Drilling Rig Casing Running Procedures.
Pre-Casing Running Preparation.
Check and confirm the casing design, including casing
size, weight, grade, drift diameter, and joint lengths.
Inspect all casing strings for damage or defects,
ensure proper thread engagement, and apply thread lubricant.
Prepare the casing running tools, including casing
slips, elevators, hydraulic tong, and torque recorder.
Clean and inspect the wellbore, ensuring no debris or
obstructions that could hinder casing running.
Calibrate downhole instruments, including directional
tools and gamma ray logs, to track casing progress.
Casing Running Operation.
Set the drilling rig derrick and hoist system to the
appropriate height.
Attach the casing slips to the casing string and raise
the first joint of casing into the derrick.
Use elevators to lift the casing joint to the top of
the wellhead and stab it into the wellhead adapter.
Connect the casing into the wellhead (if not done
Tighten the casing joint using the hydraulic tong and
record the torque applied.
Repeat the process for subsequent casing joints,
stacking them in the derrick until the desired depth is