山西农业科学2013,41(4):381—386 Journal ofShanxi Agricultural Sciences doi:10.3969 ̄.issn.1002-2481.2013.04.23 冷冻防护剂和镀冰衣处理对冷冻革胡子鲶 鱼段的品质保护效果 韩志慧 ,侯柄姝21。,马俪珍2,。 (1.天津市林业果树研究所,天津3001 12;2.天津农学院食品科学系,天津300384; 3.天津市农副产品深加工技术工程中心,天津300384) 摘要:鱼经过冷冻贮藏,其肌肉蛋白质会发生冷冻变性,导致各项理化指标变化,最终影响鱼肉的品质。试 验将革胡子鲶鱼宰杀、切段、漂洗后,研究冷冻防护剂处理、镀冰衣处理以及冷冻防护剂和镀冰衣联合处理 3种方式对切割鱼段冷冻贮存过程中的品质变化,通过定期观察冷冻贮存过程中挥发性盐基氮(TVB—N 值)、脂肪氧化值(TBARS值)、持水力、质构分析(TPA)、嫩度等的变化,来综合分析冷冻防护剂和镀冰衣处 理对产品品质的保护效果。结果表明,随着冷冻鱼段贮藏时间的延长,TVB—N值和TBARS值呈现上升趋势, 持水力、嫩度、硬度、弹性和凝聚性均呈现下降趋势;冷冻防护剂和镀冰衣联合使用能明显抑制TVB—N值和 TBARS值的上升,延缓鱼段的腐败变质、控制蛋白和脂肪氧化,并提高鱼段的保水性、嫩度和质构特性。鱼质 量对冷冻防护剂和冰衣处理的作用效果有一定的影响,质量小的(350 g)效果好于中等质量(500 g)的。 关键词:革胡子鲶鱼;冷冻防护剂;镀冰衣;冷冻贮存;品质 中图分类号:¥984.1 1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002—2481(2013)04—038l—O6 TlIe Protective Effect of Frozen Repellant and Ice-coating on the Quality of Frozen Cyprinus carpio HAN Zhi—hui‘,HOU Bing—shu2 ,MA Li—zhen2・0 (1.Tianjin Institute ofForestry Fruit,Tianjin 300112,China; 2.Department of Food Science,Tianjin Agricultural University,Tianjin 300384,China; 3.Tianjin Engineering&Technology Research Center of Agricultural Products Processing,Tianjin 300384,China) Abstract:Frozen storage can lead to frozen denaturation of the muscle protein of fish,and the changes in physical and chemical indicators,and finally influence the quality of the fish meat.After the process of killing,cutting,rinsing of the Cyprinus carpio,we studied the influence of quality of catifsh during the storage wiht forzen repellant treatment,glazing process and‘the combine of above two methods.By observing the changes of TVB-N.TBARS,water holding capacity,TPA,tenderness on a regular basis,we comprehensively analyzed the protective effect of frozen protective agent and ice-coating to the quality of products.The experiment results showed that with the increasing time of storage of frozen catfish,the value fo TVB-N and TBARS went upward but the held hydraulic,tenderness,hardness,elasticity and cohesiveness showed a downward trend.The combine usage of forT.en protective agent and ice-coating Can clearly inhibit the rise fo TVB—N value and TBARS value.Thereby this method can retard the spoilage of fish,contorl the oxidation process of fish protein and fat,and improve water-holding capacity,tenderness and texture characteristics of the ifsh sections.The ifsh weight has a certain impact on the effect of frozen protective agent nad ice-coating.The efect ofsmall weigh(350 g)is better than the medium weight(500 g). Key words:Cyprinus carpio;frozen repellant;ice-coating;frozen storage;quality 目前,市场上有用质量为350 g的革胡子鲶 切段、漂洗、调味、速冻、真空包装后冷冻贮存,然 鱼为原料,加工“鱼火锅”,鱼肉口感以麻辣鲜香、 后配送到全国各个连锁店。然而,鱼经过冷冻贮 肉质细嫩爽滑为特色,深受消费者青睐。随着“鱼 存就会发生干耗和氧化,肌肉蛋白质在冻藏过程 火锅”在全国连锁开店,需要在工厂先把鱼宰杀、 中会发生冷冻变性,导致各项理化指标变化,如 收稿日期:2013一Ol一19 基金项目:天津市科委科技成果转化项目(10ZHNZNC03600) 作者简介:韩志慧(1970一),女,河北唐山人,副研究员,硕士,主要从事肉品科学研究工作。马俪珍为通讯作者。 ・381・