1. hundred, thousand, million,billion, dozen(十二), score(二十)等词的用法如下:
(1) 前有具体的数词时,其后不得加s,也不能和of连用。
It is reported that the floods have left about two thousand people homeless.据报道,洪水已经使大约两千人无家可归。
(2)前有不定数量的词,如some, a few, several 等加以修饰时,其后可加s,也可不加。如several thousands of books = several thousand books 数千百本书。many与这些词连用时多以many millions of 这种形式出现。
Several million people in the world are sending information by E-mail every day全世界每天有几百万人通过电子邮件发送信息。
The boy went to the store and bought dozens of pencils. 那个男孩去商店买了几十只笔。
He's been to Hong Kong scores of times.他曾去过香港多次。
My sister wrote a two-thousand-word letter to her friend yesterday. 昨天我妹妹给她的朋友写了一封两千字的信。
3.分数的构成是分子基数词,分母序数词,分子大于一,分母加-s。当“分数词+ of +名词”作主语时,谓语动词的单复数与名词的单复数相一致。
About three-fifths of the people in the village lost their lives in the earthquake.
About three quarters of the surface of the earth is covered with water.地球表面大约四分之三被水覆盖。
4.英语中年、月、日的顺序为“日、月、年”,如15(th) February, 2004(读作the fifteenth of February, two thousand and four)或 “月、日、年”,如September
9(th), 1989(读作September the ninth, nineteen eighty-nine)
5.“几十年代”用the加上整十位数的复数形式(thirties/ 30s/30’s;sixties/
表示;“几十几岁”用“in one’s 加上整十位数的复数形式”表示。
When his career began to take off in the 1990’s (1990s), he was already in his
fifties. 当他的职业生涯在20世纪90年代开始腾飞时,他已经五十多岁了。
6. 给事物编号时用“事物名词(不加冠词)+基数词”或“the +序数词+事物名词”。
His brother lives in Room Nine on the second floor.他弟弟住在二楼的九号房间。
Do you know when the Second World War(World War Two) broke out? 你知道二战是什么时候爆发的吗?
7. by表示增减的程度。
The price has been reduced by 10 percent so far. 到目前为止价钱已经下降了百分之十。
8. hundred 的序数词是hundredth。表示第几的序数词要与定冠词连用。
The hundredth story that Tom has written is very interesting. 汤姆写的第一百个故事非常有趣。
He was born on April the twenty-first (April 21). 他出生于四月二十一日。
two thousand and thirty-fourth 第二千零三十四
one hundred twenty-eighth 第一百二十八
10. 表示“几点过几分”,若分钟数在半小时以内(含半小时),用“分钟数
+past+点钟数”;分钟数若超过了半小时,常说“几点差几分”,用“分钟差数+to+下一个点钟数”,如 9:10 ten past nine 11: 55 five to twelve。
11. 倍数的表示方法有以下三种:
(1) 倍数+ as +原级(+名词)+as
(2) 倍数+ the size ( height , length , weight, width ) of . . .
(3) 倍数 + 比较级 + than
The factory produced more than twice as many cars in 2022 as the year before.
Paper produced every year is three times the weight of the world’s production of
vehicles. 每年生产的纸的重量是世界上生产的车辆的重量的三倍。
He earns four times more money than he did 2 years ago.他现在挣的钱比两年前挣的多三倍。
12.“几个半”有两种表示方法:“数词+复数名词+and a half”或“数词+and a
His father has been dead for nearly two years and a half (two and a half years).他父亲去世两年半了。
13.“一两……”的表示方法是one or two +复数名词 或one ... or two。如:
one or two days(one day or two)一两天,one or two hours(one hour or two) 一两个小时
14.1,000以上的基数词的读法是:先从后向前数,每三位数加一个逗号,第一个逗号前为thousand,第二个逗号前为million,第三个逗号前为billion(十亿)。如: 19,637,421---nineteen million, six hundred and thirty-seven thousand, four
hundred and twenty-one。
15. 序数词前用定冠词只表示一层意思, 即“第几”。 而用不定冠词则有两层意思: 既表示“第几”, 还表示“再”、“又”的意思。
The cake is delicious. He’d like to have a third one because the second one is
rather too small. 蛋糕很美味,我想再吃一个,因为第二个太小了。
16. another和other都可以表示在原有基础上的再增加,但another要放在数
---How soon will you finish your work?你多久能完成工作?
---I’ll finish it in another two weeks(two more weeks). 要再过两个星期。