


1. Balance of payments accounting: A country’s balance of payments accounts

accounts for its payments to and its receipts from foreigners. An international

transaction involves two parties, and each transaction enters the accounts twice:

once as a credit (+) and once as a debit (-).

国际收支账户: 一国的国际收支账户,记录的是该过对外国的支付和从外国获得收入的情况。任何导致对外国人进行支付的交易,都计入国际收支账户的借方,并在前面加上一个负号(-);任何导致从外国人那里获得收入的交易,都计入借方,并加上一个正号(+)

2. Current account balance (exports minus imports): The difference between exports

of goods and services and imports of goods and services


3. The official settlements balance: The bookkeeping offset to the balance of official

reserve transactions


4. National saving (S): The portion of output (Y), that is not devoted to household

consumption (C) , or government purchases (G).


5. Appreciation is an increase in the value of a currency relative to another currency.


6. Exchange rate: The price of one currency in terms of another is called an exchange



7. The real rate of return: The rate of return computed by measuring asset values in

terms of some broad representative of products that savers regularly purchase.


8. Forward exchange rates: The exchange rates quoted in the transactions which we

can specify a value date to exchange in the future.


9. Spot Exchange rates: The exchange rates governing such "on-the-spot" trading are

called spot exchange rates


10. Interest parity condition: The condition that the expected returns on deposits of

any two currencies are equal when measured in the same currency is called the

interest parity condition.


11. Vehicle currency: Because of its pivotal role in so many foreign exchange deals,

the dollar is sometimes called a vehicle currency.



12. Aggregate money demand: aggregate money demand is the total demand for

money by all households and firms in the just the sum of all the

economy’s individual money demands.


13. Money supply: the total amount of currency and checking deposits held by

household and firms.


14. Exchange rate overshooting: the exchange rate is said to overshoot when its

immediate response to a disturbance is greater than its long-run response.


15.Fisher effect: The long-run relationship between inflation and interest rates, a

rise in a country’s expected inflation rate will eventually cause an equal rise in the

interest rate that deposits of its currency offer. Similarly, a fall in the expected

inflation rate will eventually cause a fall in the interest rate.


16.Law of one price: The low of one price states that in competitive markets free of

transportation costs and official barriers to trade(such as tariffs),identical goods sold

in different countries must sell for the same price when their prices are expressed in

terms of the same currency.


17.Nominal interest rate: when we wish to differentiate a real exchange rate,

which is the relative price of two output baskets, from a relative price of two

currencies, we will refer to the latter as a nominal exchange rate. 名义利率:两种货币的相对价格

18.Purchasing power parity(PPP): the theory of purchasing power parity states

that the exchange rate between two countries’ currencies equals the ratio of the

countries’ price levels.


19.Real exchange rate: the real exchange rate between two countries’ currencies is a

broad summary measure of the prices of one country’s goods and services relative to

the other’s.


20. Relative PPP: states that the percentage change in the exchange rate between

two currencies over any period equals the difference between the percentage

changes in national price levels.



21. AA schedule: The schedule of exchange rate and output combinations that are

consistent with equilibrium in the domestic money market and the foreign

exchange market is called the AA schedule.


22. Inflation bias: Refers to the difference between the mean value and the target

value of inflation according to the circulation by the basic model.


23. Aggregate demand: The amount of a country’s goods and services demanded by

households and firms throughout the world.


24. J-curve: If the current account initially worsens after a depreciation, its time path

has an initial segment reminiscent of a J and therefore is called the J-curve.


25. DD schedule: The curve shows all combinations of output and the exchange rate

for which the output market is in short run equilibrium.


26. Pass-through: The percentage from the exchange rate to import prices by which

import prices rise when the home currency depreciates by 1 percent.


27. Balance of payments crisis: When a central bank does not have enough official

international reserve assets to maintain a fixed exchange rate, a balance of payments

crisis results.


28. Bimetallic standard: the value of currency is based on both silver and gold.


29. Capital flight: The reserve loss accompanying a devaluation scare

(Financial capital is quickly moved from domestic assets to foreign assets)


30. Devaluation: A devaluation occurs when the central bank raises the domestic

currency price of foreign currency.


31. Gold exchange standard: halfway between the gold standard and a pure reserve

currency standard is the gold exchange standard


32. Gold standard: gold acts as official international reserves that all countries use to

make official international payments.


33. Imperfect asset substitutability: In general, foreign and domestic assets may

differ in the amount of risk that they carry: they may be imperfect substitutes.


34. Managed floating exchange rates: system in which governments may attempt to

moderate exchange rate movements without keeping exchange rates rigidly fixed.


35. Perfect asset substitutability: the key feature of our model that leads to these

results is the assumption that the foreign exchange market is in equilibrium only

when the expected returns on domestic and foreign currency bonds are the same.


36. Reserve currency: one currency acts as official international reserves.


37. Revaluation: a revaluation occurs when the central bank lower the domestic

currency price of foreign currency


38. Risk premium: The difference between the riskiness of domestic and foreign



39. Self-fulfilling currency crises: Expectations of a balance of payments crisis only

worsen the crisis and hasten devaluation that occur in such circumstances often are

called self-fulfilling currency crises .


40. Sterilized foreign exchange intervention: Central banks sometimes carry our

equal foreign and domestic asset transactions in opposite directions to nullify the

impact of their foreign exchange operations on the domestic money supply . this

type of policy is called sterilized foreign exchange intervention


41. External balance: A country’ s current account is neither so deeply in deficit

that the country may be unable to repay its foreign debts in the future nor so

strongly in surplus that foreigners are put in that position.


42. Internal balance: The full employment of a country’s resources and domestic

price level stability.


43. Expenditure-changing policy: Changing social needs or total expenditure level of

the national economy policy, whose purpose is to change aggregate demand to

change the demand for foreign goods, services and financial assets, and achieve the

balance of payments adjustment.


44. Price-specie-flow mechanism: Under the internationally common practice of

the gold standard, a country's international balance of payments can keep

equilibrium automatically by the fluctuations of commodity price and the output or

input of gold.


45. Expenditure-switching policy: The policies which can affect the international

competitiveness of commodities and to increase their income relative to spending by

changing the spending structure.


46. Destabilizing speculation: It means that if foreign exchange traders saw that a

currency was depreciating, it was argued, they might sell the currency in the

expectation of future depreciation regardless of the currency’s longer-term prospects;

and as more traders jumped on the bandwagon by selling the currency, the

expectations of depreciation would be realized.


ry efficiency gain:the monetary efficiency gain from joining the fixed

exchange rate system equals the joiner’s saving from avoiding the uncertainty,

confusion, and calculation and transaction costs that arise when exchange rates float.


ic stability loss:the extra instability caused by the fixed exchange rate is

the economic stability loss


m currency areas:Fixed exchange rates are most appropriate for areas

closely integrated through international trade and factor movements.






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