America’s Election
The United States presidential system, presidential elections held every four years. American presidential
election system is complex, the process is long. Election of the main program includes pre selection, the parties held
a National Congress to determine that the presidential candidate, candidate for the presidency and national voters
elected president "the elector", "the elector" established in the electoral college vote formally elect the president and
President elect presidential inauguration in several stages.
1, the pre selection stage:
The first phase of the election of the United States presidential election, usually from the beginning of the year
to the end of the year. There are two kinds of forms, namely, the basic level of the party and the direct selection. The
former refers to the two parties in the States from the bottom up, from the election point, county, district level to the
state level, the final election of the party to participate in the National Convention representative. The latter in the
form of universal suffrage, a state of the two parties from the same day to vote for the party to vote on behalf of the
party to participate in the National Convention, which is currently used in most states of the primaries.
2, presidential candidates nominated conference stage:
After the primaries, the two parties will normally be held in the National Convention in seven or eight months.
The main task of the meeting is to finalize the party's president, vice presidential candidate, and discuss the
presidential election platform.
3, presidential candidate election stage:
After the National Convention, the presidential campaign officially kicked off. This process usually lasts from
8 to 9 weeks. During this period, the presidential candidates will spend huge amounts of money, travel across the
country, the advertising war, the election speech, met with voters, held a press conference, and a public debate. In
addition, the candidates will be through a variety of forms to explain domestic and foreign affairs policy advocates,
in order to win the trust of voters, for votes.
4, the national voter vote to elect the president of the electoral college:
The national vote was held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of the election year (2008
November 4th), which is called the presidential election day. All American voters are in a designated place for a
vote, between the two presidential candidates (in the same ballot to elect the president of the States). A (party)
presidential candidate wins a majority in the election of a state, and he holds all the president's "electoral votes" in
the state, which is the Quanzhou system. National voter polling day also known as the presidential election day. As
the United States presidential election to the electoral system, so the presidential election day of the vote, resulting
in the fact that the 50 states and the District of Columbia, 538". In addition, in the presidential election, voters will
also be in the federal Senate and house elections. According to the constitution of the United States in 1787, the
house and Senate are directly elected by the voters of the state.
5, the electoral college vote in the presidential election:
The number of electoral votes, which embodies the principle of equality of state power, according to the number
of members of the state in the house of representatives. For example, each state has 2 senators and at least 1 members
of the house of Representatives, so any state has at least 3 votes. But a large population of the state, in addition to
these 3 votes, the number of members, the more the number of electoral votes. In 1961, the United States
constitutional amendment approved Washington, D. C., as the state has a presidential election. In this way, the
Congress of the United States has 100 senators (a term of 6 years, every two years to reelect one-third), 435
representatives (for a term of two years, after the expiration of all elections), and Washington D.C. three votes,
presidential electoral votes for a total of 538 votes. A candidate who has won more than half (270) of the total number
of electoral votes, the election of the president.
6, was elected president of the inauguration stage:
The real presidential election was held on the first Monday after the second Wednesday of 2008 (December
15th). By then, the States and the District of Columbia was elected "the man" will go to the capital of the States to
vote. The candidate will be elected president by more than 270 votes, and will be sworn in in January 20th of the
following year.
The inauguration is the last procedure in the United States presidential election, only to be elected president in
January 20th of the following year, hand to hand in the Bible, the oath of office, the United States presidential
election to end.