





by R. Oxford, 1989

说明 Direction

这份语言学习策略量是为 EFL 学生所设计。 内容关于英语学习状况等陈述。 请仔细阅读每项陈述。 依据每一项陈述对于你的真实性,把答案 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) 写在答案分数工作单上。

1. 我从来都没有或是几乎没有。 Never or almost never true of me.

2. 我通常没有。 Usually not true of me.

3. 有点像我。 Somewhat true of me.

4. 我通常是这样。 Usually true of me.

5. 我一直都是这样,或是几乎一向如此。 Always or almost always true of







你的回答是根据该陈述有多么像你的程度。 不要依照你认为自己应该是什么样子或是别人是怎么认为的来回答。 这些陈述并没有对或错的标准答案。 在谨慎小心的情况下,快速作答。 这份问卷通常需花二十到三十分钟。 如果有问题,马上告知你的老师。

Part A

1. 我会去思考学过的和新学的英语之间的关系。

I think of relationships between what I already know and new things

I learn in English.

2. 为了记住新学的英语单字,我会试着用这些生字来造句。

I use new English words in a sentence so I can remember them.

3. 我会在脑海中想出可以配合英语声音的图片或意象,以便记住某个单字。

I connect the sound of a new English word and an image or picture of

the word to help me remember the word.

4. 我会在脑中制造出某个生字出现的情境,以这种方法把单字背起来。

I remember a new English word by making a mental picture of a

situation in which the word might be used.

5. 我会使用押韵的方式来记住生字。

I use rhymes to remember new English words.

6. 我会使用闪示卡来背生字。

I use flashcards to remember new English words.

7. 我会把生字用肢体演出来。

I physically act out new English words.

8. 我常常复习英语课程。

I review English lessons often.

9. 我会按照生字或片语出现在课本、黑板或是街道看板的位置,来记住生字或片语。

I remember new English words or phrases by remembering their

location on the page, on the board, or on a street sign.

Part B

10. 我会重复说或写英文生字好几次。

I say or write new English words several times.

11. 我会想把英语说得像以英语为母语的人一样。

I try to talk like native English speakers.

12. 我会练习英语的发音。

I practice the sounds of English.

13. 我会把学过的英文字用在不同的方面上。

I use the English words I know in different ways.

14. 我会以英语开启对话。

I start conversations in English.

15. 我会看以英语发音的电视节目或电影。

I watch English TV shows spoken in English or go to movies spoken in


16. 我阅读英文做为休闲活动。

I read for pleasure in English.

17. 我会以英语来记笔记、讯息、书信或是报告。

I write notes, messages, letters, or reports in English.

18. 我会先略读英语的文章 ( 很快地把文章看过一遍 ) ,然后再回来细看。

I first skim an English passage (read over the passage quickly) then

go back and read carefully.

19. 我会在我的母语里找寻和英语相同的生字。

I look for words in my own language that are similar to new words in


20. 我会找出英语的模式。

I try to find patterns in English.

21. 我会把英语拆解开来,找出自己懂的部份,借以了解单字的意思。

I find the meaning of an English word by dividing it into parts that I


22. 我不会逐字逐句翻译。

I try not to translate word-for-word.

23. 我会把听到或是读到的英文资讯做成摘要。

I make summaries of information that I hear or read in English.

Part C

24. 遇到不熟悉的英文单字,我会去猜它的意思。

To understand unfamiliar English words, I make guesses.

25. 在对话中,我如果想不出某个字英文怎么说,我会使用表情和动作。

When I can think of a word during a conversation in English, I use


26. 如果我不知道英语该怎么说,我会自己创造新字。

I make up new words if I do not know the right ones in English.

27. 阅读的过程中,我一遇到生字就马上查字典。

I read English without looking up every new word.

28. 我会用英语试着去猜别人接着会说什么。

I try to guess what the other person will say next in English.

29. 如果我想不起来某个英文单字,我会用别的字或片语来转述同样的意思。

I can think of an English word, I use a word or phrase that means the

same thing.

Part D

30. 我会尽量找机会练习英语。

I try to find as many ways as I can to use my English.

31. 我会注意我所犯的错误,借此帮助自己学得更好。

I notice my English mistakes and I use that information to help me do


32. 当有人在说英语时,会引起我的注意。

I pay attention when someone is speaking English.

33. 我会想办法让自己成为更好的英语学习者。

I try to find out how to be a better learner of English.

34. 我会好好规画时间,以便有足够的时间学英语。

I plan my schedule so I will have enough time to study English.

35. 我会找能用英语谈话的人练习英语。

I look for people I can talk to in English.

36. 我会尽量找机会阅读英语。

I look for opportunities to read as much as possible in English.

37. 对于如何增进英语能力我有相当清楚的目标。

I have clear goals for improving my English skills.

38. 我会去思考我在学习英语上的进步程度。

I think about my progress in learning English.

Part E

39. 每当我感到害怕要用英语时,我会尽量放轻松。

I try to relax whenever I feel afraid of using English.

40. 即使我很怕会说错,我还是鼓励自己多开口说英语。

I encourage myself to speak English even when I am afraid of making

a mistake.

41. 当我在英语方面有良好表现时,我会犒赏自己。

I give myself a reward or treat when I do well in English.

42. 我会注意当我在研读或使用英语时是否会紧张。

I notice if I am tense or nervous when I am studying or using English.

43. 我会把我的感觉记录在语言学习日记里。

I write down my feelings in a language learning diary.

44. 当我在学英语时,我会告诉别人我的感觉。

I talk to someone else about how I feel when I am learning English.

Part F

45. 遇到听不懂的英文,我会请他放慢速度,或是再讲一次。

If I do not understand something in English, I ask the other person to

slow down or say it again.

46. 当我说英语时,我会请以英语为母语的人纠正我的错误。

I ask English speakers to correct me when I talk.

47. 我会和别的学生练习英语。

I practice English with other students.

48. 我会求助以英语为母语的人。

I ask for help from English speakers.

49. 我会以英语来问问题。

I ask questions in English.

50. 我会想知道英语系国家的文化。

I try to learn about the culture of English speakers.





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