



1 Mltiple choice

Directions:In each question there four choices. Dicide which one would be the best answer to

the question or to complete the sentence.

1)An illocutionary act is identical with _______.(东南大学2002年考研试题)

A sentense meaning B the speaker's intention

C language understanding D the speaker's competence

2)The Indirect Speach Act was developed by _______.(东南大学2000年考研试题)

A John Austin B Levinson C John lyons DJohn Searle

3)_______is a branch of linguistics which is the study of meaning in the context of use.(武汉理工大学2005年考研试题)

A morphology B syntax C Pragmatics D Semantic

4)Tautologies like boys are boys and war is war are extreme examples in which the maxim of

_______is violated.(武汉理工大学2005年考研试题)

A quality B quantity C relevance D manner

2 Word Completion

Directions:Fill in the blanks with the most suitable words.

1)In the light of the _______principle ,four maxims are are the maxim of

quantity,maxim of________,maxim of________and the maxim of_______.(人民大学2005年、吉林大学2004年考研试题)

2)The speech act theory explains the nature of linguistic communication. It says that a

speaker,while making an utterance ,is performing three acts simultaneoursly:

a locutionary act,an _______act ,and a _________act.(上海交通大学2003年考研试题)

3 Ture or False Questions

Directions:Decide wheather the following statements are ture or false. Write T for ture and F for

false in the bracket before each of them.

1)()The Cooperative Principle ,an important pragmatic principle ,proposed by ,aims to

explain how speakers carry on communication cooperatively in utterances.(上海外国语大学2000年考研试题)

2)()A sentence is a grammatical unit and an utterance is a pragmatic notion.(上海外国语大学2000年考研试题)

3)()According to Searle's classification of speech acts ,request,order,sugest and advice all belong

to the same one general class because they are all intended by the speaker to get the hearer to do



1 bdcb

2 1)cooperative quality relation manner

2)illocutionary perlocutionary

3 T T T


1 Mltiple choice

Directions:In each question there four choices. Dicide which one would be the best answer to

the question or to complete the sentence.

1)In the present day,the stability of _____seems to be decreasing.(东南大学2002 年考研试题)

A social-class dialect B idiolect C taboo D regional dialect

2 Word Completion

Directions:Fill in the blanks with the most suitable words.

1)Any discourse can be seen as a configuration of field,mode and ______.(中山大学2003年考研试题)

2)The ______theory shows a language existing in different dialects that overlap each other.(中山大学2002年考研试题)

3)Name four subfamilies in the Indo-European language family:______ ,


4)The language in the Germanic subfamily are


5)English belongs to the _______subfamily of the ________family.(上海交通大学2003年考研试题)

6)________languages are those in which words are typically composed of a sequence of affixes

added to the root(中山大学2002年考研试题)

7)The term______describes a situation in which two distinct varieties of a language ,a"high"and

a "low" ,are used,each with separate social functions.(吉林大学2004年考研试题)

8)________,a modern language ,uses a partially syllabic writing systerm.(吉林大学2004年考研试题)

3 Ture or False Questions

Directions:Decide wheather the following statements are ture or false. Write T for ture and F for

false in the bracket before each of them.

1)()Greek dose not belong to Indo-European Language Family.(大连外国语学院2000年考研试题)

2)()Regional dialect is a variety of language related to the use a language.(东南大学2003年考研试题)

3)()The term Stream of Consciousness was origionally coined by the philosopher William James

in his Principle of Psychology to describe the free association of ideas and impressions in the


4)()Black verse consists of lines in iambic pentameter which do not rhyme.(南开大学2004年考研试题)



2 1)tenor 2)wave 3)Celtic Italic Germanic Hellenic 4)English German Danish Norwegian

Swedish Dutch 5)Germanic Indo-European 6)Agglutinative 7)diglossia







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