






英文词语中关于经济数据下跌的描述有很多种,如fall, drop, be

lower, slip等,更为严重的还有plummet和collapse等。

① 微跌:slip, drop, down

Chinese stocks slipped in early trade, with Shanghai stocks

dropping 0.7% and Hong Kong's Hang Seng down 1%.中国股市在早盘出现微跌。上证指数跌了0.7%,而香港恒生指数跌了1%。

Shares closed Friday at $74.73, down 0.5% on the day, 28%

for the year to date and 20% for the past 52 weeks.周五股价报收74.73美元,当日跌幅0.5%,今年迄今为止跌幅28%,过去52周跌幅20%。

② 跌幅较大:plummet, collapse

The FTSE fell 1% while the Dow Jones plummeted 250 points

and the price of Brent crude dropped to almost $48.5 a barrel, its

lowest point this year.英国富时指数(FTSE)下跌1%,道琼斯指数(Dow Jones)暴跌250点(约至17000点),而布伦特原油价格则跌至每桶48.5美元,创下年内最低。

③ 达到某一数值,用介词to连接

Japan's Nikkei 225 fell 1.8% to 18,743.83 and Hong Kong's

Hang Seng dropped 1.0% to 22,420.89.日本产经指数225下跌了1.8%,至18743.83点,香港恒生指数下跌了1%,至22420.89点。

④ 表达增减的幅度,用介词by连接

After sizzling growth over the last couple of quarters, shares

of Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba's(BABA) have fallen by over

16% over the past six months, with investors getting out after the

company's most recent quarter.中国电商巨头阿里巴巴的股价经历几个季度的高速增长后在过去的六个月内下跌了16%,股民们都在最近一个月内撤资。

⑤ 表示增减的具体数字:lose/gain

The Dow fell for the first time in seven days Tuesday, losing

49 points to 17,081. The S&P 500 lost 13 to 2003. The S&P has

rebounded smartly, gaining about 7% since retesting its August

low on Sept. 28.13日,道琼斯指数七日内首次下跌,收市报17081点,下跌了49点。标普500指数报收2003点,下跌了13点。自9月28日再一次跌至8月低值后,标普指数迅速回升并上涨7%。

Companies in the financial sector are expected to show an

average 7.5% earnings gain, according to Thomson Reuters. The

worst sectors are expected to be energy with a 65% earnings

decline and materials, with earnings off by 20%. Consumer

discretionary and telecom are seen to be the biggest gainers,

with earnings growth of about 11% each.据汤森路透报道,金融行业的企业盈利收益率将达到平均7.5%,最糟糕的行业是能源行业,预计利润减少65%,而材料行业的利润下降20%。非必需消费品和电信行业的盈收益率最大,预计各将上涨接近11%。




▷ from the same period last year

▷ compared to the previous year

▷ from a year earlier

▷ year-on-year

The Hangzhou-based company reported revenue of $3.27

billion for its June quarter, an increase of 28% from the same

period last year, down from a 40% year-on-year revenue increase

in the previous quarter.阿里巴巴第一财季营收32.7亿美元,同比增长28%,较上一季度40%的增长有所下降。

The company's latest filing with the United States Securities

and Exchange Commission reveals that the 'average selling price'

for the iPhone increased by 11% in 2015 compared to the

previous year.苹果在向美国证券交易委员会提交的文件中显示,2015年,iPhone 的'平均售价'同比上涨了11%。

Industrial output in September rose 5.7% from a year earlier,

compared with economists’ median estimate of 6%.九月,工业产值同比增长5.7%,经济学家预计的中位数为6%。


表示连续性的增长或下降,可以consecutive 或 in a row 以及in

a straight months/years。另外,也可以直接用类似 a 17-month


例如:Food prices fell by 2.5% in the year to September in

the wake of continued supermarket price wars. This means that

prices in the sector fell for the 15th month in a row.由于超市价格战,9月份食品价格下跌2.5%。这意味着食品行业价格连续15个月下滑。

Spain's economy shrank for a seventh consecutive quarter

between January and March as domestic demand slumped.由于国内需求暴跌,西班牙经济在第一季度出现连续七个季度的萎缩。

Today Microsoft announced that for the 25th consecutive

month, its Xbox 360 console was the best selling device in its

class.微软在今天宣布其Xbox 360持续25月在同类产品中实现销售第一。

Pound weakened against both the euro and the dollar,

nearing a 17-month low against the dollar of $1.5188 and

slipping 0.2% lower against the euro.英磅兑换欧元和美元走弱,美元的汇率接近17个月来的最低,为1:1.5188,与欧元的汇率则下跌了2%。



① 最低点:lowest 或 lowest level

Meanwhile, petrol prices fell by 3.7p per litre over the year,

and diesel prices - at 110.2p per litre - are at their lowest in close

to six years. There was also a fall in the price of household gas.同时,汽油价格在过去的一年每升下跌3.7便士,柴油价格每升降至110.2便士,均接近六年来最低值。家用天然气价格也出现下跌。

The Purchasing Managers UK Services PMI slipped to 55.8 in

December, down from 58.6 in November, marking its lowest level

since May.英国服务业PMI指数从(2014年)11月的58.6下跌至12月的55.8,是五月以来最低点。

② 最高值/记录:用high、the highest或record high/level来表示

看例句,注意相关的动词搭配,The stock has shed almost 45%

since notching a high of $119.15 back in November.与2014年11月接近119.15美元的高点相比,股价暴跌了45%。

Goldman's shares, which hit their highest since May 2008 on

Wednesday, were down 0.3% at $200.53 in afternoon trading

amid questions about whether the results were sustainable.4月15日上午,高盛的股价涨至自2008年5月以来新高,随后下午降至每股200.53美金(降0.3个百分点),人们纷纷议论这个结果是否维持得下去。

The Dow Jones Industrial Average surged to a new record

level Tuesday, closing well above a peak set before the US

economy entered a recession in 2007.道琼斯平均工业指数在周二达到新高,收盘时超过美国在2007年进入衰退前的最高指数。


① 表示增加

to add

(to be) up

to build up

to climb

to come up

to enhance

to gain

to go up

to grow

to increase

to push up

to rise

② 表示增长幅度很大

to jump 跃升

to rocket 猛增

to shoot up 猛增

to surge 大幅度上升

③ 表示减少

(to be) down

to bring down

to come down

to cut

to decline

to descend

to drop

to fall

to do down

to lessen

to lower

to reduce

to retreat

to slide

to slow down

④ 表示减少的幅度很大

to plummet

to plunge

to collapse





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