Blood vessel access is a critical nursing procedure
that involves establishing a pathway to administer
medications, fluids, or to collect blood samples. It is
important for nurses to follow a standardized process to
ensure patient safety and minimize the risk of
complications. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to
perform blood vessel access:
1. Gather necessary equipment: Before starting the
procedure, gather all the required equipment, including
gloves, antiseptic solution, sterile dressings, tourniquet,
and the appropriate size of catheter or needle.
2. Prepare the patient: Introduce yourself to the
patient and explain the procedure. Ensure the patient's
comfort and privacy. Position the patient's arm or hand in
a comfortable and accessible position.
3. Perform hand hygiene: Wash your hands thoroughly or
use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer to maintain proper hand
4. Apply tourniquet: Apply a tourniquet a few inches
above the intended puncture site to engorge the veins and
make them more visible.
5. Select the appropriate site: Assess the patient's
veins and select the most suitable site for the blood
vessel access. Common sites include the median cubital vein,
cephalic vein, or basilic vein in the antecubital fossa.
6. Cleanse the site: Cleanse the selected site with an
antiseptic solution, starting from the center and moving
outward in a circular motion. Allow the solution to dry
before proceeding.
7. Prepare the equipment: Assemble the catheter or
needle, ensuring it is sterile and intact. Connect any
necessary tubing or syringe to the device.