




unit 1 half a day

教学目的1. 了解作者及其背景知识;







1. 热身
















band, convince, daze, exert, intricate, observe, overlook, rank, revolve, startle,

uviverse, vary ? 介词练习

构词法:-tion; -volve; -ly



教学重点1. 文学作品的赏析;





教学手段 用投影仪播放powerpoint课件及板书;群发电子邮件布置课堂资料和课后作


Ⅰabout the author

★ naguib mahfouz was born on the 11th dec. 1911 in an old quarter of cairo,

the youngest son of a merchant. (mummies and pyramids / sphinx 狮身人面) ★

he worked in university administration(行政部门) and then in 1939 he worked for

the ministry of islamic affairs.( buddhism christianity islam)

★ he was later head of the state cinema organization at the ministry of

culture(文化部). he also worked as a journalist(记者).

★ he is married, has two daughters and lives in cairo.

★ he was the first arab to win the nobel prize for literature

he is now the author of no fewer than 30 novels, more than 100 short stories,

and more than 200 articles. half of his novels have been made into films which

have circulated (流通;传播)throughout the arabic-speaking world.

the cairo trilogy(三部曲) is a tale of the lives of a muslim family and spans

(跨过) the first half of the 20th century.

palace walk 《宫间街》palace of desire 《思官街》sugar street 《甘露街》 how

does he picture the world?

1 the world is very gloomy(阴沉的令人沮丧的) though not completely


2 the author’s social utopia (乌托邦)is far from being realized.

3 time is the bringer of change and change is a very painful process.

4 life is a tragedy.

Ⅱtext appreciation

1 structure

2 further discussion

can you recall your first day’s experience at primary school?

did you feel you were a stranger the first day you arrived at this university?

was it hard for you to leave home for the first time in your life?

what do you think is the business of university? what do you expect to learn

here? 3 theme of the story

the following are a few possible understandings of the message the story

conveys. which one do you agree with? argue with your group partners.

time and tide wait for no man.

life is a tragedy. there is nothing permanent in life but change.

education can never keep up with changes in society.

life is short and time is precious.

life is a dream. do not take anything seriously.

4 structure of the text

part 1 (para. 1- 7 ) about: the boy’s misgivings about school

part 2 (para. 8-16 ) about: how the boy felt about school.

part 3 (para. 17-20 ) about: walking out of the school, he found time had

changed everything.

5 vocabulary

band bandage


band of brothers

convince convinced

(adj.) convincing (adj.)

convince sb of sth/that

i could not ~ him of his mistake.

i am convinced of his honesty.


dazedazzle (v.)

dazzling (adj.)

feel dazed (adj).

习惯用语 in a daze (n) 茫然, 恍惚; 眼花缭乱

dazzling sunshine

exert exertion


exert on/upon 发挥;运用

exert pressure on sb

exert all one’s strength/influence to do sth

exert oneself: make an effort

exert oneself to arrive early

intricate complex complicated sophisticated observant (adj.) observatory (n.)


over- : (prefix.)

above; too;

– overalloverbusy overcome

– overconfident overdraft

6 language points

alongside: side by side; next to


present participle as adverbial modifier

list other examples from the text:

the first time. (para.1)

what does “they” refer to?

what does “to be thrown into” imply?

progress: slow and difficult movements toward school

what do you know about the author’s relationship with his parents?


past participle phrase used here to modify “a street”.


a novel (that was) written by charles dickens

personal computers (that are) made in china

5. “why school?” i asked my father. “what have i done?” (para. 3)

elliptical question

rhetorical question

“why do i have to go to school? i don’t think i’ve done anything wrong to

be punished like this.”


rachel: want a wedding dress?

monica: what for?

6. para.4 make… out of


to make sb./sth. (out) of sb./sth.


the army made a man of him.

7. ithrowing me into the huge, high-walled building. (para.5)


1 覆水难收。(谚语)-it is no use crying over spilt milk.


it is no (not much) good

it is no (not any, hardly any, little) use ===========+ doing

it is useless

it is not the slightest use

it is worth(worthwhile)

there is no (no good, no use)

there is no denying that women are playing an important role in the world


8. tear …away

can’t you


she could scarcely herself from the scene.

9 high-walled building

adj-n-ed good-mannered narrow-minded

absent-mindedold-fashioned short-sighted

10 … we could see the courtyard,

adjective phrase as an attributive modifier


there’s nothing wrong

with the computer.

can you recommend some books easy for freshmen to read?

11 to cling to sth. (para.7)


the little child

his mother for comfort.

2. some of the victims of the fire climbed out of the building,

ledges for a minute or two and then dropped to their death a hundred feet


3. she still

12 you willfor you when it’s time to leave. (para.7)

object complement


they found the lost child ______(cry) in the cave.


a lady came along, followed by a group of men.(para.11):

an adverbial modifier of manner

eg. ( combine, give, guide)

1 ____ by the teachers, all the students are studying very hard.

2 ____ enough time, i’ll complete the job in time.

3 ____ with practice, theory may be learned easily.

14 we were formed into an intricate pattern[ in the great courtyard

surrounded by high buildings.](para.11)

anysis of the structure

15…from each floor we were overlooked by a long balcony [roofed in wood].

anysis of the structure

all: completely

fool around: waste time

16 rivalries

could bring about pain and hatred or give rise to fighting.(para.15)


give rise to: cause sth to happen




poor living conditions give rise to many diseases.

【篇二:现代大学英语精读三unit 1 教案】


unit 1 your college years

i. teaching plan

this essay is planned to finish in 20 minutes.

1-3 mins warming-up pre-reading

4-17 minswhile-reading

18-20 mins post-reading

ii. teaching aims:

1. knowledge aims

(1)students can understand and master the new words and expressions.

(2)students can master the main grammar.

y aims

(1)students can understand the main idea through listening to tape.

(2) students can express their attitudes toward the article in english.

(3) enhance students reading ability and skills of guessing new words in


3. emotion aims

(1) help students to understand the university life

(2) improve students sense of cooperative learning.

iii. teaching methods:

task-based method, grammar-translation method.

ng difficult /key points:

1. grammar

parallelstructure, object clause

g techniques

v. teaching contents:

step 1: warming up

lead in the topic by providing some basic backgrounds.

1. background

author -- bob hartman

bob hartman is a storyteller of children and part - time pastor. he was born in

pittsburgh in the united states.

(justification:help students to know about the author and understand the

essay better.) step 2: pre-reading

ask students to have a free talk:

1. in the 1st college year, did you experience anything different from that in

high school?

2. what do you think about these differences?

(justification: arouse interest of students.)

step 3: while-reading

1. new words

(1) endeavorv. to try very hard

eg. he endeavored to claim himself down but in vain.



strive 和endeavor 一样,表示付出极大努力,但该词强调做某事所需要的辛劳和竭尽全力,





(2)perceive v. to understand or think of sth in a particular way


through take 凭借感觉去拿,即意识到,认为 凭借拿

perception n. 洞察力,看法,见解

(3)excessive adj. much more than is reasonable or necessary

eg. bad habits, such as smoking and excessive drinking, can harm your health.


超出行走 …的行走的距离超出的,即过分的,过多的

(4)resentmentn. a feeling of anger because sth has happened that you think is


re sentment


resent v. 愤恨,感到气愤

(5) project v. to show other people (what your future role will be as a man or



forwardthrow 向前投掷,向前扔,即规划,计划 向前投掷,扔

(6) feminineadj. belonging to or considered typical of women or girls the

traditional feminine

(7)masculine adj. belonging to or considered typical of men or boys

eg. her husband was handsome and strong, and very masculine

(8) option n. a choice you can make in a particular situation


option 指特别赋予的进行选择的权利,强调的是进行选择的自由和权利。

choice 指运用自己的判断进行选择的机会,权利或能力,强调的是进行选择的可能性。

alternative 主要指在相互排斥的两者之间做严格的选择,也可指在两者以上中进行选择。

(9) rebelv. to oppose or fight against sb in a position of authority

rebel against sb. / sth. 反抗…,反叛…

rebellion n. 谋反,叛乱,反叛rebelliousadj. 叛逆的,造反的


a. ethnic adj. relating to a particular race, nation, or tribe and their customs



ethnic groups 族群 ethnic tensions 种族紧张局势

b. ethical adj. connected with principles of what is right and what is wrong

ethic n. 伦理标准,道德准则,道德体系

(11)affirmv. to state that sth. is true and you agree with it or support it, esp. in


eg. i affirm that you will not lose the job.

affirmationn. 肯定,断言 affirmative adj. 肯定的,同意的 辨析:

affirm 强调说话人坚定地相信自己说的是事实,并且有可靠的根据,不容置疑。 assert


allege 指在缺乏证据的情况下宣称。

claim 指强调宣称某事是真实的,尤指在面对反对意见时的宣称。

declare 指肯定地说某事,往往是公开地针对反对意见的宣称或断言。

(12)contribute v. to help to cause sth to happen

con tribute


contribute to sth. 是…的原因之一,促成…

3. phrases grammar

(1) has it ever occurred to you that your professors and other school personnel

have certain goals for your growth and maturity during your college years?


occur to sb(观念或想法)被想到,出现在头脑中

(2) has it dawned on you that certain developmental changes will occur in your

life as you move from adolescence to your adulthood?

dawn on sb使开始明白,使渐渐领悟

(3) during this time, students are going through an identity crisis and are

endeavoring to find out who they are and what their strengths and weaknesses are.

本句为复合句。句中,who和what均引导宾语从句,做find out的宾语。 go

through sth. 经历,遭受;仔细检查,仔细查看;详细研究,仔细琢磨

be dependent from 独立于,不依赖于

(5) college students need to stand back and see where they are in the

independence struggle.


(6) in the late sixties, a young woman from a background that was extremely

prejudiced against people from other races came to college convinced that her

race was superior.

句中,介词短语from a background that…为后置定语,修饰woman;其中that 引导

定语从句,修饰background;过去分词短语convinced that her race was superior作伴

随状语,其中that引导定语从句,作convinced的宾语。 be prejudiced against 对…有


(7) 平行结构

在英语中,并列连词and, but, as well as, both…and, neither…nor, either…or, not

only…but also, rather than, as…as 等可连接两个对等的词或对等的结构,我们称之为平行


a. 所连接的谓语形式必须一致。

eg. he went downtown, brought some books and visited his daughter. (went,

bought 和visited 都是用的过去时)

b. 所连接的词或短语形式必须一致。

eg. she has good looks, quick wits, and a good character. (looks, wits 和


c. 所连接的非谓语动词的形式必须一致。

eg. some find swimming more enjoyable than sitting at home. (swimming和

sitting都是动名词 )


eg. restrict your passage to one or two pages, and list the references on a

separate sheet.(and连接的两个句子都是祈使句)

4. structure

part 1 (para.1) introduce that college students will go through many key

changes during their college years.

【篇三:现代大学英语精读三unit 9 教案】


unit 9globalizations dual power

i. teaching plan

this essay is planned to be finished in 20 minutes.

1-3 mins warming-up pre-reading

4-17 minswhile-reading

18-20 mins post-reading

ii. teaching aims:

1. knowledge aims

(1)students can understand and master the new words and expressions.

(2)students can master the main grammar.

y aims

(1)students can understand import aspects of globalization.

(2)appreciate argumentative writing.

3. emotion aims

(1) help students to understand theglobalization.

(2) improve students sense of cooperative learning.

iii. teaching methods:

task-based method grammar-translation method

iv. teaching difficult /key points:

1. grammar

predicative clause what-clause

2. new words

v. teaching contents:

step 1: warming up

lead in the topic by providing some basic backgrounds.

1. background

author -- robert j. samuelson

robert j. samuelson is a newsweek contributing editor and the washington


columnist. an economicsspecialist, he is one of the most widely read journalist

in the

united states. samuelsons column draws a lot of attention and is frequently


the present essay appeared in the international herald tribune in december,

1999, on

the threshold of the new millennium.

(justification:help students to know about the author and understand the

essay better.)

step 2: pre-reading

ask students to have a free talk:

1. which signs of globalization you find around you?

2. what do you think about these signs?

(justification:arouse interest of students.)

step 3: while-reading

1. new words

(1) complement v. to make a good combination with sb. or sth. else

eg. the company needs employers who complement each other.




complementary adj. 补充的,互补的

(2) boomn. a time of prosperity

eg. the best way to satisfy the golf boom was to build more courses,




eg. by the 1980s, the computer industry was booming.

flourish 指处在发展,活跃,权势影响的顶峰或全盛时期。

eg. her business is flourishing.

prosper 指个人,企业,国家,年代等持续地,常常是越来越富裕,成功。

eg. this company prospered under his administration.

thrive 指由于条件有利而蓬勃生长或发展。

eg. wheat thrives in that climate.

(3) component n. a part of a mechanical or electrical complex

eg. this is the key component of the companys plan.



eg. a chemist can separate a medicine into its component.

element 特指构成一个较为复杂的整体中的简单成分或基本成分。

eg. cells are the elements of the human body.

ingredient 指混合物的合成成分,尤指食物制成品的构成成分。

eg. the ingredients of ice cream

(4) relieve v. to lessen or remove

eg. this medicine will relieve your headache.

relieve sb. of sth.替…拿重物;帮助减轻负担

eg. lets relieve her of some of her bags.

relieved adj. 宽慰的,放心的 reliefn. 轻松,宽慰;缓解

(5) discriminatev. to treat a person or group differently from another in an

unfair way

eg. some existing employment polices discriminate against women.

discriminate against sb. 对…区别对待;歧视

discrimination n. 歧视;区别;辨别 discriminatory adj.不公平的;歧视的

(6) prevail v. to triumph; to be greater in strength or influence

eg. justice will prevail over evil.

prevail on/upon sb. to do sth. 劝说某人做某事

eg. i am sure professor li could be prevailed upon to give a talk.

prevailing n. 流行,普遍;广泛prevalent adj. 流行的;普遍存在的;

2. phrases grammar

(1) economic history consists largely of the story of the markets expansion…

consist of 由…组成或构成

eg. the committee consists of five members.

(2) a succession of major trade negotiations reduced average tariffs…

a succession of …一连串,一系列;

eg. adams took a succession of jobs which benefited him a lot.

(3) globalization continues this process but also departs from it in at least one

critical respect.

depart from 违背,背离(常规)

ing from his usual routine, he took the bus to work.

(4) …to stay abreast of technological changes that can now occur almost

anywhere. stay/keep abreast of sth. 了解最新情况;跟上(某事物的发展)

is hard to stay abreast of all the latest developments in computing.

(5) in europe, the relentless pursuit of the “single market” is one indicator.

this reflects a widespread recognition that european companies will be hard-

pressed to compete in global markets if their local operations are hamstrung by

fragmented national markets.

第一句话中,relentless pursuit 意为“不懈的追求”;single market意为“单一市

场”;第二句话中,that 引导同位语从句,解释说明recognition的内容;if引导条件状语从

句;fragmented national markets意为“支离破碎的国内市场”。 be hard-pressed to

do sth. 很难做某事

eg. the details are so complex that they are hard-pressed to come to an


(6) the global economy may be prone to harsher boom-bust cycles than

national economies individually.

be prone to sth./to do sth. 易于遭受…的;有做…的倾向

eg. children of poor health are very prone to economies in winter.

be inclined to do sth. 有做…的倾向;很可能做…

(7) the asian financial crisis raised questions on both counts.

on both counts 在两方面

eg. we have nothing to gain on both counts.

(8) its a scary prospect. economic interdependence cuts both ways.

cut both/two ways是把双刃剑;产生正反两种效果

eg. for consumers, these rules could cut both ways.

(9) 表语从句



a. 由that 引导的表语从句。

eg. the fact is that he never liked her.

b. 由连接代词或连接副词引导的表语从句。

eg. the question is whether the answer is right or not.

c. 由连接代词what引导的表语从句。

eg. the key is what message we can get.


a. 表语从句一定要用陈述语序。

b. if 不能引导表语从句,只能用whether 来引导。

c. 在有表语从句的复合句中,主句时态与从句时态可以不一致。

d. that在表语从句中一般不能省略。

(10) what引导的名词性从句常见的五种用法

a. 表示“?的东西或事情”。

eg. he saves what he earns.

b. 表示“?的人或样子”。

eg. he is what is generally called a traitor.

c. 表示“?的时间”。

eg. after what seemed like hours he came out with a bitter smile.

d. 表示“?的数量或数目”。

eg. our income is now double what it was ten years ago.

e. 表示“?的地方”。

eg. this is what they call salt lake city.

3. structure

part 1 (para.1-3)introduce globalizations dual character and its definition.

part 2 (para.4-17)explain the growing trend of globalization and its positive

effects. part 3 (para.18-31)explain the negative effects of globalization.





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