Feudal England

Feudal England


Chapter 4 Feudal England

Teaching Aims

To master the periods of Norman Kings

To master the Hundred Year’s War and War of Roses


Consolidation of Monarchy

William the Conqueror

William Rufus

Henry I


Henry II (of Anjou)

Conflict between King and Church

Thomas Becket:

Archbishop of the Canterbury: the title of the religious head of the Church of England.

Apart from administering his province of Canterbury, he is also the head of the

worldwide fellowship of Anglican Churches. He plays a major role in state ceremonies,

crowning the sovereign and acting as the sovereign’s spiritual adviser.

The Canterbury Tales (c. 1387): Geoffrey Chaucer’s masterpiece set in a London inn. It

consists of short stories, told to each other by various pilgrims from all social classes on

their way to Canterbury.

The Great Charter & the Beginning of Parliament

Eleanor (1122 – 1204): the daughter of the Duke of Aquitaine. She was married at the age

of 15 to Louis VII of France who was profoundly religious. Eleanor was beautiful and

gay. She complained that she married a monk not a king. In 1152 she married Henry of

Anjou (Henry II).

Richard I (1157-99): the king of Lion heart

The Crusades (1095-1291)

John (1167-1216): called the king of lack of land, the youngest son of Henry II. He tried

to take the crown from his brother, Richard I, when Richard was a prisoner of the

Emperor of Austria. He was forced to sign the Great Charter at Runnymede in 1215.

Runnymede: a meadow on the S. bank of the Thames

What were the chief contents of the Great Charter?

Henry III (1207-72): He succeeded his father, John, in 1216. His quarrel with the barons

led to the Baron’s War, during which he was captured by Simon (1264)

The Great Council got its new name Parliament in 1265, which is usually considered the

beginning of the parliament. The parliament became a regular agency of the government

under Edward I.

Edward I (1239-1307): son of Henry III. His parliament was known as the Model

Parliament. He conquered Wales in 1282-4. He made his son, Edward II, the first Prince

of Wales in English history.

Hundred Year’s War

The Hundred Year’s War refers to the war between England and France that lasted

intermittently from 1337 to 1453.

Several other contemporary European conflicts were directly related to this conflict :

the Breton War of Succession(布列塔尼继承战), the Castilian Civil War(卡斯蒂利亚内战), the War of the Tow Peters(双彼得斯战役), and the 1383~1385 Crisis. The term

“Hundred Years’ War” was a later term invented by historians to describe the series of


The causes of the war

♠ The territorial causes:

The possession by the English kings of the large duchy (公爵领地)in France, while

the French coveted(觊觎) this large slice

Edward III (1312-77): son of Edward II, whose mother was a sister of the French

King, Philip IV.

Salic Law: 萨利克继承法

♠ The economic causes :

The cloth manufacturing town in Flanders, which were the importer of English wool,

but they were loyal to the France king politically.

Flanders: a region in W Belgium, and the adjacent parts of N. France and SW


♠ The other causes:

England’s desire to stop France from giving aid to Scotland; A growing sense of English


The phases of the war

The Edwardian War爱德华时期(1337------1360)

The Caroline War卡罗琳战争时期(1360-----1400)

The Lancastrian War该兰克斯特战争时期(1415----1429)

The Joan of Arc圣女贞德时期(1429------1453)

The Black Death(1348~1350)

The Black Death is the modern name given to the deadly epidemic(流行的) disease

spread by rat fleas across Europe in the 14th century. It swept through England in the

summer of 1348. It reduced England’s population from 4million to 2 million by the end

of the 14th.

England and France were forced to stop the war about ten years because of the Black

Death. But the economic consequences of the Black Death were far-reaching ,it can be

argued that the Black Death was to lead to the Peasants Revolt.



The Peasants Uprising of 1318

Armed villages and townsmen of Kent and Essex, led by Wat Tyler and Jack Straw,

moved on London in June,1381. The king was forced to accept their demands. Most of

the rebel dispersed (散开)and went home, while Tyler and other leaders stayed on for

more rights. Tyler was killed at a meeting with the king.


First, it directed against the rich clergy(神职人员), lawyers and the landowners .

Second, it dealt a telling blow to villeinage(农奴制).

Third, a new class of yeomen(自由民) farmers emerged, paving the way to the

development of capitalism

Joan of Arc(1412~1431), She was a French peasant girl who never learnt to read or write.

In 1429 she came forward claiming that she heard angelic voice telling her to liberate

France from the English. She led a small army and relieved Orleans from the English

siege. Her victories enabled Charles VII of France to be crowned at Reims (兰斯Captured and sold to the English by the Burgundians(勃艮第人), she was burned at the

stake(火刑柱) in Rouen(鲁昂)at the age of 19. In some Shakespeare’s plays she was

depicted as was canonized(认可) in 1920.


审判的纪录证明了贞德有着卓越的才智。纪录中最著名的一段质问是:¡°你是否觉得自己受到上帝的恩典?这个问题是一个学术上的陷阱。根据当时教会的教条,没有人可以肯定他自己受到上帝的恩典,如果她做出肯定答复,那她就证明了自己是异端邪说。而如果她的答复是否定的,那她就承认了自己是有罪的。贞德回答: “如果没有的话,希望上帝能赐与我;如果我已得到,希望上帝仍给予我。”公证人Boisguillaume后来证实了当时法庭在听到了贞德的回复后,那些质问她的人全都目瞪口呆,并且只得暂停了那天的审问。这一段质问后来非常知名,在现代成为了许多领域的题材。

War of Roses (1455-1485)

The House of Lancaster --- red rose as badge

The House of York --- white rose as badge

What was the nature the Wars of the Roses?

Why do people usually say the Wars of the Roses was a hidden blessing to the English?

Henry VII (1457-1509): the descendant of Edward III, whose mother came from the John

of Gaunt’s family. John of Gaunt was the fourth son of the Edward III.

Edward IV (1442-83): grandson of Edward III





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