Edge Banding Machine
It contains edge banding moulds and 20 high-tempature edge banding film . The
specifications of edge banding moulds are 20*20 for square ,42*42,40*40 and 38*38 for
round and 45*30 fpr ellipse. Your customized moulds are also welcomed.
5套封边模具的规格为:方20*20 圆42 圆40 圆38 椭圆45*30
Instructions for edge banding machine
access to power through opening power button. The red light shines.
1 接通电源打开电源开关,红灯亮.
spin button of tempature control machine until the needle positioned at 160-170
degree Celsius .At this time ,it is waitting to be heated.
2 将控温器旋钮指针定位在160-170度档位上,此时等待加热;
the required moulds for edge banding on the heating plate about 5-8 minutes;
3 将所需封边用的模具放在加热盘上预热约5-8分钟.
the flash pad after exposure into the stamp shell with same specification.
4 把暴光好的光敏垫放到规格相同的章壳内.
the stamp shell with moulds for edge banding,then put it into the mould space . Light
press immediate goes away.
5 用封边膜把章壳包好放进模具仓内轻压立即脱开;
whether finished stamp shell and stamp are integrated and it is smooth around . If
the effect is not good, you can repeat the above-mentioned operations.
6 检查成品章壳和章垫是否熔为一体,周边是否均匀,若效果不佳,可重复以上操作.
Refueling method:
Drop about 10ML into the stamp shell space after opening its cap. You can also drop smoothly on
the front graphic and text areas. ( Only need about 5ML)
Attention : Edge banding machine and mould have an extremely high temperature after
heating . When you operate it , you must wear heat-free gloves for preventing burn injuries.
Pls put all appliances out of children’s reach!