Some Auto' Words

Some Auto' Words



全挂车 full trailer

半挂车 semi-trailer

栏板挂车 dropside trailer

平板挂车 platform trailer, flat trailer

低平板挂车 low-bed trailer

凹式平板挂车 cranked platform trailer

重型平板挂车 heavy haul trailer

特种挂车 special trailer

厢式挂车 van trailer

集装箱挂车 container trailer

集装箱专用挂车 container flatframe trailer

集装箱平板挂车 container platform trailer

集装箱栏板挂车 container dropside trailer

自卸挂车 dump trailer

液罐挂车 tank trailer

保温挂车 thermal insulated trailer

冷藏挂车 refrigerated trailer

长货挂车 pole trailer

预制件挂车 prefab trailer

底卸式挂车 bottom-dump trailer

粉状货挂车 bulk tanker trailer

牲畜家禽挂车 livestock trailer

纵伸挂车 adjustable-wheelbase trailer

横伸挂车 adjustable track trailer

集装箱自装卸挂车 self-loading container trailer

轿车运载[半挂]车 car carrier semitrailer

汽车列车 tractor-trailer combination

全挂汽车列车 full trailer train

半挂汽车列车 semi-trailer train

双挂汽车列车 double trailer train

民用车辆 civilian vehicle

在用汽车 vehicle in use

商用汽车 commercial vehicle

营运汽车 for-hire vehicle

自用车辆 private vehicle

公路运输车辆管理 highway transport vehicle management

汽车管理制度 vehicle management system

车辆技术档案 vehicle technical file

汽车运行材料 vehicle operational consumption materials

汽车技术经济定额 techno-economic rating for vehicle operation

汽车燃料消耗定额 vehicle fuel consumption rating

轮胎行驶里程定额 tyre mileage rating

汽车维修费用定额 cost quota of vehicle maintenance and repair

汽车大修费用定额 cost quota of vehicle major repair

汽车大修间隔里程 average mileage between vehicle major repairs

汽车小修频率 frequency of vehicle current repair

轮胎翻新率 tyre recapping rate

车辆调拨 vehicle allotment

车辆停驶 vehicle lay-off

车辆封存 vehicle storing up

车辆折旧里程 vehicle depreciation mileage

车辆完好率 vehicle avail ability rate

车辆平均技术等级 mean grade of vehicle technical condition

车辆租赁 vehicle leasing

车辆报废 vehicle scrapping

车辆折旧率 vehicle depreciation rate

车辆更新 vehicle replacement

车辆装备 vehicle outfitting

车辆改造 vehicle remoulding

车辆使用寿命 vehicle service life

车辆合理使用寿命 vehicle rational service life

车辆经济使用寿命 vehicle economic service life

车辆技术使用寿命 vehicle technical service life

汽车驾驶 automobile driving

预热 preheating

起步 starting

换档 gear shifting

加速 speeding up

减速 slowing down

转向 turning

掉头 turning around

倒车 backing

制动 braking

紧急制动 emergency braking

[轮胎]压印 tyre scuffs

[轮胎]拖印 tyre skid

超车 overtaking

会车 meeting

侧向最小安全间距 minimum safe lateral clearance

车轮滑转 wheel spinning

抛描 breakdown on the way

[列车]折叠 jack knifing

滑行 coasting

脱档滑行 coasting in neutral

熄火滑行 coasting with engine off

分离离合器滑行 coasting with clutch disengaged

加速滑行 accelerating-coasting

驾驶能力 driving ability

驾驶技能 driving skill

驾驶技术 driving technique

涉水驾驶 fording drive

冰雪路面驾驶 driving on snowy and icy road

走合期驾驶 driving in running-in period

驾驶模拟器 driving simulator

汽车使用 vehicle operation

汽车使用条件 vehicle operation condition

汽车运行工况 vehicle operational mode

怠速工况 idling mode

强制怠速工况 forced idling mode

加速工况 accelerating mode

等速工况 cruising mode

减速工况 decelerating mode

滑行工况 coasting mode

全负荷工况 full load mode

部分负荷工况 partial load mode

汽车使用强度 vehicle operation intensity

汽车使用效率 vehicle operation efficiency

汽车合理使用 vehicle rational utilization

汽车平均技术速度 vehicle average technical speed

汽车经济车速 vehicle economical speed

汽车合理拖载 vehicle rational towing load

汽车使用性能 vehicle operation performance

汽车容载量 vehicle load carrying capacity

汽车重量利用系数 vehicle weight efficiency

汽车使用可靠性 vehicle operational reliability

汽车耐久性 vehicle durability

汽车动力性 vehicle dynamic quality

汽车经济性 vehicle economy

汽车安全性 vehicle safety

主动安全性 active safety

被动安全性 passive safety

汽车使用方便性 vehicle utilization conveniency

汽车行驶平顺性 vehicle running smoothness

汽车乘坐舒适性 vehicle ride comfort

汽车操纵轻便性 easiness of vehicle control

汽车机动性 vehicle mobility

汽车操纵稳定性 vehicle handling stability

汽车通过性 vehicle passability

汽车维修性 vehicle maintainability

汽车节能 vehicle energy saving

汽车节油技术 vehicle fuel saving technique

公司平均燃料经济性 corporation average fuel economy,CAFE

汽车燃料利用率 vehicle fuel utilization factor

汽车能量利用率 vehicle energy utilization factor

汽车能量平衡 vehicle energy balance

汽车百车公里油耗 vehicle fuel consumption per hundred kilometers

汽车百吨公里油耗 vehicle fuel consumption per hundred ton-kilometers

汽车代用燃料 alternative motor fuels

汽车节能装置 fuel saving device

汽车技术状况 technical condition of vehicle

汽车完好技术状况 good technical condition of vehicle

汽车不良技术状况 bad technical condition of vehicle

汽车工作能力 working ability of vehicle

汽车技术状况参数 parameters of vehicle technical condition

工作过程参数 parameters of operation process

伴随过程参数 accompanying parameters of operation process

汽车极限技术状况 limiting technical condition of vehicle

汽车技术状况变化规律 trend of change of vehicle technical conditions

汽车损耗 vehicle wear-out

汽车零件磨损 wear of vehicle parts

磨损过程 wear process

正常磨损 normal wear

极限磨损 wear limit

允许磨损 permissible wear

磨损率 wear rate

擦伤 scratching

刮伤 scoring

点蚀 pitting

粘附 adhesion

咬粘 seizure

烧伤 burning

穴蚀 cavitation

缺陷 defect

损伤 damage

汽车故障 vehicle failure

完全故障 complete failure

局部故障 partial failure

致命故障 critical failure

严重故障 major failure

一般故障 minor failure

渐变故障 gradual failure

突然故障 sudden failure

随机故障 random failure

故障机理 failure mechanism

故障模式 failure mode

异响 abnormal noise

泄漏 leakage

过热 overheating

气阻 vapor lock

松动 loosening

失调 maladjustment

失控 out of control

乏力 lack of power

污染超限 over-limit pollution

费油 excessive fuel consumption

振抖 fluttering

窜油 oil pumping

爆燃 detonation


敲缸 piston slap

回火 back fire

缺火 misfiring

断火 interruption of firing

拉缸 cylinder scoring

离合器滑转 clutch slippage

脱档 spontaneous out-of-gear

车轮抱死 wheel lock up

跑偏 pulling to one side

侧滑 side skidding

拖滞 dragging

故障率 failure rate

故障分布 failure distribution

故障树 failure tree,failure branch chart

汽车诊断 vehicle diagnosis

汽车检测 vehicle inspection and test

汽车状况监控 vehicle condition monitoring

诊断工艺 diagnostic technology

诊断方法 diagnostic method

参数诊断 parameter diagnosis

统计诊断 statistical diagnosis

逻辑诊断 logistic diagnosis

诊断专家系统 diagnostic expert system

综合诊断 general inspection and diagnosis

单元诊断 unit diagnosis

动态诊断 dynamic diagnosis

诊断参数 diagnostic parameters

诊断规范 diagnostic norms

诊断周期 interval between diagnosis

汽车诊断站 vehicle diagnostic station

汽车检测站 vehicle inspection and test station

汽车维修 vehicle maintenance and repair

汽车维修制度 vehicle maintenance and repair system

计划预防维修制度 scheduled preventive maintenance and repair system

汽车维修指标 vehicle maintenance and repair indices

汽车维修企业 vehicle maintenance and repair enterprise

汽车维修网点 vehicle maintenance and repair network

汽车维护 vehicle maintenance


汽车维护工程 vehicle maintenance engineering

汽车维护类别 vehicle maintenance classification

汽车维护级别 vehicle maintenance grade

技术服务 technical service

状况监测维护 status monitoring maintenance

汽车定期维护 vehicle periodic maintenance

季节性维护 seasonal maintenance

走合维护 running-in maintenance

预防维护 preventive maintenance

视情维护 condition-based maintenance

事后维护 maintenance after failure

计划外维护 unscheduled maintenance

汽车维护工艺 vehicle maintenance technology

汽车维护作业 operation of vehicle maintenance

汽车维护工艺过程 vehicle maintenance technological process

汽车维护规范 vehicle maintenance norms

汽车维护方法 vehicle maintenance method

汽车维护流水作业法 flow method for vehicle maintenance

汽车维护定位作业法 vehicle maintenance on universal post

汽车维护生产纲领 production program of vehicle maintenance

汽车维护周期 interval between vehicle maintenances

汽车维护场 vehicle maintenance depot

汽车维护站 vehicle maintenance station

汽车修理 vehicle repair

汽车修理类别 vehicle repair classification

汽车大修 vehicle major repair

汽车中修 vehicle medium repair

汽车小修 vehicle current repair

事前修理 repair before failure

事后修理 repair after failure

总成修理 unit repair

总成大修 unit major repair

总成小修 unit current repair

发动机大修 engine rebuilding,engine remanufacture

[发动机]检修 tune-up

整形修理 form correction repair

零件修理 parts repair

基础件修理 basic part repair

修复 reconditioning

计划修理 scheduled repair

视情修理 repair on technical conditions

视情检修 inspection and repair only as necessary, IROAN

非计划修理 unscheduled repair

汽车修理工艺 vehicle repair technology

汽车修理工艺过程 vehicle repair technological process

技术检验 technical checking

检视 visual inspection

零件检验分类 inspection and classification of parts

走合 running-in

磨合 breaking-in

冷磨合 cold breaking-in

热磨合 hot breaking-in

修理尺寸 repair size

极限间隙 clearance limit

允许间隙 permissible clearance

汽车修理技术标准 vehicle repair technical standard

汽车修理方法 vehicle repair method

汽车修理流水作业法 flow method for vehicle repair

汽车修理定位作业法 vehicle repair on universal post

总成互换修理法 unit exchange repair method

周转总成 replacement unit

混装修理法 depersonalized repair method

就车修理法 personalized repair method

汽车修理生产纲领 production program of vehicle repair

汽车大修平均在厂车日 average days in plant during major repair of vehicle

汽车大修平均在修车日 average days during major repair of vehicle

汽车维修平均工时 average man-hours of vehicle maintenance and repair

汽车维修平均费用 average costs of vehicle maintenance and repair

汽车大修返修率 return rate of vehicle major repair

汽车修理厂 vehicle repair plant

汽车总成修理厂 unit repair plant

汽车专项修理厂 specialty vehicle repair shop

汽车维修工艺设备 technological equipment of vehicle maintenance and repair

汽车维修工具 instrument of vehicle maintenance and repair

汽车安全检测线 vehicle safety inspection and test line

汽车综合诊断线 vehicle general inspection and diagnosis line

全自动汽车检测系统 computerized vehicle inspection system

底盘测动机 chassis dynamometer

制动试验台 brake tester

反力式制动试验台 reaction type brake tester

惯性式制动试验台 inertial type brake tester

轴重仪 axle load meter

倾斜角度试验机 overturn angle tester

[汽车]侧滑试验台 side slip tester

[汽车]速度[表]试验台 speedometer tester

[汽车]前大灯试验仪 head light tester

[汽车]排气分析仪 exhaust gas analyzer, emission analyzer

柴油机烟度计 diesel smoke meter

[汽车]车轮定位仪 wheel alignment meter

轮胎拆装机 tire changer

车轮动平衡仪 wheel dynamic balancer

发动机诊断仪 engine analyzer

正时灯 timing light

柴油机喷油定时测定器 diesel injection timing tester

喷嘴试验器 nozzle tester

压缩压力计 compression gauge


柴油机喷油泵试验台 diesel fuel injection pump tester

燃油流量计 fuel consumption gauge

声级计 sound level meter

[制动]踏板力计 foot brake pedal pressure gauge

镗缸机 cylinder boring machine

主轴承镗床 main bearing boring machine

连杆校正器 connecting rod aligner

- 器械体操 mechanogymnastics


鞘细菌 sheathed bacteria


桥面纵坡 deck profile grade


强制访问控制 mandatory access control


前集 pre-set





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