


第01集:The Pilot(试播)

第02集:The One with the Sonogram at the End(Carol要做超声波检查)

第03集:The One with the Thumb(大拇指事件)

第04集:The One with George Stephanopoulos(偷窥George Stephanopoulos)

第05集:The One with the East German Laundry Detergent(东德洗衣粉)

第06集:The One with the Butt(Joey终于出镜了)

第07集:The One with the Blackout(停电了)

第08集:The One Where Nana Dies Twice(祖母去世2次)

第09集:The One Where Underdog Gets Away(感恩节聚餐砸了)

第10集:The One with the Monkey(Ross弄了只猴子)

第11集:The One with Mrs. Bing(Bing夫人)

第12集:The One with the Dozen Lasagnas(Paulo个混蛋)

第13集:The One with the Boobies(Rachel意外走光)

第14集:The One with the Candy Hearts(Janice又回来了)

第15集:The One with the Stoned Guy(木鱼男)

第16集:The One with Two Parts, Part One(Joey迷上了Ursala:上)

第17集:The One with Two Parts, Part Two(Joey迷上了Ursala:下)

第18集:The One with all the Poker(打扑克)

第19集:The One Where the Monkey Gets Away(猴子跑了)

第20集:The One with the Evil Orthodontist(邪恶牙医)

第21集:The One with the Fake Monica(假Monica)

第22集:The One with the Ick Factor(Monica的小情人)

第23集:The One with the Birth(Carol生小孩)

第24集:The One Where Rachel Finds Out(Rachel知道了)

第二季: 1995-1996

第01集:The One with Ross's New Girlfriend(Ross的新女友)

第02集:The One with the Breast Milk(Carol的乳汁)

第03集:The One Where Heckles Dies(Heckles先生死了)

第04集:The One with Phoebe's Husband(Phoebe的丈夫)

第05集:The One with Five Steaks and an Eggplant(五个牛排和一个茄子)

第06集:The One with the Baby on the Bus(公车丢童记)

第07集:The One Where Ross Finds Out(Ross知道了)

第08集:The One with the List(幻想名人记)

第09集:The One with Phoebe's Dad(Phoebe的父亲)

第10集:The One with Russ(双Ross记)

第11集:The One with the Lesbian Wedding(女同性恋的婚礼)

第12集:The One After the Superbowl, Part One(超级杯:上)

第13集:The One After the Superbowl, Part Two(超级杯:下)

第14集:The One with the Prom Video(毕业舞会的录像带)

第15集:The One Where Ross You Know(Ross和Rachel好上了)

第16集:The One Where Joey Moves Out(Joey要独立生活)

第17集:The One Where Eddie Moves In(Chandler的新室友)

第18集:The One Where Dr. Ramoray Dies(Joey祸从口出)

第19集:The One Where Eddie Won't Go(Eddie赖着不走)

第20集:The One Where Old Yeller Dies(老黄狗的死去)

第21集:The One with the Bullies(咖啡馆遭遇流氓)

第22集:The One with the Two Parties(两个派对)

第23集:The One with the Chicken Pox(水痘)

第24集:The One with Barry and Mindy's Wedding(Barry和Mindy的婚礼)

第三季: 1996-1997

第01集:The One with the Princess Leia Fantasy(关于Leia公主的幻想)

第02集:The One Where No One's Ready(没人准备好)

第03集:The One with the Jam(果酱)

第04集:The One with the Metaphorical Tunnel(关于隧道的隐喻)

第05集:The One with Frank Jr.(小Frank)

第06集:The One with the Flashback(回忆)

第07集:The One with the Race Car Bed(赛车床)

第08集:The One with the Giant Poking Device(大型戳人设备)

第09集:The One with the Football(足球赛)

第10集:The One Where Rachel Quits(Rachel辞职)

第11集:The One Where Chandler Can't Remember Which Sister(Chandler不


第12集:The One with All the Jealousy(嫉妒)

第13集:The One Where Monica and Richard are Just Friends(只是朋友)

第14集:The One with Phoebe's Ex-partner(Phoebe的前搭档)

第15集:The One Where Ross and Rachel Take a Break(Ross和Rachel决定分


第16集:The One the Morning After(第二天早上)

第17集:The One Without the Ski Trip(去滑雪的路上)

第18集:The One with the Hypnosis Tape(催眠磁带)

第19集:The One with the Tiny T-Shirt(小T恤)

第20集:The One with the Dollhouse(玩具屋)

第21集:The One with a Chick. And a Duck.(小鸡和小鸭)

第22集:The One with the Screamer(这个家伙很激动)

第23集:The One with Ross's Thing(Ross身上长了个疮)

第24集:The One with the Ultimate Fighting Champion(终极格斗冠军)

第25集:The One at the Beach(在海滩上)

第四季: 1997-1998

第01集:The One with the Jellyfish(海蜇行凶)

第02集:The One with the Cat(Phoebe的妈妈回来了)

第03集:The One with the 'Cuffs(玩手铐玩砸了)

第04集:The One with the Ballroom Dancing(Joey当陪练)

第05集:The One With Joey's New Girlfriend(Joey的新女友)

第06集:The One with the Dirty Girl(不爱干净的女孩)

第07集:The One Where Chandler Crosses the Line(Chandler越界)

第08集:The One with Chandler in a Box(Chandler和大盒子的故事)

第09集:The One Where They're Going to Party(Gandalf要来开派对)

第10集:The One with the Girl from Poughkeepsie(看Ross怎么选女友)

第11集:The One with Phoebe's Uterus(Phoebe答应帮助Frank)

第12集:The One with the Embryos(交换公寓)

第13集:The One with Rachel's Crush(Rachel的春天)

第14集:The One with Joey's Dirty Day(Ross的春天)

第15集:The One with All the Rugby(Ross充猛男)

第16集:The One with the Fake Party(Emily的假派对)

第17集:The One with the Free Porn(免费A片)

第18集:The One with Rachel's New Dress(Rachel的新打扮)

第19集:The One with All the Haste(Rachel和Monica玩阴的)

第20集:The One with the Wedding Dresses(婚纱)

第21集:The One with the Invitations(请帖)

第22集:The One with the Worst Best Man Ever(Joey干不了伴郎)

第23集:The One with Ross's Wedding, Part One(Ross的婚礼:上)

第24集:The One with Ross's Wedding, Part Two(Ross的婚礼:下)

第五季: 1998-1999

第01集:The One After Ross Says Rachel(Ross在婚礼上说了Rachel后)

第02集:The One with All the Kissing(地下恋情惹的福)

第03集:The One Hundredth(第一百个)

第04集:The One Where Phoebe Hates PBS(Phoebe讨厌PBS)

第05集:The One with the Kips(Ross的抉择)

第06集:The One with the Yeti(野人)

第07集:The One Where Ross Moves In(Chandler和Joey的新室友)

第08集:The One with All the Thanksgivings(感恩节回忆)

第09集:The One with Ross's Sandwich(谁动了Ross的三明治)

第10集:The One with the Inappropriate Sister(亲密兄妹)

第11集:The One with All the Resolutions(新年新气象)

第12集:The One with Chandler's Work Laugh(Chandler的皮笑)

第13集:The One with Joey's Bag(Joey的包)

第14集:The One Where Everybody Finds Out(终见天日)

第15集:The One with the Girl Who Hits Joey(Joey的小蛮女友)

第16集:The One with the Cop(警察故事)

第17集:The One with Rachel's Inadvertent Kiss(Rachel无意留吻)

第18集:The One Where Rachel Smokes(Rachel抽烟)

第19集:The One Where Ross Can't Flirt(恐龙男泡妞不行)

第20集:The One with the Ride-Along(巡夜记)

第21集:The One with the Ball(人可以多么无聊)

第22集:The One with Joey's Big Break(Joey的事业转折点)

第23集:The One in Vegas, Part One(拉斯维加斯:上)

第24集:The One in Vegas, Part Two(拉斯维加斯:下)

第六季: 1999-2000

第01集:The One After Vegas(拉斯维加斯之后)

第02集:The One Where Ross Hugs Rachel(Ross没有解除婚约)

第03集:The One with Ross's Denial(Ross的拒绝)

第04集:The One Where Joey Loses His Insurance(Joey没有医保了)

第05集:The One with Joey's Porsche(Joey的保时捷)

第06集:The One on the Last Night(昨夜)

第07集:The One Where Phoebe Runs(Phoebe快跑)

第08集:The One with Ross's Teeth(Ross的牙)

第09集:The One Where Ross Got High(Ross曾High过)

第10集:The One with the Routine(新年舞会)

第11集:The One with the Apothecary Table(Phoebe有自己的选择)

第12集:The One with the Joke(Chandler要捍卫自己Joke王的地位)

第13集:The One with Rachel's Sister(Rachel的好妹妹一号)

第14集:The One Where Chandler Can't Cry(Chandler不会哭)

第15集:The One that Could Have Been, Part 1(一切皆有可能:上)

第16集:The One that Could Have Been, Part 2(一切皆有可能:下)

第17集:The One with Unagi(寿司大法)

第18集:The One Where Ross Dates a Student(老牛吃嫩草)

第19集:The One with Joey's Fridge(Joey的冰箱坏了)

第20集:The One with Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E.(Joey又有新作了)

第21集:The One Where Ross Meets Elizabeth's Dad(拜见岳父大人Ross版)

第22集:The One Where Paul's the Man(爱情机器)

第23集:The One with the Ring(买戒指记)

第24集:The One with the Proposal, Part 1(求婚记:上)

第25集:The One with the Proposal, Part 2(求婚记:下)

第七季: 2000-2001

第01集:The One with Monica's Thunder(Rachel抢了Monica的风头)

第02集:The One with Rachel's Book(Rachel的小说)

第03集:The One with Phoebe's Cookies(Phoebe的曲奇配方)

第04集:The One with Rachel's Assistant(Rachel的助理)

第05集:The One with the Engagement Picture(Chandler实在上不了相)

第06集:The One with the Nap Partners(小睡知心)

第07集:The One with Ross's Library Book(图书馆有Ross的大作)

第08集:The One Where Chandler Doesn't Like Dogs(Chandler不喜欢狗)

第09集:The One with All the Candy(糖果女士)

第10集:The One with the Holiday Armadillo(光明节犰狳)

第11集:The One with All the Cheesecakes(就没吃过这么好吃的蛋糕)

第12集:The One Where They're Up All Night(今夜无眠)

第13集:The One Where Rosita Dies(爱椅之死)

第14集:The One Where They All Turn Thirty(三十而立)

第15集:The One with Joey's New Brain(Joey又回来了)

第16集:The One with the Truth About London(伦敦真相)

第17集:The One with the Cheap Wedding Dress(为了一件便宜的婚纱)

第18集:The One with Joey's Award(Joey被提名肥皂奖)

第19集:The One with Ross and Monica's Cousin(性感表妹)

第20集:The One with Rachel's Big Kiss(Rachel的吻)

第21集:The One with the Vows(婚礼誓言)

第22集:The One with Chandler's Dad(羞哉吾父)

第23集:The One with Monica and Chandler's Wedding, Part 1(婚礼:上)

第24集:The One with Monica and Chandler's Wedding, Part 2(婚礼:下)

第八季: 2001-2002

第01集:The One After "I Do"(婚礼之后)

第02集:The One with the Red Sweater(红毛衣)

第03集:The One Where (Ross知道自己中招了以后)

第04集:The One with the Videotape(事情真相)

第05集:The One with Rachel's Date(于心不忍)

第06集:The One with the Halloween Party(万圣节派对)

第07集:The One with the Stain(保姆不好当)

第08集:The One with the Stripper(脱衣女郎)

第09集:The One with the Rumor(谣言)

第10集:The One with Monica's Boots(高跟靴)

第11集:The One with Ross's Step Forward(严肃关系)

第12集:The One Where Joey Dates Rachel(Joey和Rachel的约会)

第13集:The One Where Chandler Takes a Bath(Chandler 沐浴)

第14集:The One with the Secret Closet〔超级秘密〕

第15集:The One with the Birthing Video〔Monica的色情录像〕

第16集:The One Where Joey Tells Rachel〔Joey向Rachel告白〕

第17集:The One with the Tea Leaves〔尴尬〕

第18集:The One in Massapequa〔结婚纪念会〕

第19集:The One with Joey's Interview 〔奶酪蛋糕〕

第20集:The One with the Baby Shower 〔婴儿礼物〕

第21集:The One with the Cooking Class 〔烹饪课〕

第22集:The One Where Rachel is Late〔一战袋鼠〕

第23集:The One Where Rachel Has a Baby, Part One 〔医院〕

第24集:The One Where Rachel Has a Baby, Part Two 〔艾玛〕

第九季: 2002-2003

第01集:The One Where No One Proposes(Rachel的一厢情愿)

第02集:The One Where Emma Cries(初为人母第一坎)

第03集:The One with the Pediatrician(Ross不想不想长大)

第04集:The One with the Sharks(都是鲨鱼惹得祸)

第05集:The One with Phoebe's Birthday Dinner(Phoebe的生日晚宴)

第06集:The One with the Male Nanny(好保姆不分男女)

第07集:The One with Ross's Inappropriate Song(只怪爸妈太爱你)

第08集:The One with Rachel's Other Sister(Rachel的妹妹都不简单)

第09集:The One with Rachel's Phone Number(Rachel Phoebe去放松)

第10集:The One with Christmas in Tulsa(两地圣诞节)

第11集:The One Where Rachel Goes Back to Work(Rachel复工记)

第12集:The One with Phoebe's Ratsl(Phoebe的宠物老鼠)

第13集:The One Where Monica Sings(人人都爱Monica)

第14集:The One with the Blind Dates〔其实我们是好心〕

第15集:The One with the Mugging〔小Phoebe初会小Ross〕

第16集:The One with the Boob Jobl〔风水轮流转,Chandler也借钱〕

第17集:The One with the Memorial Service〔还是有人挂念Ross的〕

第18集:The One with the Lottery〔买彩票记〕

第19集:The One with Rachel's Dream 〔戏里戏外大不同〕

第20集:The One with the Soap Opera Party 〔每个人都想有自己的奥斯卡〕

第21集:The One with the Fertility Test 〔偏偏遇上Janice〕

第22集:The One with the Donor〔如此待客〕

第23集:The One in Barbados, Part One (情变Barbados:上)

第24集:The One in Barbados, Part Two (情变Barbados:下)

第十季: 2003-2004

第01集:The One After Joey and Rachel Kiss

第02集:The One Where Ross Is Fine

第03集:The One with Ross's Tan

第04集:The One with the Cake

第05集:The One Where Rachel's Sister Baby-Sits

第06集:The One with Ross's Grant

第07集:The One with the Home Study

第08集:The One with the Late Thanksgiving

第09集:The One with the Birth Mother

第10集:The One Where Chandler Gets Caught

第11集:The One Where the Stripper Cries

第12集:The One with Phoebe's Wedding

第13集:The One Where Joey Speaks French

第14集:The One with Princess Consuela

第15集:The One Where Estelle Dies

第16集:The One with Rachel's Going Away Party

第17集:The Last One, Part One

第18集:The Last One, Part Two





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