2.1 数学、方程与比例
Mathematics comes from man’s social practice, for example, industrial and
agricultural production, commercial activities, military operations and scientific
and technological researches.
No modern scientific and technological branches could be regularly
developed without the application of mathematics.
Notations are a special and powerful tool of mathematics and are used to
express conceptions and propositions very often.
(4)17 世纪之前,人们局限于初等数学,即几何、三角和代数,那时只考虑常数。
Before 17th century, man confined himself to the elementary mathematics, i.
e. , geometry, trigonometry and algebra, in which only the constants were
Equation is different from arithmetic identity in that it contains unknown
quantity which can join operations.
Equipment is called an equation of condition in that it is true only for certain
values of unknown quantities in it.
Equations are of very great use. We can use equations in many mathematical
To solve the equation means to move and change the terms about without
making the equation untrue, until the root of the equation is obtained, which is the
value of unknown term.
2.2 几何与三角
Many experts recognize that mathematics is the necessary foundation and
prerequisite of studying other science technology.
的数学 家对几何做了许多出色的研究。
The western experts think that geometry had its origin in the measurements
by the Babylonians and Egyptians of their lands. Infect, the ancient Chinese
mathematicians made much remarkable study for geometry.
In studying geometry, the student is taught to think clearly and critically and
he is led away from the practice of blind acceptance of any conclusions.
Studying mathematics can develop the students’ ability to analyze problems
and utilizing perseverance, originality, and logical reasoning in solving the
Geometry mainly studies hot numbers but figures such as triangles,
parallelograms and circles, though it is related with numbers.
(直线 或曲线)有长度,但既没有宽度,也没有厚度;点只有位置,却没有大小。
A solid (figure) has length, width and height. A surface (curved surface or
plane surface) has length and width, but no thickness. A line (straight line or
curved line) has length, but no width and thickness. A point has position, but no
为这个 角的两边,当这两边位于同一直线上且方向相反时,所得的角是平角。
A ray starts from a point and extends infinitely far. Two rays starting from one
point form an angle, which are called two edges of the angle. When two edges lie
in the same line and have opposite direction named plane angle.
称为圆 心,经过圆心且其两个端点在圆周上的线段称为这个圆的直径,直径的一半叫做半
径,这条 曲线的长度叫做周长。
A circle is a closed curve lying in one plane, all points of which are equidistant
from a fixed point. The fixed point called the center. A diameter of a circle is a line
segment through the center of the circle with endpoints on the circle. Half of the
diameter is called radius. The length of the circle is called circumference.
2.3 集合论的基本概念
(1)由小于 10 且能被 3 整除的正整数组成的集是整数集的子集。
The set consisting of those positive integers less than 10 which are divisible by
3 is a subset of the set of all integers.
When convenient, we shall designate sets by displaying the elements in
表示集的包含关系,也就是说,式子 A
B 表示 A 包含于 B。
is referred to as set inclusion; A
B means that A is contained The relation
in B.
(4)命题 A
B 并不排除 B
A 的可能性。
The statement A
B does not rule out the possibility that B
The underlying set may vary from one application to another according to
using occasions.
(6)为了避免逻辑上的困难,我们必须把元素 x 与仅含有元素 x 的集{x}区别开来。
To avoid logical difficulties, we must distinguish between the element x and
the set {x} whose only element is x.
Diagrams often help using visualize relationship between sets.
The proofs of theorems rely only on the definitions of the concepts and known
result, not on the diagrams.
2.4 整数、有理数与实数 整数
加 1” 的含义是什么。
Strictly speaking, this description of the positive integers is not entirely
complete because we have not explained in detail what we mean by the
expressions “and so on”, or “repeated addition of 1”.
The sum, difference, or product of two integers is an integer, but the quotient
of two integers need not be an integer.
(3) 这种用几何来表示实数的办法对于帮助我们更好地发现与理解实数的性质是非
常有价值 的。
This device for representing real numbers geometrically is a very worthwhile
aid that helps us to discover and understand better certain properties of real
(4)几何经常为一些特定的定理提供证明思路(建议) ,而且,有时几何的论证比
纯分析的 (完全依赖于实数公理的)证明更清晰。
The geometry often suggests the method of proof of a particular theorem,
and sometimes a geometric argument is more illuminating than a purely analytic
proof (one depending entirely on the axioms for the real numbers).
(5)一个由实数组成的集若满足如下条件则称为开区间(open interval) 。
If a set consisting of real numbers satisfies the following conditions we call it
an open interval.
(6)实数 a 是-a 的相反数,它们的绝对值相等,且当 a ≠ 0 时,其符号不同。
The real number a is the negative number of –a and their absolute values are
equal. When a ≠ 0, their notations are different.
数与之 对应。
Each real number corresponds to exactly one point on this line and, conversely,
each point on the line corresponds to one and only one real number.
In geometry, the ordering relation among the real numbers can be expressed
clearly in real axis.
2.5 笛卡儿几何学的基本概念
The calculation of figure area is the important application of the integral.
(2)在 x-轴上 O 点右边选定一个适当的点,并把它到 O 点的距离称为单位长度。
On the x-axis a convenient point is chosen to the right of O and its distance
from O is called the unit distance.
(3)对 xy-平面上的每一个点都指定了一个数对,称为它的坐标。
Each point in the xy-plane is assigned a pair of numbers, called its coordinates.
记作 O, 称为原点。
Two perpendicular reference lines are chosen, one horizontal, the other
vertical. Their point of intersection, denoted by O, is called the origin.
(5)当我们用一对数(a, b)来表示平面的点时,商定要把横坐标写在第一个位置上。
When we write a pair of numbers such as (a, b) to represent a point, we agree
that the abscissa or x-coordinate, a, is written first.
Throughout their historical development, calculus and analytic geometry have
been intimately intertwined.
向量的 方法。
A deeper study of analytic geometry is needed to extend the scope and
applications of calculus, and this study will be carried out using vector methods.
We shall discuss three-dimensional Cartesian geometry in more detail later on;
for the present we confine our attention to plane analytic geometry.
2.6 函数的概念与函数思想
Letters of the English and Greek alphabets are often used to denote functions.
(2)若 f 是一个给定的函数,x 是定义域里的一个元素,那么记号 f(x)用来表示由 f
确定的 对应于 x 的值。
If f is a given function and if x is an object of its domain, the notation f(x) is
used to designate that object in the range which is associated to x by the function
The ray makes equal angles with the coordinates axes.
The function idea may be illustrated schematically in many ways.
It is easy to proof that the absolute-value function satisfies the triangle
(6)对于实数 x>0,函数 g(x)表示不超过 x 的素数的个数。
For a given real number x>0, the function g(x) is defined by the number of
primes less than or equal to x.
A function is a correspondence. It is not necessary to be expressed by a simple
algebraic formula.
The function idea places no restriction on the nature of the objects in the
domain X and in the range Y.
2.7 序列及其极限 序列及其极限
(1)序列各项对 n 的相关性常利用下标来表示,写成如下形式: a n , x n 等。
The dependence of every team of sequence on n is denoted by using subscript,
and we write a n , x n and so on.
A function whose domain is the set of all positive integers is called an infinite
A complex-valued sequence converges if and only if both the real part and the
imaginary part converge separately.
(4) 一个序列{ a n }若满足: 对任意正数 ε , 存在另一个正数 N (N可能与 ε 有
关) 使得 a n - L < ε 对所有 n ≥ N 成立,就称{ a n }收敛于 L。
A sequence { a n } is said to have a limit L if, for every positive number ε , there
is another positive number N (which may depend on ε ) such that In this case, we
say the sequence { a n } converges to L. an ? L < ε for all n ≥ N.
(5) 重要的是, 该集的每一个成员都用一个正整数标上记号。 这样一来, 就可以
谈论第一项、 第二项和一般项,即第 n 项。
The important thing is that each member of the set has been labeled with an
integer so that we may speak of the first term, the second term and in general, the
nth term.
Unless otherwise specified, all sequences in this chapter are assumed to have
real or complex terms.
(7)作为日常用语,sequence 和 series 是同义词;但作为数学术语,它们表示不
In everyday usage of the English language, the words “sequence” and
“series” are synonyms, but in mathematics these words have special technical
敛的, 而是发散的。
The phrase “convergent sequence” is used only for a sequence whose limit
is finite. A sequence with an infinite limit is said to diverge not convergence.
2.8 函数的导数和它的几何意义
(1)差商表示函数 f 在连接 x 与 x+h的区间上的平均变化率。
The different quotient is referred to as the average rate of the change of f in
the interval joining x to x+h.
Velocity is equal to the derivative of positing.
The procedure used to define the derivative has a geometric interpretation
which leads in a natural way to the idea of a tangent line to a curve.
(4)差商表示直线 PQ 与水平线的夹角的正切。
The difference quotient represents the trigonometric tangent of the angle that
PQ makes with the horizontal.
For rectilinear motion, the first derivative of velocity is called acceleration.
(6)我们约定 f(0)=f,即函数 f 的零阶导数就等于它本身。
We make the convention that f(0)=f, that is the zeroth derivate is the function
(7)在运动的 9 秒钟内,物体的速度由 v (0) = -144 变成了 v (9) =144,也就是
说,速度总共 增加了每秒 288 英尺。
During the 9 seconds of motion the velocity changes from v (0) = -144 to v (9)
=144, that is, the total increase in velocity is 288 feet per second.
(8)当 α 从 0 增加到π/2 时,tan α 所对应的直线趋于竖直位置。As α increases
from 0 to π/2 , tan α approach a vertical position.