Projecting equipment,other
474900 放映机附件Projection accessories
475000 音像设备配件与附件Audio visual equipment.parts and access(~ries
475100 音像附件Audio and video accessories
475200 话筒、耳机配件Microphone,loudspeakers,headphones,earphones etc.,parts thereof
475300 录音机配件Turntables(record—decks),record.players,cassette.players,parts
475400 天线Aerials and antennae
475500 无线电或电视发射设备配件与附件Radio or television,transmission apparatus,
parts and accessories thereof
475600 雷达、无线电导航设备配件Radar apparatus.radio navigational aid apparatus,parts
475700 无线电广播、接收设备配件与附件Radio.broadcasting。reception apparatus,parts
and accessories thereof
475800 电视接收机配件Television receivers.parts thereof
475900 音像设备配件与附件Audio visual equipment n.e.c.,parts and accessories thereof
476000 音像磁带Audio and video records and tapes
4761 00 其他音像磁带Tapes and other unrecorded media for sound or other phenomena
476110 音像磁带es,magnetic,for sound recording or similar recording of other phenomena
476200 其他音像磁带Records,tapes and other recorded media for sound or other recorded
477000 教学用音像设备Audio visual equipment for use as a teaching aid
477100 教学电影、幻灯片、投影胶片、磁带Film strips。slides,tranSparencies,tapes and
477122 教育电影胶片Film strips.educational
477130 教育磁带Tapes and cassettes,prepared,educational
477200 教育传媒Media,prepared,educational。n.e.c.
477500 职业培训中心、培训媒体Training media for technical Vocational Training Centers
477600 教学设备Education equipment n.e.c.
479000 音像设备Audio visual equipment n.e.c.
479100 音像效应发生器Audio visual effects generator
479200 计算机音像图形发生器Audio visual graphics generator, computerized
48000 医用精密仪器Medical,appliances,precision and optical Instruments,watches and
481000 医用外科与整形设备Medical and surgical equipment and orthopaedic appliances
481100 医用外科X光等放射线仪器X—ray or alpha,beta or gamma radiation apparatus,
medical and surgical
481200 电子诊断仪器Electro—diagnostic apparatus,including ECG,EEG,ultrasound
481300 外科、牙科仪器Medical,surgical or dental instruments and appliances
481400 外科、实验室消毒器Sterilizers,medical,SMrgical or laboratory
481500 医用、外科仪器Instruments and appliances,medical or surgical n.e.c.
481600 热疗仪、呼吸器Mechano—therapy appliances,respiration apparatus etc.
481700 整形仪器、生理仪器Orthopaedic appliances;physiological appliances
481800 注射器Syringes,hypodermic,medical
481900 医用或外科物品Articles for medical or surgical purposes n.e.c.
482000 检查、试验仪器Measuring,checking and testing instruments and appliances
482100 水文气象仪器Hydrographic,hydrological,meteorological or geophysical instruments
482110 导航仪器Navigational instruments and appliances
482185 地震仪Seismographs,seismic recorders
482200 化学矿物成分测试仪器ChemiCal or mineralogical composition measuring
482300 衡器、千分尺、量规Weighing equipment,micrometers,gauges etc.
482310 天平Balances
482330 秤重机械Weighing machinery
482400 电子计算测试仪器Measuring or checking instruments and apparatus for electrical
482500 温度测量仪器Instruments for measuring temperature or other physical properties
482600 检测仪器Measuring,checking and testing appliances n.e.c.
482631 气体、液体与电子计量仪器Gas,liquid or electricity supply or production meters
482640 计数器、计程器、里程表Revolution counters,production Counters,taximeters,
mileometers etc.
482700 调节器、机械性能实验仪器Regulating instruments;mechanical property testing
482800 实验设备Testing equipment n.e.c.
482900 电子测量设备Electronic measuring equipment n.e.c.
483000 照相设备、光学测试设备Photog raphic equipment;optical,measuring and testing
equipment n.e.c.
483100 光学仪器Optical instruments
483121 隐形眼睛Contact lenses
483122 玻璃镜片Spectacle lenses of glass
483123 其他材质镜片Spectacle lenses of other materials
483131 棱镜和其他光学原料Prisms and other optical elements
483132 显微镜片Lenses,objective
483141 塑料眼镜框Frames and mountings for spectacles,goggles or the like,of plastics
483142 其他材质眼镜框Frames and mountings for spectacles,goggles or the like,other than
483143 扩目镜Safety glasses and goggles
483151 双筒望远镜Binoculars
483155 单筒显微镜Monocular microscopes
483190 光学仪器Optical appliances and instruments n。e.c.
483200 照相与摄影设备Photographic and cinematog raphic equipment
483290 照相与摄影设备Photographic and cinematographic equipment n.e.c.
483300 微缩胶片与微缩设备Microfilm,microfiche and other microform equipment
483400 照片用品Photographic supplies
483410 照相板与胶片Photographic plates and film
483500 天文设备Astronomy equipment
483600 各种实验设备Testing equipment miscellaneous n.e.c.
483700 光学设备、其他测量设备Optical instruments n.e.c.:other measuring equipment.
483900 光学与照相设备配件与附件Optical and photographic equipment,parts and
accessories thereof
484000 实验室设备Laboratory equipment
484400 蒸馏、过滤、萃取设备Decanting,distilling,evaporating,extracting,filtering
equipment etc.
484500 实验室取样设备、水净花与水组织设备Sampling equipment,water purification and
histology equipment,laboratory
484600 各种实验室仪器Labo’ratory equipment,miscellaneous
485500 水表Watches
489200 钟Clocks
489300 时间计量仪器Time measuring and recording apparatus
489400 钟表运转Watch or clock movements
489900 钟表配件Watch or clock parts,other(incIuding jewels,cases And metal with bands)
491111 公共汽车Buses
491200 2WD轿车Passenger saloons,2WD
491300 4WD轿车Passenger saloons,4WD
491700 运货车辆Motor vehicles,goods transport
491800 专用车辆Motor vehicles,special purpose
491900 车辆配件与附件Motor vehicle parts and accessories
492200 拖车、油罐车Trailers and semi.trailers;containers
493110 货船、游船、渡船Ships,cruise,excursion boats,ferry boats And similar vessels
495000 铁路、机车、车辆与配件Railway and tramway locomotives and rolling stock and
parts thereof
495100 机车头与煤水车Rail locomotives and locomotive tenders
495200 火车车厢、敞棚车Railway or tramway coaches。vans and trucks,self—propelled
495300 其他车辆Rolling stock,other
495400 铁路设备配件Railwayequipment,parts thereof
499100 摩托车Motorcycles
499200 自行车、残疾车Bicycles and other cycles:invalid carriages
499300 车辆Vehicles n.e.c.
499400 摩托车、自行车配件Motorcycles and bicycles,parts thereof
500000—999999 服务 Services
construction And other technical services
550000—544999能源Energy Resources
550000—553999水资源Water Resources
570000—574999绘图、自然资源勘察、地球科学Cartog raphy,natural resources
surveys,Earth sciences
590000—591999自然资源Natural resources
610000—619999维护与修理服务Maintenance and repair services
620000—629999贸易相关服务Trade related services
630000—639999旅游与相关服务Tourism and related services
640000—645999法律服务Legal services
650000—656999金融服务与保险Financial services and insurance
statistics,feasibility,Technical and other general studies
690000—099999贸易与商业服务、其他Trade and business services,other
710000—716999运输、储备与材料处理Transportation,storage and material
740000—749999信息技术Information Technology
760000—763999生产支持服务Product Support Services
manufacturing support And communication services
810000—899999制造服务Manufacturing services
910000—913999国家行政、政治与基础设施National administration,politics and
930000—937999健康HeaIth 、
940000—948999社会服务、社会科学与人口Social services social sciences And
950000—953999人道主义救助与救济Humanitarian aid and relief
960000—964999城市、农村与地区开发U rban,rural and regional development
500000 土建、工程、农业、能源与自然资源Construction,engineering,
agriculture,energy and natural resources
510000 建筑、工程、土建与其他技术服务Architecture,engineering,construction and other
technical services
511000 建筑Architecture
511100 教育设施、建筑设计与计划Architectural planning and design of educationaI
511200 造船Naval architecture
511300 办公建筑设计Office buildings design
511400 健康设施建筑设计Architectu ral design of health facilities
511500 工业建筑IndustriaI a rchitecture
511600 商业建筑Commercial architecture
511700 民用建筑HUman settlements architecture
511900 建筑设计n.e.c.ArchitecturaI design n.e.c.
512000 工程服务Engineering services
512100 工程计划服务Engineering planning services
512200 工程设计Engineering design
512300 自然资源工程服务Engineering services relating to natural resources
512500 土木工程Civil eng ineering
512600 营造工程Building engineering
512900 工程服务n.e.c.Engineering services n.e.c.
513000 建筑施工Construction
513100 施工工程与现场管理Construction work and site management,general
513200 土木工程复原Civil works rehabilitation
513300 预安装预总体安装Pre—erection and general erection work
513400 土木施工预现场管理Construction work and site management,civIl works
513500 建筑物施工预现场管理Construction work and sit management,buildings
513600 给排水施工Waterworks/waterways and related construction work
513700 建筑服务Building services
513800 建筑技术、设备预材料Construction technology,equipment and Materials
513900 建筑服务.n.e.c. Construction services.n.e.c.
514000 技术服务Transfer of technology
514100 科学研究Scientific research
514200 科学政策Science and technology policy
514300 技术Technology
514400 技术信息、交流Technological information exchange
540000 能源Energy resources
541000 油气资源Oil and gas resources
541100 油气工程Oil and gas engineering
541200 油气勘探与生产Oil and gas exploration and production
541300 油气研究Oil and gas research
541400 石油政策Petroleum policy
541500 油气田Oil and gas fields
541900 油气资源n.e.c.Oil and gas resources n.e.c.
542000 非常规能源Nonconventional energy resources
542100 地热能Geothermal energy
542200 太阳能Solar energy
542300 生物能源Biomass energy
542400 水能Water power
542500 风能Wind energy applications
542600 热能ThermaI energy
542700 木材与植物燃料能源Wood and vegetable fuel energy resources
542900 非常规能源Nonconventional energy resources n.e.c.
543000 电能Electrical energy
543100 发电Electricity generation
543200 发电厂Power plant conversion
544000 能源政策与管理Energy policy and management
544100 能源政策Energy policy
544200 节能管理Energy conservation management
544300 能源管理Energy management
544400 燃料管理Fuel research
550000 水资源Water resou rces
551000 水资源开发Water resources development
551100 水资源规划Water resource planning
551200 地下水开发Groundwater development
551300 地表水开发Surface water development
551400 流域开发River basin development
551500 水资源管理Water management
551600 水资源政策Water policy
551700 水利结构Hydraulic structures
551800 灌溉rigation
551900 水资源开发n.e.c.Water resources development n.e.c.
552000 海洋资源开发Marine resources’
552100 海岸带管理Coastal zone management
552200 海洋资源开发Marine resources development
552300 海洋资源环境arine environment
552400 海洋资源环境Marine resources policy
553000 海洋学与水文学Oceanography and hydrology
553100 海洋工程Ocean engineering
553200 海洋学Oceanography
553300 海洋科学Marine sciences
553400 水文地质与地理学Hydrology,hydrogeology and hydrography
553500 海洋与水文研究n.e.c.oceanograph_c and hydrological research
553600 水力学Hydraulics
553900 海洋学与水文学n.e.c.oceanography and hydrology n.e.c.
560000 环境Environment
561000 环境管理Environmental management
561100 环境机构建筑Environmental institution building
561200 环境影响评估Environmental impact assessment
561300 环境规划Environmental planning
561400 环境政策Environmental policy
561500 环境经济学Environmental economics
562000 环境保护Environmental protection
562100 防污染保护措施Protection measures against poilution
562200 垃圾处理Waste disposal
562300 环境保护专业Environmental protection specialisms
562400 环境保护研究Environmental protection studies
562500 环境复原Environmental rehabilitation
562600 臭氧层损耗Ozone layer depletion
563000 环境工程、科学与技术Environmental engineering,science and technology
563100 环境工程Environmental engineering
563200 环境科学Environmental sciences
563300 环境技术Environmental technology
564000 污染Pollution
564100 空气污染Air pollution
564200 石油污染O_l pollution
564300 噪音污染Noise pollution
564400 水污染Water pollution
564500 土壤污染Soil pollution
564600 工业污染Industrial pollution
564700 有毒物质污染Toxic substance pollution
564800 污染控制Pollution control
564900 污染n.e.c.Pollution n.e.c.
570000 绘图、自然资源调查、地球科学、陆地构造、生态系统
Cartography,natural resources surveys,earth sciences,land forms,ecosystems
571000 绘图服务Cartographic services
571100 绘图Cartography
571200 照相测量Photogrammetry
571300 陆地测量Land surveying
571900 其他绘图服务Cartographic services,other
572000 其他自然资源调查与地球科学Other natural resou rces surveys and earth sciences
572100 遥感Remote sensing
572200 地球物理学Geophysics
572300 地质学Geology
572400 地球科学Earth sciences
572471 化学分析,矿样实验Chemical analysis/mineral sample 1aboratories
572472 地球物理分析实验Geophysical analysis laboratories
572473 水力模拟实验Hydraulic models laboratories
572474 石油实验Petroleum laboratories
572475 土壤基础实验Soils foundation laboratories
572476 冶金测试实验Metallurgical testing laboratories
573000 陆地构造与生态环境Land forms and ecosystems
573100 陆地构造Land forms
573200 其他陆地构造Land forms,other
573300 海洋地区Marine areas
573400 生态系统Ecosystems
573500 内陆水资源Inland waters
573900 陆地构造与生态系统n.e.c.Land forms and ecosystems n.e.c.
574000 气象学Meteorology
574100 气候学Climatology
574200 大气层Atmosphere
574300 天气Weather
574400 气象应用MeteoroIogicaI applications
574500 气象服务Meteorology services
574900 气象学n.e.c.Meteorology n.e.c.
590000 自然资源n.e.c.Natural resources n.e.c.
591000 野生动物植物Wildlife
591100 野生生物资源保护Wildlife conservation
591200 野生动物植物生产Wildlife production
591300 野生动物Wildlife animals
591400 野生动植物管理Wildlife management
591500 野生动植物研究Wildlife research
591600 动物生态学Animal ecology
600000 贸易与商业服务Trade and business services
610000 维护与修理服务Maintenance and repair services
611000 综合建筑维护General building maintenance
611100 电气安装维护与修理Electrical installations maintenance and repair
611200 防火安装维护与修理Fire installations maintenance and repair61 1 300
管道维护与修理Plumbing maintenance and repair
611400 安全装置安装维护与修理Security installations maintenance and repair
611500 清洁服务Cleaning services
611600 综合建筑维护与修理General building maintenance and repair n.e.c.
611670 建筑物粉刷Building painting
611690 户外地区与树木维护与修理Outdoor areas and trees maintenance and repair
611700 建筑维护与修理n.e.c.Building maintenance and repair n.e.c.
611800 办公室维护与修理Office maintenance and repair
612000 自然资源设备维护与修理Natural resources equipment maintenance and repair
612100 工厂设备与原料维护与修理Planting equipment and materials maintenance and
612900 自然资源设备维护与修理n.e.c Natural resources equipment
maintenance and repair,n.e.c.
613000 专用设备与机械维护与修理Special purpose equipment and
machinery maintenance and repair
613100 办公、计算机与通讯设备维护与修理Office,computerand
communication equipment maintenance and repair
613115 音像设备维护与修理Audio visuaI equipment maintenance and repa=r
613122 邮政设备维护与修理Mail/postal equipment maintenance and repatr
613140 印刷设备维护与修理Printing equipment maintenance and repa=r
613200 家具、家用设备维护与修理Furniture,household goods and hardware maintenance
and repair
613300 科学、光学与精密仪器维护与修理Scientific,optical and precision instruments
maintenance and repair
613410 电器设备维护与修理Electrical equipment maintenance and repatr
613430 车辆维护与修理Vehicle maintenance and repair
613900 专用设备维护与修理Special purpose equipment maintenance and repair n.e.c.
613920 安全设备维护与修理Security equipment maintenance and repatr
619000 维护与修理服务n.e.c Maintenance and repair services n.e.c
619100 维护计划Maintenance planning
620000 贸易相关服务Trade related services
621000 国际贸易综合政策eneral international trade and trade policy
621100 国际贸易International trade
621200 贸易政策Trade policy
622000 制造业贸易、贸易壁垒Trade in manufactures;barriers to trade
622100 贸易限制Trade restrictions
622200 其他贸易壁垒Barriers to trade,other
623000 贸易促进、简化与海关Trade promotion,facilitation and customs administration
623100 贸易促进Trade promotion
623200 贸易简化Trade facilitation
623300 海关Customs administration
629000 其他相关服务Trade related services,other
629100 商品贸易Trade in commodities
629200 金融贸易Trade related finance
631100 旅游项目计划、实施与设计Planning,impIementation and design of tourism projects
633100 航空旅行Air travel
633200 旅游代理Travel agencies
633300 旅游成本Travel costs
633400 旅游促进Travel facilitation.
633500 寻游Travel guides
633600 旅游研究Travel research
634100 旅店业Hotel industry
634200 餐饮服务Restaurant services
634400 制衣服务Tailoring services
640000 法律服务Legal services
641000 一般与国家法General and national law
641100 司法系统Judicial system
641200 法律Law
641300 其他法律Law,other
641400 法律程序Legal procedure
641500 法律方面Legal aspects
641600 立法Legislation
641700 法律专题Legal specialisms
641800 其他法律专题Legal specialisms,other
642000 国际法International instruments
642100 国家手段International instruments
642200 国际权限International jurisdiction
642300 主权Sovereignty
642400 特权与豁免rivileges and immunities
642500 国际法专题I nternational legal specialisms
642600 其他国际法专题International legal specialisms,other
643000 商业与贸易法Commercial and trade law
643100 国际贸易法International trade law
643900 其他国际贸易法I nternational trade law,other
644000 海洋法Law of the sea
644100 领海地区Marine territorial areas
644200 海洋法专题LaW of the sea specialisms
645000 战争法Law of war
645100 战争法专题Law of war specialisms
645200 其他战争法专题Law of war specialisms,other
650000 金融服务与保险Financial services and insurance
651000 金融开发Development finance
651100 债务管理Debt management
651200 财政援助Aid financing
651300 发展援助Development assistance
651400 发展基金Development funds
651500 资产转移Resources transfer
651900 其他金融开发Development finance,other
652000 银行与投资Banking and investment
652100 金融机构Financial institutions
652200 银行Banking
652300 投资l nvestment
652400 信用Credit
652500 资金Capital
652600 支付Payment
652700 金融Finance
652900 其他银行与投资Banking and investment,other
653000 货币发行Monetary issues
653100 外汇Foreig n exchange
653200 流通Currency
653300 黄金Gold
653400 货币体系Monetary systems
653900 其他货币发行Monetary issues,other
654000 税收Taxation
654100 所得税Income tax
654200 其他税种Other types of tax
654300 税收管理Tax administration
654400 其他税收管理Tax administration,other
654500 相关税收管理Taxation related issues
654600 其他相关税收问题Taxation related issues,other
655000 会计学Accountancy
655100 会计系统与方法Accounting systems and methods
655200 审计Auditing
655300 成本控制系统Cost control systems
655400 预算Budgeting
655500 折旧Depreciation
655600 准备资产Reserve assets
656000 保险与养老基金服务Insurance and pension fund services
656100 保险Insurance
656500 养老基金服务Pension fund services
660000 经济学、统计学、科研、技术与其他综合研究Economics,statistics,feasibility,
technical and other general studies
661000 经济理论Economic theory
661100 经济专题Economic specialisms
661200 经济应用Economics applications
661300 经济概念Economics applications
661400 其他经济概念Economic concepts,other
661500 经济概念n.e.c Economic concepts n.e.c.
662000 经济条件Economic conditions
662100 经济方面Economic aspects
662200 其他经济方面Economic aspects,other
662300 经济方面n.e.c.Economic aspects n.e.c.
662400 国家与国际经济条件National and international economic conditions
662500 经济条件概念Economic conditions concepts
662600 其他经济条件概念Economic cond itions concepts,other
663000 特殊经济领域Special economic areas
663100 中央计划经济Centrally planned economies
663200 发达国家Developed countries
663300 发展中国家地区Developing areas
663400 发展中国家Developing countries
663500 地理上贫穷国家GeographicaIIy disadvantaged countries
663600 石油输出国家Petroleum exporting countries
664000 可行性研究Feasibility stodies
664100 技术经济可行性与可行性研究Techno—economic pre-feasibility and feasibility
665000 技术研究Technical studies
665100 技术检查服务Technical inspections services
665300 项目技术研究Technical requirements studies for projects
666000 工业研究l ndustrial studies
666100 工业设施调查Surveys of industrial establishments
666200 生产研究Operation studies
666300 质量调查与模型Quality surveys and modeling
666400 工业发展调查Industrial development surveys
667000 部门政策研究Sectoral and policy studies
667100 部门研究Sectoral studies
667200 政策研究Policy studies
667300 城市发展研究Urban development studies
667310 城市规划研究Urban planning studies
667400 实物规划研究Physical planning studies
667500 地区发展研究Regional deveIopment studies
667600 农村发展研究Rural development studies
668000 统计学Statistics
668100 统计理论Statistical theory
668200 统计方法Statistical methodology
668300 统计分类Statistical classifications
668400 统计服务Statistical services
668500 统计应用Statistical applications
668900 其他统计Statistics,other
670000 管理Management
671000 综合管理服务General management services
671100 组织开发Organizational development
671200 管理咨询服务Management advisory services
671300 风险管理Risk management
671400 办公管理Office management
671500 公司管理Corporate management
671700 管理理论Management theory
671900 其他综合管理General management,other
672000 人力资源管理Human resources management
672100 绩效评估Performance appraisal
672200 管理开发Management development
672300 人事档案Personnel records
672400 面试Interviewing
672500 人事研究Personnel research
672600 工作陈述Job description
673000 项目管理Project management
673100 项目确定\准备与评估Project identification,preparation and evaluation
673200 项目经营Project administration
673300 项目岗位评估Project post—evaluation
673400 综合项目管理General project management
674000 工业管理Industrial management
674100 工厂管理Factory management
674200 采购与材料管理urchasing and materials management
674400 工业组织与管理ndustrial organization and administration
674500 工业经济与政策Industrial economics and policies
674600 工业发展Industrial development
674900 其他工业发展Industrial management,other
690000 其他贸易与商业服务Trade and business services.other
691000 租赁服务Leasing or rental services
691100 办公设备租赁Office equipment leasing and rentals
691111 复印机租赁Photocopiers rental/lease
691160 通信设备租用Communication equipment rental
691164 传真机租用Facsimile machines rental
691200 综合建筑设备租赁General building equipment lease and rentals
691300 医疗与其他技术设备租赁Medical and other technical equipment rentaI
691331 音像设备租赁Audio visual equipment rental
691400 综合建筑设备租赁General building equipment rental and lease
691500 供热、制冷与管道设备租赁Heating, cooling and plumbing equipment rental/lease
691600 专用设备租赁n.e.c.Special purpose equipment rental and lease n.e.c.
691700 车辆租用Vehicle rental
691800 房地产租用Real estate services
692000 保安服务Secu rity services
693000 饮食服务Catering services
694000 采购服务Procurement services
699000 贸易与商业服务n.e.c.Trade and business services n.e.c.
699100 车辆停车服务Vehicle parking services
699200 司机服务Chauffeur services
699300 锁匠Locksm iths
699400 办公支持服务Office support services
699500 洗衣服务Laundry services
699600 杂工服务Handyman services
699900 其他工匠服务Tradesman’s services, other
700000 运输、储藏、制造支持与通信服务Transport,storage,manufacturing support and
communications services
710000 运输、储藏与材料处理Transportation, storage and materials handling
711000 运输政策与计划Transport policy and planning
711100 后勤Logistics
711200 运输Transit
711300 运输金融与经济Transport finance and economics
711400 运输优化Transport facilitation
711500 运输基础设施Transport infrastructure
711600 运输计划Transport planning
711700 运输工程Transport engineering
711800 运输系统Transport systems
711900 运输政策与计划n.e.c.Transport policy and planning n.e.c.
712000 运输实施Transport operations
712100 货物转送Freight forwarding
712200 旅客运输Passenger transport
712300 运输计算机应用Transport computer applications
712400 城市运输U rban transportation
712500 特别运输实施Specialised transport operations
712570 移动服务Moving services
712600 交通起点/终点调查Traffic origin/destInation surveys
712700 终点站erminals
713000 航空运输Air transport
713100 机场Airports
713200 空中导航服务Air navigation services
713300 空中运输政策Air transport policy
713400 空中安全与保安Air safety and security
713500 航线管理与运行Ai rline management and operations
713510 保机服务Air charter services
713511 飞机租赁Lease of aircraft
713520 直升机服务Helicopter services
713530 空勤人员Air transport of personnel
713600 航空研究Aeronautical research
714000 陆地运输Land transport
714100 公路运输Road transport
714200 铁路运输Railway transportation
714300 综合陆地运输Land transport,general
715000 水陆运输与航运Water transport and shipping
715100 海港与江河码头Seaports and river ports
715200 航运Shipping
715241 海上货物运输Sea freight transport
715300 内陆水陆运输Inland water transport
716000 储藏与材料处理Storage and material handling
716100 储藏Storage
716200 材料处理Materials handling
720000 通信Communications
721000 电讯Telecommunications
721100 电话服务Telephone services
721200 电报服务Telegraph services
721300 数据传送Data transmission
721400 卫星通信Satellite communications
721500 电讯管理Telecommunication management
721600 电讯工业Telecommunication industry
721900 其他电讯Telecommunication,other
722000 无线通信与电视广播Radio communications and television broadcasting
722100 无线通信Radio communications
722200 电视广播Television broadcasting
723000 通信与大众传媒Communications and mass media
723100 通信处理Communication process
723200 新闻 Press
723300 通讯频道Channels of communication
723400 民意Public opinion
723900 其他通信与大众传媒Communication and mass media,other
729000 通信n.e.c.Communications n.e.c.
729100 特殊通信系统Specialised communications systems
729900 其他通信Communications.other
730000 培训 Training
731000 管理培训Management training
731100 商业研讨会Business seminars
731200 特殊管理培训Specialised management training
731300 专业培训Professional training
732000 职业培训Vocational training
732100 农、林与其他自然资源培训Agriculture,forestry and other natural resources training
732200 技术职业培训Technical vocational training
732300 非技术职业培训Non.technical vocational training
732900 职业培训n.e.c.Vocational training n.e.c.
739000 培{JIIn.e.c.Training n.e.c.
739100 安全培训Safety training
739200 文化培训Literacy training
739900 其他培训Training,other
740000 信息技术lnformation technology
741000 计算机科学Computer science
741100 硬件理论l nformation theory
741200 硬件设计Hardware design
742000 自动控制战略与管理信息系统Automation strategies and MIS
742100 计算机项目管理Computer project management
742200 数学模型Systems analysis
742220 系统分析Mathematical modelling
742300 系统设计与开发System desig n and development
742400 办公自动化软件Office automation software
742420 文字处理Word processing
742500 计算机规划管理Computer programming management
742600 计算机规划Computer programming
742700 数据通信系统Data communicatIons systems
743000 系统安装System installation
743100 主机/硬件安装 Mainframe/mini hardware installation
743200 PC机与局域网硬件安装PC and local area network(LAN) hardware installation
743300 软件安装Software installation
744000 运行、维护与支持Operations,maintenance and support
744100 计算机安全Computer security
744200 主机/微机与外国设备运行Mainframe/mini operations,including peripherals
744300 局域网维护与支持Local area network(LAN)maintenance and support
744400 广域网维护与支持Wide area network(WAN)maintenance and support
744500 PC机硬件维护与支持PC hardware maintenance and support
744600 特殊销售商软件支持与维护Vendor-specific software support and maintenance
744700 数据库管理系统Database management systems
744800 数据存储Data storage
745000 计算机中心Computer centres
745100 数据中心Data centres
745200 分时计算机系统Time sharing computer systems
745300 数据处理服务Data processing services
749000 计算机相关服务n.e.c.Computer related services n.e.c.
749100 人工智能Artificial intelligence
749200 语音处理系统Voice processing systems
749300 文字电视广播系统Teletext systems
749400 可视图文系统Videotex systems
762000 机械与设备安装Installation of machinery and equipment
762100 机械与设备设计Design and layout of machinery and equipment
762200 设备安装监督与检查SuperVision,inspection of equipment installation
762300 设备,工厂复原Equipment/plant rehabilitatation
762400 工厂复原Plant factory rehabilitation
762500 工业自动化I nd ustrial automation
762600 处理安装Processing installations
763000 市场与销售Marketing distribution
763100 市场研究Market research
763200 价格Prices
763300 市场Marketing
763400 销售Distribution
763500 商品市场Marketing of commodities
763600 能源市场Energy resources marketing
790000 运输储藏、制造支持与通信服务n.e.c.Transport,storage,manufacturing support
and communication services n.e.c.
791000 邮政与投递服务Postal and delivery services
791100 邮政服务Postal services
791200 投递服务Delivery services
792000 印刷、出版与装订Printing,publishing and bookbinding
792100 印刷服务Printing services
792200 出版服务Publishing services
792300 装订服务Bookbinding services
793000 照相与制图服务Photog raphic,and similar g raphics services
793100 照相服务Photographic services
793200 音像服务Aud io-visual services
763230 胶片与录像带生产Film and video production
793300 胶片与录像带处理与复制Film and video processing and duplication
793400 形象艺术设计G raphic arts design and layout se rvices
794000 文件、图书馆与信息科学Documentation,library and information sciences
794100 图书馆Libraries
794400 图书馆n.e.c.Library services n.e.c.
794500 信息科学Information services
821800 纺织品印染与修整工业Textile dyeing,printing and finishing industry
840000 塑料、化学、化肥、药品与橡胶工业
Plastic,chemicals,fertilizers,pharmaceutical and rubber industry
850000 矿产品、建筑材料与金属工业Mineral products,building materialsand metal
851000 非金属矿产品与建材工业Non—metallic mineral products and building materials
851100 陶瓷工业Pottery,china and earthenware industry
851200 玻璃与制品工业Glass and glass products industry
851300 结构粘土制品工业Structural clay products industry
851400 水泥、石灰与石膏工业Cement,lime and plaster industry
851500 混凝土、矿石制品工业Concrete,sand,agg regates and stone products industry
851600 研磨剂工业Abrasives industry
851700 研磨制品业Asbestos products industry
852500 钢铁处理业Finishing industry processes,iron and steel
852600 钢铁电焊、铜焊与锡焊Welding,brazing and soldering,iron and steel
852700 钢铁粉末冶金Powder metallurgy,iron and steel
852800 金属切割工业Metal cutting industries
860000 装配式金属制品、机械与运输设备制造Fabricated metal
Products,machinery and transport equipment manufacture
861000 装配金属制品制造(包括机械) Manufacture offabricated metal
Products (excluding machinery)
861100 餐具等手工据制造Cutlery and hand tools manufacture
861200 家具与固定设备制造Furniture and fixtures(metal)manufacture
861300 钢结构制造Structural metal products manufacture
861400 金属容器制造Metal containers manufacture
861500 电线电缆制造Wire and cable products manufacture
861600 建筑五金制造Builders’hardware manufacture
861700 通用五金制造General hardware manufacture
891900 装配金属制品制造(补报阔机械)n.e.c.Manufacture of
fabricated metal products(excluding machinery)n.e.c.
862000 机械制造(不包括电气) Manufacture of manufacture(excIuding electrical)
862100 发动机与气轮机制造Engines and turbines manufacture
862200 农业机械与设备制造Agricultural machinery and equipment manufacture(excluding
862300 机械工具、金木与木工机械制造Machine tools,metal and wood working machinery
862400 特种工业工厂与机械制造Special industrial plants and machinery manufacture
862500 办公机械与设备制造Office machinery and equipment manufacture
862600 起重、吊架设备制造Lifting,hoisting and conveying equipment manufacture
862700 空调、通讯与制冷设备制造Air-conditioning,ventilating an refrigeration equipment
862800 家用设备与机械(不包括电气)制造Domestic appliances and machines(excIuding
862900 水泵与压缩机制造Pumps and compressors manufacture
863000 运输设备制造Manufacture of transport equipment
863100 造船与修理Shipbuilding and repairing
863200 铁路车辆制造Railroad rolling stock(carriages and wagons) manufacture
863300 铁路机车制造Locomotives manufacture
863400 汽车制造Motor vehicles manufacture
863500 拖拉机制造Tractor manufacture
863600 摩托车与自行车制造Motor cycile and bicycle manufacture
863700 飞机制造Aircraft manufacture
870000 电气机械与精密仪器制造Manufacture of electrical machinery and precision
871000 电气机械制造Manufacture of electrical machinery
871100 电气工业机械制造Electrical industrial machinery manufacture
871200 收音机、电视与电讯设备制造Radio,television and telecommunication equipment
871300 家用电器制造Electrical household appliances manufacture
871400 绝缘线、电缆制造Insulated wires and cables manufacture
871500 电气附件与用品制造Electrical accessories and supplies manufacture
871600 电气设备制造Electronic equipment manufacture
871700 计算机与数据处理设备制造Electronic computers and data processing equipment
871900 电气机械制造n.e.c.Electrical machinery manufacture n.e.c..
872000 精密仪器制造Manufacture of precision instruments
872100 科学仪器与测量设备制造Scientific instruments and measuring equipment
872200 医用与牙科设备制造Medical and dental equipment manufacture
872300 照相与光学产品制造Photographic and optical goods manufacture
872400 钟表制造Watches and clocks manufacture
872500 实验室叫钥匙项目Laboratory turnkey projects
890000 杂品制造工业Miscellaneous manufacturing industries
900000 社区、社会与个人服务Community,social and personal services
910000 国家行政、政治与基础设施National administration,politics and infrastructure
911000 公共管理与财政Public administration and finance
911100 公共管理Public administration
911200 公共财政Public finance
912400 国际关系International relations
912500 和平与安全维护Maintenance of peace and security
912600 裁军与军事问题Disarmament and military questions
912800 非殖民化、托管统治与种族隔离Decolonization,trusteeship and apartheid
913000 公用事业Public utilities
913100 供水与卫生设施Water supply and sanitation
913200 油气分配Oil and gas distribution
913300 电力分配Electricity distribution
913400 能源分配管理Energy distribution management
920000 教育Education
921200 教育计划Educational planning
921300 技术IT.业/职业教育计划(大学水平)Technical/industrial/vocational education
planning,university level
921400 第二职业与岗位教育计划Vocational secondary and post
secondary sub·professional education planning
923400 技术教育Technical education
923500 专业,教育Professional education
923600 特殊教育Special education
930000 健康Health
931200 食品供应Food supply
931300 食品政策与计划Food policy and planning
932000 全面健康服务Comprehensive health services
932200 卫生保健分娩Health care delivery
932900 全面健康服务n.e.c.Comprehensive health services n.e.c.
933000 疾病、疾病防治与控制Diseases,disease prevention and control
933100 疾病防治与控制Disease prevention and control
934000 环境卫生Environmental health
934100 健康风险Health hazards
934200 鼠情控制Rodent control
934300 放射线控制Radiation control
934400 扑灭服务Exterminating services
936000 医疗实习Medical practice
936100 特殊医疗实习Specialist medical practice
936200 其他专业医疗实习Specialist medical practice,Other
936900 医疗实习n.e.c.Medical practice n.e.c.
937000 医疗科学Medical sciences
937100 药品研究Pharmaceutical research
937200 医疗研究Medical research
937300 其他医疗研究Medical research,other
937400 医疗研究n.e.c.Medical research n.e.c.
937900 医疗科学n.e.c.Medical sciences n.e.c.
940000 社会服务、社会科学与人口Social services,social sclences and population
944000 人口Population
944100 人口统计学Demog raphy
944172 人口经济统计研究Economic demographic studies
944173 人口学与统计研究Population sciences and demographic studies
944200 人口构造Population composition
944300 移民Migration
944400 人口动态n.e.c.Population dynamics n.e.c.
944500 计划生育Family planning
945000 人类居住Human settlements
945600 住房Housing
946000 文化Culture
946200 语言Lang uage
946300 艺术、文化与音乐Art,literature and music
946600 宗教Religion
946700 休闲、娱乐与运动Leisure,recreation and sports
947000 就业Employment
947100 就业促进与计划Eml~loyment promotion and planning
947200 技能开发Skills development
947400 劳工关系Labour relations
948000 社会地位与公正Social conditions and equity
948100 妇女进步Advancement of women
948300 人权Human rights
948600 犯罪审判Criminal justice
950000 人道主义援助与经济Humanitarian aid and relief
951000 难民及迁移人群保护与援助Protection and assistance to refugees and displaced
951100 难民Refugees
951200 特殊难民群体Special refugee groups
951300 迁移人群Displaced persons
951400 难民援助Refugee assistance
952000 防灾、减灾Disaster prevention,preparedness and relief
952100 灾难Disasters
952200 防灾Disaster prevention
952300 灾难准备Disaster preparedness
952400 减灾Disaster relief
953000 特殊人道主义援助Special humanitarian assistance
953100 人道注意援助Humanitarian assistance
960000 城市、农村与地区发展Urdan,rural and regional development
961000 城市发展Urban development
961100 城市发展计划Urban development planning
941200 城市住房计划、设计、工程与实施Urban shelter,housing,design engineering and
961300 城市服务Urban services
963000 地区服务Regional development
963100 地区发展计划Regional development planning
963200 地区合作Regional co—operation
964000 综合发展Development,general
964100 经济发展Economic development
964200 开发管理Development administrion
964300 自力更生Self-reliance
964900 综合发展n.e.c.Development,general n.e.c.