


Test 4

Part One Vocabulary


A mass of love was between us, and neither Ulick nor I knew

________ to do with it. [1].


A. what B. how C. which

D. when


I am a seasoned and honorable English teacher with a

________ way to train both fellow teachers and office

personnel. [2].


A. unique B. uniform C. universal

D. usual


The auto plant now has an annual ________ of 12,000 cars.



A. capability B. capacity C.

competence D. volume


Scientific instruments have to be made with great ________.



A. delicacy B. elaboration C. precision

D. accuracy


The process of moving involves a real estate agent for

________ houses for sale. [5].


A. advocating B. advertising C. promoting

D. claiming

6. On no account should we ________ our fine traditions and

styles of work. [6].


A. dissuade B. dismiss C. discard

D. discharge

7. Your ________ on the spot will be an inspiration to all. [7].


A. presence B. absence C. attendance

D. incidence

8. Finding himself under fire from all quarters, he had no

________ but to abandon his scheme for the time being. [8].


A. security B. alternative C.


D. shelter

9. It is a pity that he doesn’t have enough money to ________

the project. [9].


A. fold B. preside C. sponsor

D. auction

10. A ________ approach to the problem is to minimize the number

of parts. [10].


A. sound B. profound C. drastic

D. radical

11. If we do not know the facts, we are in no ________ to handle

such matter. [11].


A. ability B. mood C. position

D. situation

12. During the 1960s, scientists were optimistic that malaria

could be ________ out, and in fact, great progress was made.



A. put B. wiped C. pulled

D. eliminated

13. He is strong, brave and, ________, honest. [13].


A. all in all B. above all C. all but

D. after all

14. Property on which money has been lent is ________ when the

loan is paid back. [14].


A. regained B. recycled C. reclaimed

D. redeemed

15. For one reason or another their holiday in France didn't

________ up to expectations. [15].


A. face B. come C. go

D. hold

Part Two Reading Compreshion

Directions: In this section, you are going to read a

passage with ten statements attached to it. Each

statement contains information given in one of the

paragraphs. Identify the corresponding letter to the

paragraph from which the information is derived. You

may choose a paragraph more than once.

The Peak Time For Everything

A) Could you pack more into each day if you did everything

at the optimal time? A growing body of research suggests

that paying attention to the body clock, and its effects on

energy and alertness, can help pinpoint the different times of

day when most of us perform our best at specific tasks, from

resolving conflicts to thinking creatively.

1. Keep pace with natural rhythms.

B) Most people organize their time around everything but

the body's natural rhythms. Workday demands, commuting,

social events and kids' schedules frequently dominate --

inevitably clashing with the body's circadian(生理节奏的)

rhythms of waking and sleeping.

C) Disruption of circadian rhythms has been linked to such

problems as diabetes, depression, dementia(痴呆) and

obesity, says Steve Kay, a professor of molecular and

computational biology at the University of Southern

California. When the body's master clock can synchronize

functioning of all its metabolic(新陈代谢的), cardiovascular

and behavioral rhythms in response to light and other natural

stimuli, it 'gives us an edge in daily life,' Dr. Kay says.

D) When it comes to doing cognitive work, for example, most

adults perform best in the late morning, says Dr. Kay. As

body temperature starts to rise just before awakening in the

morning and continues to increase through midday, working

memory, alertness and concentration gradually improve.

Taking a warm morning shower can jump-start the process.

E) The ability to focus and concentrate typically starts to

slide soon thereafter. Most people are more easily distracted

from noon to , according to recent research led by

Robert Matchock, an associate professor of psychology at

Pennsylvania State University. Alertness tends to slump after

eating a meal, Dr. Matchock found. Sleepiness also tends to

peak around , making that a good time for a nap, says

Martin Moore-Ede, chairman and chief executive of Circadian,

a Stoneham, Mass., training and consulting firm.

2. Make good use of fatigue.

F) Surprisingly, fatigue may boost creative powers. For

most adults, problems that require open-ended thinking are

often best tackled in the evening when they are tired,

according to a 2011 study in the journal Thinking &

Reasoning. When 428 students were asked to solve a series

of two types of problems, requiring either analytical or novel

thinking, their performance on the second type was best at

non-peak times of day when they were tired, according to the

study led by Mareike Wieth, an assistant professor of

psychological sciences at Albion College in Michigan. (Their

performance on analytical problems didn't change over the

course of the day.) Fatigue, Dr. Wieth says, may allow the

mind to wander more freely to explore alternative solutions.

G) Of course, everyone's body clock isn't the same, making

it even harder to synchronize natural rhythms with daily

plans. A significant minority of people operate on either of

two distinctive chronotypes, research shows: Morning

people tend to wake up and go to sleep earlier and to be most

productive early in the day. Evening people tend to wake up

later, start more slowly and peak in the evening.

3. Attach great importance to communication online.

H) Communicating with friends and colleagues online has

its own optimal cycles, research shows. Sending emails early

in the day helps beat the inbox rush; messages are

most likely to be read, says Dan Zarrella, social-media

scientist for HubSpot, a Cambridge, Mass.

I) Reading Twitter at or can start your day on

a cheery note. That's when users are most likely to tweet

upbeat, enthusiastic messages, and least likely to send

downbeat tweets steeped in fear, distress, anger or guilt,

according to a study of 509 million tweets sent over two

years by 2.4 million Twitter users, published last year in

Science. One likely factor? 'Sleep is refreshing' and leaves

people alert and enthusiastic, says Michael Walton Macy, a

sociology professor at Cornell University and co-author of

the study. The cheeriness peaks about 1-1/2 hours later on

weekends -- perhaps because people are sleeping in, Dr.

Macy says.

J) Other social networking is better done later in the day.

If you want your tweets to be re-tweeted, post them between 3

p.m. and , when many people lack energy to share their

own tweets and turn to relaying others' instead, Mr. Zarrella

says. And posts to Facebook at about tend to get the

most 'likes,' after people get home from work or finish dinner.

At that time of day, they're likely to turn to Facebook feeling

less stressed. 'You have less stuff to do and more time to

give,' says Mr. Zarrella.

K) Late-night drama can be found on Twitter, where

emotions heat up just before bedtime, between and 11

p.m., says Scott Andrew Golder, a Ph.D. candidate at Cornell

University and co-author of the Twitter study. At that time,

people tended to send more emotion-laden tweets, both

positive and negative. Tired out by the workday, but also

freed from its stresses and demands, people become 'more

alert and engaged, but also more agitated,' Dr. Macy says.

4. Choose the right exercise time.

L) When choosing a time of day to exercise, paying

attention to your body clock can also improve results.

Physical performance is usually best, and the risk of injury

least, from about to , says Michael Smolensky,

an adjunct professor of biomedical engineering at the

University of Texas, Austin, and lead author with Lynne

Lamberg of 'The Body Clock Guide to Better Health.'

M) Muscle strength tends to peak between and 6

p.m. at levels as much as 6% above the day's lows, improving

your ability to grip a club or racquet. Another boost for

physical strength comes from the lungs, which function

17.6% more efficiently at than at midday, according to

a study of 4,756 patients led by Boris Medarov, an assistant

professor of medicine at Albany Medical College in New York.

N) Eye-hand coordination is best in late afternoon, making

that a good time for racquetball or Frisbee. And joints and

muscles are as much as 20% more flexible in the evening,

lowering the risk of injury, Dr. Smolensky says. These body

rhythms hold true regardless of how much you've slept or

how recently you've eaten.

1. Due to different body clocks, people may feel it difficult to

match their natural rhythms with everyday plans. [16].


2. Most people’s time organization often conflicts with their

physical rhythms. [17].


3. It is most reasonable to take a nap around 2 o’clock in the

afternoon. [18].


4. People are more creative when they are tired because

tiredness may help people think more freely. [19].


5. Taking a warm shower in the morning can help people to

improve their performance at work. [20].


6. The benefit of sending e-mails early in the morning is that

people tend to read these messages. [21].


7. The body rhythms have nothing to do with our sleep and

diet. [22].


8. Posts to Facebook at a time when people experience less

stress will be more likely to get “likes”. [23].


9. The cheeriest moment on weekends is later than that on

weekdays. [24].


10. The late afternoon is the best time to exercise in order to

suffer least injury. [25].



Directions:Choose the best answer for each of the questions or

unfinished statements after the reading passages. [题数:10;分数:30分;参考时间:20分0秒]

Passage 1

The fridge is considered a

26. The statement "In my

necessity. It has been so since the

fridgeless Fifties childhood, I was

1960s when packaged food first

fed well and healthily." suggests

appeared with the label: "store in

that ____.

the refrigerator".

In my fridgeless Fifties

[A] the author was well-fed

childhood, I was fed well and

healthy even without a fridge in

healthily. The milkman came daily,


the grocer, the butcher, the baker,

his fifties

and the ice-cream man delivered two

[B] the author was not

or three times a week. The Sunday

meat would last until Wednesday and

accustomed to using fridges even in

surplus (剩余) bread and mild

his fifties

became all kinds of cakes. Nothing

[C] there was no fridge in the

was wasted, and we were never

troubled by rotten food. Thirty

author's home in the 1950s

years on, food deliveries have

ceased, fresh vegetables are almost

[D] the fridge was in its early

unobtainable in the country.

stage of development in the 1950s

The invention of the fridge

contributed comparatively little


to the art of food preservation. A

vast way of well-tried techniques

already existed - natural cooling,

drying, smoking, sugaring,

27. Why does the author say that

bottling ...

nothing was wasted before the

What refrigeration did

invention of fridges?____

promote was marketing - marketing

hardware and electricity,

[A] People would not buy more

marketing soft drinks, marketing

food than was necessary.

dead bodies of animals around the

globe in search of a good price.

[B] Food was delivered to

Consequently, most of the

world's fridges are to be found, not

people two or three times a week.

in the tropics where they might

[C] Food was sold fresh and did

prove useful, but in the wealthy

countries with mild temperatures

not get rotten easily.

where they are climatically almost

[D] People had effective ways

unnecessary. Every winter,

millions of fridges hum away

to preserve their food.

continuously, and at vast expense,


busily maintaining an

artificially-cooled space inside

an artificially-heated house -

while outside, nature provides the

desired temperature free of charge.

28. Who benefited the least from

The fridge's effect upon the

fridges according to the

environment has been evident, while


its contribution to human happiness

has been insignificant. If you

don't believe me, try it yourself,

invest in a food cabinet and turn

off your fridge next winter. You may

miss the hamburgers, but at least

you'll get rid of terrible hum.

[A] Inventors.

[B] Consumers.

[C] Manufactures.

[D] Traveling salesmen.


29. Which of the following phrases

in the fifth paragraph indicates

the fridge's negative effect on the


[A] "Hum away continuously".

[B] "Climatically almost


[C] "Artificially-cooled


[D] "With mild temperatures".


30. What is the author's overall

attitude toward fridges?____

[A] Neutral.

[B] Critical.

[C] Objective.

[D] Compromising.


Passage 2

Status is a marvelous human

31. In the first paragraph, the

tells us that status can help

invention that enables us to get


us ____.

along with one another and to

determine where we "fit" in

[A] determine whether a person

society. As we go about our everyday

lives, we mentally attempt to place

is fit for a certain job

people in terms of their status. For

[B] behave appropriately in

example, we must judge whether the

person in the library is a reader or

relation to other people

a librarian, whether the telephone

caller is a friend or a salesman,

[C] protect ourselves in

whether the unfamiliar person on

unfamiliar situation

our property is a thief or a meter

reader, and so on.

[D] make friends with other

The status we assume often


varies with the people we

encounter, and changes throughout


life. Most of us can. at very high

speed, assume the status with

various requirements. Much of

social interaction consists of

32. According to the writer,

identifying and selecting among

people often assume different

appropriate status and allowing

status ____.

other people to assume their status

in relation to us. This means that

[A] in order to identify

we fit our actions to those of other

people based on a constant mental

themselves with others

process of appraisal and

[B] in order to better

interpretation. Although some of us

find the task more difficult than

identify others

others, most of us perform it rather

[C] as their mental processes


Status has been compared to


ready-made clothes. Within certain

[D] as the situation changes

limits, the buyer can choose style

and fabric. But an American is not


free to choose the costume (服装) of

a Chinese peasant or that of a Hindu

prince. We must choose from among

the clothing presented by our

society. Furthermore, our choice is

33. The word "appraisal" most

limited to a size that will fit, as

probably means "____".

well as by our pocketbook (钱包).

[A] involvement

Having made a choice within these

limits we can have certain

[B] appreciation

alterations made. but apart from

minor adjustments, we tend to be

[C] assessment

limited to what the stores have on

their racks. Status too comes ready

made. and the range of choice is

[D] presentation



34. In the last sentence of the

second paragraph, the pronoun "it"

refers to "____".

[A] fitting our actions to

those of other people appropriately

[B] identification of other

people's statuses

[C] selecting one's own


[D] constant mental process


35. By saying that "an American is

not free to choose the costume of a

Chinese peasant or that of a Hindu

prince", the writer means ____.

[A] different people have

different styles of clothes

[B] ready-made clothes may

need alterations

[C] status come ready made

just like alterations

[D] our choice of status is




Directions:In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end

of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the

questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must

choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).

Then mark the corresponding letter with a single line through the center.




[A] For protection against other animals.

[B] For protection against other dogs.

[C] Just for fun.

[D] For the purpose of guarding the house.



[A] Because they did not eat other animals.

[B] Because they were useful for protection.

[C] Because they were good hunters.

[D] Because they always obeyed their masters.



[A] For companionship.

[B] For amusement.

[C] For protection against robbery.

[D] For hunting.



[A] The city can be a lonely place.

[B] Line in the West can be very dangerous.

[C] People in the West are fond of animals.

[D] The dog is a useful and friendly animal.




[A] They turn to newspapers or magazines.

[B] They write to their family members.

[C] They ask friends for help.

[D] They find the answers in books.



[A] Editors.

[B] Specialists.

[C] Readers.

[D] Friends.



[A] Special training.

[B] Experience.

[C] Business sense.

[D] Carefulness.






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