goodfriend. have same____.We like animals pets
dog thanLucy‟s cat goodfriends. 2.阅读短文,判断所给句子是否与短文内容相符,相符
的用“T”表示,不相符的用“F”表示。 sunnyday. Two boys talkingabout sunnearer
earth(地球)in afternoon?”One boy says, e otherboy says,
e we feel hotter afternoonthan niceday. afternoonthan Wefeel
hotter afternoonthan right.3.阅读对话,判断所给句子是否与对话内容相符,相符的用
“T”表示,不符的用“F”表示。 Hello,Jenny. ourschool reading room. biggerthan our
classroom. Yes,Nancy. Look! manymagazines Doyou like reading? Yousee, some
books Doyou often come here readbooks? students come here readafter
school. weoften help readingroom. cleanerthan meanswe should keep quiet here.
isn‟tany noise quieterthan otherplaces (地方) ourschool. schoolreading room
biggerthan any other classroom studentsoften help quieterthan readingroom. 4.
阅读短文,并根据短文内容选择正确的选项。 Linda goodfriends. Linda Japanesegirl,
Chinesegirl. She thirteenyears old, oneyear younger than her. sameclass, Class Two.
Linda has niceFrisbee(飞盘). She can throw(扔) verywell. beautifulkite. canfly
verywell, can‟tthrow teaches me teachher kitelike canthrow
Frisbeebetter than her, shecan fly kitebetter than me. We both can do them very
well. herfriend Japanese;Chinese Chinese;American Chinese;Japanese Howold
Linda‟sfriend?She twelveyear old thirteenyears old twelveyears old sameclass
sameclass differentclasses Lindacan verywell sheteaches her friend how
Whichsentence Lindahas herfriend has writercan throw Frisbeevery well now.
Lindathinks toohard Frisbee.5.根据上下文及首字母提示完成下列短文。 Alice
dowell runs thanNancy. Yang Ling higherthan her. She wants stronger,so
she jogs swimmingafter school. 6.阅读短文,根据短文内容,选择合适的选项。 David
littleboy. He.__1__four years old. One day his mother __2__him seehis
grandfather .His grandmother‟s home veryfar __3__them, so fewpeople allsat
___7__.Helooked out hismother. momentlater( 一会儿后),David started running
ran ran(不停的跑来跑 去).”__8__are you always running? Please sit
Hismother said seemy grandmother __10__ gofaster,” David answered.
内容相符,相符的用“T”表示,不相符的用“F”表示。 Mr. Green has smallgarden
hishouse. hehas only fewtrees. His neighbors(邻居) Mr. Black has garden,too. Mr.
Black‟s garden smallerthan Mr. Green‟s. He has more trees than Mr. Green‟s,
weeds(杂草) hisgarden verylong. Mr. Brown ‟s another (另一个) neighbor.
Mr. Brown‟s garden smallest(最小的) garden has most(最多的) flowers
themall. . Green works hisgarden every day, so his garden mostbeautiful.
‟s house ‟s. ‟s garden. ‟s, so his garden
mostbeautiful. ‟s garden smallerthan Mr. Black‟s. ‟s doesn‟t
have nicegarden. 8.阅读短文,并根据短文内容选择正确的选项。 Jack sevenyears old.
He has goodfriend. His name sameage. alwayshave : Who best(最好
的)student yourclass? Sam: : Why? Sam: Because oftenanswer teacher‟
squestions. Jack: Who worstone yourclass, Sam:My teacher. Jack: Why? Sam:
Because she doesn‟t know anything alwaysasks us many question. Jackdoing?
es “worst” mean? teacherask studentsmany questions?
Yes,she Yes,she does. shedoesn‟t. 9.阅读短文,选择最佳答案。 Helen ia
Englishschoolgirl. She herparents. She doesn‟t know Chines Sheoften tries
speakChinese herChinese friends. Sometimes don‟tunderstand(理解) her, because
she can‟t speak Chinese well. Sundaymorning. Helen wants Zhongshanpark. She
flowershow(展览). shedoesn‟t know how Sheasks Chineseboy. boycan‟t
understand her. shetakes out somepaper. She draws someflowers sayssomething
about boysmiles showsHelen Helenlives d )len
know Chinese?, she does , she doesn‟t , she doesn‟
t. )es_____ Chinese speak;parents speaking;friends speaking;teachers
shegoing? newschool. flowershow. )s she ask
flowershow? asks asks Shedraws way.10.阅读Li Lei 写给David
的便条,判断所给句子是否与便条内容相符,相符的用“T”表示,不相符的 用“F”表示。
Dear David, Please come myhome helpyou find my house. Take bus
No.22 getoff GuangmingRoad. Walk along turnright firstcrossing. Now you‟re
XiangyangRoad. Walk about five minutes, you can see four houses yourleft.
thirdone can‟t miss LiLei ) asks David havebreakfast
hishome ) gives David helphim find his house. )hould get off
XiangyangRoad. )hould walk along Guangming Road turnleft
firstcrossing. )rth house LiLei 11.阅读短文,并根据短文内容选择正确的选项。
Every morning Mike goes e he has longtrip, he always buys helpshim
timego quickly. One Tuesday morning, he sportreport(报道)about footballmatch.
veryinteresting heforgets(忘记)to get off hisstation. He doesn‟t know until(直
到)hesees Hegets off nextstation longtime goback. course,he gets officevery late.
His boss(老板)is very angry(生气)。 storyia about_____. Mike likes
Mike‟s late ‟s boss Mikealways goes ways buys
newspaperwhen he goes workbecause_____. helikes readnewspaper hewants
timego more quickly hewants reportabout importantfootball match
veryinteresting getsoff getoff train12. 阅读短文,判断所给句子是否与短文内容相符,
相符的用“T”表示,不相符的用“F”表示。 Saturdayevening, Tom NanjingRoad. havetwo
tickets(票), womanhas citymap herhand, don‟tknow way,either. Now, tellTom
abouttwenty minutes‟ walk from here. GuangzhouRoad, near HistoryMuseum,
thankthem very much cinemahappily. womanknow Wedon‟t know. woman‟shand?
Howfar cinemafrom here? Twentykilometers. Twentyminutes‟ walk.
Historymuseum. map13 阅读短文,判断所给句子是否与短文内容相符,相符的用“T”
表示,不相符的用“F”表示。 littleboy hisfather. boyoften puts his head out window.
“Ted, don‟t put your head out window,”his father says, littleboy doesn‟t listen.
fatherhas boyputs his head out windowagain, he takes boy‟shat quickly,
behindhim says,“you lose(丢失) your hat. You shouldn‟t put your head out boycries.
youpromise(答应) goodboy sitstill(安静地),I‟ll ask comeback(回来)again.” boystops
crying sitsstill. fathersays ,”Come back, hat!” hequickly takes hatout(拿出) from his
back. veryhappy, hethrows his father‟s bag out says,“Come back, bag!” )tle
boy travellingwitn his mother. ) often puts his hesd out ) loses
his hat becausehe puts his head out fatherdoesn‟t throw boy‟shat out boycan
make his father‟s bag come back. 14 阅读短文,判断所给句子是否与短文内容相符,
相符的用“T”表示,不相符的用“F”表示。 Bill year, summerholiday together.
One day getup early gofishing, didn‟thave allright, Bill Fredsaid, llput some
pieces(几片) housetonight they‟llwake(叫醒) us up morning.”Bill
nextmorning, small birds came down wokeBill Fredup very quickly. Billspent
summerholiday Fredlast year. swimone day. alarmclock. Fredput birdswoke Bill
Fredup early morning.15)阅读短文,选择最佳答案。 SportsFestival today.
MaixiPrimary School playground(操场).Some students havingmatches. Some
students , Helen YangLing runningfaster than Yang
Ling. Liu Tao Tao jumps higher than some boys hisclass, Davidjumps
higher than him. Mike longjump now Who jumps farther, Mike Tom?Oh, Mike
jumping2cm father than Tom! lookvery happy. ScienceFestival SportsFestival
Children‟sDay havingmatches_____. LiuTao jumps_____than David. _____doesn‟
tjump YangLing allvery_____. happyC:hungry 16)阅读短文,判断所给句子是否与短文
内容相符,相符的用“T”表示,不相符的用“F”表示。 Mrs Green eightyyears old. She
likes driving very much. She always drives doesn‟t drive fast.
shenever hits anything. Today wayhome. She sees red light
stops her car. cardoesn‟t start more again. trafficlights change(变化). Green, yellow,
red greenagain. hercar can‟t start any more. “What should do?”she says
policemancomes up. He says kindly her,“Good morning. Don‟t you like any
ourcolour today?” )en veryold. She can‟t drive. ) can‟t work
wayhome. )ts )iceman humorous(幽默的).参考答案: Her,same,
than, hobby, have, has, fatter girl,than, her, doesn‟t, slower, jumps, school, goes
Differentthings usually stand differentfeelings. Red, fire,heat, blood say
red activecolor. associate(使发生联系)red strongfeeling like STOPsigns fireengines.
Orange bright,warm color say orange associateorange
Peoplesay cheerfulcolor. associateyellow too,
coolcolor Peoplesay refreshingcolor. general,people twogroups colors:warm colors
coolcolors. warmcolors red,orange warmcolor light,people usually want Thosewho
like likered. coolcolors colors,people usuallyworried. Some scientists
say timeseems