function formatcurrency($floatcurr, $curr = "USD"){
$currencies['ARS'] = array(2,',','.'); // Argentine Peso
$currencies['AMD'] = array(2,'.',','); // Armenian Dram
$currencies['AWG'] = array(2,'.',','); // Aruban Guilder
$currencies['AUD'] = array(2,'.',' '); // Australian Dollar
$currencies['BSD'] = array(2,'.',','); // Bahamian Dollar
$currencies['BHD'] = array(3,'.',','); // Bahraini Dinar
$currencies['BDT'] = array(2,'.',','); // Bangladesh, Taka
$currencies['BZD'] = array(2,'.',','); // Belize Dollar
$currencies['BMD'] = array(2,'.',','); // Bermudian Dollar
$currencies['BOB'] = array(2,'.',','); // Bolivia, Boliviano
$currencies['BAM'] = array(2,'.',','); // Bosnia and Herzegovina, Convertible Marks
$currencies['BWP'] = array(2,'.',','); // Botswana, Pula
$currencies['BRL'] = array(2,',','.'); // Brazilian Real
$currencies['BND'] = array(2,'.',','); // Brunei Dollar
$currencies['CAD'] = array(2,'.',','); // Canadian Dollar
$currencies['KYD'] = array(2,'.',','); // Cayman Islands Dollar
$currencies['CLP'] = array(0,'','.'); // Chilean Peso
$currencies['CNY'] = array(2,'.',','); // China Yuan Renminbi
$currencies['COP'] = array(2,',','.'); // Colombian Peso
$currencies['CRC'] = array(2,',','.'); // Costa Rican Colon
$currencies['HRK'] = array(2,',','.'); // Croatian Kuna
$currencies['CUC'] = array(2,'.',','); // Cuban Convertible Peso
$currencies['CUP'] = array(2,'.',','); // Cuban Peso
$currencies['CYP'] = array(2,'.',','); // Cyprus Pound
$currencies['CZK'] = array(2,'.',','); // Czech Koruna
$currencies['DKK'] = array(2,',','.'); // Danish Krone
$currencies['DOP'] = array(2,'.',','); // Dominican Peso
$currencies['XCD'] = array(2,'.',','); // East Caribbean Dollar
$currencies['EGP'] = array(2,'.',','); // Egyptian Pound
$currencies['SVC'] = array(2,'.',','); // El Salvador Colon
$currencies['ATS'] = array(2,',','.'); // Euro
$currencies['BEF'] = array(2,',','.'); // Euro
$currencies['DEM'] = array(2,',','.'); // Euro
$currencies['EEK'] = array(2,',','.'); // Euro
$currencies['ESP'] = array(2,',','.'); // Euro
$currencies['EUR'] = array(2,',','.'); // Euro
$currencies['FIM'] = array(2,',','.'); // Euro
$currencies['FRF'] = array(2,',','.'); // Euro
$currencies['GRD'] = array(2,',','.'); // Euro
$currencies['IEP'] = array(2,',','.'); // Euro
$currencies['ITL'] = array(2,',','.'); // Euro
$currencies['LUF'] = array(2,',','.'); // Euro
$currencies['NLG'] = array(2,',','.'); // Euro
$currencies['PTE'] = array(2,',','.'); // Euro
$currencies['GHC'] = array(2,'.',','); // Ghana, Cedi
$currencies['GIP'] = array(2,'.',','); // Gibraltar Pound
$currencies['GTQ'] = array(2,'.',','); // Guatemala, Quetzal
$currencies['HNL'] = array(2,'.',','); // Honduras, Lempira
$currencies['HKD'] = array(2,'.',','); // Hong Kong Dollar
$currencies['HUF'] = array(0,'','.'); // Hungary, Forint
$currencies['ISK'] = array(0,'','.'); // Iceland Krona
$currencies['INR'] = array(2,'.',','); // Indian Rupee
$currencies['IDR'] = array(2,',','.'); // Indonesia, Rupiah
$currencies['IRR'] = array(2,'.',','); // Iranian Rial
$currencies['JMD'] = array(2,'.',','); // Jamaican Dollar
$currencies['JPY'] = array(0,'',','); // Japan, Yen
$currencies['JOD'] = array(3,'.',','); // Jordanian Dinar
$currencies['KES'] = array(2,'.',','); // Kenyan Shilling
$currencies['KWD'] = array(3,'.',','); // Kuwaiti Dinar
$currencies['LVL'] = array(2,'.',','); // Latvian Lats
$currencies['LBP'] = array(0,'',' '); // Lebanese Pound
$currencies['LTL'] = array(2,',',' '); // Lithuanian Litas
$currencies['MKD'] = array(2,'.',','); // Macedonia, Denar
$currencies['MYR'] = array(2,'.',','); // Malaysian Ringgit
$currencies['MTL'] = array(2,'.',','); // Maltese Lira
$currencies['MUR'] = array(0,'',','); // Mauritius Rupee
$currencies['MXN'] = array(2,'.',','); // Mexican Peso
$currencies['MZM'] = array(2,',','.'); // Mozambique Metical
$currencies['NPR'] = array(2,'.',','); // Nepalese Rupee
$currencies['ANG'] = array(2,'.',','); // Netherlands Antillian Guilder
$currencies['ILS'] = array(2,'.',','); // New Israeli Shekel
$currencies['TRY'] = array(2,'.',','); // New Turkish Lira
$currencies['NZD'] = array(2,'.',','); // New Zealand Dollar
$currencies['NOK'] = array(2,',','.'); // Norwegian Krone
$currencies['PKR'] = array(2,'.',','); // Pakistan Rupee
$currencies['PEN'] = array(2,'.',','); // Peru, Nuevo Sol
$currencies['UYU'] = array(2,',','.'); // Peso Uruguayo
$currencies['PHP'] = array(2,'.',','); // Philippine Peso
$currencies['PLN'] = array(2,'.',' '); // Poland, Zloty
$currencies['GBP'] = array(2,'.',','); // Pound Sterling
$currencies['OMR'] = array(3,'.',','); // Rial Omani
$currencies['RON'] = array(2,',','.'); // Romania, New Leu
$currencies['ROL'] = array(2,',','.'); // Romania, Old Leu
$currencies['RUB'] = array(2,',','.'); // Russian Ruble
$currencies['SAR'] = array(2,'.',','); // Saudi Riyal
$currencies['SGD'] = array(2,'.',','); // Singapore Dollar
$currencies['SKK'] = array(2,',',' '); // Slovak Koruna
$currencies['SIT'] = array(2,',','.'); // Slovenia, Tolar
$currencies['ZAR'] = array(2,'.',' '); // South Africa, Rand
$currencies['KRW'] = array(0,'',','); // South Korea, Won
$currencies['SZL'] = array(2,'.',', '); // Swaziland, Lilangeni
$currencies['SEK'] = array(2,',','.'); // Swedish Krona
$currencies['CHF'] = array(2,'.','\''); // Swiss Franc
$currencies['TZS'] = array(2,'.',','); // Tanzanian Shilling
$currencies['THB'] = array(2,'.',','); // Thailand, Baht
$currencies['TOP'] = array(2,'.',','); // Tonga, Paanga
$currencies['AED'] = array(2,'.',','); // UAE Dirham
$currencies['UAH'] = array(2,',',' '); // Ukraine, Hryvnia
$currencies['USD'] = array(2,'.',','); // US Dollar
$currencies['VUV'] = array(0,'',','); // Vanuatu, Vatu
$currencies['VEF'] = array(2,',','.'); // Venezuela Bolivares Fuertes
$currencies['VEB'] = array(2,',','.'); // Venezuela, Bolivar
$currencies['VND'] = array(0,'','.'); // Viet Nam, Dong
$currencies['ZWD'] = array(2,'.',' '); // Zimbabwe Dollar
function formatinr($input){
$dec = "";
$pos = strpos($input, ".");
if ($pos === false){
//no decimals
} else {
$dec = substr(round(substr($input,$pos),2),1);
$input = substr($input,0,$pos);
$num = substr($input,-3); //get the last 3 digits
$input = substr($input,0, -3); //omit the last 3 digits already stored in $num
while(strlen($input) > 0) //loop the process - further get digits 2 by 2
$num = substr($input,-2).",".$num;
$input = substr($input,0,-2);
return $num . $dec;
if ($curr == "INR"){
return formatinr($floatcurr);
} else {
return number_format($floatcurr,$currencies[$curr][0],$currencies[$curr][1],$currencies[$curr][2]);
echo formatcurrency(39174.00000000001); //1,000,045.25 (USD)
/*formatcurrency(1000045.25, "CHF"); //1'000'045.25
formatcurrency(1000045.25, "EUR"); //1.000.045,25
formatcurrency(1000045, "JPY"); //1,000,045
formatcurrency(1000045, "LBP"); //1 000 045
formatcurrency(1000045.25, "INR"); //10,00,045.25