C型胶管(一端带直角弯头) Rubber pipe assembly, C-type(with an elbow, 90°)
上部内防喷器接头(远控) Upper IBOP (remote)
主机防风棚可燃气体探测仪 Inflammable gas detector in main equipment shed
YM-16-Ⅱ型液压猫头 YM-16-Ⅱ Hydraulic Cathead
主发电机组额定功率×台数 Rated power X quantity, main generator set
将所有DAQ数据存于硬盘 Store all DAQ data on hard disk.
由任式金属硬密封泥浆阀门 Mud valve , union type, metal to metal seal
焊拉式金属硬密封泥浆阀门 Welding metal seal mud valve
焊接式金属硬密封泥浆闸门 Welding metal rigid mud-sealing gate
焊接式金属硬密封泥浆阀门 Welded metal hard sealing mud valve
底部压井管线包括四个阀门 Kill line(including 4 valves)
API阀门DN50组数量 API gate valve DN50 union
刹车液压操作系统额定压力 Rated hydraulic operation system pressure of brake
金属硬密封泥浆阀门密封件 Metal hard seal mud valve sealings
设计符合API4F规范 The mast conforms to API 4F
设计符合API9B规范 Conforms to API 9B
设计符合API8A规范 Conforms to API 8A specification
设计符合API7K规范 Conforms to API 7K specifications
柴油发电机组保养配件清单 Maintenance parts list of diesel generator set house
司钻控制室及钻井参数仪表 Driller's control cabin and drilling parameter instrument
焊接式金属硬密封泥浆阀板 Welding metal seal mud valve plate
每个泵上的三个缸可以互换 The 3 hydraulic cylinders of every pump can be
操作台升降行调节范围6m Console rising and lowering distance is 6m
带传动,以简化减速机构. Belt transmission is adopted, which simplifies the
speed-reducing mechanism.
主滚筒尺寸(直径×长度) Main drum size(Dia.×Length)
压力差开关(油气分离器) Pressure difference switch (oil-gas separator)
旋转方向(面向飞轮端视) Rotation direction(facing to flywheel)
橡胶管线1""(约30米) Rubber pipe line1""(About 30 m)
推拉式塑钢窗(钢化玻璃) Slide plastic-steel window (tempered glass)
刹车鼓尺寸(直径×长度) Brake rim size(Dia.×Length)
排出滤网及辅助管路(二) Discharge Filter Screen and Assistant Pipe(2)
空气过滤器滤芯(重负荷) Air filter element(heavy duty)
胶管总成(长度仅供参考) Rubber hose assembly(Length for reference)
电传系统部分(发电机柜) Electric drive system(generator cabinet)
电传系统部分(开关柜) Electric Drive System(Cubicle Switchboard)
打捞震击器(液压上击器) Fishing jar
不锈钢丝护套胶管(横向) Stainless wire jacketed hose(horizontal)
不锈钢丝护套胶管(横向) Stainless wire jacketed hose(cross)
(5″钻杆28米立根) (5"drill pipe 28m stand)
四川宏华石油设备有限公司 Sichuan Honghua Petroleum Equipment Co., Ltd.
发电、气源房布置各部件图 Parts drawing for Generator/air source house
钻井液管汇通径/额定压力 Drilling fluid manifold bore size / rated pressrue
扣压式软管接头 Press type softpipe fitting
金属硬密封泥浆阀门阀座 Metal hard seal mud valve seat
CAT3406柴油机组 CAT3406 Diesel engine generator set
起升大绳死绳端固定装置 Fixation device of hoisting wireline deadline end
主机防风棚排风系统控制 Control of the ventilation system in main equipment shed
泥浆泵H2S气体探测仪 Mud pump H2S gas monitor
固控区H2S气体探测仪 H2S gas detection instrument in Solid control area
外螺纹/外螺纹穿板接头 Out thread/external thread bulkhead joint
井场交流区域配供电系统 Well site AC distribution system
绞车辅助驱动电机/台数 Drawworks auxiliary driving motor / quantity
辅助发电机组功率×台数 Auxiliary generator set power X quantity
鹅颈管与水龙带联接方式 Gooseneck pipe and rotary hose connection type
电动倒绳机及钻井钢丝绳 Electrical spooler and drill line
司钻偏房安装在支撑架上 The doghouse installed on supporting frame
通风式气胎离合器摩擦片 Ventilated type air tube clutch friction plate
小气室普通气胎离合器囊 Clutch Ballonet
装在底座上司钻位置对面 Installed on the substructure facing driller side
压力传感器配2m长电缆 Pressure transducer, with 2m long cable
突面板式平焊钢制管法兰 Crowning plate type flush welding steel tube flange
凸面板式平焊钢制管发兰 Convex type plain welding flange
无火花型三相四极插件 Non-spark three-phase four-pole plug-in
自动电压调节器反应时间 Response time, auto voltage regulator
二层台及挡风墙、飞机架 Racking board and bayshon, cantilever
KXT型可曲挠橡胶接管 KXT type flexible rubber connecting pipe
井架左右四段及左右五段 Left and right section IV & V of mast
由壬式双刻度抗震压力表 EP dual-scale pressure gauge, union type
动力及电传动系统区设备 Power and electric driving system equipment
金属硬密封泥浆阀门阀板 Metal hard seal mud valve plate
振动罐-吸收罐(录井) Shaker tank-suction tank( well logging)
油气分离器滤芯(次级) Oil-gas separator filter element(secondary)
油气分离器滤芯(初级) Oil-gas separator filter element(primary)
印制电路板(发电柜) Printed circuit board( generator cabinet)
外形尺寸(长×宽×高) Overall measurement (L x W x H)
干粉灭火器(带安装架) Dry powder fire extinguisher (w/installation frame)
电传系统部分(同期柜) Electric drive system(synchronizing cabinet)
电传系统部分(变频柜) Electric drive system(converter cabinet)
低压泥浆系统(固控室) Low pressure mud system(solid control room)
(含由壬fig100) (includes Union fig100)
发电、气源房布置图总图 Layout of Generator/Air Source House
注可按用户要求颜色配 Note: the colour is based on client requirement.
铺板(六)与左右上座 Paving plate(6) and left&right upper seat
立根盒前梁与左右上座 Front beam of setback and left&right upper seat
机架与绞车护罩及底座 Main frame and drawworks guard and skid