1、American Puritanism
Back grounding:
American Puritanism appeared in the colonial period, from 1607 to 1775, in
There are many writers in this period, such as Captain John Smith, the author
of the
True Relation of Virginia (1608) and Description of New England (1616),
Bradstreet, who wrote the famous work called Tenth Muse Lately Sprung up in
America (1650).
Main ideas:
They stress predestination, original sin, total depravity, and limited atonement
from God’s grace. They go to America to prove that they are God’s chosen
people who will enjoy God’s blessings on earth and in Heaven. Finally, they build
a way of life that stresses hard work, thrift, piety, and sobriety.
American Literature is based on a myth ------ the Biblical myth of the Garden
of Eden. The American Puritan’s metaphorical made of perception ---- symbolism.
It has a great influence not only on the Literary Scene in Colonial America, , but
also on the literature in the 18th century, especially on Jonathan Edwards and
Benjamin Franklin.
American Romanticism
Back grounding:
It appeared in the end of the 18
century through the outbreak of the Civil
War, from 1828 to 1865, and it was strongly influenced by European culture.
There are some representative new England poets and out-sanding writers
such as, James Fenimaore Cooper, the author of
The Leather Stocking Tales,
Washington Irving , whose famous work is
The Sketch Book (1819)
Main ideas:
Romanticism is a rebellion against the objectivity of rationalism. .For romantics,
the feelings, intuitions and emotions are more important than reason and
common sense. They emphasize individualism, placing the individual against the
group, against authority.