篇一:《手机使用的优缺点 英文版》
School of Foreign Studies
Term Paper for Advanced English
On the Pros and Cons of Cell Phones
Student ID ********
Class: 英语本科特色班
Abstract:This article describes the pros and cons of mobile phone ,The author
of this paper from two aspects of the advantages and disadvantages of mobile
phone, then obtain the corresponding inspiration: proper measures must be taken
to control the abuse and overuse of mobile phone and great efforts should be
made to lead mobile phone develop and improve on a healthy and sustainable way.
Key words: advantages disadvantages mobile phone
(Introduction)As we step into 21st century, many gadgets, such as personal
computer, MP3 and mobile phone, were introduced into our lives. There are a
considerable number of discussions over them. One of the questions under debate
is the pros and cons of Mobile phone. It is wildly acknowledged that mobile phone
has become an indispensable part of our daily life in such an information age,
which makes our communication more efficient and convenient.
(Body)Recent surveys show that mobile phones are prevailing at an
accelerating speed. 80% Chinese possess mobile pones. With mobile phone, our
world becomes increasingly smaller. Mobile phone, to a certain extent, lent us a
pair of wings to enjoy a bigger space and freedom. We can join an important
conference through mobile not having to fly half a globe to attend personally. We
can send our greeting and wishes to our friends through Short Message Service.
We do not have to bother ourselves with the long queue for a public phone, with a
mobile phone we could comfortably call whomever we want at any time at any
place. Moreover, a call may bridge over trouble water and save us in an emergent
situation, which embodies perfectly in the 2004 Hollywood thriller movie Cellular.
The advanced mobile phone serves us with the multifunction of MP3 , mini PC,
which undoubtedly becomes a good entertainment. Although people’s lives
have been dramatically changed over the last decades by cell phone, it must be
admitted that, it also brought us many problems. The rings of mobile phones, the
answering of phone in public place consist in one the sources of noise pollution.
The abuse of cell phone, such as harassing call, dirty short messages, etc. may ruin