($sid) { session_delete(array('sid' => $sid)); session_data_delete(array('sid' => $sid)); return TRUE; } function sess_gc($maxlifetime) { global $time; $expiry = $time - $maxlifetime; $arrlist = session_find(array('last_date' => array('<' => $expiry)), array(), 1, 10000, '', array('sid', 'bigdata', 'last_date')); if (!$arrlist) return TRUE; $expiry = $time - 21600; // 超6小时未提交丢弃上传图片和附件 $sidarr = array(); foreach ($arrlist as $val) { if ($val['last_date'] > $expiry && $val['bigdata']) continue; $sidarr[] = $val['sid']; } if (empty($sidarr)) return TRUE; session_delete(array('sid' => $sidarr)); session_data_delete(array('sid' => $sidarr)); return TRUE; } function sess_start() { global $conf, $sid, $g_session; ini_set('session.name', $conf['cookie_pre'] . 'sid'); ini_set('session.use_cookies', TRUE); ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', TRUE); ini_set('session.cookie_domain', $conf['cookie_domain']); // 为空则表示当前目录和子目录 ini_set('session.cookie_path', $conf['cookie_path']); // 打开后只有通过 https 才有效 ini_set('session.cookie_secure', FALSE); ini_set('session.cookie_lifetime', 8640000); // 打开后 js 获取不到 HTTP 设置的 cookie, 有效防止 XSS,对于安全很重要,除非有 BUG,否则不要关闭。 ini_set('session.cookie_httponly', TRUE); // 活动时间 ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', $conf['online_hold_time']); // 垃圾回收概率 = gc_probability/gc_divisor ini_set('session.gc_probability', 1); // 垃圾回收时间 5 秒,在线人数 * 10 / 每1000个请求回收一次垃圾 ini_set('session.gc_divisor', 1000); session_set_save_handler('sess_open', 'sess_close', 'sess_read', 'sess_write', 'sess_destroy', 'sess_gc'); // register_shutdown_function 会丢失当前目录,需要 chdir(APP_PATH) $conf['url_rewrite_on'] > 1 and function_exists('chdir') and chdir(APP_PATH); // 这个必须有,否则 ZEND 会提前释放 $db 资源 register_shutdown_function('session_write_close'); session_start(); $sid = session_id(); return $sid; } // 刷新页面清理附件缓存 废弃 function sess_clear_attach() { global $sid, $time; $arr = session_read($sid); if (!$arr || 0 == $arr['bigdata']) return TRUE; session_update($sid, array('bigdata' => 0, 'last_date' => $time)); session_data_delete(array('sid' => $sid)); return TRUE; } function online_count() { return session_count(); } function online_list_cache() { static $cache = array(); $key = 'online_list'; if (isset($cache[$key])) return $cache[$key]; $cache[$key] = cache_get($key); if (NULL === $cache[$key]) { $cache[$key] = session_find(array('uid' => array('>' => 0)), array('last_date' => -1), 1, 1000); foreach ($cache[$key] as &$online) { $user = user_read_cache($online['uid']); $online['username'] = $user['username']; $online['gid'] = $user['gid']; $online['ip_fmt'] = safe_long2ip($online['ip']); $online['last_date_fmt'] = date('Y-n-j H:i', $online['last_date']); } cache_set('online_list', $cache[$key], 300); } return $cache[$key]; } function online_user_list_cache() { static $cache = array(); $key = 'online_user_list'; if (isset($cache[$key])) return $cache[$key]; $cache[$key] = cache_get($key); if (NULL === $cache[$key]) { $cache[$key] = session_find(array('uid' => array('>' => 0)), array(), 1, 1000, 'uid', array('uid')); cache_set('online_user_list', $cache[$key], 300); } return $cache[$key]; } ?>船舶进出港操作 中英文双语 模板|江阴雨辰互联

船舶进出港操作 中英文双语 模板

船舶进出港操作 中英文双语 模板


船舶进、出港操作Notice to Ship Enter/Outer Port


港口引航注意事项Attention in pilot leading

1.1 引航员登船前Before Pilot Embark

 控制船速,配合引航员登船,值班驾驶员在引水梯口接待,并直接负责引航员的安全。

Control speed to cooperate pilot’s boarding. Duty officer should meet pilot at the place pilot

boarded (Pilot ladder) and take care of pilot’s safety.

 根据引航站指示,备好合格的引水梯,保证有足够的照明、安全通道、抛绳救生圈,根据港口要求显示信号。

Ready pilot ladder according to the required form the Port control. Ensure sufficient lighting,

safe passageway, Life-buoy, and give right signals according to order of port authorities.

1.2 引航员登船Pilot boarding

 在有风浪时,应禁止引航员从舷梯登船。

No boarding via gangway with high wind and waves

 船长应尽量全面地介绍船舶性能及吃水、船长等情况。

Captain should give a comprehensive introduction on draft and length etc to pilot

 引航员的姓名及登船时间要记录在航海日志上。

Pilot’s name and boarding time should be entered into deck logbook

 船长应了解引航操作方案,必要时提出自己的意见。

Captain should have a command of operation plan and give his own opinion when necessary.

1.3 引航Piloting

 船长需配合引航员保持不间断的了望,并明确当班驾驶员履行其职责。

Captain should cooperate with pilot to keep constant lookout and ensure duty officer to fulfill

his duty.

 引航员引航时,并不解除船长对航行安全的责任,当发现引航员操作不当时,应立即予以纠正,必要时可以中止其引领工作。

During piloting, Captain is still engaged in the responsibility of safe navigation. In case of

pilot’s improper instruction, captain should intervene to right the wrong and reassume


 值班驾驶员应利用有效的定位手段不断核对船位,如有怀疑,立即与船长沟通。

Duty officer should use effective positioning measure to check position of vessel. Consult

captain in case of doubt.

1.4 引航中的异常情况Abnormalities in piloting


If the following cases, captains should study actual conditions and possible measures and discuss

with pilots. If safety cannot be assured, report to port authorities or charters for help and take any

measure to avert accidents.


 泊位不符合安全靠离条件;Berths don’t meet requirements of safe berthing/unberthing

 能见度低于本港的安全引航标准;Visibility is lower than port safe piloting standard

 风大、流急而无足够的拖轮;High winds, fast current and no enough tugs

 浪高超过拖轮作业标准,水深不符合安全要求;

Wave height is more than tug operation limit or water depth cannot meet safe standards.

 其它危及安全引航情况。 Other cases which endanger safe piloting

抛锚注意事项Attentions in dropping anchorage

2.1 选择锚地Choosing of Anchorage

 首先应选择平缓的海底和良好底质进行抛锚。Smooth and suitable seabed

 要有足够的水深。Enough depth of water

 要有足够的回旋余地。Enough leeway

 注意远离海底电缆。Be mindful of cable on the seabed

2.2 单锚泊操作注意事项Single Anchor Operation Attention

 单锚泊多采用顶风流后退抛锚法。

Single anchored should against headwind and hard current

 要掌握好松链速度,首先松链以不超过2倍水深为宜。

Control the speed of releasing shackles. Initial length of shackles released should be no more

that twice water depth.

 水深大于25M时,应提前用锚机将锚松出接近海底;水深大于50M时,应提前用锚机将锚送到海底,再刹车松链。深水抛锚船速及松链速度应十分缓慢。

 To release the anchor in advance for 25M depth water and water depth exceed 50M should

advance release to anchor to ground than stopped engine and release anchor chain again.

Anchored at depth water the vessel speed and release of anchor chain must be the same.

 大副随时向驾驶台报告锚的方向及受力情况,以便及时用车、舵配合调整。

First officers should report to the bridge about the direction and force of the anchors such that

the engine and rudder could help adjustment.

 要有足够的链长以保证锚的抓力。

The chain of shackles should be long enough to provide enough grasping force.

2.3 双锚泊注意事项Double Anchors Operation Attention

 一字锚,有较大横风易走锚,而且几次转流后易绞缠。

Ordinary moor is easy to drag anchor if crosswind heavy and to foul chain by a few times

current change.

 采用长短八字锚泊抗台时,应注意风向的转变,防止绞缠。

Open mooring often uses to resist typhoon, but should pay attention to chain fouling by wind

direction change.

 一点锚,应注意当风向旋转90°前,可能的话应先绞起一锚。


Master should pay attention to wind up one anchor before wind direction change 90°in

order to avoid chain fouling when parallel mooring operation.

2.4 “锚泊作业操作程序自查表”Anchorage Procedure Self-check list


Refer to

靠、离泊安全操作Safety Operation during Berthing/Unberthing

3.1 靠、离泊前准备Preparation for Berthing and Unberthing

 船长应将操作部署和安全措施向驾驶员及其有关人员介绍清楚,以利安全操作。

Captains should brief related people on operation deployment and safety measures to ensure


 系泊前,水手长应将碰垫、引缆制动索、卸克、信号球等物备妥。

Bosun should ready fender, Heaving line, shackles, Signals.

 前后水手明确分工并将系缆拉到相应位置在甲板排列好,木匠应试转起锚机和绞缆车。

Sailors at the bow and stern should clarify job assignment and pull mooring lines to the right

positions on the deck. Carpenters try to start windlasses.

 离泊前水手长应检查前后各缆有无挤压情况,以保证各缆绳顺利解除。

Before unberthing, sailors should check whether mooring lines at the bow and stern are

squeezed or jammed to ensure smooth operation.

 离靠码头、浮筒以前,前后人员要提前至少20分钟就位。

Crew should be at their position 20 minutes before approaching ports and buoy barrels.

3.2 靠离泊作业Berthing and Unberthing Operation

 前后操作人员应穿工作服、戴防护手套、工作鞋、安全帽。

Both station Operators should wear uniform, safety gloves, safety shoes and safety helmet.

 靠离泊位时要认真执行船长命令,动作要准确机动以确保安全。绞缆时人与绞缆机要有一定距离,不要站在导缆口和缆绳中间,更不能站在缆圈中,要互相关照,及时提醒,以防发生危险。

During berthing and unberthing, execute captain’s command with impeccable actions. During

winding line, enough distance should be maintained between people and windlass. No person

between winding holes and mooring lines. No person in circles of lines. Crew should cover

each other in operation.

 抛锚时,现场工作人员不可站在锚链前方。

No person in front of anchor chain during dropping anchor.

 靠离时,大副和二副应随时向船长报告前后船的距离及其它情况,船长在解、系缆过程中要动车时,要先通知大、二副。

During berthing and unberthing, first officers and second officers should report the distance

at bow and stern and other information to captains. Keep first and 2nd officer informed before

start engine.

 由于外界的原因,船身无法靠泊时,不要硬绞缆绳,以防损坏缆车或发生断缆事故。

No brutal force to prevent damage to windlass or accident of broken lines if vessels couldn’t

berth due to external causes.

 带缆操作,首尾必须密切配合、协调一致,及时调整系缆受力。


During mooring operation both forward and afterward should well communicate and

adjusting the mooring strength if necessary.

 离靠完毕,首尾工作人员需船长同意后方可离开。

After berthing and unberthing operators at aft and stern should seek captain’s consent before


 靠离后,码头缆绳要装防鼠档。

Rat guard should be install/ safe keep during berthing and unberth.

 靠离泊后要将首尾缆绳放置整齐或绑罩妥善。

After berthing and unberthing, mooring lines at the bow and stern should kept and fasten

clearly and securely.

相关记录Relevant Records



Before and after dropping anchors, captains should check according to the procedure of the checklist and sign the

deck logbook, clearly stating check results. The record of result would be kept until weighing anchor.

锚泊操作对照检查表Checklist for Anchoring Operation

编号File No.:VDO-004-01

抛锚前Before dropping anchor

 当时的海况、气象是否适合抛锚Whether

sea and meteorological condition is fit for


 事先研究抛锚水域的水深和底质是否适合抛锚Study depth and quality of


 应使实施抛锚作业人员明确:Anchorage

operator should know

 准备抛哪一口锚Which anchor to


 将要抛几节锚链下水How many

shackles to drop

 备锚时,应倒出的锚链Number of

shackles to be release in preparation

 其它应注意的事项Other attentions

 在驾驶台是否有足够的值班人员Whether

there are enough duty crew on the bridge

 锚机的状态是否正常以及锚是否备好

Whether the windlass and anchors are ready

 船艏与驾驶台的通讯是否畅通Whether

the communication between the bow and the

bridge is clear

 确定抛出的锚链节数Determine the

抛锚后After dropping anchor

number of shackles dropped

 确定锚已抓牢Confirm anchor has taken

strong hold

 确定刹车和制链器到位Confirm brake and

shackle stopper in good position

 测定锚位并确定没有走锚Measure anchor

position to prevent shifting

 确定与附近的船保持安全的距离Keep

safe distance with other vessels

 根据当时的气象海况,确定是否需要保持备车状态Decide whether to stand by the

engine based on current weather condition

 船长是否把需要提醒注意的事项写入“船长命令簿”内Whether captains should write

attentions in the captain command logbook.

 根据海域特点是否需要增派人员以加强防盗工作Reinforce crew to prevent piracy

based on area characteristics






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