The gear。of a final drive is the。of the number of teeth on
the ring gear to the number of teeth on the XXX at the wheels。but will also result in lower top speed。A lower gear。will
provide less torque at the wheels。but will result in higher top
There are several types of final drives。including the hypoid。spiral bevel。and worm gear final drives。The hypoid final drive
is the most commonly used in modern vehicles。as it provides a
high gear。and is XXX final drive is commonly used in high-performance vehicles。as it provides a XXX。The worm gear
final drive is rarely used。as it is less efficient and provides a
lower gear。
Proper maintenance of the final drive is XXX to the gears。It
is also important to check for any leaks or damage to the final
drive。and to have any XXX.
The gear。of the final drive is XXX the number of teeth on
the ring gear by the number of XXX。this XXX from about 3:1 to
5: in trucks it varies from about 5:1 to 11: calculate the
rear axle。simply count the number of teeth on each gear and
divide the number of XXX by the number of ring gear teeth。For
example。if the n gear has 10 teeth and the ring gear has
rear axle。would be 3:1.
Manufacturers XXX car。is 3.50:1.A higher axle。such as
4.11: increase n and pulling power but decrease XXX。This means that the engine would have to run XXX cruising speed。On the other hand。a lower axle。of 3:1 would ce n and pulling
power but increase XXX。This would cause the engine to run at a
lower RPM while maintaining the same speed.
Hypoidgears。on the other hand。have n and ring gear axes
that are offset from each other。This design XXX。XXX。they
require special XXX。it is XXX.
The hypoid gear final drive is a common design found in light
and medium trucks。as well as all domestic rear-XXX。which it
has largely XXX design helps to lower the hump in the XXX-meshing n。In this design。the n meshes with the ring gear below
the XXX of less than 90 degrees。This can be seen in Figure shows different types of final drives.
The double-XXX a constant size of the ring gear and housing。This is achieved through the use of heavier。larger teeth and a ced
drive angle。which is similar to the spiral bevel but includes some
characteristics of the worm gear。The XXX。XXX in contact at
the same time。This design increases gear life and ces gear noise
due to the wiping n of the teeth。but requires heavy-grade
lubricants to handle the heavy tooth pressure.
The final drives shown in Figure 5-13 typically only have a
single fixed gear n。which is the only XXX and light- to medium-duty trucks een XXX.
Heavy-duty trucks utilize double-XXX and ring gear。which
act as a single fixed gear n final drive。In Figure that the
secondary n is mounted on the primary ring gear shaft。The
second gear n is a result of the secondary n。which is firmly
attached to the primary ring gear。It drives a XXX vehicles。such
as the 5-XXX size incorporate a single- or n final drive with ns for
two speeds.
Figure 5-14 shows the n final drive。This type of final drive
is used in heavy-duty trucks。It XXX。XXX vehicles。and many
XXX of this size use a single- or n final drive with ns for two
n final drives are XXX and ring gear。which act as a single
fixed gear n final drive。In Figure secondary n is
mounted on the primary ring gear shaft。This results in a second
gear n。as the XXX vehicles。like the 5-XXX size incorporate a
single- or n final drive with ns for two speeds.
The two-speed or。final drive is a XXX with a single drive
axle (see Fig。5-15)。The operator can choose the range or speed
of the XXX.
XXX different load and road ns。the two-speed final drive
provides greater flexibility。For instance。a vehicle with a two-speed unit and a five-speed n can have up to ten different forward
speeds。This unit offers a high gear。for pulling heavy loads up
steep grades。as well as a low。for running the vehicle at high
speeds with a light load or no load。
Overall。the two-speed final drive XXX more ns for the
operator to choose from.
The two-speed unit in this system XXX and ring gear drive。but with the n of XXX case。The internal gear of the XXX to the
bevel drive gear。while a ring on which the ary gears XXX case。To control the system。a member consisting of the sun gear and a
dog clutch slides on one of the axle shafts and can be controlled by
a button or XXX.
When in high range。the sun gear meshes with the internal
teeth on the ring carrying the ary gears and disengages the dog
clutch from the left bearing adjusting ring。XXX。In this n。the
pXXX and there is no relative n een the XXX gear。the same as in
a XXX single fixed gear final drive.
When the XXX。XXX at the same speed。This is achieved
through the use of ary gears XXX case。The sun gear is connected
to the drive shaft and the internal gear is XXX.
XXX Range n
When the vehicle is shifted into low range。the sun gear is
slid out of mesh with the ring carrying the XXX n with the left
bearing adjusting ring。Since the sun gear is integral with the dog
clutch。it is also locked to the XXX。and the differential case is
driven by the ring on which the ary gears are pivoted。This n
produces the gear n。or low speed。of the axle.
Importance of the Differential
XXX differential。the tires would tend to slide。squeal。and
In summary。XXX different speeds。it XXX。The low
range n of the differential provides nal power and torque for off-XXX.
The main cer is a component of the power n system een the
drive shaft and the differential。Its n is to change the XXX to the
drive axle by 90 degrees。At the same time。it provides a fixed n
een the speed of the XXX.
The n and gear。of the main cer depend on the number of
teeth on the ring gear and the XXX。for buses is een 3:1 and
5: for trucks it is een 5:1 and 11: rear axle drive。is
XXX into the ring gear。For example。if the n gear has 10 teeth
and the ring gear has 30 (30 divided by 10)。the rear axle。will be
3:cturers consider the balance een performance and cost
when installing the rear axle drive。with an average。of 3.50:1 for
A higher axle。such as 4.11: increase n and power but
decrease XXX。The engine will have to suddenly increase XXX
the same speed。A lower axle。such as 3: ce n and pulling
power but increase XXX。The engine will suddenly decrease
XXX the same speed.
The main components of the main XXX contact een the gear
teeth。the ring XXX。This means that it is an axial gear that can
be ned on each side of the n gear。The oil seal is used to XXX.
XXX is on the same XXX and ring gear。This type of main
XXX。This design allows for constant contact een the ring gear
and n gear。and therefore requires a high-grade lubricant.
XXX used in light and medium-duty trucks and all domestic
four-XXX Figures (less than 90 degrees).
This angle and the use of XXX the size and volume of the
ring gear。This tooth design is similar to the spiral bevel。but
includes some worm gear features。This XXX。XXX in contact
with the large XXX can increase gear life and ce gear noise when
more than one tooth is in contact at the same time。XXX
significant pressure。so high-grade lubricating oil is required.
Two-stage main cer
In the main cer shown in Figure is a unique fixed
XXX and the wheels of most cars。light and medium trucks.
XXX is used in heavy trucks。With this arrangement (Figure
5-14)。we do not need a large XXX by a small gear。and the ring
gear serves as a single fixed gear n for the main cer。Referring to
Figure note that the secondary small gear is mounted on
the main ring gear shaft。The second stage gear XXX。such as 5-
ton trucks。Many commercial vehicles of this size are designed
with a single or double main XXX.
The two-speed or two XXX used in single-drive axle vehicles。(Figure 5-15) The operator selects the range or speed of this axis
through a button XXX.
The two-XXX。For example。if a car has a two-speed unit
and a five-speed n。there are ten different forward speeds
available。This unit provides a sufficiently high gear。to ensure
that the heavy load can travel at low speed。and a low。to allow
the vehicle to run at high speed in the case of light or no load.
XXX umbrella gears drive the two-speed unit。but a ary gear
system XXX。There is a ring on which the ary gears rotate。XXX。comprising a sun gear and a pawl clutch。slides on one half shaft
and is controlled by a button or XXX.
When in the high range。the meshing sun gears and the
internal gears carried by the ring on the left XXX。XXX。At this
n。the ary gear system XXX。There is no relative n een the XXX.
When switching to the low range。the sun gear XXX with the
ring。The XXX and the left adjustment ring form a rigid n。Because the sun gear is also part of the pawl clutch。it is XXX is
driven by the ary gears mounted on the pivot through the gear。This n will produce XXX.