


Your Home Your Accommodation

you live in a house or a flat

思路:直截了当 额外相关信息

I live in a pretty spacious = big flat in the outskirts of my

hometown. My family bought the flat a long time ago. We live on the



floor of a high-rise. It's a three-bedroom apartment. I think it

covers about 130 square meters = m', It's a fairly nice place.

uptown area住宅区

downtown area市中心

describe the place where you live.


My home is bright and spacious. We have a very comfy sofa in the

living room, and a large flat-screen TV set hanging on the wall. Our

apartment is well-designed. In addition, I like the fact that we have

two big balconies. It's really nice when the weather is warm. We can

have dinner outside. All in all, I quiet like the place where I live.

have you decorated your home or, your room

思路:简洁回答 一带而过

I haven’tdone anything. I am still renting.

Myhomeis very simple. Our furniture is modern style. It looks quite


I haven’tdecoratedthehomeat all. I am renting.

I made myhomeChinese style. It looks very nice.

you have anything hanging on the wall of your home or

your room ., decorations

思路:同2 flat-screen TV 或者 加上一幅画

opposite to


certificate of merit

can you see when you look out the window of your



I can't see much except for other buildings. We live in a

community, and there are like 10 or 12 high-rises next to each other.

But just outside my room, we have a balcony, and from that side of

the building, we overlook the Changjiang River and the mountains

that surround it. At night when the banks of the river light up, the view

is pretty nice.

I can see a park from my window. It is really/quite


I can see the road. It is always very busy. / I can see a busy road from

my window.

I can see some trees. I like it./ They are beautiful.

is the environment like in your neighborhood

思路:食住行 直接描述 多点描述注意逻辑衔接 难点:相关词汇

It's a pleasant neighborhoood .I like the fact that it's not hectic

as the downtown area of the city where I usually go. But there are

shops and restaurants everywhere. From our home, it’s a five-minute

walk to the supermarket, so it’s extremely convenient. In addition,

there’s a monorail train station just down the street, and it only takes

15 to 20 minutes to get the city center. What’s more, for the elderly

people, there are a lot green areas in the neighborhood, so they can

chat and do some exercise with their friends there. It’s really a great


you like your neighbors

思路:直接回答 举一个例子

Yes, they are warm and friendly, and they have a good sense of

community. For example, we share food and borrow things from each

other, we really get along with each other and I feel really lucky that

all my neighbors are nice people, because these days many neighbors

even don’t know each other.

kind of people are your neighbors

思路:同上,运用学过的口语词汇 funny, helpful, easy-going, warm

and friendly, energetic … 再举个例子 比如周末一起做饭 或者 参加运

动 或者 一起娱乐;

Your Studies

1. What subject are you studying

思路: 给出答案+态度+态度产生的原因或后果

我的专业是营销, 但我必须向你承认,我真的不喜欢它. 这是我为什么要出

国留学的部分原因, 因为在中国,改变专业真的麻烦; 但在澳大利亚, 我不需要

重复前两年, 所以我打算去那里 并且 主修会计.

My major is marketing, but I must admit to you that I really

dislike it. This is partly the reason why I want to study overseas,

because in China it's really troublesome to change majors. But in

Australia, I don't need to repeat the first two years, so I plan to go

there and major in accounting.

我主修计算机工程 and我很喜欢它;起初我也不太清楚, but我的父母鼓励

我选择这一领域, and我不后悔. 我已经学习了很多关于软件设计and电子工

程. 我将在这里完成我的学士学位, and then我打算去英国获得硕士学位.

I major in computer engineering and I quite like it. At first I

wasn't too sure, but my parents encouraged me to choose this field,

and I don't regret it. I have been learning a lot about software

design and electronic engineering. I will finish my Bachelor's degree

here, and then I intend to go to England to get a Master's.

did you choose to study that

思路: 利用一句名言: “Study without desire spoils the

memory,and it retains nothing that it takes in. 毫无目的的学习学



如达芬奇所说,“毫无目的的学习学不到东西,一无所获;” 因此,在我将要进入大

学的时候,我发现我最喜欢的是 … 因为它 … 并且我的父母也支持我选择这个

领域,那就是为什么我选择 … 的原因;

Actually,when I was in primary and secondary school,I like

many different subjects,but you know,as Leonardo da Vinci

said,“Study without desire spoils the memory,and it retains nothing

that it takes in.” therefore,when I was about to go on to tertiary

education,I found that my favorite subject is … because it’s very

useful and my parents encouraged me to choose this field,that is the

reason why I chose





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