


港口码头常用英语词汇与句子摘要港口码头是船舶和陆地之间的重要交通枢纽,也是国际贸易的重要场所。在港口码头工作或者与之相关的人员,需要掌握一些常用的英语词汇和表达,以便进行有效的沟通和协作。本文根据不同的主题,整理了一些港口码头常用英语的词汇、短语和句子,并给出了中文的解释和例句。一、港口码头基本词汇英文harbourportwharfpierseaport中文港口,港湾港口,港市码头,堤岸码头,栈桥海港,海滨城市终点站,码头,航站楼泊位,卧铺码头,突堤码头,船坞,进港突堤,防波堤例句The harbour is busy with ships coming and going. 港口里船来船往,非常繁忙。Shanghai is the largest port in China. 上海是中国最大的港口。The goods were loaded onto the ship at the wharf. 货物在码头上装上了船。We walked along the pier and watched the sunset. 我们沿着码头散步,欣赏日落。Hong Kong is a famous seaport and tourist destination. 香港是一个著名的海港和旅游胜地。The bus terminal is near the railway station. 汽车终点站在火车站附近。The ship was allocated a berth at the dock. 船只被分配了一个码头泊位。There were many fishing boats moored at the quay. 码头上停泊着许多渔船。The ship docked at Southampton yesterday. 船只昨天在南安普敦进港了。The children were playing on the jetty. 孩子们在突堤上玩耍。terminalberthquaydockjetty二、港口码头设施词汇英文craneforklifttractorreach stacker中文起重机,吊车铲车,叉车拖拉机,牵引车正面吊,集装箱堆高机集装箱场地,堆场集装箱码头,集装箱终端站集装箱船,货柜船例句The crane lifted the heavy container onto the truck. 起重机把沉重的集装箱吊到了卡车上。He drove a forklift to move the pallets. 他开着铲车搬运托盘。The tractor pulled the trailer along the road. 拖拉机拖着挂车在路上行驶。The reach stacker can stack containers up to six high. 正面吊可以把集装箱堆叠到六层高。The container yard is where containers are stored and handled. 集装箱场地是存放和处理集装箱的地方。The container terminal has a capacity of 2 million TEUs per year. 集装箱码头的年吞吐量为200万标准箱。The container ship can carry more than 10,000 containers. 集装箱船可以搭载一万多个集装箱。The warehouse is full of goods waiting to be shipped. 仓库里堆满了等待运输的货物。The truck was weighed at the weightbridge before leaving the port. 卡车在离开港口前在地磅上称了重量。The gate is the entrance and exit of the port. 闸口是港口的进出口。container yardcontainerterminalcontainer shipwarehouse仓库,货栈weightbridgegate地磅,称重桥闸口,大门三、港口码头作业词汇

英文loadunloaddischargestowagetranshipment中文装货,装载卸货,卸载卸货,排放装载,堆放转运,转船例句The workers are loading the cargo onto the ship. 工人们正在把货物装上船。The ship will unload its cargo at the next port. 船只将在下一个港口卸载货物。The ship discharged its waste water into the sea. 船只把废水排放到海里。The stowage of the containers was well planned. 集装箱的装载安排得很好。The cargo was transhipped at Hong Kong to another vessel. 货物在香港转运到另一艘船上。The delivery of the goods was delayed due to bad weather. 货物的交付因为恶劣的天气而延迟了。The tally clerk checked the number and condition of the goods. 理货员检查了货物的数量和状况。The surveyor inspected the damage of the ship. 检验员检查了船只的损坏情况。The sampling of the oil was done by a certified laboratory. 石油的取样由一个认证的实验室完成。The sounding of the tank showed that there was water in it. 油舱的测量显示里面有水。delivery交付,交货tallysurveysampling理货,清点检验,测量取样,抽样测深,测量油水位差sounding四、港口码头人员词汇英文captainchief officerchiefengineerpilotstevedoreforemanclerkagentcustomsofficerinspector中文船长,队长大副,总管大管轮,总工程师引水员,飞行员装卸工,码头工人工头,领班职员,文员代理人,经纪人海关官员,海关人员检查员,视察员例句The captain gave orders to the crew. 船长向船员下达了命令。The chief officer is responsible for the deck department. 大副负责甲板部门。The chief engineer is in charge of the engine room. 大管轮主管机舱。The pilot guided the ship into the harbour. 引水员引导船只进入港口。The stevedores worked hard to load and unload the cargo. 装卸工努力地装卸货物。The foreman supervised the workers at the wharf. 工头在码头上监督工人们的工作。The clerk typed the documents and filed them. 职员打印了文件并归档了。The agent arranged the shipment of the goods. 代理人安排了货物的运输。The customs officer checked the passport and visa of the passenger. 海关官员检查了乘客的护照和签证。The inspector examined the quality and quantity of the goods. 检查员检验了货物的质量和数量。The broker negotiated the price and terms of the contract. 经纪人协商了合同的价格和条款。broker经纪人,中间人五、港口码头文件词汇英文bill of lading中文提单,货运单舱单,货单例句The bill of lading is a document issued by the carrier to acknowledge the receipt of thecargo. 提单是承运人签发的一种证明收到货物的文件。The manifest is a list of the cargo and passengers on board a ship or an aircraft. 舱单是船舶或飞机上的货物和乘客的清单。The invoice is a document that shows the amount and details of the payment for thegoods or services. 发票是一种显示货物或服务的付款金额和细节的文件。manifestinvoice发票,账单

英文packing listcertificate oforigincertificate ofinspectioncertificate ofinsurancedeclarationformdelivery order中文装箱单,明细表产地证,原产地证明书检验证书,验货证书保险单,保险证书申报表,报关单交货单,提货单收据,收条例句The packing list is a document that shows the contents and weight of each package orcontainer. 装箱单是一种显示每个包裹或集装箱的内容和重量的文件。The certificate of origin is a document that certifies the country where the goods wereproduced or manufactured. 产地证是一种证明货物生产或制造国家的文件。The certificate of inspection is a document that confirms the quality and quantity of thegoods according to the contract or standard. 检验证书是一种根据合同或标准确认货物质量和数量的文件。The certificate of insurance is a document that proves that the goods are covered by aninsurance policy. 保险单是一种证明货物受到保险保障的文件。The declaration form is a document that declares the details and value of the goods to thecustoms. 申报表是一种向海关申报货物细节和价值的文件。The delivery order is a document that authorizes the delivery of the goods to theconsignee or his agent. 交货单是一种授权将货物交付给收货人或其代理人的文件。The receipt is a document that acknowledges the payment or delivery of the goods orservices. 收据是一种确认付款或交付货物或服务的文件。receipt六、港口码头术语词汇英文TEU中文标准箱(Twenty-footEquivalent Unit)整箱(Full Container Load)拼箱(Less than ContainerLoad)集装箱场(Container Yard)集装箱货运站(ContainerFreight Station)预计到达时间(EstimatedTime of Arrival)预计离开时间(EstimatedTime of Departure)实际离开时间(Actual Timeof Departure)实际到达时间(Actual Timeof Arrival)滞期费,滞港费例句A TEU is a unit of measurement for containers, equivalent to a 20-footcontainer. 标准箱是集装箱的计量单位,相当于一个20英尺长的集装箱。FCL means that a container is fully loaded with one consignor's goods. 整箱意味着一个集装箱完全装满了一个发货人的货物。LCL means that a container is partially loaded with more than one consignor'sgoods. 拼箱意味着一个集装箱部分装载了多个发货人的货物。CY is a place where containers are stored and handled. 集装箱场是存放和处理集装箱的地方。CFS is a place where goods are loaded into or unloaded from containers. 集装箱货运站是装载或卸载集装箱货物的地方。ETA is the time when a ship or an aircraft is expected to arrive at adestination. 预计到达时间是船舶或飞机预计到达目的地的时间。ETD is the time when a ship or an aircraft is expected to leave a place. 预计离开时间是船舶或飞机预计离开一个地方的时间。ATD is the time when a ship or an aircraft actually leaves a place. 实际离开时间是船舶或飞机实际离开一个地方的时间。ATA is the time when a ship or an aircraft actually arrives at a destination. 实际到达时间是船舶或飞机实际到达目的地的时间。Demurrage is a charge for the detention of a ship or a container beyond theagreed time. 滞期费是因超过约定时间而扣留船只或集装箱的费用。FCLLCLCYCFSETAETDATDATAdemurrage七、港口码头交流词汇英文Hello, this is ...May I speak to ...?中文你好,这里是...我可以和...说话吗?我打电话是关于...例句Hello, this is Shanghai Port Authority. 你好,这里是上海港务局。May I speak to the captain of the ship? 我可以和船长说话吗?I'm calling about the arrival of your ship. 我打电话是关于你们船只的到达情况。I'm calling about ...

英文Please hold on.中文请稍等。例句Please hold on, I'll transfer you to the agent. 请稍等,我把你转接给代理人。Could you repeat that, please? The line is not clear. 你能重复一下吗?电话线路不清楚。I'm sorry, I didn't catch that. Could you speak louder? 对不起,我没听清楚。你能说大声点吗?Do you have any questions about the documents? 你对文件有什么问题吗?Thank you for your cooperation. Have a nice day. 谢谢你的合作。祝你有美好的一天。How do you say 码头 in English? 码头用英语怎么说?What does berth mean? berth是什么意思?Could you spell that word for me? 你能把那个单词拼写一下吗?How do you pronounce quay? quay怎么发音?Could you write down your name and address? 你能写下你的姓名和地址吗?I don't understand what you are saying. 我不明白你在说什么。Please speak slowly and clearly. 请说慢点,清楚点。Please explain that term to me. 请把那个术语解释一下。I'm sorry, I made a mistake in the calculation. 对不起,我在计算中犯了一个错误。Could you give me an example of how to use this phrase? 你能给我一个例子,说明怎么用这个短语吗?Could you repeat that?I'm sorry, I didn't you have anyquestions?Thank you for do you say ... inEnglish?What does ... mean?Could you spell that?How do ?Could you write thatdown?I don't speak explain that.I'm sorry, I made you give me anexample?你能重复一下吗?对不起,我没听清楚。你有什么问题吗?谢谢你的合作。...用英语怎么说?...是什么意思?你能拼写一下吗?...怎么发音?你能写下来吗?我不明白。请说慢点。请解释一下。对不起,我犯了一个错误。你能给我一个例子吗?八、港口码头常用英语句子What is the name and flag of your ship? 你的船叫什么名字,挂什么旗?What is the gross tonnage and net tonnage of your ship? 你的船的总吨位和净吨位是多少?What is the length, breadth and draught of your ship? 你的船的长、宽和吃水深度是多少?How many containers can your ship carry? 你的船可以搭载多少个集装箱?Where did your ship come from and where is it going to? 你的船从哪里来,要去哪里?When will your ship arrive at the port and when will it depart? 你的船什么时候到达港口,什么时候离开?How much cargo are you loading or unloading at this port? 你在这个港口要装载或卸载多少货物?Do you have any dangerous goods or special cargo on board? 你的船上有没有危险品或特殊货物?Do you need any assistance or service at this port? 你在这个港口需要任何帮助或服务吗?Do you have any problem or complaint at this port? 你在这个港口有没有任何问题或投诉?





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