P1U1A Electrical Networks 电路
network n. 网络,电路
resistor n. 电阻器
inductor n. 电感器
capacitor n. 电容器
passive network 无源网络
active network 有源网络
characteristic adj. 特性(的);n. 特性曲线
Ohm n. 欧姆
Faraday n. 法拉第
electric charge 电荷
integral n. 积分
increment n. 增量
armature n. 电枢,衔铁,加固
aforementioned adj. 上述的,前面提到的
represent v. 代表,表示,阐明
amplify v. 放大
symbolic adj. 符号的,记号的
mesh n. 网孔
Kirchhoff’s first law 基尔霍夫第一定律
loop current 回路电流
voltage drop 电压降
in series 串联
differential adj. 微分的;n. 微分
variable n. 变量
outline n. 轮廓;v. 提出„„的要点
eliminate v. 消除,对消
[1] In the case of a resistor, the voltage-current relationship is given by Ohm’s law, which states
that the voltage across the resistor is equal to the current through the resistor multiplied by the
value of the resistance.
[2]It may be that the inductor voltage rather than the current is the variable of interest in the
P1U2A The Operational Amplifier 运算放大器
amplifier n. 放大器
integrated circuit 集成电路
building blocks 积木
potential n. (电)势
cascade n., v. 串联;adj. 串联的
on the order of 属于同类的,约为
trade off 换取
cumbersome adj. 麻烦的
intrinsic adj. 内在的
circuitry n. 电路
[1] One problem with electronic devices corresponding to the generalized amplifiers is that the
gains, AU or AI, depend upon internal properties of the two-port system.
对应于像广义放大器这样的电子装置,一个问题就是增益 AU 或者AI ,它们取决于两输入端系统的内部特性。
[2] This is one of the key features of Op-Amp design—the action of the circuit on signals depends
only upon the external elements which can be easily varied by the designer and which do not
depend upon the detailed character of the Op-Amp itself.
P1U3A Logical Variables and Flip-flop 逻辑变量与触发器
flip-flop n. 触发器
relevance n. 关联
terminology n. 术语
aptness n. 恰当
pilot n. 飞行员
aloft adv. 高高地
cockpit n. 坐舱
deduce v. 演绎
simultaneously adv. 同时地
Boolean algebra 布尔代数
gate n. 门,门电路
prevalent adj. 流行的
inhibit v. 抑制
[1] We shall now briefly discuss the relevance of such
terminology, and in so doing we shall bring out the
special aptness of the designations “true” and “false” to
identify the possible values of a variable.
[2] Just as other algebras deal with variables which have a numerical significance, Boolean
algebra deals with propositions and is an effective tool for analyzing the relationships between
propositions which allow only two mutually exclusive alternatives.
[3] There is a generally prevailing attitude in digital systems to view logic 0 as a basic,
undisturbed, unperturbed, quiescent state and to view the logic 1 state as the excited, active,
effective state, i.e., the state arrived at “after something has happened.”
P1U4A Power Semiconductor Devices 功率半导体器件
converter n. 转换器,换流器,变流器
matrix n. 模型,矩阵
diode n. 二极管,半导体二极管
thyristor n. 晶闸管
triac n. 三端双向晶闸管
GTO 门极可关断晶闸管
BJT 双极结型晶体管
power MOSFET 电力MOS场效应晶体管
SIT 静态感应晶体管
IGBT 绝缘栅双极型晶体管
MCT MOS控制晶闸管
IGCT 集成门极换向晶闸管
rectification n. 整流
feedback n. 反馈
freewheeling n. 单向传动
snubber n. 缓冲器,减震器
intrinsic adj. 固有的,体内的,本征
forward biased 正向偏置
conduction n. 导电,传导
emitter n. 发射极
reverse biased 反向偏置
leakage current 漏电流
threshold n. 门限,阈限,极限
breakdown n. 击穿,雪崩
recovery n. 恢复
schottky diode 肖基特二极管
workhorse n. 重载,重负荷
thyratron n. 闸流管
breakover n. 导通
latching current 闭锁电流
holding current 保持电流
phase controlled 相控的
asymmetric adj. 不对称的
force commutated 强制换向
SMPS 开关电源
BLDM 无刷直流电动机
stepper motor 步进电动机
hybrid n. 混合
saturation n. 饱和
[1] Power diodes provide uncontrolled rectification of power and are used in applications such as
electroplating, anodizing, battery charging, welding, power supplies (DCand AC), and
variable-frequency drives.
[2] A gate turn-off thyristor (GTO), as the name indicates, is basically a thyristor-type device that
can be turned on by a small positive gate current pulse, but in addition,has the capability of being
turned off by a negative gate current pulse.
[3] Such a gate current pulse of very short duration and very large di/dt has small energy content
and can be supplied by multiple MOSFETs in parallel with ultra-low leakage inductance in the
drive circuit.
P1U5A Types of DC Motors 直流电机分类
commercially adv. 工业地,商业地
permanent-magnet DC motor 永磁直流电动机
series-wound DC motor 串励直流电动机
shunt-wound DC motor 并励直流电动机
compound-wound DC motor 复励直流电动机
counterpart n. 对应物,配对物
brush n. 电刷
commutator n. 换向器,整流器
assembly n. 装置,构件
stator n. 定子
rotor n. 转子
alnico n. 铝镍钴合金,铝镍钴永磁合金
ceramic adj. 陶瓷的
horsepower n. 马力,功率
frame n. 机壳,机座
demagnetization n. 去磁,退磁
flux n. 磁通
mechanical power 机械功率
shaft n. 转轴
field winding n. 励磁绕组
turn n. 匝数
rheostat n. 变阻器
cumulative adj. 累积的
differential adj. 差的,差别的
[1] Each of these motors has different characteristics due to its basic circuit arrangement and
physical properties.
[2] The only difference, in most cases, is that the generator acts as a voltage source while the
motor functions as a mechanical power conversion device.
[3] A decrease in field current reduces the strength of the electromagnetic field. When the field
flux is decreased, the armature will rotate faster, due to reduced magnetic-field interaction.
P1U6A AC Machines 交流机
sinusoidal adj. 正弦的
constant-speed adj. 恒速的
variable-speed adj. 变速的
induction machine 感应电机
synchronous machine 同步电机
VRM 变磁阻电机
switched reluctance machine 开关磁阻电机
rugged adj. 结实的,耐用的
fractional adj. 分数的
concentrated coil 集中绕组
distributed adj. 分散的,分布的
slot n. 槽
wound-rotor n. 绕线转子
cage n. 笼子,笼形
core n. 铁心
laminated adj. 分层的,叠片的
ferromagnetic adj. 铁磁性的,铁磁体的
air gap 气隙
salient adj. 凸起的,突出的
synchronous speed 同步转速
leading adj. 超前的
hydro-electric adj. 水力发电的
nonsalient adj. 非凸起的,隐藏的
amortisseur n. 阻尼器
damper winding 阻尼绕组
encoder n. 编码器
[1] Neglecting the effect of slots and space harmonics due to non-ideal winding distribution, it can
be shown that a sinusoidal three-phase balanced power supply in the three-phase stator winding
creates a synchronously rotating magnetic field.
[2] The rotor winding will be subjected to a sweeping magnetic field, and have inducing current in
the short-circuited rotor.
[3] This is in contrast to a machine with a cylindrical rotor structure having a uniform air gap
(such as an induction motor), defined as a nonsalient pole machine.
[4] For example, the stator-pole pair A-A' is energized when the rotor pole-pair a-a' approaches it
to produce the torque by magnetic pull, but is de-energized when pole alignment occurs.
P1U7A Electric Power System 电力系统
transformer n. 变压器
substation n. 变电站
prime mover 原动机
turbine n. 涡轮
aluminum n. 铝
copper-clad n. 镀铜
suspend v. 悬挂
latticework n. 格子
porcelain adj. 瓷制的
supplementary adj. 辅助的
circuit breaker 断路器
immerse v. 沉浸,浸入
quench v. 熄灭
wiring n. 配线
alloy n. 合金
grid n. 格子,网格
reserve capacity 储备功率
blackout n. (大区域的)停电
outage n. 暂时停电
landslide n. 泥石流
sabotage n. 破坏
sophisticated adj. 复杂精密的
continuity n. 连续性
constancy n. 恒定
synchronous condenser 同步调相机
nullify v. 无效
pollutant n. 污染物质
off-peak adj. 非高峰的
geothermal adj. 地热的
[1] In cities and other areas where open lines create a safety hazard or are considered unattractive,
insulated underground cables are used for distribution.
[2] Each utility that agrees to share gains an increased reserve capacity, use of larger, more
efficient generators, and the ability to respond to local power failures by obtaining energy from a
linking grid.
[3] Inductance and capacitance react with a tendency to nullify one another.
P2U1A The World of Control 控制的世界
regulate v. 调整
abound v. 大量存在
power boost 功率助推装置
aerodynamic adj. 空气动力学的
damp v. 阻尼,减幅,衰减
yaw n. 偏航
altitude n. 海拔
attitude n. 姿态
intuition n. 直觉
trail-and-error n. 试凑法
dynamic response 动态响应
disturbance n. 扰动
parameter n. 参数
modification n. 修正,修改
transfer function 传递函数
domain n. 域,领域
advent n. 出现
state variable 状态变量
matrix algebra 矩阵代数
approach n. 途径,方法;研究
proponent n. 提倡者
detractor n. 批评者
tutorial adj. 指导性的
subsequent adj. 后序的
open-loop n. 开环
closed-loop n. 闭环
discrete adj. 离散的
differential equation 微分方程
difference equation 差分方程
interval n. 间隔
sampled-data n. 采样数据
nonlinear adj. 非线性的
time-invariant adj. 时不变的
coefficient n. 系数
stationary adj. 静态的
lumped parameter 集中参数
distributed parameter 分散参数
spatial adj. 空间的
spring n. 弹簧
lead n. 导线
resistance n. 阻抗
uniform adj. 一致的
elastic adj. 有弹性的
ordinary differential equation 常微分方程
partial differential equation 偏微分方程
deterministic adj. 确定的
stochastic adj. 随机的
predictable adj. 可断定的
probability theory 概率论
multivariable n. 多变量
configuration n. 构造,结构
property n. 性质
model n. 模型 v. 建模
linearization n. 线性化
strategy n. 方法
performance criteria 性能指标
hardware n. 硬件
development system 开发系统
rationale n. 理论,原理的阐述
[1] The reaction time of a human pilot is too slow to enable him or her to fly an aircraft with a
lightly damped Dutch roll mode without a yaw damper system.
[2] Since the output is fed back in a functional form determined by the nature of the feedback
elements and then subtracted from the input…
P2U2A Stability and the Time Response 稳定性和时域响应
intuitively adv. 直观地
at rest 处于平衡状态
excitation n. 激励
phase n. 状态,相位
exponential adj. 指数的;n. 指数
oscillation n. 振荡
amplitude n. 振幅
impulse v. 冲激
criteria n. 判据
qualitatively adv. 定性地
complex adj. 复数的;n. 复数
characteristic equation 特征方程
factor n. 因子;v. 分解因式
decay v. 衰减
horizontally adv. 水平地
vertically adv. 垂直地
Routh criterion 劳斯判据
Hurwitz criterion 赫尔维茨判据
quadratic adj. 二次方的
significance n. 意义
overdamped adj. 过阻尼的
critically damped 临界阻尼
underdampted adj. 欠阻尼的
corresponding adj. 相应的
origin n. 原点
dominating pole 主极点
settling time 调节时间
overshoot n. 超调
derivation n. 导数
extreme adj. 极端的;n. 极端的事情/情况
peak time 峰值时间
substitute n. 代替
rise time 上升时间
gouge v. 挖
radically adv. 完全地
[1] The table is continued horizontally and vertically until only zeros are obtained.
P2U3A 根轨迹 The Root Locus
factored adj. 可分解的
depict v. 描述
conjugate adj. 共轭的
vector n. 矢量
argument n. 辐角,相位
counterclockwise adj. 逆时针的
odd multiple 奇数倍
even multiple 偶数倍
plot v. 绘图 n. 曲线图
sketch v., n. (绘)草图,素描
facilitate v. 使容易,促进
coincide v. 一致
asymptote n. 渐进线
integer n. 整数
intersect v. 相交
real axis 实轴
symmetrical adj. 对称的
breakaway point 分离点
arrival point 汇合点
departure angle 出射角
arrival angle 入射角
thereof adv. 将它(们)
imaginary axis 虚轴
passive adj. 被动的,无源的
active adj. 主动的,有源的
network n. 网络,电路
phase-lead n. 相位超前
phase-lag n. 相位滞后
[1] …as any single parameter, such as a gain or time constant, is varied from zero to infinity.
[2] These effects increase in strength with decreasing distance.
[3] Ignoring for the weaker effect of the added pole, which is often placed at 10 times the distance
to the origin, the zero…
P2U4A The Frequency Response Methods: Bode Plots 频率响应法:波特图
decibel n. 分贝
common logarithm 常对数
minimum phase 最小相位
product n. 乘积
semilog paper 半对数坐标(纸)
interpret v. 解释,解析
slop n. 斜率
quadratic adj. 二次的;n. 二次方程
break frequency 转折频率
crossover frequency 穿越频率
bandwidth n. 带宽
entail v., n. 负担,需要
merit n. 优点;指标,准则
procedure n. 程序,过程
mechanize v. 使机械化
[1] This is also true for the leads corresponding to the simple and quadratic lag below.
[2] To ensure a specified attenuation (reduction) of noise components in the input above a certain
frequency should be below a certain level.
P2U5A Introduction to Modern Control Theory 现代控制理论简介
constraint n. 强迫,约束
multiply v. 加倍,倍增
stimulus n. 刺激,鼓励
optimal control 最优控制
dominate v. 支配,使服从
package n. 包
very large scale integrated circuits (VLSI) 超大规模集成电路
numerical adj. 数字的
matrix n. 矩阵 pl. matrices
linear vector space 线性矢量空间
ad hoc 尤其,特定地
alleviate v. 减轻,缓和
arbitrary adj. 任意的
formulation n. 公式化(表达)
implementation n. 实现,履行
attain v. 达到,实现
constitute v. 构造,组织
insofar as 到这样的程度,在„„范围内
continuum n. 连续
gross national product 国民生产总值
trade deficit 贸易赤字
scalar adj. 数量的,标量的;n. 数量,标量
n-dimensional adj. n维的
circumstance n. 状况,环境
[1] The transition from simple approximate models, which are easy to work with, to more realistic
models produces two effects.
[2] It provides an ideal formulation for computer implementation and is responsible for much of
the progress in optimization theory.
[3] As far as the state at t1 is concerned, it makes no difference how the initial state was attained.
as far as„be concerned:就„„而言;make no difference:无论„„都没有区别(没关系)
[4] Thus the state at t0 constitutes a complete history of the system behavior prior to t0, insofar as
that history affects future behavior.