SKU 英文全称为 stock keeping unit,简称SKU,定义为保存库存控制的最小可用
流管理、财务管理以及POS系统与MIS系统的开发提供极大的便利。 例如:单听销售的
An SKU is a stock number used by businesses and merchants that allows
them to track inventory and services from point of distribution to point of sale.
SKU is a type of data management system. Each individual item or package is
given a code either by the distributor or the business owner. There is an SKU code
applied to every product, item, or other forms of goods that can be purchased by
a customer.
SKU are not necessarily assigned to just physical products. They also are used
to identify services and fees. As some companies provide services, they use
SKU’s for billing. As an example, if a computer store repairs a customer’s
computer, they use an SKU to determine what services were completed in order
to fill out a bill for services rendered. Other samples are deliveries, installation
costs, and warranties.
All SKU tracking varies from business to business and according to regions
and corporate data systems. SKU also varies from other product tracking systems
due to manufacturer regulations or even government regulations. Other
examples of tracking methods are Universal Product Code (UPC), European
Article Number (EAN), and Global Trade Item Number (GTIN).
SKU use is rooted in data management, enabling the company to
systematically track its inventory or product availability, such as in warehouses
and retail outlets. They are often assigned and serialized at the merchant level.
Each SKU is attached to an item, variant, product line, bundle, service, fee, or