1. 举世瞩目:attract worldwide attention
2. 井喷式发展:explosive growth
3. 贵族气节:aristocratic spirit
4. 瞬息万变:ever-changing
5. 劳动最光荣:work is the noblest virtue
6. 安如泰山:as steady as Mount Tai
7. 口是心非:say one thing and mean another
8. 金鸡独立:stand on one's own feet
9. 水落石出:the truth comes to light
10. 人性的扭曲:human nature is twisted
11. 心安理得:feel justified in one's heart
12. 前途光明:bright future
13. 不畏艰苦:unafraid of hardship
14. 手足之情:brotherly affection
15. 动如脱兔:quick as a rabbit
16. 狭路相逢勇者胜:when a difficult encounter is met, the
brave will win
17. 包容万物:tolerance for all things
18. 一衣带水:only a strip of water separates us
19. 有方有义:logical and justified
20. 点滴之间:in the details
21. 茫茫人海:an ocean of people
22. 顺其自然:let nature take its course
23. 以德报怨:return kindness for anger
24. 四面八方:from all directions
25. 潜移默化:unconsciously influenced
26. 一丝不苟:meticulous
27. 安然无恙:safe and sound
28. 三分天注定,七分靠打拼:fate is determined by 30 percent,
and 70 percent is up to hard work
29. 明争暗斗:open and secret struggle
30. 朝气蓬勃:full of youthful vigor
31. 难得糊涂:sometimes it's better to be confused
32. 名不虚传:well-deserved reputation
33. 手舞足蹈:dance with excitement
34. 心灵手巧: skilled and resourceful
35. 日新月异:change rapidly
36. 心如止水:calm as still water
37. 物以类聚:birds of a feather flock together
38. 玩世不恭:indifferent to the world
39. 步步为营:make a meticulous plan
40. 神似慈祥:kindly appearance
41. 神采奕奕:radiant and full of energy
42. 有脚就走,有路就走: run as far as possible, wherever
paths lead
43. 左右逢源: find a favorable way at every turn
44. 迫不及待:can't wait
45. 披荆斩棘:conquer all kinds of difficulties and obstacles
46. 文韬武略:excellent strategic skills
47. 水到渠成:everything falls into place
48. 千军万马:a great number of troops
49. 克己奉公:dedication and self-discipline
50. 群策群力:joint efforts
51. 日薄西山:the setting sun
52. 对牛弹琴:speak to the wrong audience
53. 心事重重: heavy-hearted
54. 心有灵犀:one heart and one mind
55. 逆境中成长:grow in adversity
56. 言归正传:to get back to the point
57. 十年树木,百年树人:it takes ten years to grow a tree,
but a hundred years to cultivate a person
58. 夜长梦多:long nights lead to many dreams
59. 百折不挠:firm and unyielding
60. 前事不忘后事之师: learn from past mistakes to avoid
future ones
61. 冰雪聪明: quick-witted and sharp-minded
62. 废寝忘食:work hard and neglect rest and food
63. 洞若观火:able to see through things like live fire
64. 富有创意:creative and innovative
65. 先发制人:offense is the best defense
66. 知人善用,用人善待: use talents effectively and treat
them well
67. 众口铄金:public opinion is powerful
68. 有始有终:start with a plan and finish with it
69. 口诛笔伐:resort to verbal and written attacks
70. 乘胜追击:seize the opportunity and pursue victory
71. 敬人者,人恒敬之:he who respects others is respected
72. 苟延残喘:hanging on by a thread
73. 止于至善:aim for the best
74. 临渊羡鱼:look down on fish in the pond
75. 左右为难:caught in a dilemma
76. 珠联璧合:match perfectly
77. 画蛇添足:unnecessary addition
78. 画龙点睛:adding the finishing touch
79. 千里之堤毁于蚁穴:the Great Wall may be broken down by a
single ant
80. 放飞自我:express oneself
81. 勇往直前:bravely forward
82. 九牛一毛:a drop in the bucket
83. 长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海:sometimes determination
can overcome all difficulties
84. 知耻而后勇:knowledge of shame leads to courage
85. 笑脸相迎: greet with a smile
86. 不怕慢,就怕站: it's ok to move slowly, but not to stop
87. 磨刀不误砍柴工: sharpen your tools before starting work
88. 明枪暗箭: open and secret attacks
89. 塞翁失马,焉知非福:a blessing in disguise
90. 目擊者:eyewitness
91. 一网打尽: catch them all together
92. 酒足饭饱:full of food and drink
93. 同舟共济:help each other in difficult times
94. 睡眼惺忪: sleepy eyes
95. 恬淡寡欲:contentment with little
96. 快马加鞭:hurry up
97. 满腹经纶:knowledge and wisdom
98. 有恒心就有出息:persistence pays
99. 举一反三:apply what you have learned to new situations
100. 败者为寇,胜者为王: the losers are the rebels, and the
winners are the kings.