Theatre and Stage剧场和舞台
Aisle过道 guo dao
Apron or Forestage前台 qian tai
Auditorium or House观众席 guan zhong xi
Backstage area后台 hou tai
Balcony包厢 bao xiang
Black box小剧场 xiao ju chang
Booth or Control room控制室 kong zhi shi
Box office票房 piao fang
Centre stage舞台中央 wu tai zhong yang
Theatre and Stage剧场和舞台
Cyclorama画幕 hua mu
Downstage舞台前部 wu tai qian bu
Dressing room化妆间 hua zhuang jian
Emergency exit紧急出口 jin ji chu kou
Fly loft舞台顶部 wu tai ding bu
Green room演员休息室 yan yuan xiu
xi shi
Grid吊竿系统 diao gan xi tong
Ground plan平面图 ping mian tu
Legs边幕 bian mu
Theatre and Stage剧场和舞台
Lobby大堂 da tang
Orchestra pit乐池 yue chi
Pipe吊竿 diao gan
Proscenium arch舞台前拱 wu tai qian gong
Raked舞台或剧场坡度 po du
Revolving stage旋转舞台 xuan zhuan wu tai
Scene shop布景室 bu jing shi
Seating座位 zuo wei
Sightlines(剧场各处至舞台的)视线shi xian
Sprung floor弹簧地板 tan huang di ban
Theatre and Stage剧场和舞台
Stage舞台 wu tai
Stage door舞台门 wu tai men
Stage left舞台左侧 wu tai zuo ce
Stage right舞台右侧 wu tai you ce
Storage area储物区 chu wu qu
Studio工作室 gong zuo shi
Tabs大幕 da mu
zhong yang wu tai ju chang
Thrust stageT型台 T xing tai
Theatre and Stage剧场和舞台
Trap opening舞台升降口 wu tai
sheng jiang kou
Upstage舞台后部 wu tai hou bu
Washroom洗手间 xi shou jian
Wings沿幕 yan mu
Actor男演员 nan yan yuan
Actress女演员 nv yan yuan
Assistant助手 zhu shou
Cast演职人员 yan zhi ren yuan
Choreographer编舞 bian wu
Chorus合唱队 he chang dui
Composer作曲家 zuo qu jia
Conductor指挥 zhi hui
Costume designer服装设计 fu zhuang she ji
Crew工程人员 gong cheng ren yuan
Dancer伴舞 ban wu
Director导演 dao yan
Dresser化装室 hua zhuang shi
Fly operator控竿室 kong gan shi
FOH manager剧场监督 ju chang jian du
Lighting technician灯光师 deng guang shi
Musical director音乐总监 yin yue zong jian
Musician音乐家 yin yue jia
Performer表演者 biao yan zhe
Playwright剧作家 ju zuo jia
Sound technician音响师 yin xiang shi
Stage manager舞台监督 wu tai jian du
Stagehand舞台管理 wu tai guan li
Technical director技术总监 ji shu zong jian
Translator翻译 fan yi
Usher引座员 yin zuo yuan
Events and Rechearsal 排练
Blocking演员占位 yan yuan zhan wei
Costume change换服装 huan fu zhuang
Cue-to-cue 整场走台 zheng chang zou tai
Curtain call开场 kai chang
Dance notation舞蹈标示 wu dao biao shi
Dress rehearsal带装走台 dai zhuang zou tai
Encore返场 fan chang
Intermission中场休息 zhong chang xiu xi
Light hang装灯 zhuang deng
Load in装台 zhuang tai
Events and Rechearsal 排练
Load in装台 zhuang tai
Load out卸台 xie tai
Notes记录 ji lu
Off book 记住台词 ji zhu tai ci
Prompt book提词用的剧本ti ci yong ju ben
Read through 口头彩排 kou tou pai lian
Rehearsal彩排 cai pai
Rehearsal piano练习用琴 lian xi yong qin
Rehearsal room排练室 pai lian shi
Run through整场排练 zheng chang pai lian
Events and Rechearsal 排练
Script剧本 ju ben
Set change换景 huan jing
Set levels定光定音 ding guang ding yin
Strike撤布景 che bu jing
Subtext引申意 yin shen yi
Tech rehearsal技术调试 ji shu tiao shi
Tech rider技术要求 ji shu yao qiu
Tune调音(乐器)tiao yin
Warm up热身 re shen
Set,Props,Costumes 布景、道具、服装
Backdrop背景幕 bei jing mu
Barre扶手 fu shou
Border横幅 heng fu
Chair椅子 yi zi
Costume服装 fu zhuang
Electrical tapePVC胶布 PVC jiao bu
Elevation舞台技术图 wu tai ji shu tu
Flat布景 bu jing
Fly in (lower)降景 jiang jing
Fly out (raise)升布景 sheng bu jing
Set,Props,Costumes 布景、道具、服装
Gaffer tape胶带 jiao dai
Glow tape地胶 di jiao
Iron 熨斗 yun dou
Ironing board 熨衣板 yun yi ban
Maquette or Model模型 mo xing
Marley floor地胶 Marely di jiao
Masking 遮板 zhe ban
Music stand谱架 pu jia
Podium指挥台 zhi hui tai
Pre-set已有道具 yi you dao ju
Set,Props,Costumes 布景、道具、服装
Prop道具 dao ju
Props table道具桌 dao ju zhuo
Riser升降台 sheng jiang tai
Rosin(dance)镁粉 mei fen
Sandbag沙包 sha bao
Scrim布屏风 bu ping fen
Set装饰布景 zhuang shi bu jing
Spike tape彩色胶带 cai se jiao dai