戈洛博翻译 - 英语词汇库
(动物 Zoology/Animals)
s 哺乳动物:
lion 狮/公狮/雄狮;lioness 母狮/雌狮;Africa lion 非洲狮;Congo lion 刚果狮;
Angola lion 安哥拉狮;Kenya lion 肯尼亚狮;Cameroon lion 喀麦隆狮;Uganda lion
乌干达狮;South African lion 南非狮;East African lion 东非狮;Asian lion 亚洲狮;
Roosevelt lion 罗斯福狮;Marseille lion 马赛狮;West African lion 西非狮;
Somali lion 索马里狮;Cara Harry lion 卡拉哈里狮;puma concolor/puma 美洲狮;
tiger 虎/公虎/雄虎;tigress 母虎/雌虎;white tiger 白虎;north China tiger 东北
虎;south China tiger 华南虎;Bengal tiger 孟加拉虎;Indochinese tiger 印支虎;
Malay tiger 马来虎;Sumatran tiger 苏门答腊虎;liger 狮虎兽(雄狮与雌虎杂交后的产
物);tigon 虎狮兽(雄虎与雌狮杂交后的产物);elephant 象;African elephant 非洲象;
Asian elephant 亚洲象;Indian elephant 印度象;Sumatran elephant 苏门答腊象;
leopard 豹/金钱豹;cheetah 猎豹;snow leopard 雪豹;clouded leopard 云豹;
panther 黑豹;Korean leopard 朝鲜豹;jaguar 美洲豹/美洲虎;bear 熊;Malayan sun
bear 马来熊;black bear 黑熊/狗熊;American black bear 美洲黑熊;brown bear 棕熊;
grizzly bear 灰熊;Tibetan blue bear 马熊/西藏棕熊;Andean bear 眼镜熊;sloth
bear 懒熊;raccoon 浣熊;giant panda 熊猫/大熊猫;lesser panda/red panda 小熊猫;
orangutan 猩猩;chimpanzee 黑猩猩;gorilla 大猩猩;orangutan 红毛猩猩;gorilla
beringei 山地大猩猩;ape 猿;gibbon 长臂猿;white-checked gibbon 白颊长臂猿;
hoolock gibbon 白眉长臂猿;white-handed gibbon 白掌长臂猿;black crested gibbon
黑长臂猿;monkey 猴;golden monkey/snub-nosed monkey 金丝猴;macaque/rhesus 猕猴;
stump-tailed macaque 红血猴;pig-tailed macaque 豚尾猴;Taiwan macaque 台湾猴;
douroucouli 夜猴;pygmy loris 倭蜂猴;leaf monkey/langur;leaf monkey/langur 叶
猴;entellus langur 长尾叶猴;white-headed langur 白头叶猴/花叶猴/白叶猴/白头乌
猿;ring tailed lemur 节尾狐猴;slow loris 懒猴/蜂猴;ring-tailed lemur 环尾狐猴;
squirrel monkey 松鼠猴;proboscis monkey 长鼻猴;Colobus monkey 疣猴;marmoset
狨猴/拇指猴;red monkey 赤猴;Tibetan macaque 藏酋猴;stump-tailed monkey 短尾猴;
red-shanked douc langur 白臀叶猴;leontopithecus rosalia 金狮面狨;baboon 狒狒;
Arab baboon 阿拉伯狒狒;green baboon 绿狒狒;gelada baboon 狮尾狒;Guinea
baboon 几内亚狒狒;mandrill 山魈/鬼狒狒;horse 马;mare 母马/雌马;stallion 公马
/雄马;thoroughbred 纯种马;colt/foal/filly 马驹/小马/幼马;gelding 阉割的马;
pony 矮马;mini house 迷你马;mustang 野马;Ferghana horse 汗血宝马;zebra 斑马;
gnu 角马/牛羚;vicuna 骆马;hippopotamus 河马;donkey/ass 驴;mini donkey 迷你
驴;Guanzhong donkey 关中驴;Dezhou donkey 德州驴;Guangling donkey 广灵驴;
Biyang donkey 泌阳驴;Xinjiang donkey 新疆驴;Asiatic wild ass 野驴;kiang 藏野
驴/野马;African wild ass 非洲野驴;onager 中亚野驴;mule 骡;mule 马骡(公驴和
母马所生称为马骡);hinny 驴骡(公马和母驴所生的后代称为驴骡);pig/swine 猪;
herd 猪的统称;piglet/shoat 小猪/年幼的猪;boar 雄猪/公猪/种猪;sow 雌猪/母猪;
gilt 小母猪;hog 阉猪/肥猪;wild boar 野猪/山猪;porcupine 箭猪/豪猪;wart hog
疣猪;black small-eared pig 香猪;teacup pig 茶杯猪;pigmy hog 微型猪;badger
獾/狗獾;hog badger 猪獾;glutton狼獾/貂熊;honey badger/mellivora capensis 蜜
獾;Chinese ferret-badger 鼬獾;cattle 家畜/牲口/牛的总称/黄牛;herd 牛的统称;
bull/ox(公牛)牛;cow 母牛/奶牛;bullock 小公牛; heifer 小母牛;calf 小牛/牛犊;
bullock 阉牛;bos primigenius taurus 家牛/黄牛/欧洲牛;aurochs 原牛;buffalo 水
牛;beef cattle 菜牛;Simmental 西门塔尔牛;Brahman 婆罗门牛;yak 牦牛;wild
yak 野牦牛;zebu 瘤牛;bison 野牛;gaur 亚洲野牛/印度野牛;north American
bison 北美野牛;European bison 欧洲野牛;cape buffalo 非洲水牛/非洲野牛;
takin 羚牛;musk ox 麝牛;rhinoceros 犀牛;white rhinoceros白犀牛;black rhino
ceros黑犀牛;goat 山羊;kid 年幼的山羊;nanny goat 雌山羊;billy goat 雄山羊;
sheep 绵羊;lamb 羊羔;ram 公羊;ewe 母羊;Argali sheep 盘羊;ibex 北山羊/悬羊;
bharal/blue sheep 岩羊;Himalaya tahr 喜马拉雅塔尔羊;small tail sheep 小尾寒羊;
Boer goat 波尔山羊;antelope 羚羊;gazelle 小羚/瞪羚;oryx 大羚羊;oryx
leucoryx 阿拉伯长角羚;Tibetan antelope 藏羚羊;saiga 高鼻羚羊;goral 斑羚;
serow 鬣羚;saola 中南大羚;dama gazelle 鹿羚;red goral 赤斑羚;gazella subgut
turosa 鹅喉羚;Tibetan gazelle 藏原羚;ear hair gemsbok 毛耳长角羚;Grignard
gazelle 格氏瞪羚;Thomson's gazelle 汤氏瞪羚;dog 狗(犬)/公狗/雄狗;bitch 母狗
/雌狗;puppy/whelp 小狗/幼犬;fleshy dog 肉狗;edible dog 食用狗;hyena/hyaena
鬣狗;Chinese rural dog 柴狗/土狗/中华田园犬;hairless dog 无毛狗;Chow Chow 松
狮;Pekingese 京巴狗;pug 哈巴狗/巴哥;Sharpei 沙皮狗;Yorkshire terrier 约克夏
犬;Teddy dog 泰迪犬;Pomeranian 博美犬;Samoyed 萨摩耶犬;Afghan hound 阿富汗猎
犬;dachshund/deckel/teckel 腊肠犬;Schnauzer 雪纳瑞犬;miniature pinscher 小鹿
犬;poodle 贵宾犬/贵妇犬;Labrador 拉布拉多猎犬;Doberman pinscher 杜宾犬;
great Dane 大丹犬;papillon 蝴蝶犬;Chihuahua 吉娃娃;bulldog 斗牛犬;German
shepherd dog 黑贝犬/德国黑背;red dog of Laizhou 苏联红犬/莱州红犬;black bear
dog 黑熊犬;Caucasian shepherd dog 高加索犬;Pit bull/American Pit bull terrier
比特犬;golden retriever 金毛犬;Husky 哈士奇犬;malinois 马犬;greyhound 细犬
wolf dog狼犬/狼狗;war dog军犬;police dog 警犬;mastiff 獒;Tibetan mastiff
藏獒;ghost mastiff 鬼獒;pig mastiff 猪獒/改良獒;blue wolf mastiff青狼獒;
snow mastiff 雪獒; red Tibetan mastiff 红獒;Brazilian mastiff 巴西獒;English
mastiff 英国獒;Spanish mastiff 西班牙獒;Mongolian mastiff 蒙古獒;airedale
terrier 万能梗;Spain bull terrier 西班牙斗牛梗;bull terrier 牛头梗;cat 猫;
tomcat 公猫/雄猫;tabby/she-cat/grimalkin 母猫/雌猫;kitten/kitty 小猫;Persian
cat 波斯猫;Garfield 加菲猫/异国短毛猫;Norwegian forest cat 挪威森林猫;ocelot
虎猫;tabby cat 虎斑猫;Dragen-Li 狸花猫;Chinese garden cat中华田园猫/土猫;
cup cat 茶杯猫;Chinchilla 金吉拉猫;Burmilla 波米拉猫;puppet cat布偶猫;
Scottish fold 苏格兰折耳猫;British shorthair 英国短毛猫;American shorthair 美
国短毛猫;Angola cat 安哥拉猫;Bombay cat 孟买猫;tiger cat 虎皮猫;Bengal cat
孟加拉猫;Siamese cat 暹罗猫;caracal 狞猫;leopard cat 豹猫;ocelot 虎猫;cara
cal/bush cat 薮猫;golden cat 金猫;fishing cat 渔猫;viverridae 灵猫;viverra
zibetha 大灵猫;small Indian civet小灵猫;deer 鹿;giraffe 长颈鹿;okapi 霍加
狓;reindeer 驯鹿;David's deer/elk 麋鹿;red deer 马鹿;hog deer 豚鹿;
Bactrian red deer 塔里木马鹿;Alashan red deer 蒙古马鹿;Kashmir stag 克什米尔马
鹿;swamp deer 沼鹿;black-tailed deer 骡鹿;sika deer梅花鹿;white-lippeddeer
白唇鹿/岩鹿/白鼻鹿/黄鹿;black muntjac 黑麂;roe deer 狍子;Alpine musk deer 马
麝; moose 驼鹿;eld's deer/thamin 坡鹿;hog deer 豚鹿;sambar 水鹿;white anal
deer 白臀鹿;tufted deer 毛冠鹿;Japanese deer日本花鹿;forest musk deer 林麝;
Chinese river-deer 河麂;barking deer 赤麂;musk deer 麝/麝獐;river deer獐/香
獐;Formosan muntjac 山羌/台湾山羌;kangaroo 袋鼠;koala 考拉/树袋熊/无尾熊;
platypus/duckbill 鸭嘴兽;anteater 食蚁兽;aardvark 土豚;sloth 树懒;Tasmanian
devil 袋獾;echidna 针鼹;camel 骆驼;dromedary 单峰驼;two-humped camel 双峰驼;
wild camel 野骆驼;guanaco 原驼;alpaca 羊驼;llama 大羊驼;vicuna 小羊驼;
rabbit 兔子;hare野兔;buck 雄兔/公兔;female rabbit 雌兔/母兔;Angora rabbit
安哥拉兔;polar hare 北极兔;rat鼠/耗子(大老鼠);mouse鼠/耗子(小老鼠/家鼠);
squirrel 松鼠;dormouse 睡鼠;gopher 囊地鼠;mole 鼹鼠;mouse/vole 田鼠;guinea
pig 豚鼠;fat-tailed rat 通心粉鼠;chinchilla龙猫/南美栗鼠/毛丝鼠;hamster 仓鼠;
flying squirrel 鼯鼠;bamboo rat竹鼠;sugar glider 蜜袋鼯;zaglossus bruijni 长
吻针鼹;beaver河狸;binturong 熊狸;mink/marten 貂;sable 紫貂/黑貂;American
mink/European mink 水貂;drought of mink 旱貂;ferret 雪貂;otter 水獭;marmot
旱獭/土拨鼠;Malayan tapir 马来貘;lowland tapir 南美貘/低地貘;mongoose 獴;
raccoon dog 貉;jackal 豺;hedgehog 刺猬;armadillo 犰狳;manul 兔狲;lynx 猞猁;
weasel 鼬/黄鼠狼;bat 蝙蝠;Thailand hog-nosed bat泰国猪鼻蝙蝠;pet 宠物;pet
dog 宠物狗; pet pig 宠物猪;pet cat 宠物猫;cowfish/finless porpoise 江豚;
Yangtze river dolphin/white-flag dolphin白鳍豚;wolf 狼;whitewolf 白狼;north
American red wolf 红狼;canis lupus laniger 雪狼;fox 狐狸;silver fox 银黑狐/
银狐;red fox 赤狐/火狐;color fox 彩狐;globe fish 河豚;porpoise 大西洋鼠海豚;
white-flag dolphin 白鳍豚;seal 海豹;elephant seal象海豹;sea lion 海狮;fur s
eal 海狗/海熊;steller sea lion 海驴/北海狮;dolphin 海豚;sea otter海獭;south
ern elephant seal 南象海豹;manatee 海牛;dugong 儒艮;Caribbean manatee 加勒比
海牛;penguin 企鹅;whale 鲸/鲸鱼;blue whale 蓝鲸;humpback whale座头鲸;gray
whale 灰鲸;finback 长须鲸;Indo-Pacific humpbacked dolphin小鳁鲸/小须鲸;bowhe
ad whale弓头鲸/北极露脊鲸;white whale白鲸;north Pacific right whale 露脊鲸;
balaenoptera omurai角岛鲸;sperm whale/spermacet whale/pottwa/cachalot 抹香鲸;
killer whale 虎鲸。
poultry/fowl 家禽;chicken 鸡;brood 鸡的统称;cock/rooster 公鸡;hen 母鸡;
chickling 雏鸡;chick 小鸡;gallus domestiaus 柴鸡/土鸡/草鸡/笨鸡/家鸡;jungle fowl
原鸡;partridge 石鸡;three yellow chicken 三黄鸡;lady amherst pheasant 白腹锦
鸡;Luhua chicken 芦花鸡;devil chicken鬼子鸡;snow cock 雪鸡;tragopan temminckii
红腹角雉;Elliot's pheasant 白颈长尾雉;monal pheasant 棕尾虹雉;guinea fowl珍
珠鸡;turkey火鸡;tom 雄火鸡;black-boned chicken 乌鸡;pheasant 野鸡/雉鸡;
chrysolophus pictus红腹锦鸡;bamboo partridge竹鸡;bambusicola fytchii 棕胸竹鸡;
pheasant 褐马鸡;Tibetan eared-pheasant 藏马鸡;blue eared pheasant 蓝马鸡;white
horse chicken 白马鸡;pukras 勺鸡;brown eared blood pheasant 血雉;Elliot's
pheasant 白颈长尾雉;peacock pheasant 孔雀雉;polyplectron malacense 凤冠孔雀雉;
grouse 松鸡;crake 秧鸡;silver pheasant 白鹇;Kalij pheasant 黑鹇;ostrich 鸵鸟;
African ostrich 非洲鸵鸟;emu 鸸鹋/澳洲鸵鸟;cassowary 鹤鸵/食火鸡;bird鸟;cock
雄鸟;ladybird 雌鸟;peacock 孔雀(雄);peahen孔雀(雌);green peacock 绿孔雀;
blue peacock 蓝孔雀; white peacock 白孔雀;Congo peacock 刚果孔雀;duck 鸭;
duckling 小鸭;drake 公鸭;feamale duck母鸭;mallard 野鸭/凫;teal 小野鸭;mandarin
duck 鸳鸯;quail 鹌鹑;goose 鹅;gaggle 鹅的统称;gander 雄鹅;goose 雌鹅;gosling
幼鹅;wild-goose/gander 雁;gannet 塘鹅;swan 天鹅;cob 雄天鹅;whooper swan 大
天鹅;cygnet 小天鹅;white swan 白天鹅;black swan 黑天鹅;cygnus olor疣鼻天鹅;
cygnus buccinator 黑嘴天鹅;cygnus melancoryphus 黑颈天鹅;dove 鸽子;carrier
pigeon 信鸽;pigeon 家鸽;dove 野鸽;squab/young pigeon 肉鸽/乳鸽;columba rupestris
岩鸽;rock dove 原鸽;woodpigeon 斑尾林鸽;snow pigeon 雪鸽;stock pigeon 欧鸽;
military pigeon 军鸽/战鸽;columba 赛鸽;edible pigeon 鸡型鸽/食用鸽/菜鸽
ornamental pigeon 观赏鸽;square pigeon 广场鸽;turtle dove 斑鸠;necklace dove 珠
颈斑鸠;common hill myna 鹩哥;parrot 鹦鹉;macaw 金刚鹦鹉;budgie 虎皮鹦鹉;parakeet
长尾鹦鹉;nymphicus hollandicus 玄凤鹦鹉;agapornis fischeri 牡丹鹦鹉;sunflower
parrot 葵花鹦鹉/凤头鹦鹉;cockatoo 大葵花鹦鹉;red breasted parakeet 绯胸鹦鹉;
white parrot 白鹦鹉;eagle鹰/鸢;condor秃鹰;aegypius monachus 鹫/雕;golden eagle
金雕/老雕;vulture 秃鹫;secretary bird 蛇鹫;sarcoramphus papa王鹫;heron 苍鹰;
kite 鹞;owl 枭/猫头鹰/鸮;hawk/falcon 隼;bald eagle 白头鹰;scops owl 角枭/耳
枭;aquila heliaca 白肩雕;white tailed sea eagle 白尾海雕;crane 鹤;red-crowned
crane 丹顶鹤/仙鹤;white-naped crane 白枕鹤;grey crane 灰鹤;black crane 黑鹤;
stork 鹳;sandhill crane 赤颈鹤;hooded crane 白头鹤;black-necked crane 黑颈鹤;
whale-headed stork 鲸头鹳;white stork白鹳;white naped crane凤白枕鹤;kingfisher
翠鸟;hummingbird 蜂鸟/蜂雀;whitethroat 白喉雀;magpie 喜鹊;swallow 燕子;robin
知更鸟;sky lark 云雀;lark 百灵;swallow 燕子; swift 褐雨燕;alligator 信天翁;
flamingo 火烈鸟;nightingale 夜莺;starling 八哥;pelican 鹈鹕;Chinese francolin
鹧鸪/中华鹧鸪;plover 千鸟;ptarmigan 雷鸟;chickadee 山雀;meadowlark 野百灵;
mockingbird 模仿鸟;oriole 黄鹂;phoebe 燕雀;albatross 信天翁;cardinal 蜡噱鸟;
catbird 猫声鸟;chickadee 山雀;cowbird 北美燕八哥;crow/blackbird 乌鸦;raven 大
乌鸦;cuckoo 杜鹃鸟/布谷鸟;chaffinch 苍头燕雀;cormorant 鸬鹚/鱼鹰;goldfinch 金
翅雀;bird of paradise 极乐鸟/天堂鸟;canary 金丝雀;snipe 鹬;seagull/gull 海鸥;
woodpecker 啄木鸟;chaffinch 苍头燕雀;thrush 画眉;goldfinch 金翅雀;woodcock 山
鹬;sparrow 麻雀;thrush 画眉;crested ibis 朱鹮/朱鹭;egret 鹭鸶/白鹭;night heron
夜鹭;attle egret 牛背鹭;shrike 伯劳;great bustard 地鵏/大鸨/老鸨;American red
ibis 美洲红鹮;crossbill 交嘴雀;grey-capped greenfinch 金翅;brambling 燕雀;coura
蓝凤冠鸠;waxbill 梅花雀;hornbill 犀鸟;daurian partridge 斑翅山鹑;silver pheasant
白鹇;laughingthrush 噪鹛;white-cheeked starling 灰椋鸟;songbird 燕雀;coura 蓝
凤冠鸠;waxbill 梅花雀;black top grain flycatcher 黑顶纹霸鹟;toucans 巨嘴鸟/
鵎鵼;puffin 海鹦。
es and Batrachians 爬行和两栖动物:
snake 蛇;viper 毒蛇;innocua 无毒蛇;boa王蛇;cobra 眼镜蛇;king cobra 眼睛王
蛇;rattlesnake 响尾蛇;krait 金环蛇;coral snake 银环蛇;adder/viper 蝰蛇;viper
腹蛇;copperhead 美洲腹蛇;moccasin 嗜鱼蛇;grass snake 草蛇;python 蟒/蟒蛇;milk
snake 奶蛇;zoacys dhumnades 乌梢蛇;rufozonatum 练蛇;enhydris chinensis 泥蛇/
中华水蛇;medoggreenpit-viper 竹叶青蛇;Athena glass snake 玻璃蛇;crocodile 鳄
鱼;alligator 短吻鳄/美洲鳄;the Yangtze alligator/Chinese alligator 扬子鳄;Caiman
crocodile 凯门鳄;alligator 短吻鳄/美洲鳄;Siamese crocodile 暹罗鳄;gavial 印度
鳄;lizard 蜥蜴;gecko/wall lizard 壁虎;tokay gecko 蛤蚧/大壁虎;chameleon 变色
龙/避役;Chinese crocodile lizard 鳄蜥;iguana 鬣蜥;casarea dussumieri 岛螣;
physignathus cocincinus 中国水龙;tortoise 乌龟/金龟/草龟/龟;turtle/sea turtle 海
龟;tortoise 陆龟;hawksbill turtle 玳瑁;Galapagos giant tortoise 象龟;Brazil
tortoise 巴西龟;small water turtle 金钱龟;north Antillean slider 古巴彩龟;Indian
star tortoise 印度星龟;mossback 绿毛龟;alligator snapper 鳄龟;astrochelys
yniphora 安哥洛卡陆龟;Chinese pond turtle 中华草龟;frog 青蛙/蛙;bullfrog 牛蛙;
forest frog 林蛙;tiger frog 虎纹蛙/田鸡/水鸡;bufo periglenes 金钱蛙/富贵蛙/爪
蟾;toad 蟾蜍;tadpole 蝌蚪;giant salamander 大鲵/娃娃鱼;salamander/triton/newt
蝾螈;caecilians 蚓螈;wattle-necked softshell turtle 山瑞/山瑞鳖;soft-shelled
turtle 甲鱼/王八/水鱼/鳖;Asian giant softshell turtle 鼋;pangolin 穿山甲。
ornamental fish 观赏鱼;tropical fish 热带鱼;temperature of hairtail 温带鱼;
cold water fish 冷水鱼;freshwater fish 淡水鱼; marine fish 海水鱼;river fish
河鱼;reservoir fish 水库鱼;pond fish 池塘鱼;grass carp 草鱼/鲩鱼;herring 青
鱼;chub 鲢鱼/白鲢;bighead carp 鳙鱼/胖头鱼/花鲢;common carp 鲤鱼;The Yellow
River carp 黄河鲤;grass carp 草鱼;crucian carp 鲫鱼;tilapia mossambica 罗非鱼
/非洲鲫鱼;trout 鳟鱼;rainbow trout 虹鳟鱼;golden trout 金鳟鱼;sturgeon 淫鱼/
鲟鱼;Chinese sturgeon 中华鲟;eel 鳝鱼;sea eel 鳗鱼;snakeheaded fish 乌鱼/黑
鱼;southern flounder 多宝鱼;blunt-snout bream 武昌鱼;globefish 河豚鱼;
catfish 鲇鱼/鲶鱼;yellow catfish 嘎鱼/黄辣丁/黄颡鱼;mandarin fish 鳜鱼/桂鱼;
loach 泥鳅;tarpon 大海鲢;anchovy 凤尾鱼;anglerfish 安康鱼;sardine 沙丁鱼;
mackerel 鲭鱼/鲐鱼;tunny/tuna 金枪鱼;turbot 大菱鲆鱼;cod 鳕鱼;hake 无须鳕;
whiting 小无须鳕鱼;hilsa herring/reeves shad 鲥鱼;salmon 鲑鱼/大马哈鱼/三文鱼;
yellow croacker 黄花鱼;pomfret 平鱼/鲳鱼;hairtail/cutlass fish 带鱼/牙带鱼(某
些地区又叫刀鱼,其实并非刀鱼);cutlass fish刀鱼/鮆鱼;sunfish 翻车鱼;ray 鳐鱼;
sea bream海鲷;swordfish 剑鱼;red mullet/surmullet 羊鱼;sole 舌鳎;skipjack
鲣鱼;sailfish 旗鱼;pike 梭子鱼;skipjack 鲣鱼;perch/weever 鲈鱼;sea bass 海
鲈;perch 河鲈;rudd 石斑鱼;estuarine tapertail anchovy 刀鱼/长颌鲚/凤尾鱼;
flatfish/flounder比目鱼/鲽鱼;broadhead sleeper 虎鱼;huso dauricus 鳇鱼;saury
秋刀鱼;theragra chalcogramma 明太鱼;swordfish 剑鱼;Chinese sucker/mullet 胭脂
鱼;dinosaur fish 恐龙鱼;hucho taimen 哲罗鲑;bahaba flavolabiata 金钱鳘/黄唇鱼;
archer fish 射水鱼;goldfish 金鱼;arowana/gold arowana 金龙鱼;silver arowana
银龙鱼;brocarded carp/ornamental carp 锦鲤;scavenger fish 清道夫鱼;map fish
地图鱼;kissing fish 接吻鱼;pseudorasbora parva 罗汉鱼;red green fish 红绿灯鱼;
clown fish 小丑鱼;blue dragon fish 青龙鱼;lucky catfish 招财猫鱼;panda fish
熊猫鱼;tiger shark虎头鲨;rumble fish/fighting fish 斗鱼;guppy 孔雀鱼;giant
pangasius 成吉思汗鱼;shark鲨/鲨鱼;whale shark 鲸鲨;hammerhead shark 锤头鲨/
双髻鲨;great white shark 大白鲨;。
cs and Crustaceans 贝壳和甲壳动物:
oyster 牡蛎/海蛎;Pacific geoduck clam 象拔蚌;clam 蚌;razor clam 蛏子;clam
蛤蜊/蚬子;cockle 鸟蛤;scallop 扇贝;scapharca subcrenata 毛蚶;mussel 淡菜/贻
贝/海虹;vivipara 田螺;riversnail 河螺;conch/sea snail 海螺;octopus 章鱼/八爪
鱼;jellyfish 水母;jellyfish 海蜇;cuttlefish 乌贼;squid 鱿鱼;sea dragon/
pipefish 海龙;sea star/starfish 海星;aplysia/sea hare 海兔;sea horse 海马;
sea melon seed 海瓜子;actinian/sea anemone 海葵;sea chestnut/sea hedgehog/sea
urchin海胆;Chinese penis fish 海肠;abalone 鲍鱼;shrimp 虾;river shrimp 河虾;
sea shrimp 海虾;mantis shrimp 皮皮虾;freshwater shrimp 青虾;grass shrimp 草虾;
metapenaeus ensis 基围虾/刀额新对虾;penaeus orientolis 明虾;pandalus borealis
北极(甜)虾;Norway lobster 蝉虾;prawn 对虾;large prawn 大对虾;lobster 龙虾;
lobster 大龙虾;red swamp crayfish 小龙虾;crayfish 大头虾/喇蛄;spiny lobster/
rock lobster 大螯虾;double color lobster 双色龙虾;American lobster波士顿龙虾/
美洲螯龙虾;crab 螃蟹/蟹;river crab河蟹/毛蟹;sea crab 海蟹;spider crab 蜘蛛
蟹;portunid/swimming crab 梭子蟹;hermit crab 寄居蟹;freshwater crab 溪蟹;
tiger crab 中华虎头蟹plate crab 板蟹;bread crab 面包蟹;swimming crab 蝤蛑/青
蟹;king crab帝王蟹;Tasmanian king crab 皇帝蟹;calappa philargius 元宝蟹;
coconut crab椰子蟹;amphibious crab 蟛蜞;limulus 鲎;anthozoan 珊瑚虫。
s 昆虫:
beneficial insect 益虫;pest 害虫;larva 幼虫;fly 苍蝇;blue bottle 绿豆蝇;housefly
家蝇;bot fly 马胃蝇;tachinid fly 寄蝇;horsefly/gadfly 厩蝇/牛虻;flea 跳骚;
louse/lice 白虱/虱子;mosquito 蚊子;bug/bedbug 臭虫;beetle 甲虫/金龟子;Japanese
beetle 日本金龟子;ladybird 瓢虫/花大姐;cicada 蝉;cicada pupa 蝉蛹;cricket 蟋
蟀;cryllus testaceus wallker 油葫芦;green cricket 蝈蝈/螽斯;deracantha onos 笨
棘颈螽/驴驹子;mole cricket 蝼蛄/喇喇蛄/土狗;locust 蝗虫/蚂蚱;grasshopper 草蜢
/蚱蜢;firefly/glowworm 萤火虫;locust 蝗虫;dragonfly 蜻蜓;leech 蚂蝗/水蛭;
bee/honeybee 蜜蜂;queen bee 蜂王;drone雄蜂;worker bee 工蜂;bumble bee 大黄
蜂;hornet/wasp 马蜂/黄蜂/胡蜂;chalcidoidea 小蜂;ichneumon 姬蜂;braconidae 茧
蜂;ant 蚂蚁;termite 白蚁;worker ant 工蚁;queen ant 蚁后;male ant 雄蚁;moth
蛾/飞蛾/扑棱蛾子;silkworm moth 蚕蛾;silverfish 蠹虫;butterfly 蝴蝶;swallowtail
凤尾蝶;sulphur butterfly 白蝴蝶;pale clouded yellow 纹黄蝶;cabbage butterfly 纹
白蝶;swallowtail 凤尾蝶;maggot蛆;caterpillar 毛毛虫(蛾和蝴蝶的幼虫);bread
worm 黄粉虫/面包虫;bavin bug 柴虫;bamboo worm竹虫;cutworm 地老虎;anopheles 按
蚊/疟蚊;dytiscidae 龙虱;caddis fly 石蛾;mayfly 蜉蝣;stick insect 竹节虫;hawkmoth
天蛾;click beetle 磕头虫;catharsius/dung beetle蜣螂/屎壳螂;woodlouse 土鳖;
green fruitworm/tiger worm 老虎虫;long horned beetle 天牛;aphid/aphis/plant louse
蚜虫/腻虫;uang/unicorn beetle 独角仙;predacious diving beetle 龙虱;head lice 头
虱;earwig 蠼螋;lepisma 衣鱼;dermestid 皮蠹;rice weevil 米象;billbug 谷象;
stag beetle 锹甲;weevil 象鼻虫/米虫。
parasite 寄生虫;silkworm 蚕/家蚕/桑蚕;tussah 柞蚕/春蚕;giant silkworm 天蚕;
coloured silkworm 彩蚕;scorpion 蝎子;spider 蜘蛛;tarantula 多毛毒蜘蛛;
latoia consocia walker 洋辣子;earthworm 蚯蚓;roundworm 蛔虫;trichina 旋毛虫;
tapeworm 绦虫;wiggler 孑孓(蚊子的幼虫);boll weevil 象鼻虫;scutiger 蚰蜒/钱
串子;slug 蛞蝓;cattle tick 牛蜱;tick 蜱虫/狗豆子;pine moth 松毛虫;pillbug/
woodlice/slater 潮虫/鼠妇;hydatid 包虫;mite 螨虫;stink bug 椿象/臭大姐/臭屁虫;
polydesmus 山蛩虫;centipede 蜈蚣;forficual auricularia 地蜈蚣;lithobius forf
icatus 石蜈蚣。
animals 北极动物:
polar bare 北极熊;arctic fox 蓝狐/北极狐;Arctic wolf 北极狼;Arctic reindeer
北极驯鹿;Arctic musk ox 北极麝牛;Greenland whale 格陵兰鲸;lemming 旅鼠;
black-browed albatross 黑眉信天翁;Arctic hare 北极兔;grayling 茴鱼;bowhead
whale 北极露脊鲸;beluga 白鲸;Arctic golden plover 北极黄金鸻;Arctic salmon
北极鲑鱼;Arctic tern 北极燕鸥。
tic animals 南极动物:
chinstrap penguin 帽带企鹅;emperor penguin 帝王企鹅;Adderley penguin 阿德雷企
鹅;crown penguin 冠企鹅;Ross seal 罗斯海豹;crabeater seal 锯齿海豹;leopard
seal 豹海豹;Weddle's seal 韦德尔氏海豹;Antarctic krill 南极磷虾;white sheath
bill 白鞘嘴鸥;giant petrel 巨海燕;Greenland sleeping shark 格陵兰睡鲨;skua
南极贼鸥;hydromedusa 水螅水母;gray back albatross 灰背信天翁;Antarctic jelly
fish 南极水母;cross pattern dolphin 十字纹海豚;Antarctic sea eel 南极海鳗;
ferret tiger teeth 裂齿鼬虎。
Extinct Animals 已灭绝的动物:
dragon 龙(中国古代神兽);phoenix 凤凰(中国古代神兽)- 凤(雄),凰(雌);
kylin/Chinese unicorn 麒麟(中国古代神兽);mythical wild animal 貔貅(中国古代
神兽);unicorn 独角兽;dinosaur 恐龙;dragon 上龙;muttaburrasaurus 木他龙;
tyrannosaurus rex 霸王龙;basilosaurus 龙王鲸;mammoth 猛犸象;gomphotherium 嵌
齿象;cuvieronius 居维叶象;deinothere 恐象;ancient Chinese tiger 古中华虎;
Javan tiger 爪哇虎;Bali tiger 巴厘虎;Xinjiang tiger 新疆虎;dark blue tiger
黑蓝虎;xenosmilus 异剑齿虎;Cape lion 开普狮;Barbary lion 巴巴里狮;ancient
Chinese eopard 古中华豹;north American cheetah 北美猎豹;Indian cheetah 印度猎
豹;Yowie 幽威;marsupial lion 袋狮;wombat 袋熊;Queensland wombat 昆士兰毛鼻袋
熊;Tasmanian wolf/thylacine 袋狼/塔斯马尼亚虎;;north American white wolf 北美
白狼;japanese wolf 日本狼; dire wolf 恐狼;moa 恐鸟;enaliarctos 海熊兽;
Formosan clouded leopard 台湾云豹;giant panda 巴氏大熊猫;Atlas bear 阿特拉斯棕
熊;Mexican silver grizzly 墨西哥灰熊;Bunyip 本耶普/澳洲水兽;toxodon 箭齿兽;
paramylodon 副磨齿兽;Mexican silver grizzly 墨西哥灰熊;rhinoceros sinensis 中
国犀牛;bison antiquus 古风野牛;eastern bison 东部野牛;Caucasian bison 高加索
野牛;aurochs 原牛;European wild horse 欧洲野马;Burchell's zebra 白氏斑马;
equus eisenmannae 埃氏马;Arabian ostrich 阿拉伯驼鸟;Schomburgk deer 熊氏鹿;
Steller's sea cow 大海牛;dodo 渡渡鸟;elephant bird 大象鸟;archaeopteryx 始祖
鸟;great auk 大海雀;passenger pigeon 旅鸽;ground sloth 地懒;earth lazy 大地
懒;New Zealand flycatcher thrush 新西兰鸫鹟;Chatham lsland fernbird 查塔姆蕨莺;
equus zebra 斑驴;platygonus 平头猪;giant pig 巨猪;giraffe camel 长颈驼;Port
uguese ibex 波图格萨北山羊;varanid 巨蜥;tuatara 古蜥蜴 cave bear 洞熊;cave
hyena 洞鬣狗;giant kangaroo 巨型短面袋鼠;rabbit kangaroo 纹兔袋鼠;southern
California kit fox 南加利福尼亚猫狐;gigantopithecus巨猿;elasmotherium 板齿犀;
paraceratherium 巨犀。