


书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她






In( )I wish I had thought about alternative courses of action.








dissipation“浪费,消散”。in retrospect是固定搭配,意思是“回顾往事;检讨过去”,句意:回想




A stout old lady was walking with her basket down the middle of a street in Petrograd to the

great confusion of the traffic and with no small peril to herself. It was pointed out to her

that the pavement was the place for pedestrians, but she replied, “I’m going to walk where

I like. We’ve got liberty now.” It did not occur to the dear old lady that if liberty

entitled the pedestrian to walk down the middle of the road, then the end of such liberty

would be universal chaos. Everybody would be getting in everybody else’s way and nobody

would get anywhere. Individual liberty would have become social anarchy.

There is a danger of the world getting liberty — drunk in these days like the old lady with

the basket, and it is just as well to remind ourselves of what the rule of the road means.

It means that in order that the liberties of all may be preserved, the liberties of everybody

must be curtailed. When the policeman, say, at Piccadilly Circus steps into the middle of

the road and puts out his hand, he is the symbol not of tyranny, but of liberty. You may not

think so. You may, being in a hurry, and seeing your car pulled up by this insolence of

office, feel that your liberty has been outraged. How dare this fellow interfere with your

free use of the public highway? Then, if you are a reasonable person, you will reflect that

if he did not interfere with you, he would interfere with no one, and the result would be

that Piccadilly Circus would be a maelstrom that you would never cross at all. You have

submitted to a curtailment of private liberty in order that you may enjoy a social order

which makes your liberty a reality.

Liberty is not a personal affair only, but a social contract. It is an accommodation of

interests. In matters which do not touch anybody else’s liberty, of course, I may be as free

as I like. If I choose to go down the road in a dressing-gown who shall say me nay? You have

liberty to laugh at me, but I have liberty to be indifferent to you. And if I have a fancy

for dyeing my hair, or waxing my moustache (which heaven forbid), or wearing an overcoat and

sandals, or going to bed late or getting up early, I shall follow my fancy and ask no man’s

permission. I shall not inquire of you whether I may eat mustard with my mutton. And you will

not ask me whether you may follow this religion or that, whether you may prefer Ella Wheeler

Wilcox to Wordsworth, or champagne to shandy.

In all these and a thousand other details you and I please ourselves and ask no one’s leave.

We have a whole kingdom in which we rule alone, can do what we choose, be wise or ridiculous,

harsh or easy, conventional or odd. But directly we step out of that kingdom, our personal

liberty of action becomes qualified by other people’s liberty. I might like to practice on

the trombone from midnight till three in the morning. If I went on to the top of Everest to

do it, I could please myself, but if I do it in my bedroom my family will object, and if I

do it out in the streets the neighbors will remind me that my liberty to blow the trombone

must not interfere with their liberty to sleep in quiet. There are a lot of people in the

world, and I have to accommodate my liberty to their liberties.

We are all liable to forget this, and unfortunately we are much more conscious of the

imperfections of others in this respect than of our own. A reasonable consideration for the

rights or feelings of others is the foundation of social conduct. It is in the small matters

of conduct, in the observance of the rule of the road, that we pass judgment upon ourselves,

and declare that we are civilized or uncivilized. The great moments of heroism and sacrifice

are rare. It is the little habits of commonplace intercourse that make up the great sum of

life and sweeten or make bitter the journey.

author might have stated his “rule of the road” as( ).

author’s attitude to the old lady in Paragraph 1 is( ).

3.A situation analogous to the “insolence of office” described in Paragraph 2 would be

( ).

author assumes that he may be as free as he likes in( ).

the sentence “We are ” the author is( ).

书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她


not walk in the middle of the road

the orders of policemen

not behave inconsiderately in public

what you like in private







A.a teacher correcting grammar errors

editor shortening the text of an article

C.a tax inspector demanding to see someone’s accounts

army office giving orders to a soldier


matters of dress and food

situation which does not interfere with the liberty of others

ng that is not against the law

own home


ng out a general weakness

izing his main point

ring a general misconception

ting a remedy






【解析】第1题:rule of the road出现在文章的第二段第一句话的后半句,作者在第一段中举了老太太





第3题:insolence of office指的是前面提到的警察指挥交通,这种行为看似侵害到了个人自由,选项


第4题:文章第三段第二句话in matters which do not touch anybody else’s liberty, of course,

I may be as free as I like 提到绝对自由的前提是不要妨碍他人的自由,所以选项B符合题意。





It makes her very angry when he says that men are intrinsically( )to women.


书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她












【解析】考查词组辨析。on the make“急于求成,唯利是图”;on the move“四处奔波”;on the

rise“在增加”;on the go“忙个不停”。句意:他从来不会做任何无利可图的事情,他一直都是唯利




Pioneer men and women endured terrible hardships, and( ).


r did the children

do their children

the children

did their children





He never does any disinterested action; he's always on the( ) .


Standing in line has never been a popular activity, but today it seems that Americans are

likely to be more impatient about waiting in line than they have been in 20 years. According

to a recent Louis Harris survey, Americans’ leisure time has shrunk by 37 percent in the

last two decades. With leisure time more valuable, the opportunity cost of waiting in lines

is much higher.

Businesses recognize that people choose their products on the basis of the full opportunity

cost, not just the price of the goods or service. By keeping customers waiting businesses

may be losing customers. They are finding that people will choose one establishment over

another because shorter lines. As a result, businesses are focusing on their marketing efforts

on what marketers call time utility-providing products and services in ways that do not

consume valuable time or providing values to offset the time losses. When the multiple-lines

approach is used in banks and stores, people get frustrated because they often find themselves

in the slowest line. Single lines do not move any quicker, but they reduce the variance of

the wait and thus reduce frustrations. Customers can line up behind the teller or clerk or

their choice; or in one line that allows the first person in line to go to the next available

server-called a single-server line. As a result, most types of businesses in which several

service people handle customers have switched to the single-server line.

Firms have tried several other approaches to dealing with lines. Chemical Bank began a program

where any customer who had to wait in a teller line for more than seven minutes was given

$ 5. Hospital emergency rooms in Los Gatos, California, now offer a “No Waiting” guarantee:

If you wait longer than five minutes for emergency-room care, the billing department knocks

25 percent off your bill. The Manhattan Savings Bank offers live entertainment during noontime

书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她

banking hours. Some hotels and office buildings have mirrors on their elevator doors in an

attempt to distract people while waiting.

Sometimes just telling people how long they have to wait cheers them up. Disneyland has had

to learn to comfort those in line, since a popular attraction like Star Tours can attract as

many as 1, 800 people in a line. Like many amusement parks, Disneyland provided entertainment

for those standing in line, but it also gives people updates, in the form of signs, noting

“from this point, on the wait is 30 minutes' Distractions such as these can help people

forget how they could be spending their time if they weren’t waiting in line.

is the best title for this essay?

is the main idea of the entire essay?

prefer single-server lines because( ).

can infer from the essay that( ).

of the following statements is False?


us Leisure Time.

-server Line.

Waiting Guarantee.

Opportunity Cost of Waiting.


are more impatient than they used to be because they have less leisure time.

sses try to attract customers by decreasing waiting time.

can be considered part of the opportunity cost of a product or service.

, stores and other businesses have introduced single-server lines and entertainment

for customers waiting in line.


move quicker

offer more distractions

reduce frustrations

add variances


judge a product on its full opportunity cost including time

ers do not find effective approaches to dealing with time

people are patient when they line for an amusement program

people do not care for the entertainment program offered by the businesses when they

are waiting in long lines


ans’ leisure time has shrunken 37 percent in the last two decades.

Chemical Bank customers who had to wait more than seven minutes were given $5.

hospital emergency rooms offer a “No Waiting” guarantee.

land had to cheer up the people waiting in long lines for some popular attractions,

but not to the customers' satisfaction.












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