


1. 线路设计 track design

2. 平面设计 plane design

3. 纵断面设计 longitudinal section design

4. 横断面设计 transverse section design

5. 曲线设计 curve design

6. 车站设计 station design

7. 站场设计 design of stations and yards

8. 线路等级 line grade

9. 铁路限界 railway clearance

10. 建筑限界 construction clearance

11. 铁路曲线 railway curve

12. 缓和曲线 transition curve; easement curve; spiral

transition curve

13. 小半径曲线 small-radius curve

14. 曲线半径 curve radius

15. 曲线超高 superelevation on curve; cant; elevation of curve

16. 欠超高 inadequate superelevation; deficient


17. 竖曲线 vertical curve

18. 坡道 gradient

19. 坡度 grade; gradient; slope

20. 限制坡度 ruling grade; limiting grade

21. 坡度折减 grade compensation; compensation of gradient;

gradient compensation

22. 避难线 refuge siding; catch siding

23. 双线插入段 double track interpolation

24. 警冲标 fouling point indicator; fouling post

25. 线路中心线 track center line; central lines of track

26. 线间距 distance between centres of lines; distance

between centers of tracks; midway between tracks

27. 道岔 switch; point; turnout; switches and crossings

28. 单开道岔 single point; simple turnout; lateral turnout

29. 双开道岔 double turnout

30. 三开道岔 three-throw turnout; symmetrical three throw

turnout; three-way turnout

31. 交分道岔 slip switch

32. 交叉 crossing

33. 渡线 track cross-over; crossover

34. 通过道岔 passing switch

35. 铁路道口 railway crossing

36. 平交道口 level crossing

37. 立体交叉 ; 立交 grade separation

38. 机车车辆检修 rolling stock inspection and repair

39. 机务部门 locomotive department

40. 机务段 locomotive depot

41. 机务段设备 locomotive depot appliance

42. 车辆段 car depot

43. 车辆段设备 car depot appliance

44. 检修段 inspection and repair depot

45. 车库 shed; car shed

46. 机车库 locomotive shed

47. 列检所 train inspection and repair point

48. 修理厂 repair shop

49. 铁路站场 railway station and yard

50. 车站等级 classification of station; class of station

51. 车站改编能力 sorting capacity at station

52. 站场配置图 layout plan of station and yard


Words and Expressions

For Station and Yard Design

53. 车站咽喉 station bottleneck; station throat

54. 进路疏解 route untwine

55. 车站改建 reconstruction of station

56. 驼峰设计 hump design

57. 溜放阻力 free rolling resistance

58. 驼峰作业能力 humping capacity

59. 车站 station

60. 枢纽站 terminals

61. 区段站 district station

62. 中间站 intermediate station

63. 会让站 crossing station; passing station

64. 港湾站 port station; harbor station

65. 换装站国境站 ; 换装站 frontier station

66. 客运站 passenger station

67. 换乘站 transfer station

68. 线路所; 乘降所 passenger stopping point; halt

69. 货运站 freight station

70. 工业站 industrial station

71. 集装箱站 container station

72. 换装站 transshipment station

73. 编组站 marshalling station; marshalling yard

74. 驼峰编组站 hump marshalling station

75. 站舍 station building

76. 高架站舍; 高架车站 elevated station building

77. 站台 platform

78. 车场 car yard

79. 到达场 receiving yard; arriving yard

80. 到发场 reception-departure yard; receiving-departure


81. 出发场 departure yard

82. 车站配线; 站线 station track; station line

83. 到发线 reception-departure track; arrival and departure


84. 到达线 arrival track; receiving track; arriving track

85. 出发线 departure track

86. 编组线 sorting track

87. 牵出线 shunting neck; switching lead; lead track

88. 机车走行线locomotive running line; locomotive running


89. 装卸线 loading and unloading track

90. 换装线 transshipment track

91. 尽头线 stub-end track; stub-end siding

92. 码头线 dock line

93. 安全线 safety siding; catch siding

94. 客运站设备 equipment of passenger station

95. 旅客站台 passenger platform

96. 广场 square

97. 候车室 waiting hall; waiting room

98. 问询处 inquiry office

99. 行包房 luggage and parcel office

100. 天桥 passenger foot bridge; over-bridge; passenger


101. 地道 underground gallery; underground path

102. 雨棚 rain shed

103. 客车整备场 passenger car servicing depot

104. 货运站设备 goods station equipment

105. 货物站台 good platform; freight platform; goods platform

106. 货场 freight yard; goods yard

107. 集装箱货场 container yard

108. 仓库 storage; warehouse

109. 自动化仓库 automatic warehouse

110. 货位 goods allocation; freight section; goods section

111. 货棚 freight shed; goods shed

112. 编组场调车场; 编组场 shunting yard; marshalling yard;

classification yard

113. 溜放线 free rolling line

114. 驼峰 hump

115. 机械化驼峰 mechanized hump

116. 半自动化驼峰 semi-automatic hump

1. 编组站管理系统 marshalling station management system

2. 货运管理系统 freight traffic management system

3. 集装箱管理系统 container management system

4. 客运管理系统 passenger traffic management system

5. 客票预售系统 ticket reservation system

6. 电子数据交换 electronic data interchange

7. 保温运输 insulated transport

8. 备用货车 reserved cars

9. 本站作业车 local car

10. 变更径路 route diversion

11. 不成对运行图 train diagram not in pairs

12. 不同时到达间隔时间 time interval between two opposing

trains arriving

13. 场库 storage yard and warehouse

14. 敞顶集装箱 open top container

15. 超长货物 exceptional length freight

16. 超限货物 out-of-gauge freight

17. 超限货物等级 classification of out-of-gauge freight

18. 超限货物检查架 examining rack for out-of-gauge freight

19. 车钩缓冲停止器 device for stopping buffer action

20. 车辆换算长度 converted car length

21. 车流径路 car flow route

22. 车票有效期 ticket availability

23. 车站班计划 station shift operating plan

24. 车站办理车数 number of inbound and outbound car

handled at stat

25. 车站工作组织 organization of station operation

26. 车站技术作业表 station technical working diagram

27. 车站阶段计划 station stage operating plan

28. 车站行车工作细则 instructions for train operation at


29. 车站咽喉通过能力 carrying capacity of station throat

30. 车站作业计划 station operating plan

31. 成对运行图 train diagram in pairs

32. 成件包装货物 packed freight

33. 成组装车 car loading by groups

34. 冲突 collision

35. 存车线 storage siding

36. 大事故 serious accident

37. 大修计划 plan of capital repair

38. 大宗货物 mass freight

39. 代用票 substituting ticket

40. 单面托盘 single-deck pallet

41. 单线运行图 train diagram for single track

42. 单向横列式编组站 unidirectional transversal type

marshalling station

43. 单向混合式编组站 unidirectional combined type


Words and Expressions

For Railway Operation

marshalling station

44. 单向纵列式编组站 unidirectional longitudinal type

marshalling station

45. 挡车器 stop buffer

46. 到达路 destination railway

47. 到发线通过能力 carrying capacity of receiving-departure


48. 道岔绝缘段 insulated switch section

49. 道岔配列 switch layout

50. 道岔清扫房 switch cleaners cabin

51. 道岔区坡 gradient within the switching area

52. 道岔阻力 switch resistance

53. 敌对进路 conflicting routes

54. 地方性编组站 local marshalling station

55. 点连式调速系统 point-continued type speed control


56. 点式调速系统 point type speed control system

57. 调车进路 shunting route

58. 调车设备 marshalling facilities

59. 调车线 shunting track

60. 调车作业计划 shunting operation plan

61. 调度命令 traffic dispatching order

62. 调度区段 train dispatching section

63. 调度日班计划 daily and shift traffic plans

64. 定期票 periodical ticket

65. 丢失事故 loss accident

66. 冻结货物 frozen freight

67. 段管线 depot siding

68. 堆货场 storage yard

69. 堆码能力 stacking capability

70. 堆码作业 stacking operation

71. 堆装货物 stack-loading freight

72. 鹅颈槽 goose neck tunnel

73. 发车进路 departure route

74. 发送路 originating railway

75. 反向行车 train running in reverse direction

76. 非机械化驼峰 non-mechanized hump

77. 非平行运行图 non-parallel train diagram

78. 非营业站 non-operating station

79. 非运用车 non-serviceable car

80. 分号运行图 variant train diagram

81. 分界点 train spacing point

82. 分类折旧率 classified depreciation rate

83. 封闭式通风集装箱 closed ventilated container

84. 封锁区间 closing the section

85. 峰顶 hump crest

86. 峰顶调车员室 shunters cabin at hump crest

87. 峰顶平台 platform of hump crest

88. 峰高计算点 calculate point of hump height

89. 辅助编组站 auxiliary marshalling station

90. 辅助车场 auxiliary yard

91. 辅助所 auxiliary block post

92. 腐坏事故 decay accident

93. 干散货集装箱 dry bulk container

94. 高架候车厅 overhead waiting hall

95. 告警信号 warning signal

96. 更新改造计划 plan of renewal and upgrading

97. 公用乘车证 service pass

98. 钩车 cars per cut





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