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addict coca addict巧克力控 drug addict吸毒者

address 1. This letter is addressed to you.这封信(地址)是写给你的

2. He addressed to me他对我说话

admit 1. admit defeat承认失败

2. admit sb. to membership加入

3. be admitted into the club 被录取

agree with 1. I can’t agree with you.同意

2. The climate here can’t agree with me.我不适应这里的气候。

air air his view 发表他的看法

It was aired live to more than a hundred countries around the world. 转播

apply 申请,应用 applicant 申请人application申请,应用

arm 1. take up arms 拿起武器 2. be armed with …用……武装,装备有

article 1.文章 2. 冠词 3. He examined the articles in the bag.物品

at once I can’t make out what they are talking about. Don’t speak all at once. 同时,


available 有效的,可得的;可利用的;空闲的

aware be aware of 知道 self awareness自我意识

back 1. 背部 n. 2. I back you.支持 3 . back the car 倒车

balance 1. 秤 n. 2. keep one’s balance保持平衡

3. balance in cash 余额

beat 1. The team beat that one打败,战胜 heart beats fast. 跳动

3 beat the wings 拍打

bill 钞票,账单,法案

board 董事会 boarding school 寄宿学校

board a plane乘坐飞机 on board a train/ship在火车/轮船上

break 1. ten-minutes’ break休息10分钟


lunch break午休时间

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a record 打破记录

capital 资金;首都;大写

the news宣布消息

change 1. Do you have small change 零钱

changes have taken place.变化

charge free of charge免费 charge sb $150 收某人150元

charge sb控告 charge a battery给电池充电

Charge!冲锋 rechargeable batteries充电电池

in charge (of) 负责,管理 in the charge of由……负责,受管理

chest 胸膛a medicine chest 药箱 a picnic chest野餐饭盒

class 1. the middle class中产阶级 first class头等,第一流 Class One

company enjoy your company.陪伴 in the company of him由他陪伴

conductor 1. 售票员 2. 指挥 3. 导体

content 1. be content with sth. 满意 be content to do 甘愿/乐意做某事

2. the content of the text 内容

course 1. in the course of the class在上课过程中 course球场

3. ten-course meals一道菜


cover 1. cover the distance of 200 miles 走/行驶/飞过……一段路程

2. cover the events报道事件,掩盖事实

3. cover the expenses支付费用 book cover封面

correct His eyesight was corrected by wearing glasses.矫正

cost shirt cost him50 yuan. 花费 2. The war cost him a leg.使失去

3. at cost price以成本价 at all cost不惜任何代价

count 重要,数数,count on 依靠

custom 1. 习俗 2. Customs Office海关

cut 1. cut off the water supply切断供应 2. take a short cut 抄近路

deal 1. This is a big deal.交易,买卖


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a great deal 许多 deal with处理

desert The orphan was deserted. 遗弃

develop the film 冲洗 into the habit of 养成……习惯

do 1. That will do as well. 可以用/对付着使用

2. He did tell me about it.确实(强调作用)

draw 1. draw a conclusion得出结论

2. The carriage is drawn by 4 horses.拉车

3. draw some money from the bank取钱

enter enter for a 100-metre race报名参加比赛

fail 1. His words failed him. 无法用语言表达

2. The teacher failed his composition.给不及格分

fall 秋天,瀑布,落下 fall ill生病 rain falls降雨

fall behind落后

The holiday falls on the first Sunday after Easter.适逢,在某日

final final exams 期末考 World Cup finals 决赛

fine 1. He was fined 600 yuan.罚款

2. fine rain细雨 fine thread细线

fire a gun 开枪 2. The fellow was fired by his boss.解雇

flight flight of 12 steps 一段台阶 Flight B308 航班

fool I’m not a fool. 傻子 fool sb.愚弄

forward 转发,向前

free 1. free of charge 免费 2. a trouble free conference没有烦恼的会

duty free免税

fresh fresh water 淡水 fresh air新鲜空气

given Given her interest in Children, I am sure teaching is the right career for her.


grade 等级,年级,分数


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hand the hands of the clock指针 a green-hand新手

hang hang about/round闲荡,转悠

hang on坚持,不挂断

head The ship headed for Nanjing.前往

hear hearing听证会,听力

hero 英雄,主人公

hit His novel made a big hit. 受欢迎,巨大成功

An idea hit me.想到

An earthquake hit the area.发生,遇到

hold a meeting 举行,开会 room can hold 500 people 容纳

held a belief that … 持有信念 ~ opinion持……观点

hunt hunt for local goods 寻找 job-hunting 找工作

in time He will understand in time.迟早,不久以后

interest 利息 利益 兴趣

item 条款,项目,物品

kill He is reading a book to kill time.消磨时光 killer死因,杀手

be killed in the accident在意外事故中死亡



The plane landed. 降落,着陆

The book landed on the desk.意外出现 船靠岸

land a job找到工作

last He is the last person I want to see. 他是我最不想见到的人

last three days三天来

late 1. the late Premier 已故总理 latest news最新消息

law the law of gravitation重力定律

leg 腿,一段旅程/赛程

lesson teach sb a lesson给某人教训 draw a lesson from吸取教训


live a happy life过幸福生活 broadcast live现场直播


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live up to sb’s expectation不辜负某人期望

look the look on his face表情

long long for a chance 渴望 long to do sth 渴望做

as long as=so long as只要

make He made it. 他成功了

match 1. 比赛 2. 火柴 3. The tie matches the shirt.匹配

mean 1. meaning

means has been tried .

measure some measures

room measures five metres long.

meet 1. meet sb. at the station

mind up one’s mind to do 下决心

3. mind your head

mirror It mirrors the value of life.

mood in a bad mood

move be deeply moved


no more than

more often than not

nature and wood have different natures.



意思 2.


Though rich, he was mean.小气

by means of 用,通过……方法, by all means一定



…to one’s measure量身定做




3. make the ends meet收支相抵,量入为出






不仅仅是睡眠 more than happy非常开心

只是,仅仅 not more than不超过

more…than… 与其说……倒不如说



性情好 ill-natured性情不好


2. meet/satisfy the need

2. mind your own business

more than sleep

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note 着重提到,强调(说)

nowhere nowhere to be found/seen到处都找/看不到

observe 1. observe sb. do sth. 看到 2. observe the law遵守

operation 1.手术 2.操作

order 命令, place an order 定购 take the order记下点菜

in order 有秩序 in order to为了

out of order 发生故障 order of time时间顺序

otherwise The facts are otherwise.事实完全不是那样。

The cement is slightly cracked but otherwise in good order.除此以外

park park a car停泊

part part with sb. 分手,告别 spare parts零件

particular He is particular about clothes. 对……挑剔,过分讲究

passage 走廊 一段文章

plant the Steel and Iron Plant 工厂

please The colours were very pleasing to the eye. 赏心悦目

please sb讨人喜欢

point is no point in doing … 做某事没意义

the point of正要……,在……之际

3. to the point扼要

poor a poor boy 贫穷,可怜的 poorly-dressed衣衫褴褛

port airport 机场 seaport 海港 transport 运输 USB port插口

position a well-paid position 职位

What position do you play in the football match位置

post 1. post the letter 邮寄 2. stick to one’s post岗位

practice 实践;练习;惯例; 做法

present at present 目前 He was present at the meeting.出席

present the books to the village 赠送


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present an application to the committee 递交

the present situation目前

president 总统 president of the hospital/school院长,校长

pretty 美 pretty good / well很好

progress 进步,进展

promise 1. a promising student 有前途的 2. It promises fine weather.有希望,征兆

provide 1. provide sb with sth=provide sth to sb


2. provided (that)… 如果,条件是






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