




第一大题 交际用语(单选题)

1、- China Mobile customer service. Good morning! Can I help you? -_____________________

【答案】I have trouble in dialing the telephone.

2、- Is it better to be physically attractive or intelligent? -_________________

【答案】For me, be intelligent is better, but that depends on.

3、- I apologize for the terrible mistake I made yesterday. -_________________

【答案】Never mind.

4、- Sir, I've come to complain about the printer I bought in your shop yesterday. -_________________

【答案】What's matter with it?

5、- Hilary, I'd appreciate it if you could help me with the opening speech I'm giving next week.

-_________________,but I'll have some time between five and

【答案】Well, it's pretty busy this afternoon


第二大题 词汇与结构(单选题)


1、If you want to download this file, you need to connect your mobile phone _______ Internet first.


2、The book is ________ more difficult than the one I read last week.


3、In this COVID-19 emergency medical team there are ten ________.

【答案】women nurses

4、Many houses are reported ________ in the storm.

【答案】to have been destroyed

5、It's very smart ________ of such a terrific idea.

【答案】of you to think

6、________ that in Africa French is one of most widely used languages.

【答案】There is no doubt

7、I was about ________ the office when the telephone rang.

【答案】to leave

8、Nowhere else in the world _________ more attractive scenery than in Switzerland.

【答案】can you find

9、________ language, maths and history, the children are also taught music and art.

【答案】In addition to

10、The company ________ a working prototype in September at its annual Technology Innovation

Conference in Beijing.


11、This candidate _________ Spanish for six years by the time he takes his examination.

【答案】will have studied

12、All the people in the classroom are frustrated ________ the few who have passed the test.

【答案】except for

13、When an element is caused to ________ with oxygen it is oxidized.


14、These platforms are going to get cheaper while becoming more capable and more ________.


15、Now that the ________ shock was wearing off, he was in considerable pain.


第三大题 阅读理解(单选题)

WHY BUILD A SPACE ELEVATOR? The space elevator will reduce the cost of getting from Earth to space. It

will also allow us to take very large payloads into space very easily, very safely. Because of that, we can

build cities on the moon. We can build space stations. We can build large solar arrays in space to collect

energy from the sun and beam it down to Earth. WHY NOT JUST USE ROCKETS INSTEAD? Rockets are

very expensive. The shuttle costs $10,000 a pound to put a payload into low-Earth orbit, and if you want

to go to the moon or Mars, it's hundreds of thousands of dollars per pound or more. Rockets are also

very limited in the amount of payload they can carry, and they're risky. With a space elevator, the cost is a

fraction of that—it may go down to 100th or 1,000th of current costs—and there are no rocket engines

that might explode. WHAT WOULD IT BE LIKE TO RIDE THE ELEVATOR? You'd go to an ocean platform,

you'd climb into a module, and you'd feel it start moving. You'd see the Earth fall away. In just a half hour


or so, you'd pass up through the clouds, and you'd start to see the curve of the horizon. Another half an

hour to an hour later, you'd basically be in space. You'd see stars, even in the middle of the day.

Eventually you'd be weightless. It'd be a very smooth ride; there wouldn't be any shaking. ARE THERE

POTENTIAL DRAWBACKS TO OPENING SPACE THIS WAY? Everything we do has the potential for

creating some bad. If we mine an asteroid, the asteroid's going to look ugly, just like a mine here. But I

think the benefits of opening up space far outweigh the damage that we can see—benefits in terms of

gaining energy from space to replace oil, additional capabilities in telecommunications, manufacturing in

space, additional real estate and exploration.

1-1、If a space elevator is built, what can't be built by us?

【答案】Skyscrapers in space.

1-2、The main reason of building a space elevator instead of using rockets is that _____.

【答案】the cost of building a space elevator is a fraction of using rockets

1-3、Which of the following statements is NOT correct, when you are riding the space elevator?

【答案】You can't see the stars in the middle of the day.

1-4、What does the word “outweigh” in Paragraph 4 mean?

【答案】Be greater than.

1-5、Which of the following can summarize the main idea of this passage?

【答案】Why do we need to build a space elevator?

第四大题 阅读理解(判断题)

Something else could be coming soon to a vehicle near you: more technology, the kind that could help

your car talk to others around it. Unlike some proposed cars of the future, it would not actually do the

driving for you. But it could warn you about what other drivers are doing. The U.S. government may

require this feature in the future, but it would add to the cost of the car. Vehicles of the future could be

cars that talk to the driver and each other. The U.S. government wants them on the road soon, pushing

for technology that would warn drivers of danger coming from any direction. It's called vehicle-to-vehicle

technology. Cars would send wireless messages to each other within about 300 yards, communicating

information like speed, direction and GPS position ten times per second. When cars share this

information, they can account for all the vehicles around them, which means they are able to identify

possible crashes. The technology sees around corners, over hills and through other vehicles. For example,

my car will tell me that there are five cars just ahead of me, and I can slow down beforehand while the

vehicle ahead sends my car a message giving me enough time to react. 33,000 Americans are killed and

2.3 million injured in car crashes every year. The Department of Transportation (DoT) predicts, talking

cars could prevent up to 80 percent of crashes involving sober drivers. Five major car companies have

been working with DoT on developing and testing the technology. 3,000 cars are already using it as part

of a government pilot test. Sometime after 2016, the U.S. government hopes your car will be able to

communicate with you. While DoT hopes to make this technology the rule by 2016, it will still need the

public to weigh in before anything is finalized. Now, as for privacy, the government says that data sent

between cars doesn't record personal information, so your privacy should not be compromised.

1-1、According to the text, the future vehicles can let the drivers see the area behind the car.


1-2、According to the text, the future vehicles can tell you about what other drivers are doing.



1-3、The government is pushing for technology that would warn drivers of danger coming from any



1-4、The government is pushing for technology that would not increase the cost of the car.


1-5、The cars would send text messages to each other within about 300 yards.


第五大题 写作(问答题)

以下表格是2021年针对中国200名大学生阅读偏好的调查。请根据所给信息写一份调查报告。(The form below

illustrates reading preference based on a survey of 200 college students in 2016 in China. Please write a

survey report according to the information given below. )

1. The subjects and respondents of the investigation.

2. Analysis of investigation result.

3. Your opinion or suggestions about college students’ reading.

A Survey Report on College Students' Reading Preference.

1、Investigation time.

December 2020.

2、Objects of investigation.

200 college students at the National Open University Pingdingshan campus.

3、Analysis of survey results and recommendations.

After several days of investigation and practice, I have a further understanding of the reading preferences

of college students. Through statistical analysis of the questionnaires and data sorting, I have

summarized a series of reading preferences of college students:

30%like to read literature books;

27%like to read entertainment books;

20%like to read applied technology books;

15%like to read professional books;

8%like to read popular science books;

Suggestion: College students should read more books on party history education, so that they can

become the pillars of the country.






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