Lesson 29-32 测验:
I. 根据首字母或提示完成句子:
〔1〕A plane can not ____________ in a car park. 〔着陆〕
(2). His reason is only an excuse, so I r________ to accept it.
(3). Theshopgirl is friendly to us and she offered us a good s___________.
(4). It is _____________that the teacher comes late. 〔不寻常的,罕见的〕
(5). This kind of car can carry seven p_____________.
(6). The farmers are p__________ their fields to plant some vegetables.
(7). In modern cities, there are ____________ of tall buildings.〔栋〕
(8). On that serious______________, she did not know what to do. 〔情况,处境〕
(9). The old man lives alone, but he does not feel l______________.
(10). It is too dangerous to walk in a ______________ alone. 〔沙漠,荒地〕
(11). It was raining heavily,but we had to go to school as u______________.
(12). We should change our attitudes t______________ life and work.
(13). A little baby should be in ___________ all the time. (视线,视野)
(14) There are many machines in the ___________〔车间〕.
(15) To tell the truth, he is a good ___________〔帮手〕of me.
(16) The factory ___________〔雇佣〕a thousand workers.
(17) Mr. Green ___________〔退休〕last month and now lives in the
(18) We’ve been ___________〔积蓄〕for ten years to buy a house.
(19) He got up later ___________〔比平常〕.
(20) I’ve still got a few presents to ___________〔包起来〕.
(21) There might be a ___________〔诱惑〕to cheat if students sit too close
(22) Please let me know your decision_________________〔尽快〕.
(23) This work is ___________〔仅仅〕not good enough.