




题型有:1. Listening Comprehension

Section One:Listening Comprehension

听力原文:Listen to a conversation between a student (S) and a university

employee (E).S: Wow! Your store isn’t too easy to find.E: You can say that. They’ve

moved us to the basement.S: Well, I made it anyway. Could I get some color copies of

this flier?E: Sure, how many do you need?S: 500. It’s for a fundraiser I’m organizing,

and I need enough copies for each faculty and staff member, also a few to put on

bulletin boards.E: Really? What fundraiser?S: Oh, it’s to raise money for a new

sandbox at the preschool on campus.E: Oh, do you work there? My wife and I looked

into the preschool for our daughter, but we arrived on campus too late for her to enroll.

I just started at the university this semester, so maybe we’ll get her in next year.S: No,

not exactly. I’m majoring in early childhood education. For a research paper I’ve been

spending time there observing the different ways they teach pre-reading skills. I was

really surprised by all the learning tools and techniques that they use in the classroom

and even on the playground.E: Yea? It’s interesting what they do with kids these

days.S: Anyway, there’s another thing that surprised me. I had no idea how sparse

their playground is— just a slide, some balls, and a couple of swings for about 45

children! The director told me she’d love to have a big sandbox too, which got me

some thinking. I have to do 20 hours of community service to graduate, so I offered to

organize a fundraiser to buy a sandbox, and the director really loved that idea. I

figured that’ll take 20 hours, at least.E: So what’s your plan to raise the money?S: I

got my advisor, Professor Campbell, to teach a parenting workshop there. He’s going

to give tips on raising toddlers.E: Great idea. Toddlers can be a challenge. I know that

from experience.S: Anyway, the workshop is just three weeks away, so I need to

distribute the flyers as soon as possible. Could I get the color copies right now?E:

Well, unfortunately our color copiers are undergoing routine maintenance right now,

so it might take a day or two, but if you need them right away, you could use one of

our black and white copiers. They’re all self-service.S: I guess that’ll be ok. Thanks!E:

By the way, how much are you going to charge for that workshop?S: $50, but that

registration fee also includes a copy of Professor Campbell’s new parenting book. He

wrote this great book about toddlers that sells for $25.E: $50 seems a little high, but

since you include the S: Yea, the book has gotten some great reviews, too.E:

can I have one of your flyers after you make the copies?S: Sure! I’ll give you

a few if you want to help me spread the word.

1. Why does the student go to see the university employee?

A.To get directions to the nearest copy center

B.To order photocopies of a document

C.To get permission to post a sign on a bulletin board

D.To solicit his help on a research project


解析:目的主旨题。线索词为学生所说:Could I get some color copies of this





2. Why has the student been spending time at the preschool?

A.To assist the teachers in the classroom

B.To learn about the school’s budget

C.To observe children playing in a sandbox for a class project

D.To observe techniques used in early childhood education


解析:细节题。线索词为学生所说:I’m majoring in early childhood

education.For a research paper I’ve been spending time there observing the different

ways they teach pre-reading skills.如原文所述,学生去幼儿园是为了观察他们教



3. How will the student fulfill one of her graduation requirements?

A.By attending a parenting workshop

B.By supervising toddlers at the preschool

C.By organizing a fund-raised for the preschool

D.By designing a new sandbox for the preschool


解析:细节题。线索词为学生所说:I have to do 20 hours of community service

to graduate,so I offered to organize a fundraiser to buy a sandbox,and the director

really loved that idea.如原文所述,学生将通过为幼儿园募捐购买沙坑的方式来

完成她的毕业要求。A选项错误。parenting workshop(亲子课程)是学生筹集资金



4. What does the employee imply about the workshop’s registration fee?

A.It should be higher.

B.It is appropriately priced.

C.The presenter should get a small percentage of it.

D.It should be discussed for university employees.


解析:推论题。线索词为员工所说:$50 seems a little high,but since you include

the book too…如原文所述,员工起初觉得50美元有点贵,但后来通过but(转折





5. Why does the employee request a flyer?

A.He wants to order a copy of Dr. Campbell’s book.

B.He wants to check the quality of the copies.

C.He is interested in attending the event.

D.He wants to give it to a coworker.







听力原文:Listen to part of a lecture in a meteorology sor: OK. It’s

important to measure a hurricane’s intensity before it reaches land, because it can help

save lives and avoid the enormous costs of an unnecessary evacuation. But the factors

leading to a hurricane’s intensity like wind speed is very tricky to measure because

they’re changing constantly. I’d like to know if anyone can tell me how we get

information about the intensity of a hurricane that’s on the way. Jennifer?Student 1:

Well, don’ fly planes into it?Professor: Right. Planes that monitor

hurricanes fly through the eye of a hurricane to measure the speed of the storm’s wind.

But it’s very expensive and it’s also very t 1: I understand the point about

it being risky for the pilots with the high winds and lightning and everything.

how can it be so expensive?Professor: Well, you see, hurricane-monitoring planes are

built to withstand strong winds. And they’re usually loaded with a lot of sophisticated

equipment that will measure wind speed and other things. One plane costs about 100

million dollars, and its single flight 50 thousand dollars. What’s more, it

can take as many as 10 flights to monitor a hurricane as it approaches land, From the

readings of these direct measurements of hurricane force, we can determine whether

to evacuate the area. But that’s an expensive approach. I mean, we can’t simply fly

planes into every hurricane and a couple of researchers think there may

be a better way to measure a hurricane’ uh... a much more cost-effective

way. It has almost no risks and requires much lower tech equipment so this method is

very promising. It’s an underwater microphone called a

“hydrophone.” OK, so how it it receives acoustic waves underwater.

By measuring the noise of a hurricane underwater, we can predict the speed of

hurricane winds with an amazing precision. Do you have a question, John?Student 2:

Yes, how can we hear winds blowing over the water if the microphone, the

hydrophone, is underwater?Professor: Well, hurricanes don’t just blow over the water

leaving it untouched, do they?Student 2: Oh yeah. The water gets churned

sor: Hurricanes chum up the waves like crazy. The roiling action of the wind

actually turns the water into a bubble-filled froth. And all this action creates a unique

rumbling sound under the water whose volume is a good indicator of the intensity of

uh... the speed of the hurricane winds. Uh... hydrophones can be deployed

hundreds of meters below the surface ahead of the hurricane’s path while conditions

are still safe. Also, the total cost for such a deployment would be a small fraction of

the cost of even a single flight into the t 1:I wonder how they figured this

out. I mean, how would it occur to anyone to put a microphone under water to

measure the speed of the hurricane winds?Professor: Well, this actually brings us back

to something I’ve talked about in class before. It’ ah... value of combining

scientific disciplines to deal with complex meteorological problems. In this case, the

idea came to light when two researchers from different fields met a few years ago.

One was Nicholas Makris, an expert of underwater acoustics, and the other was Kerry

Emmanuel, a hurricane expert. So the research was triggered by their conversation.

Emmanuel asked Makris, “Is it possible that underwater noise could be analyzed to

determine the intensity of a hurricane?” Makris said, “yes, in theory at least.” It

was a commonly known fact that wind speed has something to do with underwater

noise. But it was not until Makris met Emmanuel that the idea occurred to him to use

that relationship to measure hurricane winds. So Makris started looking for specific

evidence to support the theory. He thought there may have been a situation where a

hydrophone was deployed for some other purpose and unintentionally recorded

hurricane noise. And he found it. In 1999, a hydrophone in the middle of the Atlantic,

just under a kilometer below the surface was listening for underwater earthquakes

when a hurricane passed over it. The hydrophone picked up a low rumbling sound,

like the thundering sound, from the churned up water. And on the same day, a plane

had flown into the hurricane and made direct wind speed measurement. When Makris

compared the data, he found that there was almost a perfect relationship between the

power of the wind and the power of the wind-generated noise. And there was less than

5 percent of error. This is about the same as the errors you get from direct

measurements from airplane measurements.

6. What is the main purpose of the discussion?

A.To explain how meteorologists study the causes of hurricanes and cyclones

B.To discuss factors that determine the wind speed of hurricanes and cyclones

C.To describe the design of hydrophones used by hurricane researchers

D.To introduce a new approach to measuring the power of hurricanes and



解析:目的主旨题。线索词为教授所说:I’d like to know if anyone can tell me

how we get information about the intensity of a hurricane that’s on the way.本篇讲





7. According to the professor, what is one benefit of hurricane monitoring


A.Their equipment is not as sophisticated as a new technology.

B.They can provide direct measurements of wind speed.

C.They help meteorologists determine the storm’s path.

D.They can gather all necessary information in just a few flights.


解析:细节题。线索词为教授所说:And they’re usually loaded with a lot of

sophisticated equipment that will measure wind speed and other things.以及From the

readings of these direct measurements of hurricane force…如原文所述,飓风检测飞





8. What are two advantages of using a hydrophone to measure hurricane

intensity? Click on 2 answers.

A.They can be set up before a hurricane reaches an area.

B.They can be installed close to the surface of the ocean.

C.They can transmit underwater sounds to airplanes.

D.They can lower the cost of monitoring hurricanes.


解析:细节题。线索词为教授所说:…hydrophones can be deployed hundreds of

meters below the surface ahead of the hurricane’s path while conditions are still

safe.Also,the total cost for such a deployment would be a small fraction of the cost

of even a single flight into the storm.如原文所述,水听器可提前被部署在飓风即




9. What does the professor imply about the relationship between the two

researchers he mentions?

A.It developed over many years of working in the similar field.

B.It led to the invention of an underwater microphone.

C.It will likely lead to other breakthroughs in meteorology.

D.It demonstrates the importance of interdisciplinary collaborations.


解析:推论题。线索词为教授所说:It’s the…ah…value of combining scientific

disciplines to deal with complex meteorological problems.In this case,the idea came

to light when two researchers from different fields met a few vears ago.如原文所述,






10. Why does the professor mention a hydrophone listening for underwater


A.To point out that different types of hydrophones exist

B.To provide the validation of a new technique

C.To point out the fact the underwater earthquakes are hard to detect

D.To help explain how hydrophones work


解析:组织结构题。线索词为教授所说:He thought there may have been a

situation where a hydrophone was deployed for some other purpose and

unintentionally recorded hurricane noise.And he found it .教授提及海底地震水听






11. Listen again to part of the discussion, then answer the question. Why does

the professor say this?

A.To help the student find the answer to his own question

B.To explain the findings of a new study

C.To emphasize the point he made earlier

D.To find out whether the student agrees with him


解析:表意功能题。线索词为教授所说:Well,hurricanes don’t just blow over

the water leaving it untouched,do they?反义疑问句由两部分组成。前一部分的陈





听力原文:Listen to part of a lecture in a political science sor: In

previous classes, we explored how local governments create an annual spending plan,

a budget, for the tax money they collect each year. And as I’ve said, budgeting is, in

essence, a clear expression of priorities. In other words, it’s easy for politicians to say

that they value things, things like education, but unless they allocate enough money,

let’s say to hire more teachers, then you’ve got to wonder if they really do value

t: As the old saying goes, you’ve got to put your money where your

mouth sor: Exactly, Anyhow, with this in mind, let’s talk about participatory

budgeting. Participatory budgeting, PB for short, is one alternative process that some

town and city governments around the world have opted to put into place. Here in the

United States, we’re used to thinking of budgeting as happening behind closed doors,

It’s generally believed that government officials alone will decide where to spend tax

dollars, and that local citizens don’t really have access to that process. Well, PB turns

that assumption on its head. First, PB seeks to get citizens involved through

discussions, negotiations, and meetings. Citizens present their expectations and

priorities to elected officials in terms of resource allocations, Also, the inner workings

of the process become visible and clear to attendees. Citizens don’t have to guess

what’s going on behind the scenes. They get insight into what’s happening and why.

And lastly, the PB process helps to align government priorities with citizen priorities.

It puts the politicians and the citizens they represent on the same page, since it gives

the politicians a better understanding of local needs. So there are advantages to PB,

but there are difficulties, too. First, it’s hard to implement. Why do you think that is?

Richard?Student: Probably because budgeting’s complicated. Maybe residents need a

training workshop. You’d have to really understand how using funds for one thing

means you don’t use funds for something sor: Well, while budgeting might

get complicated at times, training isn’t a requirement. No. Actually, more than

anything else, citizens need time to attend a bunch of meetings to advocate for what

they want. It’s not enough to show up at one city council or school board meeting, ask

for something, then disappear. Apart from that, citizens must also , ok,

say a group of citizens persuaded the city council to allocate $8 million to build a new

community center, but tax revenues were lower than expected for that year, and so the

bureaucrats didn’t have the funds to actually buy the land and materials and hire a

construction team. In the end, the community center doesn’t get t: But

why would a city council budget money it didn’t have?Professor: Budgets are crafted

months in advance. Tax revenues are projected based on past revenues, and funds can

dry up or not materialize for lots of reasons, like an unexpected downturn in the

economy could reduce consumer spending, which in turn reduces what business’ pay

in gross receipt taxes to local governments. Now, I should point out that for us

academics, it’s hard to talk conclusively about the efficacy of PB. You see, most of the

recent literature is just individual case studies, descriptions of only a single city’s

implementation of participatory budgeting. I’m not saying they were poorly designed.

It’s just hard to draw any general conclusions from them. The only meaningful study

I’ve seen to date is an analysis that used rigorous statistical controls, a comparative

analysis of a whole number of cities in Brazil. A political scientist from Yale

University looked at all the case studies that were published between 1996 and 2008,

and he found that sort of on a macro level, that implementing PB did not really affect

how public funds were t: Wait. If PB doesn’t change what budgets

look like, why bother?Professor: Good question, one I’d also ask if I hadn’t read one

other finding of that Yale study that PB significantly increased the chance of the

mayor’s political party getting reelected and remaining in power. At the risk of

sounding too cynical, it seems that PB can generate good public relations. The use of

PB, regardless of any tangible benefits to the public, apparently helps local residents

trust their political leaders. Whether that’s enough to justify the process, I don’t know.

Obviously more research is warranted.

12. What is the main purpose of the lecture?

A.To examine the kinds of decisions politicians make when funding public


B.To point out flaws in current local budgeting processes

C.To compare several different ways of evaluating local budgets

D.To discuss an approach to creating public spending plans


解析:目的主旨题。线索词为教授所说:let’s talk about participatory

budgeting.Participatory budgeting,PB for short,is one alternative process that some

town and city governments around the world have opted to put into place.本篇讲座

主要目的是探讨一种制定预算的方法——参与式预算(Participatory budgeting)。A




13. According to the professor, what do United States citizens usually believe

about the budgeting process at the local level?

A.It happens without direct input from local residents.

B.It is too lengthy a process to observe.

C.It typically begins soon after local elections have taken place.

D.It must be monitored by financial experts.


解析:细节题。线索词为教授所说:It’s generally believed that government

officials alone will decide where to spend tax dollars,and that local citizens don’t

really have access to that process.如原文所述,美国公民一般认为只有政府官员




14. What potential advantages of PB does the professor mention? Click on 2


A.It can increase tax revenues from local businesses

B.It can help politicians match their priorities to citizens’ priorities

C.It can make the budgeting process less complicated

D.It can make the budgeting process more transparent


解析:细节题。线索词为教授所说:Also,the inner workings of the process

become visible and clear to attendees.以及And lastly,the PB process helps to align

government priorities with citizen priorities.如原文所述,参与式预算公开、透明,



15. According to the professor, what is the most important requirement for

citizens who want to get involved in PB?

A.An awareness of campaign promises made by local officials

B.Adequate time to devote to the budgeting process

C.Some educational background or work experience in budgeting

D.A leadership role in the program that they want funding for


解析:细节题。线索词为教授所说:Actually,more than anything else,citizens

need time to attend a bunch of meetings to advocate for what they want.如原文所述,





16. Why does the professor talk about a community center?

A.To give an example of a facility where PB meetings typically take place

B.To indicate that the budgeting process takes longer for some projects than it

does for others

C.To point out that budgeting for a project does not guarantee that it will be

carried out

D.To describe a project that she believes most politicians would support


解析:组织结构题。线索词为教授所说:ok,say a group of citizens persuaded

the city council to allocate $8 million to build a new community center,…In the end,

the community center doesn’t get built.教授举社区中心的例子是为了论证参与




17. What opinion does the professor express about PB when she discusses the

Yale University research study?

A.The people who benefit the most from PB are the politician.

B.Further studies of PB should be done by budget experts rather than by

politician scientists.

C.PB is worthwhile only for relatively small cities.

D.PB is probably more accepted in Brazil than in the United States.


解析:态度题。线索词为教授所说:The use of PB,regardless of any tangible

benefits to the public,apparently helps local residents trust their political leaders.当






听力原文:Listening to part of a conversation between a student (S) and a

bookstore clerk (C).S: Hi, I’m here to return a book that I bought for a psychology

class. I dropped the class, so... I won’t need the book anymore.C: Well, have you

checked our return policy?S: No, why?C: Well, you should have done that first. It’s

printed on the back of your purchase receipt and it’s also posted at the front of the

store.S: Okay, here’s my purchase receipt. But why do you ask?C: The school does

allow students to return books, but only one week after the start of classes, and, well,

I’m sorry, but you bought this book two weeks ago.S: Oh, I’ve been so busy, that’s

why I dropped the course in the first place. I mean, look at it, it’s completely new. I

didn’t even write my name on it.C: Yes, it does look like very good condition, but I’m

really sorry, that’s the school policy.S: The school should really change the policy.

One week isn’t really a whole lot of time. I mean, it should be until the middle of the

semester or something, you know?C: Yes, well, the school changed the policy about 7

or 8 years ago. The school used to allow returns during the entire semester. But what

happened was that after students took a class, they would bring back their textbooks

to the bookstore and ask for a full refund for the book at the end of the semester.S: Oh,

no! Then there’s nothing I can do?C: Well, the school does buy books at the buyback

price. But, it won’t be a full refund.S: Okay, so how much is the buyback price?C: Oh,

it’s 50% of the original price of the book, and only if the book will be used by the

school for that class during the next semester. Let me check, what was your class

number?S: Psychology 201.C: Okay. Hold on just a second please while I look that up.

Well, it looks like the Psychology department is planning to change the book next

semester, so they won’t be using the book you have. Em, and that means we won’t be

able to buy back your book.S: WHAT? Then what on earth am I supposed to do





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