


Module 6 Unit 4 Helping people around the world

★1. refer to (-red/-ring) ①谈及/提到eg. Have you heard of the writer referred to at the meeting?

②指称/指的是 eg. Are you referring to me? ③查阅/参考:refer to the dictionary(≠look up)

→refer to…as…: 称…为…→reference n.:reference book;for reference;with/in reference to…

2. ambassador n.→Goodwill Ambassador→embassy n. 大使馆

3. operate ①vi.动手术→operate on/for… ②vi.起作用/有影响=work eg. The sleeping pill

operated once. ③vt/vi.经营/管理/运营 ④vt/vi.操作/运作;转动/运转

→operation n.:in operation;come/go into operation;bring/put…into operation运作/运转/实施;

have/undergo/perform an operation on+人/部位/for+病

★4. hono(u)r n.①n.名誉/荣誉/荣幸:for one’s honor=for the honor of…;on one’s honor以名誉

担保;have the honor of doing sth/to do sth;do sb the honor of doing sth给予某人…的荣幸;

in honor of;do the honors 尽地主之谊/做东 ②n.尊敬/敬意(≈respect):show honor to sb ③

n./c/ 增光之人/事:an honor (to…) eg. She is an honor to our school. It’s a great honor to

receive the Nobel Prize.

v.①vt.尊敬(=respect) ②vt.给予某人荣誉→feel honored to do sth eg. Would you honor us by

visiting us/with a visit?=We would be /feel honored if you would visit us.→honorable adj.

5. ★take on/take in/take up/take off区别;charter≠chapter;

6. purpose n.→for the purpose of…→with the purpose of…→on purpose=by design/intention

7. co(-)operate with sb/to do sth/in doing sth→in cooperation with sb→cooperative adj.

8. touch ①vt.触摸/接触/涉及/感动 ②n.→be in/keep in/get in/lose/ out of+touch with…(≈

contact) →a touch of=slight微量/少量→touching/touched adj. 动人的/感动的

9. peacekeeping operations维和行动→keep the peace→peacekeeper n.

10. conflict ①n./c/斗争/战斗(≈fight):a conflict with/between/among… ②分歧/对立(≈

disagreement) →in conflict with… ③vi(≈fight/struggle)→conflict with…

11. blue beret→helmet n.头盔;★worth/worthy/worthwhile区别

12. labo(u)r ①n./u/劳动/工作/劳力/劳工 ②vi.劳动/尽力→child labor;labor

law/cost/union/market;Labor Day(May Day)劳动节

13. volunteer ①n./c/ 志愿者(for sth) ②v.:volunteer for sth/to do sth→voluntary adj.

14. press ①v.按/压/挤→press the button ②压迫/迫使→press sth on/upon sb迫使某人接受某

事 ③催逼/强迫(≈force/urge)→press sb for sth/to do sth ④n. →the Press/press

15. aware adj.觉察/意识/知悉→be aware/conscious of…/be aware/conscious +从句→one’s/the

awareness/consciousness of…

16. draw v.①画 ②拉→draw a curtain ③提取→draw money/cash from a bank ④引出/得到→

draw a conclusion ⑤吸=breathe→draw a deep breath ⑥拔取/抽出 ⑦引起/吸引=attract→

draw one’s attention ⑧打平

17. sum n.①a (large/small) sum of money ② the sum of…:…的和/总数 ③in sum总之=to sum

up→v. sum up ①vt.总计(=add up) ②vi.总计为→sum up to=add up to ③概括/总结/总言之

18. fund (≠find/found) ①n./c/ 资金/基金(会)/专款:collect/raise/set up a fund→

IMF=International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织 ②vt.→fund…为…提供资金

→funding n./u/ 资金/基金的提供(行为/活动)

19. under the umbrella of在…的保护/管理下→under the charge/control/guidance/direction of…

20. apart from ①远离=(far) away from ②除了=besides=in addition to=as well as=except (for)

21. urge→urgency n(≈emergency).→urgent adj.:an urgent call/problem

★22. lack ①n.:(a) lack of…→for lack of…因为缺少… ②vt.:lack sth (但不用被动语态) ③

vi.:lack for (nothing) 只用于否定句→lacking adj.(不做前置定语):be lacking in…

→be short(adj.) of…→shortage n.

23. poor adj.:the poor;be poor in/at…→poverty n./u/:live in poverty;fall into poverty

24. businessman/businesswoman→be busy with sth;be busy (in) doing sth→on business

★25. set about ①散布(谣言) ②攻击 ③开始/着手于→set/go about (doing) sth

set off ①vi.出发/动身set off for sw ②引爆/燃放 set off firecrackers ③启动/触动(机器/装置)

④引起(抗议/暴力等) ⑤使某人开始做某事:set sb off doing sth

set out ①vi.出发/动身 ②开始着手→set/start out to do sth ③摊开/陈列 ④提出/制定出 ⑤宣


26. 代表:stand for;represent(v. 个人代表组织/团体);on behalf of…

27. natural disaster:earthquake/typhoon/tornado/flood/drought/famine/volcano eruption

28. civil adj. 公民的/平民的/民事的/国内的:civil affairs 内政;civil law民法(criminal law刑

法);civil rights民权;civil war内战;civil liberty公民自由;civil duties公民义务

civilian ①adj.平民的/民间的:civilian pilot民航飞行员;civilian victim ②n./c/ 平民/市民

civilize vt.使开化/教化/熏陶/使文雅:civilize sb→civilization n./u/ 文明

29. remote adj.①(空间上)遥远/偏僻的:a remote place/village ②(时间上)遥远的:remote

ancestor远祖 ③(关系/态度上)淡薄/疏远的 eg. His idea is remote from reality.

→be remote(far away,apart) from…→remote control遥控

★30. access n.①/u/ 接近/进入(+to sw/sb):eg. It’s difficult to gain access to him/the tomb.

②/c&u/ 通道/门路(to sw):eg. Fallen rocks cut off the only access to the remote village.

③/u/ 接近/使用…的权利/机会(to…) → have (free自由/equal平等) access to…

eg. Every student has free access to the school library. Many Africans don’t have access to clean

drinking water.

→accessible adj.(场所)易到达的/(事物)易到手的/(人)易接近的→be accessible to…

31. frustrate sb→frustrated/frustrating adj.→frustration n.

★32. only if=if+条件状语从句:“只有当…的时候”eg. You’ll succeed only if you work hard.

If only+陈述句!“要是…该有多好啊!” 该句采用虚拟语气,其构成与if引导之从句类似:

①过去→had+Vpp:eg. If only I had taken your advice.

②现在→Vp(were):eg. If only I were a billionaire!If only I could fly!

③将来→would/could+V原:If only he would come here tomorrow.

33. conscience n./u&c/ 良心/良知≠conscious(ness) →have no conscience没良心

34. in third world countries在第三世界国家;mountain n.→mountainous adj.

35. aspect n. ①外观/外貌≈appearance/looks ②方向/方位=location/position ③方面=way:

consider sth in all aspects/ways;You’ve only considered one aspect of the problem.

36. precious ①adj.昂贵的/珍贵的=valuable ②可爱的/珍爱的 ③n.→My precious!

★37. remind vt.提醒→remind sb of/about…;remind sb to do sth;remind sb that-clause

inform vt.通知→inform sb of/about…;inform sb that-clause→keep sb informed (of…)

38. charity n.①/u/ 慈悲/宽容:show charity to sb ②/u&c/ 慈善/施舍/慈善团体:ask/beg for

charity祈求布施/施舍;give charity to the poor赈济穷人;a charity performance义演;charity

collections善款→charitable adj.仁慈的/宽容的:be charitable to sb

39. collection n.①/u/ 收集/收藏/采集 ②/c/ 收集品/收藏物 ③/c/ 募捐/捐款

40. face ①n.:face to face;lose/save (one’s) face;have the face to do sth;in/to one’s face当面;

in (the) face of…面对…/在…面前/不顾…;make faces/a face at sb做鬼脸/皱眉头

②vt/vi.:face (to/towards/on…) sb/sth/sw;be faced with…面对/面临;face up to勇敢面对

41. border(≈boundary) n./c/ ①边缘/边沿 ②边境/边界→borderline n.边界线/交界线

42. expend/expensive→expense n.①/u/ 消费/开支:at an expense of $100;at one’s own expense

自费;at the public expense用公费;spare no expense to do sth不惜巨资去… ②/c/(常用pl.

形式) 经费/费用:cut down on expenses削减开支;living expenses生活费用 ③/u/牺牲/代

价→at any expense/cost=at all costs不计成本/代价;at one’s expense=at the expense of…用某


43. primitive adj.原始的/单纯幼稚的/:primitive society/culture/idea≈initial/original

44. firewood n./u/ 柴火;fuel ①n./u&c/ 燃料 ②v.提供燃料;well井/spring泉/string溪

45. source n.①来源≈origin≠resource:the source/origin of…;natural/human resources

②原始材料≈raw materials→(alternative) sources of fuel

46. coal n./u/煤炭→charcoal n./u/木炭;pump①n.水泵:a bicycle bump ②vt.抽水 bump water

out of…/into…;contain→container n.容器/集装箱;hard→hardship n./u/

47. fetch=go and bring 去拿/取来→fetch sb sth=fetch sth for sb

★48. break down ①vt.捣毁/毁坏…;vi.(车/机等)出故障/坏了 ②vi.(身/心)垮掉/出毛病 ③vt.

分解/溶解 ④vt.镇压/打垮;vi.溃败/垮掉 ⑤vi. (计划等)受挫/失败

break up ①vt.击碎/拆散/分割;vi.粉碎/分开 ②vt.破坏/结束(关系/谈判等);vi.(关系/谈判)毁

坏/破裂/分手③vt.驱散/解散(群众/集会等)/使停止;vi.散开/消散/结束 ④vt/vi.(使…)精神


break in vi.①闯入/侵入=burst in②打岔 →break into vt.①闯入/侵入②突然做…=burst into…

break off ①vt/vi.折断/(树枝等)断掉;拆掉…/脱落 ②vt/vi.断绝(关系)/中断

break out ①vi.(灾害/战争等)爆发 ②突然做…→break out in/into laughter ③vi.逃脱/逃走

break through vt/vi. 突破/穿越(云层/障碍/防线等) →引申为“取得突破性成就”

49. basic ①adj.基础的→basic equipment/theory ②基础/基本要素

→base ①v→base A on/upon B→be based on/upon… ②n. (实地的)基地:a base camp

→basis n.(理论/抽象的)基础/根据→on the basis of…;lay/establish/form the basis of/for…奠定/

建立了…的基础→(pl.) bases (同base) →其变化同analysis→pl. analyses

50. roof复数为roofs;protein n./u/ 蛋白质;malnutrition n./u/营养不良→nutrition n.

★51. occupy ①vt.占据(空间/时间)=take up ②vt.(军队)占领/占据 ③使…专心/忙于→occupy

oneself with sth/in doing sth=be occupied with sth/in doing sth 忙于/专心于/从事…

occupation n.①职业≈professioin ②占有/占领→He is a teacher by occupation.

52. force ①n. strength/force/energy/power区别→by force;air/land force(s)空军/陆军;

put/carry…into force 施行(法律);come into force (法律等)实施 ②vt.强迫:force sb to do

sth=force sb into doing sth;force sth on sb把…强加于…;force sth from/out of sb/sw 从…

抢夺/夺取…;force a smile →forceful/energetic/powerful adj.

53. farm ①n.农场/农庄(on) →farmland/farming ②vt/vi. 耕种/务农:farm the land

★54. means n. ①单复数同形 eg. Every means has been tried.=All means have been tried. ②

way是最常见用法(in…way);manner更书面化(in…manner,但table/good/bad manners


(by…means) ③by means of…以/凭借/借助… eg. Thoughts can also be expressed by means

of music. ④by all means务必/当然可以,别客气 eg. Please finish it by all means. –Can I

borrow your car? –By all means→by no means一点也不=not…at all/not a bit

55. commit(-ted/ting) v.①犯罪/做错→commit a mistake/crime;commit suicide/murder ②委托/

交付/投入于…→commit A to B:eg. He committed himself to the antiwar movement. ③承诺

/约定/保证→commit oneself +on sth就某事/to do sth/to (doing) sth去做某事/to sb向某人:

eg. She didn’t want to commit herself on that matter. 她不愿对那件事做任何承诺The

government committed itself to reduce/reducing taxes.政府已经许诺减轻赋税。

→commitment n. 承诺/保证;奉献/投入→be committed to…

56. in chaos=in a mess=in disorder/confusion;die of/from…区别;die off相继死亡/先后枯死;

die out死绝/(风俗习惯)消亡;die away/down (声/光/火/风/雨等)渐息/渐弱/静下来

57. flee (fleeing/fled/fled) ①vi/vt.逃走/逃避(≈escape)→flee (from) sw/sth eg. flee (from) the

burning house;flee from responsibility ②vi.消失/消散/时间飞逝

58. vaccinate(vt.) sb against+病→vaccine n.疫苗→vaccination n./u/ (+against病);

59. the outbreak of…→break out;measles/malaria/typhoid/diabetes n./u/;water-borne disease

60. from place to place;from time to time=now and then时不时;from house to house挨家挨户

61. colleague n./c/≈workmate≠college(university);vacant adj.≈empty/blank→a vacant


62. temporary adj.临时/暂时的:temporary solution/clinic→permanent adj.永久的:permanent


63. medicine n./u&c/ 医药/医学→medical:medical science/instrument/examination/treatment→

medicate vt.→medication n.①/u/ 药物治疗 ②/c&u/ 药物/药剂=medicine

64. get/catch/take/seize/keep hold of抓住/握住/获得(本义/引申义)→lose hold of 放走/失去

65. minor adj.(大小/数量/程度上)较小的/不重要的/二流(以下)的/(疾病等)轻微的/未成年的

→minor injuries轻伤/novelist/importance/share份额→minority→major/majority

66. cut away切下砍掉/逃走;cut…back=cut back on…消减/缩减(生产/开支);cut…down砍倒

砍伐/减少缩减/使降价降价(to…)≈cut down on…;cut in (on…)插嘴/插队/插入;cut up切

碎剁碎/贬低毁谤/破坏毁灭/打败折磨;cut off ①切断/砍掉:cut…off (from…)或cut…off…

②切断(水电煤气)供应 ③切断电话 ④断绝与外界联系/使孤立→cut n./c/ 伤口/刀伤

67. heal vt/vi.(使…)痊愈 eg. My wound healed soon. Nobody can heal his disease.

68. bacterium n.→pl. bacteria(变化同:medium→pl. media媒介/媒体)

69. meanwhile adv.①其间/在此期间 eg. The train won’t leave for an hour. Meanwhile we can

have lunch. ②另一方面/同时 eg. Many people were killed in the accident, but meanwhile

there were some who were not hurt.

70. shelter n.①/u/ 避难/掩护/庇护/隐藏/留宿/住宿:take shelter from…躲避…;food,

clothingand shelter衣食住 ②/c/ 避难处/躲避处/隐藏处/掩体

→shelter vt/vi. (使…)躲避/避难/隐藏/遮蔽/留宿:shelter (A) from B eg. He sheltered me from

blame. They were sheltering (from the rain) in the doorway of the store. He gave the stranger

shelter for a night. The church sheltered the orphan.

71. staff (集体n):全体员工/职员 本身很少加复数,但可表单数或复数含义→eg. the

nursing/teaching staff护理人员/教员;All the staff are off today. He has a large staff of 50.

72. barrier n.障碍(本义≈fence/引申义)→language barrier→a barrier to sb/sth(对于…)

73. comfort ①n. 安慰慰问/安逸舒适→live in comfort ②vt.安慰慰问/使…安逸舒适→

comfort sb→(un)comfortable≈cosy

74. think back to回想≈look back on/upon/to回首/回顾/回头看

75. individual (in+divide不可分割)①adj.个人/个体/个别/单独的:an individual opinion个

人意见;individual questions/attention个别问题/个别关照 ②n./c/ 个人/个体

→individually adv.→反义词:collective adj.集体的





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