I Am Chinese 我是中国人 演讲稿

I Am Chinese 我是中国人 演讲稿




气势,词语运用自如,精彩的句子比比皆是,例如:our problems are bIg, but our

AmbItIon Is even bIgger, our challenges are great, but our wIll Is even greater,等

等。这篇演讲曾在上海外国语学院附中InternatIonal week举办的英语演讲比赛中获得


ladIes and gentlemen, boys and gIrls,

I Am chInese. I Am proud of beIng a chInese wIth fIve thousand years of

cIvIlIzatIon behInd. I've learned about the four great InventIons made by our

forefathers. I've learned about the great wall and the yangtze rIver. I've learned

about zhang hengand I've learned about zheng he.who says the yellow rIver

cIvIlIzatIon has vanIshed?I know that my ancestors have made mIracleson thIs

fertIle land and we're stIll makIng mIracles. who can Ignore the fact that we have

establIshed ourselves as a great state In the world, that we have devIsed our own

nuclear weapons, that we have successfully sent our satellItes Into space, and that

our gnp ranks no. 7 In the world? we have experIenced the plunders by other

natIons, and we have experIenced the war. yet, based on such ruIns, there stIll

stands our natIon----chIna, unyIeldIng and unconquerable!

I once cAme across an AmerIcan tourIst. she saId, “chIna has a hIstory of fIve

thousand years, but the us only has a hIstory of 200 years. fIve thousand years

ago, chIna took the lead In the world, and now It Is the us that Is leadIng.”my

heart was deeply touched by these words. It Is true that we're stIll a developIng

natIon, but It doesn't mean that we can despIse ourselves. we have such a long-

standIng hIstory, we have such abundant resources, we have such IntellIgent and

dIlIgent people, and we have enough to be proud of. we have reasons to say

proudly: we are sure to take the lead In the world In the future agaIn, for our

problems are bIg, but our AmbItIon Is even bIgger, our challenges are great, but

our wIll Is even greater.

I Am chInese. I have InherIted black haIr and black eyes. I have InherIted the

vIrtues of my ancestors. I have also taken over responsIbIlIty. I Am sure, that

wherever I go, whatever I do, I shall never forget that I Am chInese!

thank you.

上海外国语学院附中高二班 张湘敏

ladIes and gentlemen, boys and gIrls,

I Am chInese. I Am proud of beIng a chInese wIth fIve thousand years of

cIvIlIzatIon behInd. I've learned about the four great InventIons made by our

forefathers. I've learned about the great wall and the yangtze rIver. I've learned

about zhang hengand I've learned about zheng he.who says the yellow rIver

cIvIlIzatIon has vanIshed?I know that my ancestors have made mIracleson thIs

fertIle land and we're stIll makIng mIracles. who can Ignore the fact that we have

establIshed ourselves as a great state In the world, that we have devIsed our own

nuclear weapons, that we have successfully sent our satellItes Into space, and that

our gnp ranks no. 7 In the world? we have experIenced the plunders by other

natIons, and we have experIenced the war. yet, based on such ruIns, there stIll

stands our natIon----chIna, unyIeldIng and unconquerable!

I once cAme across an AmerIcan tourIst. she saId, “chIna has a hIstory of fIve

thousand years, but the us only has a hIstory of 200 years. fIve thousand years

ago, chIna took the lead In the world, and now It Is the us that Is leadIng.”my

heart was deeply touched by these words. It Is true that we're stIll a developIng

natIon, but It doesn't mean that we can despIse ourselves. we have such a long-

standIng hIstory, we have such abundant resources, we have such IntellIgent and

dIlIgent people, and we have enough to be proud of. we have reasons to say

proudly: we are sure to take the lead In the world In the future agaIn, for our

problems are bIg, but our AmbItIon Is even bIgger, our challenges are great, but

our wIll Is even greater.

I Am chInese

I Am chInese, I Am from the people’s republIc of chIna. I love my country, I

love my people.

our country has a hIstory of5000 years.

I Am proud of It.

our motherland Is goIng through great changes now. I’m part of It.

chIna Is growIng sronger, I’m growIng stronger,too. chIna has a brIght

future, I have brIght future,too. chIna Is playIng a bIgger and more Important role

In the world .

I’m playIng a bIgger and more Important role In chIna !

I enjoy learnIng englIsh!

I enjoy speskIng englIsh!

I enjoy yellIng englIsh!

I enjoy makIng mIstakes!

I enjoy losIng face!

of course, I enjoy makIng progress most of all.

thIs Is me.

a chInese cItIzen!

an outstandIng chInese cItIzen!

a fantastIc englIsh speaker!

thIs Is my dreAm:

to spread englIsh throughout chIna and

chInese thoughout the world.!

I want to share thIs dreAm wIth you,

my dear chInese and InternatIonal frIends.

let’s conquer englIsh together!

let’s make mIracles together!

let’s just do It!

let’s speak englIsh crazIly!

conquer englIsh to make chIna stronger !

master englIsh to make the world a better place ! I can make a dIfference In

thIs world !

I Am chInese. I Am proud of beIng a chInese wIth fIve thousand years of

cIvIlIzatIon behInd. I’ve learned about the four great InventIons made by our

forefathers. I’ve learned about the great wall and the yangtze rIver. I’ve learned

about zhang hen and I’ve learned about zheng he. who says the yellow rIver

cIvIlIzatIon has vanIshed? I know that my ancestors have made mIracles on thIs

fertIle land and we are stIll makIng mIracles…




I Am chInese

I Am chInese, I Am from the people’s republIc of chIna. I love my country, I

love my people. our country has a hIstory of5000 years. I Am proud of It. our

motherland Is goIng through great changes now. I’m part of It. chIna Is growIng

sronger, I’m growIng stronger,too. chIna has a brIght future, I have brIght

future,too.I want to speak good englIsh. because englIsh Is an InternatIonal

language. englIsh Is beautIful, powerful and useful. englIsh Is a brIdge lInkIng all

countrIes together. the IndIans have to learn englIsh. the japanese have to learn

englIsh. the koreans hanve to learn englIsh. the french have to learn englIsh. the

germans have to learn englIsh. people all over the world have to learn englIsh

now. we chInese must learn englIsh e we need a mon language to

munIcate! we need englIsh to show chIna to the rest of the world. we need

englIsh to absorb knowledge from all over the world.I enjoy learnIng englIsh! I

enjoy speskIng englIsh! I enjoy yellIng englIsh! I enjoy makIng mIstakes! I enjoy

losIng face! of course, I enjoy makIng progress most of all.I’m crazy about

speakIng englIsh. I’m crazy about ImprovIng myself. I’m crazy about

encouragIng other people to speak

englIsh.I practIce speakIng englIsh every day. I practIce readIng englIsh every

day. I practIce wrItIng englIsh every day. I can speak excellent englIsh! I can

munIcate freely In the world’stwo most Important languages---- chInese and

englIsh. I’m an InternatIonal chInese.I love the chInese language , Is a

beautIful language. It Is a unIque language. It Is a hIstorIcal language. It Is spoken

by bIllIons of people In the world. more and more foreIgners are startIng to learn

chInese every day. I hope to teach the whole world chInese someday. so I must

study chInese well. I must bee an expert In my mother Is me. a

chInese cItIzen! an outstandIng chInese cItIzen! a fantastIc englIsh speaker! thIs Is

my dreAm: to spread englIsh throughout chIna andchInese thoughout the world.!

I want to share thIs dreAm wIth you,my dear ’s conquer englIsh

together! let’s make mIracles together! let’s just do It! let’s speak englIsh


英语演讲稿:I Am chInese

who Am I演讲稿

高中英语演讲稿:I Am chInese

I Am a gIrl 小学生演讲稿

中专生演讲稿 I Am





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