1. Under Singapore’s Vaccinated Travel Framework, all travellers including Singapore citizens and
permanent residents arriving from all countries/regions can enter Singapore without quarantine (
), testing or entry approvals if they meet the following requirements:
*Be a child born on or after 1 Jan. 2010 — children who meet this criteria can enter regardless of
COVID-19 vaccination status (
*Be fully vaccinated with WHO EUL vaccines if born on or before 31 Dec. 2009 (i. e. age 13 and
above by year of birth) Mixed doses using these WHO EUL vaccines, and vaccination with recovery
are also acceptable.
*Be vaccinated against Yellow Fever if you have visited Yellow Fever high risk countries/regions in
Africa and Latin America — a valid Yellow Fever vaccination certificate is required.
Travellers born on or before 31 Dec. 2009 who do not meet the vaccination requirements above are
considered non-fully vaccinated travellers. They will be subject to entry approvals, tests and
quarantine. This includes travellers who:
*Are medically exempted (
) from COVID-19 vaccination.
*Took non-WHO EUL vaccines only, and did not take the minimum dosage of WHO EUL COVID-
19 vaccines.
*Recovered from COVID-19 but did not complete the minimum dosage of WHO EUL COVID-19
Generally, non-fully vaccinated long term pass holders and short-term visitors are not allowed to
enter Singapore unless in exceptional circumstances.
Click the orange button below for a detailed checklist of travel requirements.
1. Who can enter Singapore without entry approvals?
A college graduate unvaccinated.
A Singaporean infected with COVID-19.
A ten-year-old boy from Australia.
A business man from Africa with Yellow
2. What will the non-fully vaccinated travelers do to enter Singapore?
Get a long term pass.
Take non-WHO EUL vaccines.
Have physical examination on a regular basis.
Provide entry approvals and receive tests and quarantine.
3. Where is this text probably taken from?
A textbook.
A magazine. C
A website. D
A brochure.
Liang Kaiyu, a 30-year-old engineer, lost his left leg above the knee in an explosion when testing his
self-built automatic electronic motor in January 2020. He used his engineering skills to make his
prosthetic (
) leg more comfortable and powerful than a real leg.
“I have experienced some awkward moments while using the prosthetic leg, which has made me
think about how to upgrade it.” Liang says, “Security checks when traveling, especially at airports,
can be a bit problematic: others include trying on clothes in fitting rooms, shoes at shopping malls,
and changing from ‘feet’ to a running blade before jogging.” Since late 2020, he has upgraded his
high-tech prosthesis. One of the latest upgrades is the addition of colored LED lights to his running
He has become an overnight internet hit on short-video streaming platforms for sharing his designs
and upgrades on his high-tech prosthetic leg to make it close to, or even better than, a real one. Liang
says, “Although China has millions of amputees (
), people with a prosthesis are still a rare
sight on the street. I hope my videos can be inspiring to people struggling through tough times, just
like I have been through. Even a smile will make it worth it.”
Since his optimism and courage made national headlines, Liang has gone viral on social media. On
micro-blogging platform Sina Weibo, his story has gained more than 21 million views so far. Many
users refer to him by the nickname “Iron Leg Man”. “What amazes me most is not your skills, but
your confidence after such a disaster,” a netizen named Modaren says.
To advance functional performance and help amputees maintain or regain their freedom of
movement, Liang has provided his experience and suggestions to several prosthetics companies. “If
there is a good opportunity, I want to make high-tech prosthetics accessible and affordable to more
amputees in China,” Liang says.
1. What caused Liang to upgrade his prosthetic leg?
His plan to run faster.
His enthusiasm for innovation.
The quality of his prosthetic leg.
The inconveniences from his prosthetic
2. Why does Liang share his videos?
To earn his living.
To encourage the people in trouble.
3. Which of the following can best describe Liang?
Optimistic and confident.
Determined and modest.
4. What can we learn from the story?
Two heads are better than one.
It’s never too late to do what you like.
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
3. Called “America’s wolf”, the red wolf is the only large predator whose historic range is found
entirely within the United States, stretching from Texas to New England. But hunting gradually
reduced its range, and it was declared extinct in the wild in 1980.
Recovery efforts in the wild began in 1987 on the Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge. In a
ground-breaking successful experiment, eight captive (
) wolves were released this year into
North Carolina, eventually growing into a population over 100, reaching a peak of around 120
wolves in 2012. But illegal hunting and management changes by the Fish and Wildlife Service
resulted in their numbers plummeting.
In the spring, conservationists celebrated a small bit of good news when four captive-born pups (
) were placed into a cave and successfully adopted by a wild red wolf mother. Meanwhile, another
four adults were released into the wild. The pups are thought to be still alive and healthy. But the
adults didn’t go well. In the months after release, three were struck by cars and killed, and the fourth
was fatally shot on private land.
To boost the population after these deaths, the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced in
November that it planned to release nine adult red wolves into their recovery area this winter, land
within and surrounding two wildlife reserves.
The Service also recently announced it would withdraw a 2018 proposal to shrink (
) the red
wolves’ protected area in North Carolina by 90 percent, after a lawsuit accused the agency of going
against the Endangered Species Act. Ron Sutherland of the Wildlands Network says it’s crucial that
the agency has abandoned this wrong-headed proposal. And yet the situation now is even more
urgent than it was in 2018 — this should launch the conservation community in the U. S. into crisis
mode to save this species and bring it back from the extinction.
1. What does the underlined word “plummeting” in paragraph 2 mean?
Honest and courageous.
Considerate and humorous.
To attract more followers.
To show off his professional skills.
Promising. B
Declining. C
Multiplying. D
2. What can we infer from paragraph 3?
The released wolves lived well.
The population boosted after the release.
The red wolf faced greater threat than before.
The released red wolves still needed protection.
3. What would the Service do to save red wolves?
Shrink the red wolves’ reserves.
Make a proposal to protect the red wolves.
Put some red wolves in some specific places.
Force the protected area into the state of emergency.
4. What does the text focus on?
The protection of red wolves.
Reasons for red wolves extinction.
4. Interspecies was once a technical term used in science to describe how one species got along with
another. Now it is a word of more consequence: it arouses the new connections between humans and
non-humans that are being made possible by technology. In Ways of Being, James Bridle, a British
artist and technology writer, explores what this means for understanding the many non-human
intelligences on Earth.
Mr Bridle makes clear that three kinds of minds are now interacting: human, non-human and
machine. Using artificial intelligence (AI), machines will in future have the capability to interpose
) themselves as translators between humans and other biological life forms.
It is true that profit is the main motive for advances in AI; as yet nature does not get much of a look
in, and non-human intelligences go unexplored outside zoology departments. Computing is as
focused on humans as ever, even as climate change and biodiversity-loss suggest it should devote
much greater attention to other species.
The first step towards an interspecies future, Mr Bridle argues, is showing more appreciation for
other forms of intelligence. To some extent, this is already happening. For example, through films
and other initiatives many people now know that octopuses (
) have an advanced and strange
intelligence. The next step, Mr Bridle declares, is recognizing that people live in a “more than
human” world. Other intelligences have developed from a common evolutionary base, and they
overlap (
) in ways that science is just beginning to discover.
Challenges faced by red wolves.
The relationship between red wolves and
Ways of Being would have benefited from sharper editing. Yet, in making clear the patience,
imagination and humility required to better know and protect other forms of intelligence on Earth, he
has made an admirable contribution to the dawning interspecies age.
1. Which of the following best illustrates the term “interspecies”?
A wolf hunts a rabbit.
A lady walks her dog.
2. What does AI lay emphasis on nowadays?
Biodiversity. B
Other species. C
Humans. D
Climate change.
A robot does housework.
A boy records a video for squirrels.
3. What is paragraph 4 mainly about?
The characteristics of species evolution.
Expectations for the future development of AI.
Suggestions on future exploration of interspecies.
The importance of appreciation for other forms of intelligence.
4. Which word best describes the author’s attitude to Ways of Being?
5. World in a dish: The garden path
Imagine a plate holding two strawberries, identical in appearance. One came from the supermarket,
meaning it was probably harvested when it was still unripe, loaded onto a refrigerated truck and
driven hundreds of miles. 1 The other strawberry was picked from a garden minutes before being
The first one will probably taste like a slightly soft cucumber, with light berry flavors and strong
sour tastes. The second is likely to be sweet and floral; the flavor will stay in the mouth, as the
pleasant smell will on the hands. 2 They are convenient and available in the northern hemisphere
) in February.
3 This attitude misunderstands the ultimate appeal of gardening. It mistakes the product for the
purpose. It is true that a garden can produce peas that offer a taste of spring while finding tomatoes
in the shops can take some time, effort and expense.
A garden, especially in the early years, can also produce little but frustration. Beginning gardeners
may plant the wrong crops for their soil. Squirrels have an annoying habit of taking single bites of
cucumbers, beans and tomatoes, then leaving the rest on the vine (
) to rot. 4
No matter. 5 The deepest pleasure — as with cooking, writing, bringing up children or almost
anything worthwhile — is in the work itself. To garden is to patiently, lovingly and diligently help
life flourish, in the ground and above it.
Favorable. C
Tolerant. D