高考英语总复习语法专项 构词法
英语中的构词法主要包括: 转化词, 派生词, 合成词, 混成词, 截短词, 缩略词等, 其中前三
转化词就是词形不变, 由一个词类转化成另一个词类的词
一.转化动词, 如: mark评分, stage上演, warm加热,使温暖, further促进, water浇水
a. Warm the milk before drinking it. b. She waters the flowers every day.
二.转化名词, 如: cause起因, use用处, native本地人, major主修科目
a. Let’s go for a drive next Sunday. b. You can ask for a help.
派生词就是通过在词根上加前缀或后缀构成的另一个词. 后缀通常改变词根的词类; 前缀通
一.构成反义词的前缀, 如: un-, in-, im-, il-, ir-, dis-, non-, de-
1.前缀un-, 如: unpleasant, unusual, unwanted, uncomfortable, unimportant, unsold, undivided,
2.前缀in-用于除l, b, m, p, r起首的词之前, 如: incomplete, inconvenient, inability, independent
3.前缀im-用于以b, m, p起首的词之前, 如: impossible, impatient, improper
4.前缀il-用于以l起首的词之前, 如: illegal不合法的, illogical不合逻辑的
5.前缀ir-用于以r起首的词之前, 如: irregular, irrelevant, irresponsible
6.前缀dis-, 如: dishonest, dislike, disagree, discover, dissatisfied, disadvantage, disabled
7.前缀non-, 如: non-stop, non-violent, non-smoker, nonmember非成员
8.前缀de-, 如: devalue减少„的价值
1.前缀en-表示 “使得„, 使成为„”, 如: enlarge扩大, enable使能够, endanger危害,
2.前缀re-表示 “再, 重新”, 如: reprint, redesign, rebuild, reuse, review, repay, rewrite
3.前缀mis-表示 “坏的, 错误的, 不利的”, 如: misunderstand, misspell拼错, misplace放错,
misname误称, mislead误导, misremember记错
4.前缀counter-表示 “反对, 逆, 对付”, 如: counterculture反主流文化, counterpart对应的
人或物, countermeasure对抗手段, countermarch向后转行进
5.前缀anti-表示 “反对, 抵抗, 排斥”, 如: anti-American反美分子, antigas防毒气的,
antisocial孤僻的, anticraft防空炮火
6.前缀pro-表示 “赞成„的, 亲„的”, 如: pro-American亲美的
7.前缀mono-表示 “单一, 单独”, 如: monoplane单翼飞机, monologue独白
8.前缀semi-表示 “一半的”, 如: semifinal半决赛, semimonthly半月地, semiconductor半导
体, semicircle半圆
9.前缀bi-表示 “两个的, 两倍的, 双重的”, 如: bicycle, biweekly双周的, biyearly每两年的,
10.前缀tri-表示 “三, 三倍, 三重的”, 如: tricycle三轮车, triangle三角形
11.前缀ultra-表示 “极端的, 超过的, 过于的”, 如: ultra-left极左的, ultra-democracy极端
民主, ultra-short超短的, ultrasound超声
12.前缀over-表示 “过度的, 太多的; 在上面; 全面地; 超越; 翻倒”, 如: overbold过于胆
大的, overcareful过分小心的, overcrowd挤满, overlook眺望, overwork劳累过度
13.前缀under-表示 “不足的; 劣于; „之下的”, 如: undersea海底, undershirt内衣
14.前缀super-表示 “„上, 超级, 过度”, 如: superhighway, supernatural超自然的, superman
超人, superheat使过热, supermarket
15.前缀ex-表示 “到外面, 向外的, 以前的”, 如: ex-wife前妻, exclude除外, ex-president前
总统, ex-change交换
16.前缀sub-表示 “下; 低位; 副”, 如: subhead副标题, subdivide再分, subcontinent次大陆,
subtopic副主题, subtitle小标题
17.前缀inter-表示 “„间; 相互的”, 如: international, interchange交换, intercommunicate
互联通讯, interact相互作用, interphone对讲电话
18.前缀co-表示 “共同, 共通”,如: co-exist共存, co-author合著者之一, cooperate合作
1.后缀-er / -or表示 “„的人; 供做„的物”, 如: islander, bottle-opener, thinker, writer, learner,
passenger, designer, photo copier
2.后缀–ist表示 “做„的人; „家; „主义者”, 如: communist共产主义者, Marxist马克思
主义者, socialist社会主义者, pianist钢琴家, typist打字员, journalist记者
3.后缀–ism表示 “„主义; ..学说; „行为; „状态”, 如: socialism社会主义, Marxism马克
思主义, tourism旅游业
4.后缀-ness, 如: darkness, carelessness, gentleness, kindness, business, sadness
5.后缀-ing, 如: sightseeing, feeling, painting, finding, saving, earning, meaning, training,
belonging, greeting
6.后缀–tion, 如: invitation, invention, pronunciation, composition, contribution, collection,
7.后缀–sion, 如: expression, impression, procession, permission
8.后缀–ment, 如: government, movement, development, equipment, announcement,
punishment, treatment
9.后缀–ship表示 “„的状态; „的技能; „术”, 如: friendship, partnership伙伴关系,
seamanship航海术, hardship困苦, readership读者群, scholarship会员身份
10.后缀–hood表示身份, 资格, 时间, 集体, 状态, 如: brotherhood兄弟般的关系, likelihood
可能性, neighborhood邻里, childhood童年时代, boyhood少年时代
11.后缀–ity, 如: reality现实, ability能力, activity活动, possibility可能性, regularity正规,
nationality国籍, disability残疾, minority少数
12.后缀–ence, 如: difference区别, existence存在, silence沉默, occurrence事件, reference提
及, conference会议
13.后缀-ance, 如: appearance出现, performance表演, acceptance接受, assistance帮助,
14.后缀-ure, 如: pleasure快乐, failure失败, exposure暴露, closure关闭, mixture混合, gesture
15.后缀–ess表示女性或雌性, 如: hostess女主人, mistress主妇, lioness雌狮子, waitress女服
16.后缀–th, 如: truth真理, strength力量, length长度, growth成长, depth深度
17.后缀–al, 如: removal除去, survival幸存, proposal建议, trial试验, approval承认
18.后缀–ant表示 “做„事的人或物”, 如: accountant会计, applicant申请者, consultant请
教者, servant服务员, assistant助手, expectant期待者
19.后缀–ee表示 “受„者,„行为者”, 如: employee受雇者, payee收款人, referee受委托
者, appointee被任命者
20.后缀–eer表示 “与„有关者, 从事„者”, 如: volunteer自愿者, profiteer不当得利者,
21.后缀-ful表示 “满量”, 如: basketful一篮, handful一把, houseful满屋子
22.后缀–ese表示 “„的人, „语”, 如: Japanese, Cantonese广东人, Vietnamese越南人,
1.后缀–ful表示 “充满„的, 有„性质的”, 如: careful, useful, helpful, hopeful, powerful,
painful, merciful
2.后缀–less表示 “无; 不做; 不能”, 如: careless, hopeless, fatherless丧父的, harmless,
rainless, countless无数的, speechless无言的
3.后缀–able表示 “能够; 适于„; 值得„”, 如: eatable, acceptable, laughable可笑的,
4.后缀–ible表示 “可(被)„的; 能„的”, 如: responsible有责任的, permissible可允许的,
divisible可分的, possible可能的
5.后缀–ic表示 “与„有关的; 像„的; 由„产生的”, 如: heroic英雄的, historic有历史意义
的, atomic原子的, energetic精力旺盛的, electric电的
6.后缀–ive表示 “拥有„的性质; 有„的倾向”, 如: inventive发明的, imaginative富有想象
力的, sensitive敏感的, effective有效的, expressive表情丰富的
7.后缀– ous表示 “具有„的; 多„的; 有„特性的”, 如: various, nervous, continuous连续
的, poisonous有毒的, anxious, mountainous多山的, dangerous, courageous英勇的
8.后缀–y表示 “有„的; 由„构成, 似„的; 有点„的”, 如: healthy, wealthy, rainy, windy,
silky, greedy, smelly有臭味的
9.后缀–ly表示 “像„的; 有„性质的; 反复发生的”, 如: friendly, motherly母亲似的, manly
在男子气的, monthly每月的
10.后缀–ant表示 “有„性质的”, 如: important, distant, ignorant无知的
11.后缀–ent表示 “„的状态”, 如: different, independent, impatient, frequent经常的,
12.后缀–en表示 “由„制的”, 如: wooden, woolen羊毛的, golden金的
13.后缀–ern表示方向, 如: western, eastern, northern, southern
14.后缀–al表示 “像„的; 与„有关的”, 如: personal, electrical电的, cultural, natural,
15.后缀–ish表示 “似„的; „的”, 如: selfish自私的, childish似孩童的, foolish
16.后缀–like表示 “像„的”, 如: childlike孩子般的, godlike上帝般的, lifelike栩栩如生的
17.后缀–ary表示 “与„有关的; „的”, 如: revolutionary革命的, imaginary虚构的,
momentary瞬间的, primary首要的, ordinary普通的
18.后缀–ed表示 “有„的; 特有„的”, 如: skilled有技术的, talented有天赋的, wooded林
19.后缀–some表示 “易于„的, 有„倾向的; 产生„的”, 如: lonesome寂寞的, handsome
英俊的, tiresome讨厌的, fearsome可怕的, burdensome沉重的
20.后缀–an表示 “„的, 与„有关的, „风格的”, 如: Canadian加拿大的, Australian澳大
利亚的, Mexican墨西哥的, American, European欧洲的
1.后缀–ize / -ise表示 “使成为, 使能够, 作„处理”, 如: realize实现, industrialize工业化,
mechanize机械化, nationalize使国有化, revolutionize使革命化, modernize使现代化
2.后缀–ify表示 “使成为„的; 使„化”, 如: beautify美化, terrify使惊吓, electrify电气化,
3.后缀–en表示 “使有, 使得”, 如: strengthen加强, deepen加深, darken使变黑, shorten使
变短, fasten扎牢
4.后缀–ate表示 “使, 作为„”, 如: activate使活动, motivate激发, liberate解放, separate
分开, hibernate冬眠
1.后缀-ly, 如: really, simply, happily, publicly, happily, lastly, lately, excitedly
2.后缀–ward表示方向, 如: upward, inward, westward, homeward, backward
一.合成名词, 如: workforce, haircut, postman, X-ray, mailbox, landowner, farmland, handstand,
handshake, coastline, gunfire, short-wave, gentleman, newcomer, tightrope, best-seller, mainland,
freeway, second-hand, midday, front-runner, pickpocket扒手, breakwater防波堤, runway,
sit-downer静坐罢工者, breakthrough突破, runaround借口, runaway逃亡, sell-out售完,
handout传单, breakdown衰落
二.合成形容词, 如: worldwide, nationwide, duty-free, snow-white, world-famous, lifelong,
English-speaking, noise-killing, hand-made, peace-loving, horse-drawn, fun-loving, ready-made
现成的, good-looking, easy-going, low-lying地势低洼的, well-known, hard-working,
well-informed消息灵通的, widespread, ill-formed, first-rate, second-hand, worthwhile, everyday,
middle-aged, warm-blooded, good-tempered, bare-footed
三.合成代词, 如: himself, herself, themselves, something, someone, anything, nobody
四.合成动词, 如: overthrow, output, input, uphold, uplift, downgrade, sleep-walk, typewrite,
brainwash, handpick精选, daydream, whitewash, deep-freeze
五.合成副词, 如: meanwhile, midway, everywhere, somewhere, anyway, otherwise, sometime,
beforehand, onshore, inside, offhand, headfirst头朝下地, daylong
高考英语总复习语法专项 独立主格
一.构成: n / pron.+ 不定式 / 现在分词 / 过去分词 / 形容词 / 副词 / 介词短语. 其中前
二.用法: 独立主格结构通常用逗号与主句隔开, 位置比较灵活, 主要用于书面语, 特别是文
学体裁, 在口语中较为罕见.
独立主格结构在句中通常作状语, 表示方式, 时间, 原因, 条件等
独立主格结构都可变为with / without + O + OC的结构
1.n / pron +不定式 a. A number of officials followed the emperor, some to hold his robe.
2. n / pron +现在分词 a. Today being Sunday, we have no school.
3. n / pron +过去分词 a. All things considered, I think I should not have taken the job.
4. n / pron +形容词 a. The manager sat quietly in the office, ( his ) eyes closed.
5. n / pron +副词 a. The meeting over, all the workers went home.
6. n / pron +介词短语 a. The teacher walked into the classroom, book in hand.
b. In front of the house was a tall tree, its top above the tops of the other trees.