在中国境内就业的外国人参加社会保险暂行办法 中英文对照版 201109

在中国境内就业的外国人参加社会保险暂行办法 中英文对照版 201109


在中国境内就业的外国人参加社会保险暂行办法 中英文对照版 201109

发表于 2011年09月14号 由 HR999


English Version (Preliminary translation, for reference only) :INTERIM MEASURES




Decree of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the

People’s Republic of China





Interim Measures for Participation in Social Insurances of Foreigners

Employed in China

have been deliberated and passed at the 67th Administrative

Meeting of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and approved by

the State Council. These Measures are hereby promulgated and shall come into

force as of October 15, 2011.

部 长 尹蔚民

Yin Weimin (Minister)


September 6, 2011




第一条 为了维护在中国境内就业的外国人依法参加社会保险和享受社会保险待遇的合法权益,加强社会保险管理,根据《中华人民共和国社会保险法》(以下简称社会保险法),制定本办法。

ARTICLE 1 These Measures are formulated in accordance with the

Law of the

People’s Republic of China for Social Insurances (“Social Insurance Law”), for

the purpose of protecting the lawful rights and interests of Foreigners employed in

China to participate in social insurances and enjoy the benefits of social insurances,

as well as for the purpose of strengthening the management of social insurances.

第二条 在中国境内就业的外国人,是指依法获得《外国人就业证》、《外国专家证》、《外国常驻记者证》等就业证件和外国人居留证件,以及持有《外国人永久居留证》,在中国境内合法就业的非中国国籍的人员。

ARTICLE 2 “Foreigner employed in China” means a person who is not of Chinese

nationality holding employment certificates and foreigner residence permit

certificates such as Work Permit for Foreigners, Foreign Expert Certificate, and

Permit for Permanent Foreign Journalists, as well as Foreigner Permanent

Residence Certificate, and who is employed lawfully with the territory of China.

第三条 在中国境内依法注册或者登记的企业、事业单位、社会团体、民办非企业单位、基金会、律师事务所、会计师事务所等组织(以下称用人单位)依法招用的外国人,应当依法参加职工基本养老保险、职工基本医疗保险、工伤保险、失业保险和生育保险,由用人单位和本人按照规定缴纳社会保险费。

ARTICLE 3 Foreigners employed by organizations duly incorporated or registered

in China such as enterprises, public institutions, social organizations, private

non-enterprise entities, foundations, law firms, accounting firms, etc.

(“Employer”), shall participate in basic pension insurance for employees, basic

medical insurance for employees, work related injury insurance, unemployment

insurance and maternity insurance. The insurance premiums shall be paid by the

Employer and the foreigner pursuant to the applicable regulations.


A foreigner, who has concluded an employment contract with his overseas

employer and then dispatched to any branch or representative office duly

incorporated or registered in China (“Domestic Work Unit”), shall participate in

basic pension insurance for employees, basic medical insurance for employees,

work related injury insurance, unemployment insurance and maternity insurance.

The insurance premiums shall be paid by the Domestic Work Unit and the foreigner

pursuant to the applicable regulations.

第四条 用人单位招用外国人的,应当自办理就业证件之日起30日内为其办理社会保险登记。

ARTICLE 4 An Employer who employs any foreigner shall product the social

insurance registration for the foreigner within 30 days upon issuance of his/her

employment certificate.


The Domestic Work Unit shall product the social insurance registration for the

foreigner who is dispatched to China by his/her overseas employer.


The agencies issuing the employment certificate for the foreigners shall report the

employment related information of the foreigners in China to the local social

insurance agencies. The social insurance agencies shall regularly inquire about the

status of the employment certificates of foreigners with the relevant agencies.

第五条 参加社会保险的外国人,符合条件的,依法享受社会保险待遇。

ARTICLE 5 Where a foreigner participating in the social insurances satisfies the

prescribed conditions, he/she may enjoy the social insurance benefits.


If a foreigner leaves China before he/she is qualified for enjoying the pension

benefits, his/her individual social insurance account shall be maintained and

his/her period of contributions may be accumulated when he/she is employed in

China again; upon his/her written application for termination of the social

insurance relationship, the balance in his/her private social insurance account may

be refunded in a lump sum.

第六条 外国人死亡的,其社会保险个人账户余额可以依法继承。

ARTICLE 6 The balance in a foreigner’s private social insurance account may be

inherited according to law in case of his/her death.

第七条 在中国境外享受按月领取社会保险待遇的外国人,应当至少每年向负责支付其待遇的社会保险经办机构提供一次由中国驻外使、领馆出具的生存证明,或者由居住国有关机构公证、认证并经中国驻外使、领馆认证的生存证明。

ARTICLE 7 A foreigner, who receives social insurance benefits outside China on a

monthly basis, shall at least once a year provide the social insurance agency

responsible for paying his/her social insurance benefits with an existence

certificate issued by China embassy or consulate, or an existence certificate

notarized by competent authority in the country where he/she lives in and certified

by China embassy or consulate.


A foreigner who lawfully enters into China may prove his/her existence by personal

presence at the relevant social insurance agency, and therefor is not required to

provide the existence certificate mentioned in the preceding paragraph.

第八条 依法参加社会保险的外国人与用人单位或者境内工作单位因社会保险发生争议的,可以依法申请调解、仲裁、提起诉讼。用人单位或者境内工作单位侵害其社会保险权益的,外国人也可以要求社会保险行政部门或者社会保险费征收机构依法处理。

ARTICLE 8 Where there is a dispute between a foreigner participating in the

social insurances and his/her Employer or Domestic Work Unit, either party may

apply for mediation, arbitration or file an action according to law. Where an

Employer or a Domestic Work Unit infringes the foreigner’s lawful rights and

interests, he /she may apply with the social insurance administrative authority or

social insurance premiums collecting agency for lawful settlement.

第九条 具有与中国签订社会保险双边或者多边协议国家国籍的人员在中国境内就业的,其参加社会保险的办法按照协议规定办理。

ARTICLE 9 Social insurances for foreigners employed in China with nationalities of

countries who have concluded bilateral or multilateral treaties upon social

insurance with China shall be handled in accordance with respective treaties.

第十条 社会保险经办机构应当根据《外国人社会保障号码编制规则》,为外国人建立社会保障号码,并发放中华人民共和国社会保障卡。

ARTICLE10 The agencies responsible for social insurances shall formulate


Social Security Numbering Rules for Foreigners, assign the social security

number and distribute the social security cards of the People’s Republic of China to


第十一条 社会保险行政部门应当按照社会保险法的规定,对外国人参加社会保险的情况进行监督检查。用人单位或者境内工作单位未依法为招用的外国人办理社会保险登记或者未依法为其缴纳社会保险费的,按照社会保险法、《劳动保障监察条例》等法律、行政法规和有关规章的规定处理。

ARTICLE11 The social insurance administrative authorities shall supervise and

inspect the participation of foreigners in social insurances in accordance with the

Social Insurance Law. Where an Employer or a Domestic Work Unit fails to

complete the social insurance registration for any employed foreigner, or fails to

pay the social insurance premium for any foreigner, it shall be handled in

accordance with the applicable laws, regulations and rules, including the


Insurance Law and the

Regulations for Supervision over Labor Security.


Where an Employer employs any foreign who does not hold a valid employment

certificate or the Foreigner Permanent Residence Certificate, it shall be handled in

accordance with the

Regulations for Administration of Employment of Foreigners in


第十二条 本办法自2011年10月15日起施行。

ARTICLE 12 These Measures shall come into force as of October 15, 2011.

Memo by HR999:






Social Security Numbering Rules for Foreigners

For a foreign who participates in the social insurances in China, his/her social

security number shall be composed of the code of his/her home country or region

and the number of valid identity certificate. The valid identity certificate of the

foreigner shall mean passport or Foreigner Permanent Residence Certificate. A

digit between the code of home country or region and the number of valid identity

certificate shall be reserved. It is represented as:


Code of Foreigner’s Home Country or Region (3-digit English letters)

Reserved Digit (one digit number 0-9)

Number of Valid Identity Numbers

1. The code of foreigner’s home country or region shall be 3-digit English letters of

the country code in the first part as defined in the country/region code of ISO

3166-1-2006 Standard, such as Germany: DEU and Denmark: DNK. In case of any

change to the international standard, the effective date of the new code will be

determined by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security.

The code of home country or region of the foreigner who has received the

permanent residence certificate in China shall be consistent with the code of

country or region in digit 1 to digit 3 (also in 3 digits) included in the number of

his/her Foreigner Permanent Residence Certificate.

2. The reserved digit shall be one digit, and the default number is “0”. In case of a

special circumstance, it may be a number from “1” to “9”.

3. If the number of the foreigner’s valid passport is used, it shall include all English

letters and Arabic numbers indicated on the passport, but exclude the special

characters such as “.” or “-”. If the number of Foreigner Permanent Residence

Certificate is used, it shall be the numbers from digit 4 to digit 15 contained in the

number of certificate.

(1) For example, where a German person is employed by an Employer in China.

Provided that his passport number is G01234-56, his social security number shall

be DEU0G0123456.

Code of Country or Region: DEU

Reserved Digit: 0

Number of Valid Passport: G0123456

(2) For example, where Danish person is employed by an Employer in China.

Provided that the number of his Foreign Permanent Residence Certificate

is DNK324578912056, his social security number shall be DNK6.

Code of Country or Region: DNK

Reserved Digit: 0

Number of Foreign Permanent Residence Certificate: 324578912056

4. The database will reserve 18-digit length for the foreigner social security

number (of which, the number of valid passport shall be no more than

14-digit). Where the assigned number is less than 18 digits, it shall be made up to

18 digits.

5. A foreigner’s social security number is unique in China and will not be changed

throughout his/her life. In case of any change to the foreigner’s number of identity

certificate, his/her social security number in the first registration shall remain

unchanged, but the social insurance agency shall make an updated record of his

identity certificate type and the change in his/her certificate number.





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