



re-mortgage 再按揭;再抵押

remuneration 酬金;薪酬;报酬

remunerative rate 有利比率

renewal of a loan 借款重贷

renewal of contract of insurance 续保

renewal of registration 登记续期;注册续期

renewal policy 续保保单

Renminbi Yuan [CNY] 人民币元

rent 租金

rent charge 租费

rent record 租金记录

rental income 租金收入

rental index 租金指数

rental return 租金收益

rent-free 免租

renunciation 放弃书

reorganization of capital 资本重组

reorganization of share capital 股本重组

repaid bill 已偿付库券

repayment 偿还;归还款项;退还税款

repayment capability 偿债能力

repayment of principal 偿还本金;还本

repeated borrower 重复借贷者;重复借款人

rephasing of expenditure 重新订定分期拨付开支的时间

replacement cost 重置成本;更新成本;迁建费用

replacement reserve 重置储备金;更新储备金

replenishment of funds 补充资金

repo security 回购抵押品

Report of the Securities Review Committee on the Operation and Regulation

of the Hong Kong Securities Industry 《香港证券业的运作及监察──证券业检讨委员会报告书》

Report on the Financial Market Review 《金融市场检讨报告》

reporting accountant 申报会计师

reporting mechanism 申报机制

reporting system 汇报系统

representative capacity 代表身分

representative of a commodity dealer 商品交易商代表

representative office 代表办事处

Republic National Bank of New York 美国利宝银行

repurchase 购回

repurchase agreement [repo] 回购协议

repurchase transaction 购回交易

reputed owner 据称拥有人

required liquid capital 规定速动资金;规定流动资金

requisite book 必需的簿册

requisite voucher 必需的凭单

requisition 申请书;申报表;请购单

Requisition for Revenue Stamps 购买印花申请书

re-registration 重新登记;重新注册

reschedule of payment 重新安排付款期限

rescue fund 储备金

Research and Planning Division [Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited] 数据研究及策划科〔香港联合交易所有限公司〕

resell 反售;转售

reserve 储备;准备金

reserve account 储备帐

reserve assets 储备资产

reserve balance as a percentage of government expenditure 储备结余在政府开支中所占的百分率

reserve capital 后备资本

reserve for bad debts 坏帐储备

reserve for contingencies 意外损失储备

reserve for exchange loss 汇兑损失储备

reserve fund 储备金;储备基金

reserve price 保留价格;最低价格

reserve ratio requirement 储备比率规定

reserved supplementary grant 备用追加补助金

Reserves Management Department [Hong Kong Monetary Authority] 储备管理部〔香港金融管理局〕

resettlement grant 转业补助金;迁置补助金

resident director 本地董事

residential mortgage 住宅按揭

residual acceptor of foreign exchange 外汇的最后承兑人

residual deficit 剩余赤字

residual method 余值法

residual method of valuation 余值估计法

residual payment 余款;剩余付款

residual supplier of foreign exchange 外汇的最后供应者

residual value 剩余价值;残余价值

residuary estate 剩余遗产

residue 剩余额;剩余财产

residue of expenditure 开支剩余额

resistance line 阻力线

Resource Allocation Exercise [RAE] 资源分配工作

Resource Allocation Exercise for recurrent expenditure 经常开支资源分


resource bid 资源申请

resource bureau 资源局

Resources Management Unit [RMU] [Economic Services Bureau] 资源管理组〔经济局〕

responsible director 责任董事

restatement of account 重整帐目

restocking 补充存货

restricted auction 限制条件拍卖

restricted banking licence 有限制银行牌照

restricted licence bank 有限制牌照银行

restricted tender 局限性投标;“围内”投标

restriction notice 限制通知书

restrictive endorsement 限制背书

results announcement 业绩公布

retail banking 零售银行业务

retail business 零售业务

retail client “散户”;“散客”

retail dealer 零售商

retail deposit 零售存款

retail deposit interest rate 零售存款利率

retail interest rate 零售利率

retail investor “散户”投资者;个人投资者

retail market 零售市场

retail participation “散户”入市

retail price 零售价格

retail price index 零售价格指数

retained business 保留业务

retained earnings 留存收益

retained import 留用进口货物

retained profit 留存盈利

retention 保留额;自留额

retention money 保留金;保留款项

retention ratio 自留额比率

retirement scheme management category X business 退休计划管理第X类业务

Retirement Schemes and Insurance and Bureau Administration Section

[Financial Services Bureau] 退休计划及保险及行政组〔财经事务局〕

retiring partner 退出的合伙人

retiring trustee 退职受托人

retrocession 转分保

retrocession premium 转分保保费

retrocessionaire 转分保人

return 收益;回报率;报表;报税表

Return of Computerized Payroll Emoluments 计算机计算薪俸表格

return on assets 资产回报率

Return on Loans, Advances and Provisions 贷款、垫款及备付金申报表

revaluation 重估价值;升值

revaluation of rateable values 重估应课差饷租值

revaluation year 重估应课差饷租值年度

revenue 收入;收益;税收

revenue account 收入帐

revenue base 收入基数;收入基础

revenue collection 征税;收取税款

revenue department 税收部门;管理政府收入的部门

revenue estimates 收入预算

revenue from properties and investments 来自物业及投资的收入

revenue measure 征税措施;收入措施

revenue outturn 收入结算

revenue paper 税收文件

revenue policy 征税政策;收入政策

revenue proposal 征税建议;税收建议;收入建议

revenue shortfall 收入不足

revenue stamp 税收印花

revenue-earning department 赚取收入的部门

revenue-generating department 带来收入的部门

reversionary estate 复归产业权

reversionary interest 复归权益

Review of Companies Ordinance Consultancy Report 《检讨香港公司条例顾问研究报告》

revised assessment 修订评税

revised estimates 修订预算

revised estimates of expenditure 修订开支预算

revised estimates of revenue 修订收入预算

revised preliminary estimates of gross domestic product 本地生产总值的修订初步估计

revive 回升;复苏

revocable letter of credit 可撤销信用证

revocation 撤销

revocation of licence 撤销牌照

revolving fund 周转基金;循环基金

revolving letter of credit 循环信用证

revote 再拨款

reward 酬金

right of control 控制权

right of conversion into stock 兑换证券的权利

right of pre-emption 优先购买权

right of retainer 遗产保留权;财产保留权

right of retention 保留权

right to receive income from property 从财产收取入息的权利

right to rescind 撤销的权利

rights issue 供股〔上市方式〕;认股权发行;配售新股

rights issue prospectus 供股章程

ring 交易圈

ring out 平仓;经纪之间期货交易相互结算

rising price 价格上涨

risk 风险

risk adjustment 风险调整

risk assets 风险资产

risk assets ratio 风险资产比率

risk exposure 风险承担

risk management 风险管理

Risk Management Guidelines for Derivatives 《衍生工具风险管理指引》

risk management system 风险管理系统;风险管理制度

risk of breakage 破损险

risk of non-delivery 遗失险

risk of rust 舅鹣

risk of shortage 短量险

risk of sweat damage 潮腐险

risk premium 风险溢价

risk weight 风险加权数

risk weighted exposure 加权风险值

"risk-based" approach “以风险为依据”的方法

risk-capping 限制风险

roll forward 向前推展;向前滚进

roll over 转仓;滚计;滚转;续期

rolling forex 日转期汇

rolling plan 滚动式计划;逐年延展计划

rolling settlement 滚动交收

round lot 交易单位;整数成批股票;“一手”

round off 以整数计;四舍五入

round to nil 化为零计

round turn 完整交易;轧平交易

round up 清盘

rounded-up sub-total 化成整数的小计

round-trip contract 平仓合约

Royal Bank of Canada 加拿大皇家银行

Royal Bank of Scotland plc 苏格兰皇家银行

royalty 专营权费;专利权费;特许权使用费

rule of equity 衡平法;衡平法规则

Rules and Operation Procedure of Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company

Limited 《香港中央结算有限公司规则及运作程序》

Rules Governing the Listing of Securities [Listing Rules] [Stock Exchange

of Hong Kong Limited] 《证券上市规则》〔《上市规则》〕〔香港联合交易所有限公司〕

Rules of the Exchange [Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited] 《交易所规则》〔香港联合交易所有限公司〕

Rules on Interest Rates and Deposit Charges 《利率及存款收费规则》

run on a bank 银行挤兑;银行挤提

runner “驳脚”经纪;传递员

running expenses 管理费用;经常费用

running-down of business 缩减业务





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