Chapter 1
optometrist 视光师 ophthalmologist 眼科医师
optician 配镜师 Orbit 眼眶 optic foramen 视神经孔
the Extraocular Muscles EOMS 眼外肌 rectus muscle 直肌
oblique muscle 斜肌 lid or eyelid(palpebra)眼睑
adduction, abduction, elevation, depression, cyclotorsion: 内收,外展,上转,
下转,旋转 canthus 眼角,眦
conjunctiva (palpebral, bulbar, fornix) 结膜(睑结膜,球结膜,穹隆结膜)
eyelashes 睫毛 caruncle 小阜,肉阜
pupil 瞳孔 lacrimal apparatus 泪器
tear film (mucin layer, aqueous layer, lipid layer) 泪膜 (粘液层,水质层, 脂
质层) plica semilunaris 半月皱襞
lacrimal punctum 泪小点 canaliculi:泪小管
lacrimal sac泪囊 nasolacrimal duct鼻泪管)
goblet cell 杯状细胞 sclera 巩膜 episclera 巩膜表层
cornea (epithelium,Bowman’s membrane, stromal layer, Desceman’s
membrane, endothelium) 角膜(上皮层, Bowman氏膜,基质层,Desceman 氏膜,
内皮层) limbus 角巩缘 anterior/posterior chamber 前房/后房
aqueous humor 房水 iris 虹膜 dilator muscle 开大肌
sphincter muscle 括约肌 ciliary body睫状体
crystalline lens, lens 晶状体 zonules悬韧带 vitreous 玻璃体
choroids 脉络膜 uvea 葡萄膜 retina 视网膜
photoreceptor cells (rods, cones) 光感受器细胞(视杆,视锥)
macula 黄斑 optic disc/cup 视盘 macula fovea 黄斑中心凹
foveola, foveola centralis 中心小凹 fundus 眼底
Chapter 2
Optic nerve 视神经 Optic Chiasm 视交叉 Optic tract 视束
Optic radiations 视放射 Lateral Geniculate body 外侧膝状体
Meyer’s loop Meyer氏环 Occipital lobe 枕叶 Visual cortex 视皮质
dyslexia [医] 诵读困难 congruous adj. 一致的, 符合的, 适合的
hemianopia n.[医]偏盲, 一侧视力缺失 quadranopsia 象限盲
homonymous 同名的,同侧的;同一关系的:在眼科学上,将两眼的视野垂直地分
scotoma〔复scotomata〕暗点,盲点 blind spot n. 盲点
tunnel vision n. [医](眼科)管状视 Binocular vision 双眼视觉
Monocular vision 单眼视觉 Stereo vision or stereopsis 立体视
Depth perception 深度觉 Pigment n. 色素
Deficient adj. 缺乏的, 不足的, 不完善的 Congenital adj.天生的, 先天的
Acquired adj.已获得的 carrier n. 携带者
miosis:Constriction of the pupil of the eye, resulting from a normal response
to an increase in light or caused by certain drugs or pathological conditions. 缩瞳,
accommodation reflex 调节反射
refractive error 屈光不正 optical adj. 眼的,视力的,视觉的; 光的,光学的
prism n. 棱镜 base n. 底 apex n. 顶
convergent lens 会聚镜片 biconvex lens 双凸镜片
divergent lens 发散镜片 biconcave双凹镜片
spherical lens: 球面透镜 cylinder: 柱面透镜
spherocylindrical lens 球柱面透镜 focal point 焦点
focal length 焦长 diopter 屈光度 emmetropia 正视眼
ametropia 非正视眼 myopia:nearsightedness 近视
hyperopia: farsightedness 远视 astigmatism 散光
presbyopia老视 single Vision Lens 单光镜
bifocal Lens 双光镜 trifocal Lens 三光镜
Progressive Addition Lens (PAL) 渐进多焦点镜片 prescription 处方
amblyopia 弱视 aphakia 无晶体眼 pseudophakia 假晶体眼
cataract 白内障 intraocular lens IOL 人工晶体,眼内晶体
contact lens 角膜接触镜, 隐形眼镜 anisometropia 屈光参差
Chapter 3
肿瘤 tumor 细菌 bacteria/bacterium
真菌 fungus/fungi 感染 infection
破坏 destroy 异物 foreign body
水肿 edema 疤痕 scar
排泄 excretion 复发的 recurrent
白内障 cataract 混浊 opacification
视盘 optic disc inflammation 炎症
lacrimal gland 泪腺 ointment 药膏
病毒 virus
阻塞 obstruct
过敏 allergy
溃疡 ulcer
角膜炎 keratitis
青光眼 glaucoma
cure 痊愈
lesion 损害
trauma 外伤 atrophy 萎缩 papilla 乳头
follicle 滤泡 dystrophy 营养不良 abnormality 异常
degeneration 变性;退化 acid 酸 hemorrhage 出血
iridotomy 虹膜切开术 benign 良性的
neovascularization 新生血管 light sensitivity 畏光 uveitis 葡萄膜炎
nucleus 核 PDR 增殖性糖尿病视网膜病变
AMD 老年黄斑变性 CNV 脉络膜新生血管 heredity 遗传
Chapter 4
Strabismus 斜视 Amblyopia 弱视 Neurology 神经学, 神经病学
Orthophoria 正位 tropia 显斜 Phoria 隐斜
Olfactory 嗅神经 Optic 视神经 Oculomotor 动眼神经
Trochlear 滑车神经 Trigeminal 三叉神经 Abducens 外展神经
Facial 面神经 Vestibulocochlear (acoustic nerve) 前庭神经
Glossopharyngeal 舌咽神经 Vagus 迷走神经
Spinal accessory ( accessory)副神经 Hypoglosssal 舌下神经
Chapter 5
symptoms 症状 flashing of light 闪光感 diagnosis 诊断
blurry vision 视物模糊 burning 烧灼感
curtain over the vision 视物遮幕感 distorted vision 视物变形
diplopia 复视 Introcular lens人工晶体 trauma 外伤
dislocation of lens 晶体脱位 multiple sclerosis 多发性硬化
diabetes 糖尿病 myasthenia gravis 重症肌无力
fluctuating vision 视力波动 glare 眩光 halos 光晕
headaches 头痛 itching 痒 light flash 闪光感
photophobia 畏光 loss of central vision 中心视力下降
loss of depth perception 深度觉下降 visual field 视野
poor distance vision 远视力下降 floater 漂浮物
vitreous detachment 玻璃体脱离 retinal detachment 视网膜脱离
retinal hemorrhage 视网膜出血 cataract 白内障
asthenopia 眼疲劳 swelling 水肿 chalazion 霰粒肿
chapter 6
taking history 病史采集 chief complaint 主诉
over-the-counter medicines 非处方药 social history 社会史
visual acuity 视力 afferent papillary defect 相对传入性瞳孔障碍
confrontation visual field 对比视野检查法
Chapter 7
主诉 chief complaints 棱镜 prism 视野 visual field
调节 accommodation 交叉柱镜 cross cylinder 眼底 fundus
裂隙灯 slit lamp 视力 visual acuity 融合 fusion
抑制 suppression血压 blood pressure并发症 complicationTonometer 眼压
diplopia 复视 trial frame 试镜架 ultrasound 超声
Chapter 8
benign (病)良性的; (气候)良好的, 仁慈的, 和蔼的
malignant 恶性的; 癌转移倾向的
biopsy: A portion of the growth is removed [医]活组织检查, 活组织切片检查
pathology : Evaluation to determine if malignant 病理学
graft: transplant tissue from another part of the patient’s body 移植
flap: skin adjacent to the wound is moved over 皮片,皮瓣
cautery: ①an agent or instrument used to destroy abnormal tissue by burning,
searing, or scarring, including caustic substances, electric currents, lasers, and very
hot or very cold instruments. 腐蚀剂,烧灼器 ②the act or process of cauterizing. 烧
cryotherapy: the local or general use of low temperatures in medical therapy
trichiasis : ingrown lashes 倒睫
epilation: the machanical removal of the hair by the roots 拔毛
electrolysis: destruction of living tissue, especially of hair roots, by means of an
electric current applied with a 电解
ectropion : out-turned lid 睑外翻 entropion : in-turned lid 睑内翻
blepharoplasty: plastic surgery of the eyelid (去除眼袋、鱼尾纹等的)眼睑整容术
corneal transplant 角膜移植 keratotomy 角膜切开术
radial keratotomy 放射状角膜切开术 astigmatic keratotomy 散光角膜切开术
Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis 准分子角膜原位磨镶术
Laser trabeculoplasty: perforation by a laser beam of the trabecular meshwork
of the angle of the anterior chamber to facilitate aqueous humor outflow for the
treatment of glaucoma. 激光小梁塑型术 激光小梁成形术
Trabeculotomy: surgical incision of the trabecular meshwork to create a
communication between the anterior chamber and outflow channels, for the
treatment of glaucoma. 小梁切开术 在小梁网中用手术切开来制造一个通道,使前房能
连接到房水流出通道而治疗青光眼。 Drainage implant : 房水引流装置植入术
Iridotomy 虹膜切开术 Phacoemulsification 超声乳化白内障吸出术
Intraocular lens IOL 人工晶体,眼内晶体 recession 后退 resection 切除
Scleral buckle 巩膜扣带环 Enucleation 眼球摘除术
Chapter 9
antibiotics 抗生素 topical 局部的sterile 无菌的 inhibitor 抑制剂