1. 龋齿:Cavities
2. 牙髓炎:Pulpitis
3. 根尖周炎:Periapical Periodontitis
4. 牙周炎:Periodontitis
5. 牙龈炎:Gingivitis
6. 牙结石:Dental Calculus
7. 牙齿美白:Teeth Whitening
8. 牙齿矫正:Orthodontics
9. 牙齿种植:Dental Implantation
10. 牙齿拔除:Tooth Extraction
11. 牙齿修复:Dental Restoration
12. 根管治疗:Root Canal Therapy
13. 烤瓷牙:Porcelain Fused to Metal Crown (PFM)
14. 全瓷牙:All-ceramic Crown
15. 牙髓摘除术:Pulpectomy
16. 牙周刮治术: scaling and root planing
17. 牙槽骨手术:Alveolar bone surgery
18. 正畸治疗:Orthodontic treatment
19. 口腔溃疡:Oral Ulcers
20. 口腔癌:Oral Cancer
21. 颞下颌关节紊乱病:Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMD)
22. 智齿冠周炎:Pericoronitis of wisdom tooth
23. 牙周脓肿:Periodontal Abscess
24. 牙齿外伤:Dental Trauma
25. 牙髓坏死:Pulp Necrosis
26. 根尖囊肿:Periapical Cyst
27. 龋齿预防:Cavity Prevention
28. 窝沟封闭:Fissure Sealants
29. 牙髓活力测试:Pulp Vitality Testing
30. 口腔X光检查:Oral Radiography
31. 口腔病理学检查:Oral Pathology Examination
32. 口腔微生物学检查:Oral Microbiological Examination
33. 牙槽突手术:Alveolar process surgery
34. 牙龈移植手术:Gingival graft surgery
35. 前牙美容修复术:Esthetic restoration of anterior teeth
36. 后牙根管治疗术:Posterior root canal therapy
37. 前牙外伤处理:Treatment of anterior tooth trauma
38. 正畸保持器治疗:Retention and stabilization after orthodontic treatment
39. 儿童牙病治疗:Pediatric dental treatment
40. 老年人口腔保健:Oral healthcare for the elderly
41. 牙齿咬合调整:Occlusal adjustment
42. 牙齿脱敏治疗:Desensitization treatment for sensitive teeth
43. 牙齿冷光美白治疗:Cold light whitening treatment for teeth
44. 口腔癌筛查:Oral cancer screening
45. 颞下颌关节紊乱病治疗:Treatment of temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD)
46. 正畸治疗后的保持和稳固治疗(保持器治疗):Retention and stabilization treatment after
orthodontic treatment (retainer therapy)
47. 前牙美容修复术后的保持和稳固治疗(保持器治疗):Retention and stabilization
treatment after esthetic restoration of anterior teeth (retainer therapy)
48. 儿童牙病预防保健指导:Pediatric dental prevention and health guidance
49. 老年人口腔保健指导:Oral healthcare guidance for the elderly
50. 前牙美容修复术后定期复查(随访):Regular follow-up examination after esthetic
restoration of anterior teeth (follow-up)