


fever ['fi:və] n. 发烧,发热,热病

ache [eik] n. 痛 v. 痛,渴望

sore [sɔ, sɔə] adj. 疼痛的,痛心的

n. 痛处,疮口

throat [θrəut] n. 喉咙

sore throat 喉咙痛

influenza ['influ'enzə] n. 流行性感冒

cold [kəuld] adj.冷的n. 感冒v. 冷(的)

drug [drʌg] n. 药,麻药v. 下药

antipyretic[,æntipai'retik] adj.退热的 n.退热剂

analgesic [‚ænəl'dʒɪːsɪk] adj.止痛的,不痛的 n.止痛剂

antipyretic-analgesic 镇热解痛

agent ['eidʒənt] n.药剂

symptoms ['sɪmptəm] n.症状

alcohol ['ælkəhɔl] n. 酒精

beverages ['bevərɪdʒ] n.饮料

medicine n.药品

temperature ['tempritʃə(r)] n. 温度

oral ['ɔ:rəl] temperature 口腔温度

auxiliary [ɔ:g'ziljəri]

temperature 腋下温度

rectal ['rekt(ə)l] temperature


run a fever/run a temperature 发烧

lose of appetite ['æpitait]没有胃口

anorexia [,ænə'reksiə]厌食

shiver ['ʃivə]打寒战

general weakness 全身无力

dizziness ['dizinis] /vertigo ['və:tigəu] n.头晕

aspirin ['æspərin]阿司匹林

cough [kɔ:f]咳嗽

running nose 流鼻涕

headache ['hedeik]头疼

relieve [ri'li:v]缓解,减轻

counter ['kauntə]收款台

recover [ri'kʌvə] v.康复

mentally ['mentəli] defective


short of breath [breθ] 呼吸急促

nose is stuffed up/have a blocked

nose 有点鼻塞

thick [θik] tongue [tʌŋ] coating


Suxiao Ganmao capsules ['kæpsju:l]


virus ['vaiərəs] 病毒

antibiotics [,æntibai'ɔtiks] n.抗菌药物

drug resistance [ri'zistəns] 抗药性

allergy ['ælədʒi] 过敏

allergic [ə'lə:dʒik] adj. 过敏的

allergen ['ælədʒen] n. 过敏原

allergic contact dermatitis[,də:mə'taitis] 过敏性接触性皮炎

allergic rhinitis [rai'naitis]过敏性鼻炎


saline [sə'lain] 生理盐水

itchy['itʃi] adj. 痒的

injury ['indʒəri] n. 受伤处,损害,伤害

medical adhesive [əd'hi:siv] tape


alcohol ['ælkəhɔl] cottons['kɔtn]


wound [wu:nd]伤口

abrasion [ə'breiʒən] n. 磨减,磨损,磨损之处

sprain [sprein] v.&n. 扭伤

bruise[bru:z] n. 瘀伤,擦伤v. 受伤,擦伤

contusion [kən'tju:ʒən] n. 打伤,撞伤

burn [bə:n] n. 烧伤,灼伤v. 燃烧,烧着,烧毁,灼伤

scald [skɔ:ld] 烫伤

fracture ['fræktʃə] n. 破碎,骨折v. 破碎,破裂

collision injury 撞伤

infection [in'fekʃən] n.感染

laceration [,læsə'reiʃən] n. 撕裂,裂口

bump [bʌmp] n. 撞击,隆起物v. 碰撞,颠簸而行

throat is inflamed[in'fleimd] 喉咙发炎

abundant[ə'bʌndənt]expectoration[eks,pektə'reiʃən]/copious['kəupjəs] phlegm[flem]


cough syrup['sirəp] 止咳糖浆

lung [lʌŋ]肺

tuberculosis [tju,bə:kju'ləusis]


inflame [in'fleim] v.发炎


pharyngitis[,færin'dʒaitis] 急性咽炎


antitussive[,ænti'ʌsiv] 强力镇咳药

stomachache 胃痛

nausea ['nɔ:sjə] n.恶心

vomit ['vɔmit] v.呕吐

dyspepasia [dis'pepsiə] n.消化不良

burning sensation[sen'seiʃən] 灼热感

feel spasms['spæzəm] in stomach



gastritis[gæs'traitis] 慢性胃炎

gastric['gæstrik] acid['æsid]


diarrhea[,daiə'riə] 腹泻


distension[dis'tenʃən] 腹胀

dyspepsia[dis'pepsiə] 消化不良

immoderate [i'mɔdərit] diet['daiət] 饮食失调

mendicines for digestion[dai'dʒestʃən] 消化类药物

improve assimilation [ə'simi'leiʃən]促进消化

relieve diarrhea[,daiə'riə] 止泻

toothache 牙痛


tablet['tæblit] 止痛片

dentist['dentist] 牙医

mouth wash 漱口水

mouth ulcer['ʌlsə] 口腔溃疡

canker['kæŋkə] 溃疡

fatty['fæti] liver 脂肪肝




bacteria [bæk'tiəriə]细菌

eye drops 滴眼液

allergic rhinitis[rai'naitis] 过敏性鼻炎

sensitive['sensitiv] adj. 敏感的,仪器灵敏的,易受伤害的,感光的

pollen['pɔlin] 花粉


indigestion [,indi'dʒestʃən]消化不良

acne['ækni] 痤疮

greasy['gri:zi] /oily['ɔili] 油腻的

spicy['spaisi] 辛辣的

tinea['tiniə] pedis['pedis] 脚癣

constipation [,kɔnsti'peiʃən]便秘

hypertension[,haipə'tenʃən] 高血压

hypotension[,haipəu'tenʃən] 低血压

blood pressure 血压

hyperglycemia [,haipəglai'si:miə]高血糖



twingetwindʒ] of arthritis [ɑ:'θraitis]关节炎


1. Are you feeling all right? 你感觉还好吗?

2. Are your bowels acting properly? 您的肠胃还好吗?

3. Did you have pains here before? 您这里以前痛过吗?

4. Did you cough a lot ? 你咳嗽吗?

5. Do you feel short of breath something? 您有时感觉呼吸急促吗?

6. Do you feel tired? 您感到疲乏吗?

7. Does it hurt? 感到痛吗?

8. Have you ever had this experience before? 这种情况以前有过吗?

9. Have you got any chronic diseases in the past? 您以前得过慢性疾病吗?

10. Have you got any feeling of nausea? 您有恶心的感觉吗?

11. Have you lost weight recently? 您的体重最近减轻了吗?

12. Have you taken anything for it? 已经采取什么措施了吗?

13. How about your appetite? 您的胃口怎么样?

14. How long has it been this way ? 这样多久了?

15. How are you feeling now? 您现在感觉怎么样了?

16. How is your sleeping habit? 你的睡眠情况怎么样?

17. What seems to be the matter? 什么问题?

18. What sort of pain do you get there? 什么样子的痛?

19. What’s the matter with you? 哪里不舒服?

用法与用量:(说明 c是顾客 p为药师或)

1. C:How do I take the tablets? 这种药片怎么服? P:Please take 2

tablets each time,4 times a day. 1次2片,1天4次。2. C:How do I

take the buccal tablets? 这种含片怎么服? P:Please put one under

your tongue,but don’t swallow it. 请放在舌头底下,不要往下咽。 3

C:How do I take the mixture? 这种水剂药怎么服?P:Please suck on it.


4 C: How do I take the pills. 这种丸药怎么服?

P:Please dissovle one pill in water before taking it. 服药前请将药丸放在水中溶化。

5 C:How do I take the syrup? 这种糖浆怎么服?

P:One teaspoonful,3 times a day. 每天3次,每次一勺。

6. C:How do I take the drugs? 这种药怎么服?

P:One line(half a line)every time,3 times a it well before

takeing it.每天3次,每次一(半)格。服前先摇均匀。

7.C:How do I take the pain-killers? 这种镇痛药怎么服?

P:Take 1 tablet of this pain-killer if you feel pain,but no more than

once within 4 hours.假如你感到疼痛,就服用1片止痛片,但每2次必须间隔4小时以上。

8.C:How do I use this adhesive? 这种膏药怎么使用?

P:This is a special adhesive for releasing the it to the

pain location and change it every 2 days. 这些膏药是镇痛的,贴在疼痛部位,每隔2天更换1次。

9.C:How do I use this ointment? 这种药膏怎么使用?

P:Apply some of the ointment,and spread it on the skin. 取一些膏药,涂在患处皮肤上。

10.C:How do I use this lotion? 这种洗剂怎么用?

P:Rub this lotion on the area where it itches with this tampon.. 用棉签把它涂到痒处即可。

11.C:How do I use this powder? 那种药粉怎么用呢?

P:Please dissolve the powder in hot your hands(feet0 in

it for 20 minutes,twice a day. 把它溶化在热水里,把你的手(脚)浸在里面20分钟,每天2次。

12.C:How do I use the eye drop and ointment?

P:Put the eye drop into your right eye 4-6 times a day,1 to 2 drops

each e a bit of the ointment on your eyelid every night.把滴眼剂滴进你的右眼,每天4-6次,每次1-2滴。每晚挤一点药膏在你的眼皮里。

13.C:How do I apply the nasal drop? 这种滴鼻剂怎么使用?

P:Bend your head back as far as possible and then drop some into the

nostril. 尽量把头往后仰,然后滴入鼻孔。

14.C:How do I apply the ear drop? 这滴耳剂怎么使用?

P:Turn your head to the 1 to 2 drops into your ear. Press

the tragus for a few seconds.把头侧过去,滴1-2滴至耳内,再按耳屏几秒钟。

15.C:How do I take these big pills? 这么大的药丸怎么吃?

P:Chew and swallow the bits with water,or put one in water to dissolve

the wax before taking it. 咀嚼一下,并用水冲下,或者将药丸溶化在水里。服用之前去掉外面的蜡皮。

说明价格 1. How much is it ? 多少钱? 2. How much does it cost? 这个多少钱?

3. It is 240 yuan. 240元。 4. It’s 15 yuan altogether. 总共1580元。

5. Can you make it cheaper? 能否便宜些? 6. Can you come down a bit ?


7. Any discount ? 有折扣吗? 8. If you have a VIP card ,you can get

10 percent discout. 如果有贵宾卡,你可以得到9折优惠。 9. Is it on

sale? 这个削价出售吗?

10. These goods are on sale today. 今天,这些商品降价销售。 11. We

don’t ask for second prices. 我们货无二价。12. This is the bill ,please

pay at the cashier’s. 这是单据,请到收银台付款。

13. Wait a minute please ,I’ll make out your receipt. 请稍等,我给你开发票。

14. Would you like to pay it in cash or by credit card? 你是愿意用现金还是信用卡付款?

15. Yes ,we accept visa ,Maser and American Express card. 是的,我们接受维萨、万事达和美国运通卡。

16. It’s free gift. 这是我们的赠品。17. It’s free of charge . 这是免费的。

18. Anything else? 还需要别的商品吗?





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