一. 单词
st --To estimate or calculate in advance, especially to predict (weather conditions)
by analysis of meteorological data.
预测, 预报提前预料或估计,尤其指通过对气象数据的分析来预测(天气状况)
To serve as an advance indication of; foreshadow: 预示作为提前的预兆;预示:
weather forecast
forecast the weather
Snow has been forecasted for tomorrow.
We can hardly forecast the result.
predict and forecast
Rain has been forecast for tomorrow.
Scientists still cannot predict when the earthquakes will happen.
Mrs Jones predicted that all the students would pass the exam, and they did.
2.trend n.
1) (海岸、河流、山脉等)走向, 方向
2) a general direction or course趋势, 倾向, 动向
3) a tendency, a drift流行, 时尚
The hills have a western trend.
the trend of a coast-line海岸线的走向
the trend of modern living现代生活的趋势
3. indicate表明; 象征; 暗示