


Sun Yat-sen University

Sun Yat-sen University or Zhongshan University (Traditional Chinese: 中山大学;

Simplified Chinese : 中山大学; pinyin: Zhōngshān Dàxué) is a prominent university

in the southern part of China, located mainly in Guangzhou. The university is

named after Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, a physician and later president of the Republic of


The university consists of 4 campuses (South Campus, North Campus, East

Campus and Zhuhai Campus) with a total area of 6.17 square kilometers. Three of

the four campuses are located in Guangzhou, the fourth is in Zhuhai.

The university motto, "Study extensively; Enquire accurately; Reflect carefully;

Discriminate clearly; Practise earnestly" (博学、审问、慎思、明辨、笃行), is from one

of the Chinese classics, Doctrine of the Mean.

Sun Yat-sen University, originally known as National Kwangtung University (国

立广东大学), was founded in 1924 by Dr. Sun Yat-sen. It combined National Higher

Normal College (广东高等师范学校), Kwangtung Provincial Law College (广东公立法

科大学) and Provincial Agricultural Technical School (广东公立农业专门学校), and

after his death it was renamed National Sun Yat-sen University in 1926.


The campus was originally located at Shipai (石牌), Eastern Guangzhou. In the

early 1950s, Sun Yat-sen University was merged with Lingnan University and

relocated to Kangle Yuan (康乐园), Southern Guangzhou, which is now called the

South Campus. In 2000, the Zhuhai Campus was established in Tangjia (唐家), city

of Zhuhai. In 2001, the former Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences merged

into Sun Yat-sen University, constituting the current North Campus. The East

Campus was established in 2004 in Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center (广

州大学城), Panyu, Guangzhou.


Sun Yat-Sen University of Medical SciencesSun Yat-sen University is a

comprehensive university including the humanities, social sciences, natural

sciences, technical science, medical science, pharmacology and management

science. There are 23 schools and colleges, including a medical school, a school of

dental medicine, a law school and a business school.

In the graduate study programmes there are 17 disciplines leading to

Doctorate and/or Master degrees, of which 146 specialties lead to a Doctorate

degree and 205 specialties lead to a Master degree. In addition, there are 12

branches of studies leading to professional degrees, which are: Doctor of Medicine,

Master of Business Administration (MBA), Master of Public Administration (MPA),

Master of Judicial Studies (LL.M.).






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