实用英语教学法教程-徐锦芬-Chapter 11 Teaching grammar

实用英语教学法教程-徐锦芬-Chapter 11 Teaching grammar


实用英语教学法教程-徐锦芬-Chapter 11 Teaching


Chapter 11: Teaching Grammar


Teaching grammar is an essential component of language

instruction as it helps learners understand the structure

and rules of a language. This chapter will provide a

detailed and precise guide on effective teaching methods

for grammar instruction.

1. Communicative Approach:

- The communicative approach focuses on the use of language

in real-life situations. Grammar is taught in context, and

learners are encouraged to use grammar structures in

meaningful communication.

- Teachers can use authentic materials, such as newspaper

articles or dialogues, to present grammar points. Learners

can then analyze and practice the target grammar structure

in these authentic contexts.

2. Deductive Approach:

- The deductive approach involves presenting learners with

explicit grammar rules and explanations before providing

them with practice activities.

- Teachers can use charts, diagrams, or visual aids to

present grammar rules. Learners can then apply these rules

through controlled or guided practice activities.

3. Inductive Approach:

- The inductive approach involves presenting learners with

examples of language use and allowing them to discover

grammar rules and patterns on their own.

- Teachers can provide learners with a text or a set of

sentences that contain the target grammar structure.

Learners can then analyze these examples to identify the

grammar rule or pattern.

4. Task-Based Approach:

- The task-based approach focuses on engaging learners in

meaningful tasks that require the use of grammar structures.

- Teachers can design tasks, such as role-plays or problem-solving activities, that prompt learners to use the target

grammar in a realistic and purposeful way. This approach

encourages learners to actively use grammar structures in


5. Contextualized Grammar Instruction:

- Contextualized grammar instruction involves teaching

grammar within meaningful contexts, such as conversations,

stories, or real-life situations.

- Teachers can integrate grammar instruction into speaking,

listening, reading, and writing activities. This helps

learners understand how grammar structures are used in

different language skills.

6. Error Correction:

- Error correction is an important part of teaching grammar

as it helps learners identify and correct their mistakes.

- Teachers can provide immediate or delayed error

correction, depending on the purpose of the activity. They

can also use various error correction techniques, such as

self-correction, peer correction, or teacher correction.

7. Scaffolded Practice:

- Scaffolded practice involves providing learners with

gradually increasing levels of support to practice and

internalize grammar structures.

- Teachers can start with controlled practice activities,

where learners focus on accuracy and repetition. Then, they

can move on to guided practice activities, where learners

apply the grammar in slightly more open-ended tasks.

Finally, learners can engage in communicative practice

activities, where they use the grammar structure in

meaningful communication.


Teaching grammar requires a variety of approaches and

techniques to cater to the diverse needs and learning

styles of learners. By using a combination of communicative,

deductive, inductive, task-based approaches, and

contextualized instruction, teachers can effectively teach

grammar and help learners develop their language






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