1、actionPerformed(ActionEvent) 用于监听用户“查询”和“提交”操作,并负责
import yout;
import Event;
import Listener;
import .*;
import .*;
import tTableModel;
import il;
public class StudentChooseCourse extends JFrame implements ActionListener
JTextField jtfSearch = new JTextField(11);
String[] columnNames = new String[] { "课程ID", "课程名", "学时", "学分", "学期
", "性质" };
DefaultTableModel dtmSearch = new DefaultTableModel(columnNames, 27);
JTable jtSearch = new JTable(dtmSearch);
JScrollPane jspSearch = new JScrollPane(jtSearch);
JComboBox jcbSearch = new JComboBox();
JTextField jtfSelectedCourse = new JTextField(10);
Connection con = null;
PreparedStatement ps = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
private static String usrName;
private static String passwrd;
public StudentChooseCourse(String usrName, String passwrd) {
e = usrName;
d = passwrd;
public String getUsrName() {
return usrName;
public void setUsrName(String usrName) {
e = usrName;
public String getPasswrd() {
return passwrd;
public void setPasswrd(String passwrd) {
d = passwrd;
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
String str = ionCommand();
if ("查询".trim().equals(str)) {
int k = 1;
while (k < 10) {
for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++) {
ueAt(null, k - 1, i - 1);
} else if ("提交".equals(str)) {
boolean effect=processBeforeCommit();
public boolean processBeforeCommit(){
int k = 1;
while (k < 10) {
for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++) {
ueAt(null, k - 1, i - 1);
String userInput = t().toString().trim()
String sql = "select cno from coursexx where cno=? ";
boolean flagCourseExist = false;
try {
ps = eStatement(sql);
ing(1, userInput);
rs = eQuery();
flagCourseExist = ();
} catch (Exception eC) {
if (!flagCourseExist) {
ssageDialog(null, "该课程不存在,请重新输入");
return false;
PreparedStatement ps = null;
sql = "select sum(grade) "
+ "from (select , , grade "
+ "from coursexx k join choicesxx x "
+ "on = and =?) result";
String grade =null;
try {
ps = eStatement(sql);
ing(1, usrName);
rs = eQuery();
while (()) {
grade = ing(1);
} catch (Exception rrr) {
n("总学分:" + grade);
if (nt(grade) > 6) {
ssageDialog(null, "你已经选满6学分,系统将退出");
return false;
sql = "select * from choicesxx where sname=? and cno=?";
boolean flag = false;
try {
ps = eStatement(sql);
ing(1, Name());
ing(2, userInput);
rs = eQuery();
flag = ();
} catch (Exception eaa) {
if (flag) {
ssageDialog(null, "你已经选择了该课程。请另选课程");
return false;}
return true;
public void tryCommit() {
// userInput为用户输入的课程ID.
String userInput = t().toString().trim()
// if course still available(count // else if course not available,show Message to student. PreparedStatement ps; String sql = "select (Max-selectedCount) as RemainedCount " + "from Coursexx where cno=?"; try { ps = eStatement(sql); // 取得学生ID或名字,将课程ID存入学生选课表choicesxx ing(1, userInput); rs = eQuery(); ResultSetMetaData meta = aData(); int cols = umnCount(); int RemainedCount = -1; while (()) { RemainedCount = (1); n("RemainedCount:" + RemainedCount); } //如果该课程还有选择的名额,提示单项选课操作成功。 if (RemainedCount > 0) { // save studentId and courseId to student-course table. // Name();userInput sql = "insert into choicesxx values(?,?)"; ps = eStatement(sql); ing(1, Name()); ing(2, userInput); eUpdate(); ssageDialog(null, "选课成功: " + Name() + " 选了" + userInput + "." + "" + " 还有 " + RemainedCount + " 人可以选该课程。"); // 更新课程中已选该课程的人数:即将可选该课程的人数减去1个人。 sql = "update CourseXX set selectedCount=selectedCount+1 where cno=?"; ps = eStatement(sql); ing(1, userInput); eUpdate(); (); //如果该课程已经没有选择名额,提示重新选课 } } catch (Exception es) { tackTrace(); try { ck(); } catch (Exception ey) { tackTrace(); } } } //对用户查询课程信息,进行处理,并显示查询结果 public void searchAvailableCourse() { // 让程序自动选择连接的是Oracle或SqlServer. if (nection() != null) { n(nection()); con = nection(); } else { con = nection(); } //userInput取得用户输入的信息,selectedItem取得用户选择的查询方式 String userInput = t().toString().trim().toLowerCase(); String selectedItem = ectedItem().toString().trim(); n("User search:" + userInput); n("selectedItem:" + selectedItem); String sql = null; //按用户查询方式,如按课程名,课程ID或学时的查询进行处理;并在表格中实现结 果 try { if ("课程名".equals(selectedItem)) { sql = "select cno,cname,hour,grade,term,isNeed from CourseXX where cname = ?"; ps = eStatement(sql); ing(1, userInput); } else if ("课程ID".equals(selectedItem)) { sql = "select cno,cname,hour,grade,term,isNeed from CourseXX where cno = ?"; ps = eStatement(sql); ing(1, userInput); } else if ("学时".equals(selectedItem)) { sql = "select cno,cname,hour,grade,term,isNeed from CourseXX where hour = ?"; ps = eStatement(sql); (1, nt(userInput)); } else if ("学分".equals(selectedItem)) { sql = "select cno,cname,hour,grade,term,isNeed from CourseXX where grade = ?"; ps = eStatement(sql); (1, nt(userInput)); } else if ("学期".equals(selectedItem)) { sql = "select cno,cname,hour,grade,term,isNeed from CourseXX where term = ?"; ps = eStatement(sql); ing(1, userInput); } n(sql); rs = eQuery(); (); ResultSetMetaData meta = aData(); int cols = umnCount(); String result = null; int k = 1; boolean flag = false; //将查询结果以表格的形式显示出来 while (()) { for (int i = 1; i <= cols; i++) { result = ing(i); n(result); ueAt(result, k - 1, i - 1); } k++; flag = true; } //如果查询结果集为空,提示用户没有该课程 if (flag == false) { ssageDialog(null, "该课程不存在,请重新输入"); return; } } catch (Exception ex) { tackTrace(); try { ck(); } catch (Exception er) { tackTrace(); } } //产生图形用户界面,以便用户操作 public void createSearchCourse() { out(new GridLayout(3, 1)); JPanel jp1 = new JPanel(); out(new GridLayout(4, 1)); JPanel jp2 = new JPanel(); JPanel jp3 = new JPanel(); JPanel jp10 = new JPanel(); JPanel jp11 = new JPanel(); JPanel jp12 = new JPanel(); JPanel jp13 = new JPanel(); JLabel jlSearch = new JLabel(" 学 生 选 课 系 统 "); (jlSearch); m(new String("课程名")); m(new String("课程ID")); m(new String("学时")); m(new String("学分")); m(new String("学期")); (jtfSearch); (jcbSearch); JButton jbOK = new JButton("查询"); ionListener(this); e(90, 20); (jbOK); (jp10); (jp11); (jp12); (jp13); (jspSearch); JLabel jlSelectedCourse = new JLabel("请输入课程ID:"); JButton jbSelectedCourse = new JButton("提交"); ionListener(this); (jlSelectedCourse); (jtfSelectedCourse); (jbSelectedCourse); (jp1); (jp2); (jp3); ible(true); e(485, 600); } //当某学生有效登录后,启动程序(将学生的登录信息也传过来,以便保存选课操作 时使用) public static void main(String[] args) { //String usrName = "xuliang"; //String passwrd = "123"; new StudentChooseCourse(usrName, passwrd); } } //---以下为搭建学生选课系统的SQL脚本文件。只需运行一次,就可有完整的数据库 表结构和初始记录。 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ //该脚本针对SQLserver;Oracle的SQL脚本类似,只需将将数据类型如varchar 改为varchar2,int改为number等 --table1: registerXU 登录表 drop table registerXu; create table registerXu (id varchar(20),userName varchar(20),passWord varchar(20),identify varchar(20)); insert into registerXu values('s001','xuliang','123','学生'); insert into registerXu values('s002','xuliang2','1234','学生'); insert into registerXu values('j001','jack','12345','学生'); insert into registerXu values('001','user','user','学生'); insert into registerXu values('z001','zlm','corejava','老师'); --String sql = "select * from registerXu " --+ "where userName=? and passWord=? and identify=?"; --table 2:Coursexx课程表 drop table Coursexx; create table Coursexx(cno varchar(20) primary key,cname varchar(20),hour Int, grade Int,term varchar(20),isNeed varchar(20), selectedCount Int ,Max Int); insert into Coursexx values('c001','CoreJava',50,5,'201007','NoNecessary',0,50); insert into Coursexx values('c002','XML',20,2,'201008','NoNecessary',0,40); insert into Coursexx values('c003','HIBERNATE',20,4,'201008','NoNecessary',0,30); insert into Coursexx values('c004','SQL',20,4,'201006','NoNecessary',0,5); insert into Coursexx values('c005','JDBC',20,2,'201008','NoNecessary',0,3); insert into Coursexx values('c006','AJAX',20,2,'201010','NoNecessary',0,1); insert into Coursexx values('c007','JSP',100,8,'201009','NoNecessary',0,1 --sql = "select cno,cname,hour,grade,term,isNeed from CourseXX where cname = ?"; --table 3:学生表-- drop table studentxx; create table studentxx(sid varchar(20),sname varchar(20) primary key,sex varchar(20),birthday varchar(20), className varchar(20), image varchar(20)); insert into studentxx values('s001','xuliang','male','19901124','sd1003','good'); insert into studentxx values('s002','xuliang2','male','19851124','sd0910','good'); insert into studentxx values('j001','jack','male','19881124','sd1003','good'); insert into studentxx values('001','user','male','19901124','sd1005','good'); insert into studentxx values('s003','sisi','female','19880124','sd1007','good'); insert into studentxx values('as003','crystal','female','19880124','asd1007','good'); --table 4:choices学生选课表 drop table choicesxx; create table choicesxx( sname varchar(20) references studentxx(sname),cno varchar(20) references coursexx(cno)); --判断某一个学生已经选的课程的总学分是否小于6分 //----------用户登录类 --------------------------------------- //用途:验证用户是否具有登录系统的资格------------------------ package school; import .*; import il; import .*; import .*; import .*; public class Register implements ActionListener { JFrame jf = new JFrame("学生成绩管理与选课系统"); JTextField jtfUserName = new JTextField(10); JPasswordField jpfPassWord = new JPasswordField(10); JComboBox identify = new JComboBox(); //constructor public Register() { CreateRegisterGUI(); } // deal with user action, when user check:"登录","取消"or "注册" public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String str = ionCommand(); if (IgnoreCase("登录")) { //当用户点击登录时,调用以下方法去数据库做匹配 processLogin(); } else if (IgnoreCase("取消")) { t(""); t(""); } else if (IgnoreCase("注册")) { new CreateLogin(); } } //当用户点击登录时,调用以下方法去数据库做匹配 public void processLogin() { // create connection to the database. Connection con = null; // Connection con = nection(); //让程序自动连接相应的数据库,以避免连接数据库时频繁改动连接程序 if ( == null) { //连接达内Oracle数据库 con = nection(); } else { //连接本地SQLSERVER数据库 con = nection(); } // write sql sentence String usrName = t().trim(); String passwrd = new String(sword()).trim(); String ident = ectedItem().toString().trim(); String sql = "select * from registerXu " + "where userName=? and passWord=? and identify=?"; n(usrName + ":" + passwrd + ":" + ident); // create object of PreparedStatement try { PreparedStatement ps = eStatement(sql); // Prepare parameter for the sql ing(1, usrName); ing(2, passwrd); ing(3, ident); // send parameter to compiler to compile. ResultSet rs = eQuery(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(""); ResultSetMetaData meta = aData(); int cols = umnCount(); //you can use another simple way to check whether the people has records in database: //define a boolean flag=false, if has record change it //to true;otherwise, if flag=flase,showMessage("Input ERROR") while (()) { for (int i = 1; i < cols; i++) { (umnName(i)); (ing(i)); } } if (() < 1) { ssageDialog(null, "用户名或密码错误"); } else if (() >= 1) { if (("student")) { //if he or she is a student, and usrName-passwrd alright, then go to 学生选课 系统 new StudentChooseCourse(usrName, passwrd); ible(false); // new StudentEntered(); } else if (("teacher")) { // new TeacherEntered(usrName,passwrd); new TeacherEntered(); ible(false); } else if (("admin")) { // go to administrator pages. } } } catch (Exception er) { tackTrace(); } } //当用户点击登录时,调用以下方法去数据库做匹配 public void processLogin() { // create connection to the database. Connection con = null; // Connection con = nection(); //让程序自动连接相应的数据库,以避免连接数据库时频繁改动连接程序 if ( == null) { //连接达内Oracle数据库 con = nection(); } else { //连接本地SQLSERVER数据库 con = nection(); } // write sql sentence String usrName = t().trim(); String passwrd = new String(sword()).trim(); String ident = ectedItem().toString().trim(); String sql = "select * from registerXu " + "where userName=? and passWord=? and identify=?"; n(usrName + ":" + passwrd + ":" + ident); // create object of PreparedStatement try { PreparedStatement ps = eStatement(sql); // Prepare parameter for the sql ing(1, usrName); ing(2, passwrd); ing(3, ident); // send parameter to compiler to compile. ResultSet rs = eQuery(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(""); ResultSetMetaData meta = aData(); int cols = umnCount(); //you can use another simple way to check whether the people has records in database: //define a boolean flag=false, if has record change it //to true;otherwise, if flag=flase,showMessage("Input ERROR") while (()) { for (int i = 1; i < cols; i++) { (umnName(i)); (ing(i)); } } if (() < 1) { ssageDialog(null, "用户名或密码错误"); } else if (() >= 1) { if (("student")) { //if he or she is a student, and usrName-passwrd alright, then go to 学生选课 系统 new StudentChooseCourse(usrName, passwrd); ible(false); // new StudentEntered(); } else if (("teacher")) { // new TeacherEntered(usrName,passwrd); new TeacherEntered(); ible(false); } else if (("admin")) { // go to administrator pages. } } } catch (Exception er) { tackTrace(); } } //--------- 选课系统多次调用到的本类JDBCUtil的getConnection方法 -------------------------------- //---------通过该工具类选课系统连接到数据库。JdbcUtil类与次类似,连接的是 Oracle数据库---------- import .*; public class JDBCUtil { public JDBCUtil() { } PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; static { String driverName = "verDriver"; try { e(driverName); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { tackTrace(); } } public static Connection getConnection() { Connection connection = null; String url = "jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433; DatabaseName=master"; String user = "sa"; String password = "sd100301"; // String password="Foolish004"; try { connection = nection(url, user, password); oCommit(false); n(connection); } catch (SQLException e) { tackTrace(); } return connection; } public static void main(String[] args) { new JDBCUtil().getConnection(); } }